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Everything posted by thirdgreenham

  1. Nice books Shep, this one being my fave by far! Andy
  2. Here's the first HT issue. That's an awesome cover and a great example of that issue you lucky bugger. Agreed! Great book and nice copy!! Thanks for posting, the collectron! Andy
  3. I believe mine's a fine, but I'm sure I've seen a very nice one before.....could it be Adamstrange's? Andy
  4. Welcome to the boards, Seadevils! Thanks for showing your great books. :applause:Looking forward to more pics and perhaps your views on Golden/Silver/Bronze age war books. (thumbs u Andy
  5. Thanks for posting Dmac! Great books!! Andy
  6. These look like they're all from the same collection, nice pick ups! Andy
  7. Very nice books, guys! (thumbs u Andy
  8. How come you always get PMs from mysterious board members?
  9. Great, great Maries!!! And a beauty OFF to boot! (thumbs u Andy
  10. Don't you have all of them? I still love seeing them, though, especially in that kind of shape. Yikes! Andy Yeah, they are nice in a jealous, depressing, I'll never own that many high grade DC war books EVER, kind of way. Still, they are nice to look at. You know, I'm coming to Jesus on the fact that there are lot of these books I will NEVER own in high grade. In truth, that will be the case for most of us I suspect. So you put your runs together in the shape you can best afford, and sometimes the sun and the earth and the moon align and you're in the right place at the right time to score a really smokin' copy of something.... which ain't so bad. For what it's worth, I am constantly in a state of jealousy over everyone else's war books. Which is totally irrational, because my collection is pretty okay. Shep In a way, this is just human nature, wanting something that we don't have, or always wanting more. It's also not the best quality to have, and I, for one, am guilty of. For the most part, my collection is made up of low grade to mid grade books. Yes, I am trying to upgrade here and there, but these books are truly affordable when they show up in 4.0 to 5.5 grades, and they are nice copies. We often strive to own the best copies, but that doesn't necessarily mean that we are greedy. We may just have a goal that we are trying to achieve, or we may just have a love of high grade books. When will this obsession end? After my next acquisition.....or perhaps the one after that. Or maybe even the one after that.... Just enjoy yourselves, have fun, and buy what you can afford. These books, the DC's, Atlas's, and (cough, cough) even Marvels , are great books and they should be appreciated. Talk soon, my fellow collectors! Andy
  11. Don't you have all of them? I still love seeing them, though, especially in that kind of shape. Yikes! Andy
  12. Too bad they don't have a salivating graemlin. I guess this one will have to do.
  13. Shttty news, bro. I'll be watching your threads to see if I can help out. Haven't been in that situation, so I don't have advice based on experience. I'd say, chin up, do your best to get through this, and once it's done, it's time to start anew. You're a good guy, John. Onwards and upwards! Andy
  14. I'd show a few of those, but I'm travelling at the moment, so no can do. Great books though, guys! Andy
  15. Okay, so you didn't post the guy, I was mistaken. Mind you, agreeing to purchase books is the same thing. As DrWatson says, it's important to be responsible, and it would be responsible of you to follow through with your commitments. If I were you and I was going to contact them through PM, it would only be to apologize, and there's no great need to direct them to this post (showing them your public apology). I guess that your post in this thread was to try to explain to everyone else that you're not an @ss and that you won't do this again in the future. Only your actions will prove your worth. Now nuff said. Andy
  16. I hear you, ThatOneGuy, and that was the right move for you to post here to explain yourself. It's important for you to understand that we all here feel the guy should be taken seriously. If there is a possibility that you may not follow through with your deal, don't post that guy. Nuff said. Andy
  17. Love, love, love these books! Thanks for showing!!! Andy
  18. Sometimes (read:usually), it's a gamble buying on eBay, and sometimes (read: not usually) it pays off. Congratulations! Andy