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Posts posted by geraldfordfan69

  1. 6 minutes ago, ShiningCollectibles said:

    I mean I guess you could if you were only in a (Hobby) to make money lol It would feel like a job if that was the case. Customer Service is important to me and when a agent tells me my cards are going to be moving through received in about a week/two and than three weeks go by so I call in. They tell me it isn't going to be till March 20th. That is when I start to voice my opinion. Sorry, if you don't like that. 

    I think at this point your either a troll or just a narcissist. In your world, only consumers exist. Nobody makes anything, nobody sells anything, nobody outsources salesforces, it just all magically appears. Im sorry that you have the worldview of a child but that just isnt normal man.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Angel of Death said:

    No, it kinda proves the theory that it's not yours. Someone with an MBA wouldn't misunderstand how supply and demand works.

    MBA's are a joke now a days. I have a buddy who got one and he told me that business school is just a way to party with people who had corporate desk jobs. This is not the 80s anymore to where going to business school meant something. Anyone can go on the internet and get an MBA providing they fork over a ton of money, which is easy since you just take out student loans and further put yourself further on the hamster wheel.

    I could write a whole book about why everyone this guy says is just completely wrong but its just a waste of time. Waste of energy on someone who just has no regard for anything but themselves.

  3. 1 minute ago, Angel of Death said:

    It's almost like supply & demand...

    It's interesting that "your degree" has all of the pertinent information redacted. Almost like you took an image off of LinkedIn and modified it...

    This guy is just nuts lol. Nobody cares that he likes being a corporate slave. Apparently having a desk job to where someone tells you what to do all day long qualifies you to being a "good person", but the minute that you decide to resell kids toys and be your own boss, your not a good person.

    Many names I could call this guy, but Im not low class and like living in reality to where I respect that he probably has something going on up there and do not want to aggravate whatever is going on. 

  4. 3 minutes ago, ShiningCollectibles said:

    I mean taking advantage of people just because they enjoy something is pretty sad. But I mean con-artists love to feed on anything. 

    By that logic then everyone selling stuff in the world is a con-artist. If walmart buys cheap stuff from china and resells it for a profit, then they are all con artist according to your logic. Only people who give stuff away for free are good people.

    And hoarders are just the best people. Because they dont make money off kids toys and hang on to stuff forever, they are good people. Do you even read what you type before you post it?

  5. 1 minute ago, ShiningCollectibles said:

    Okay, Scalpers are no different than Con-artists. I mean we can just call them what they are xD Exactly, what many of them have done to the Pokémon hobby in General and the Grading Community Lately. Where instead of value-ing the cards based on actual sentiment they just buy and sell. Like it is some mass operation.... Destroying the true collectors who actually enjoy the hobby. 

    And "hoarders", as in people who just "Collect" stuff and will take it to their graves are nuts and are like the guys in the 40 year old virgin....

    You see how insulting people is not nice? I didnt want to respond but you just need to stop at this point.

  6. 17 minutes ago, ShiningCollectibles said:

    Explaining what I dislike about scalpers isