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Posts posted by geraldfordfan69

  1. 2 minutes ago, johnnyms said:

    I think most of us just want to know what's going on. The only info we get in regards to our subs is the received status and the ever increasing tat. People on here are just looking for answers.

    The same answers keep being given though. And its explained over and over again that their overloaded and even have trouble getting stuff logged in quickly since they are being pounded with mail. Its just like how every day someone asks when Yugioh will be graded. Sorry but I dont feel bad calling some people dumb when they dont try to understand something before doing some research before hand. You might think its harsh, but like come on, make a little bit of effort before posting something thats been posted 100 times already.

  2. 1 minute ago, Sp33dy said:

    Yet u are on this 24/7 bugging ppl lol. Hey if this can help clear up anyone before they submit im glad doing this. Knew ppl should know that when they submit that they better not believe that 79 days for bulk is insanely wrong on cgcs side for leaving that up. They should put ??? Because who tf knows when thats coming back. Can u agree on that. Knew ppl putting their first submissions only believe what they see on cgc, and should be given a heads up on what's really happening

    Well, your asking for a question and im giving you an answer. Im sorry you dont like my answer but im just keeping it 100. 

    And no, I highly doubt that anyone would have done anything differently since there isnt a grading company that is going to do it quicker for cheaper. With the current state of the market, 79 really isnt insane and that time is changing since standard and higher services have dropped in TAT time today. If the TAT dropped tomorrow, would you be complaining then?

    The market is what it is right now. And Ive told you in the past that its not a buyers market yet you keep wanting to argue. You really need to look at the bigger picture here. Every grading company is overloaded. Its not a CGC only issue. Its an industry issue. If people educated themselves about the market before they come on here, then there would alot less complaints in general.

  3. 1 minute ago, Sp33dy said:

    Yes and we all agree with it. But being quite when their is a issue doesnt work also. So what then

    Im really not trying to be rude with you dude, but how many times do you have to be told that complaining is not an option? Its not going to magically do anything else. You have one option, which is just waiting. Thats it. CGC isnt this dumb company that you need to tell them how to work. They know whats going on. Their mail room is bombed every day with more mail. They are aware of the situation. If they were clueless, I dont think Id be still sending them more cards at this point and I dont think their comic grading would have lasted this long. 

    I just think you need to realize that you dont need to be on the internet bugging these people 24/7 like it does something. It doesnt. I have never contacted CGC yet my standard orders are coming back just fine. The industry is at an all time peak in terms of volume. Its unprecedented. Its not a normal situation, so you have to just relax and wait since thats all you can really do.

  4. 1 minute ago, UncSven said:

    I think there's an enormous difference between between complaining about turn around times not being exact dates, and what I'm actually doing. I'm more complaining that the estimated turn around time has been adjusted 3 or 4 times in the past month... Wanting to know if my wait time is being extended, or if I'm ahead of those orders is a pretty reasonable thing to want to know.  So what if I'm a little agitated? I honestly can't believe how many of you are taking the time to respond to this thread, dozens of times

    Yeah, you need to contact the staff and not us since we didnt grade your cards.

    There are complaints daily but most of the people complaining dont try to make an effort and understand what is going on before posting, so we tell them why things the way they are and they get snappy. Im sure people have tried to tell you whats going on but like everyone else, your just not listening. We are trying to help you but at this point, you clearly arent interested in what we have to say and should just deal with the staff directly.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Angel of Death said:

    I understand what you're saying, but you can't fix stupid, no matter how hard you try. Just don't be surprised if you get moderated. Things are pretty tight around here, especially since so many people are just sitting at home with nothing better to do. There are plenty of eye-opening threads on the comic forums where people say ridiculous things and get steamrolled by logic. Always attack the point, not the person.

    Problem is that people are not always logical and dont listen to logic. I mean, look at how many times you explain something to someone with the facts yet they keep going on and on senselessly. And it takes alot for me to call someone stupid. Like Im not going to call anyone that right away since I try to give the benefit of the doubt. But when their behavior starts to show that they are kind of psycho, yeah I think saying that they are acting stupid is fair. And I dont see how I would get modded on that. Im not being out of line if someone starts acting nuts and I call their behavior stupid. If I get modded then Id would post less and I wouldnt disagree, but hey, Im here and Im going to say what I can that respects the boundaries. If its out of line then I might push back but so far I dont think Im being unreasonable. 


  6. 40 minutes ago, C2N0 said:

    More than anything I think people are disillusioned about how many cards are in storage right now. It’s not just the people that post on this forum. There are hundred if not thousands of people who submit across all the tiers without ever glancing at the boards. 

    People have been saying CGC is hiring new graders, but if you hire 20 and then 100,000 cards come in they’re still going to be overwhelmed. 

    Not only that but lets say when the pandemic starts to come to a close and they have to lay off a ton of new graders since demand could drop off out of nowhere. People think about just today and not the big picture. Today its crazy, but by next year we could be looking at half the volume since when people return to their in person jobs and arent bored at home all the time, the industry could tank a bit and then CGC is stuck with a bunch of unneeded staff. 

    I get people are anxious about their returns, but all they can do is just wait. Thats literally it. Nothing they say or do is going to speed things up. You can go scream in a pillow and that wont make your order come back a day earlier. I know it sucks for some people but it just is what it is.

  7. 3 minutes ago, Angel of Death said:

    I think that Mike just doesn't like the name-calling and using "stupid" and "dumb" - that may escalate situations. I wouldn't bother arguing about it, or you may get a warning.

    I think that it's best we try to stay on-topic and not comment about other users. Just ignore when they call you a troll or a shill. Your informative responses are more valuable than baseless accusations. 2c

    Sometimes its warranted though. I try to be as nice as I can, but when you have people who start getting irrational and saying a bunch of nonsense, yeah I think its fair to say that they are being dumb since that is probably the most polite way I could say that. Its not like we are dropping curse words or making it personal. 

    I just dont like the people who start making stuff up or spreading misinformation. And I dont know how much of that you can really report since there is a grey line with that if its really against the rules of the forums. Like the guy who raged about his cards being "revenge graded", like that just needs to be called out on and is legitamently stupid. Especially when he had off centered cards and card with quality control issues. Nobody deleted the thread even when the staff chimed in, so I think the OP deserved some heat just for trying to say such a thing.

  8. 2 minutes ago, comicdonna said:

    If anyone has a problem with someones post, it is better to ignore or use the report button.  

    There probably wouldnt be much posting if everyone ignored everything. And you cant really report someone for complaining or saying a bunch of stupid stuff. Acting dumb or complaining isnt against the rules.

    I probably shouldnt reply as much but there are some decent people on here that I dont mind talking to. If CGC really wanted it to be more info based, they should just delete this whole sub forum and staff should only take questions.

  9. 5 minutes ago, Ron Churches said:

    Anybody have a recent 'received' date? I have a 2/20 (Saturday) delivery, so it's been 7 business days. Curious how backed up receiving is at the moment. 

    I sent in a variety of submissions that got logged in the earliest as the 17th. I just sent in a Charizard VMAX Shiny for walkthrough last wednesday and its still not logged in yet. Luckily im not a psychopath so im not losing my mind over it lol. Its just a crazy time for these grading companies.

  10. 18 minutes ago, C2N0 said:

    I came here for turnaround discussion and this thread has completely derailed lol 

    There isnt much to talk about in terms of turnaround though. Bulk is swamped along with economy. The other services work fine and are fairly quick. Just lots of people with nothing better to do but complain about 1st world problems. Theres kids out there dying in Africa from lack of water, yet you dont see them on twitter raging about it, yet all the karens/kevins show up on here raging over POKEMON cards. Not an essential thing, a luxury good thats not even for their age group.I dont think humanity will be wiped out by an asteroid or global warming or some external factor. I think stuff like this will bring the end of civilization. 

  11. 33 minutes ago, Sp33dy said:

    U guys are some funny guys. Most likely working for this company lol. If ur given a tat u expect it around that or give or take a week. If ur job tells u they gonna pay u next week and next week comes and they say another day u would be mad right. These are jus discussions everyone is open to talk about. If ur happy and ok with things, perfect in glad for u but doesn't mean anyone is wrong for wanting closer to what they expected

    Im not employed by anyone. And mad? Dude, they are childrens cards, not your pay check. You can sit around and complain until your face turns blue, but thats not going to change reality. 

  12. 4 minutes ago, Sp33dy said:

    U use that wack water energy joke alot. Grow up ppl can grade whatever they want lol. Recycle ur jokes

    That wasnt a joke. This dude legit graded a water energy and then complained that it wasnt a perfect 10. You can grade whatever you want, just dont complain when your 10 cent cards jam up the system and it takes longer to get your cards back. 

  13. 9 minutes ago, aardvark88 said:

    I would be very interested in hearing Steve Jobs's view on Cgc or non-sports cards TAT from limbo since he passed away Oct, 2011. :bigsmile: Did TAT's increase due to Covid and folks finally having time to sort long boxes at home for slab worthy comics and rookie cards?

    Lots of reasons have increased TATs. Social media hype, a way to make money, pandemic boredom, PSA prices and turnaround times getting too long, probably a few other reasons but just some that come to mind. I have a feeling post pandemic that its just not going to be the same since thats literally the only thing that has changed since last year. A year ago cards were like a fraction of what they are worth today and only the pandemic has been a factor thats changed anything. From 2018 to 2019, everything went up a tiny bit due to inflation, but nothing like the last year.

  14. 18 minutes ago, ShiningCollectibles said:

    It was a damn estimate, I didn't go into a calendar and count every single day to figure out what days were weekends... And my guestimate is pretty close. 

    You also dont get how things like centering affect cards or bad corners from quality control issues. Your on here crying that CGC made "revenge" grades yet couldnt comprehend why your were not given all 9.5s/10s.

    Sorry but your creditability sucks and your sketchy at best. Your not this genius that you think that you are and should put your money into something else since your bad at this.

  15. Just now, ShiningCollectibles said:

    Yea, I have a over 8,000 dollar submission but I grade junk xD Plus my collection is worth like 100k+

    Considering that you couldnt do basic math right, I dont believe any of this. I dont get what your lying for. If you were broke or some homeless guy but was straight up I would probably respect you more. When your on here bsing so hard Im just not impressed at all and neither are most people. Sad man. Hope some day you figure life out before its too late.

  16. 3 minutes ago, ShiningCollectibles said:

    It is the same trolls commenting on these threads anytime anyone disagrees with the fact that the wait time is obviously bonkers atm. I hope these trolls lose some money so they know how it feels :D

    You only lose money if you dont know what your doing, which clearly you dont. You cant do math, you grade jank and you eat at one at a place that has been proven to shorten your life span. Why are you going to keep lying to yourself? Nobody cares about your bogus image. 

  17. 8 minutes ago, ShiningCollectibles said:

    How have I not lost a dime.... I was expecting my Rainbow Rare Zard back before Shining Fates. It crashed when Shining Fates came out... So yes, I lost a few hundred bucks because of the waiting game. It is not wrong for me to be upset that the wait time is almost Triple the estimation... I guess your cards mean nothing to you if you aren't upset about increases that much. I feel bad for the other people just as much as myself. I bet many people lost money because of the increased waits... 

    Dude, you grade water energies and eat at mcdonalds. Its not CGCs fault for your poor life choices. You grade newer cards under economy and wonder why you lose money. Your not a special and immune to accountability. Whoever told you otherwise clearly lied to you or was afraid of hurting your feelings. 

  18. 14 minutes ago, ShiningCollectibles said:

    Lol, I would love to see that. I've already lost a few hundred dollars because of this waiting game. 

    Yeah bull****. You havent lost a dime. Sorry buddy but the whole world doesnt revolve around you. Not sure how you were raised or who told you that you were this special snowflake that constantly has to be bowed down upon, but the reality is that nobody on this planet sides your parents has to really care about you. And nobody cares that you cant flip your cards or your investments or whatever other laundering scheme you got going on. Im not trying to be an armchair psychologist, but it seems like you tend to think that everyone has to pander to you but in reality your opinions like mine, arent worth anything other than it being text on the internet.

  19. 6 minutes ago, ShiningCollectibles said:

    It was a guestimate what many people do... And when I spend money on a service level and it says around a certain amount of days I expect it to be around that amount... Example if I bought a burger at Mcdonalds and got 35 more instead... 

    Well guess what, they dont care what your expectations are. Also now knowing that you eat at Mcdonalds aka the dumpster of garbage food of the world, they should make you wait a year now for your cards to come back.

  20. 15 minutes ago, ShiningCollectibles said:

    When I was submitting my items the returns for bulk were 20-30 days... So I expected it to be around that mark... I mean 2x isn't bad but when every time I look that it is getting closer to the mark it goes further and further away from that mark... Another thing is 30 days isn't bad 77 days isn't bad but when you add business days that is like 150 days total!

    First off, you suck at math. 77 business days isnt 150 days. Thats less than 4 months worth of time during a non-holiday season.

    Second, just buy the freaking standard or higher service from now on or prepare to wait for your bulk. Yeah, it used to be 20-30 days, but then again gas was less than $2 last year and CGC grading was an afterthought. Things change. When things change you have to adjust or get burnt. The secret is out that CGC is a legit grading service. Who would have ever thought that the leader in comic grading could grade cards properly. Shocking I know.

  21. 16 minutes ago, Sp33dy said:

    And then the ppl like yall.complaining and crying about ppl complaining and crying lol. Its the same exact thing. But guess yall crying about it is ok

    Telling you the facts isnt complaining. I dont really care if you want to waste your life away getting emotional over things you have no control over. Im saying that if you do not want to wait forever, get standard or higher. Or wait 3 months. How difficult is that to understand? Its not a very difficult concept.

  22. 3 minutes ago, DonLaGreca said:

    You guys realize the turnaround times ALWAYS stated they were estimates right? It never said you were guaranteed to get your card back in X amount of time. Its truly amazing to see all the people that cant seem to understand this simple concept. 

    They do realize it. People just have nothing else going on in life so they want to be outraged. They think this place is twitter and if they rage hard enough that something will change.

    But thankfully, just like twitter, it doesnt affect the real world. Bemoaning over and over again about the same issues with an internet connection shockingly doesnt actually do anything. People at CGC read this garbage every day and just shake their heads while trying to do the best they can. As grateful as I am for the internet helping me make money, its also crappy in that we have to hear every thought of the craziest people on the planet.

  23. 8 minutes ago, Yeahiwasder4dat said:

    I'm surprised they haven't limited bulk /econ to X cards per month or designed a queue where there a set time to mail cards in based off submission order. Cut TAT down to X days from when they get them so they aren't hanging onto cards for so long.

    Yeah I think ultimately they just never expected Pokemon to blow up the way they did and they have had zero time to really make any adjustments. Its just a very bizarre time in terms of the behavior in grading in that people are grading stuff so aggressively. What I find crazy is how people are paying premiums on the newest cards being graded. Like I said before, yeah you can buy lots of different Sword & Shield secret rares and double your money. And people have realized that, so they are just doing what is easy money. I dont know if its due to people being out of work from the pandemic or social media or what the exact cause is, but its just been this way for at least the last year. I just SMH when so many people just act oblivious about this and then cry to CGC that they are disappointed or that they are shocked that their TAT's are extended. I can understand if your out of the loop and dont get it but would be asking what is going on, but to act all emotional about it without spending 2 minutes doing some research or making some effort to understand whats going on while throwing a tamdrume, yeah I dont care about their stupid water energies lol. Im sure Paul wakes up every day reading this nonsense and just thinks "what the hell is wrong with this world".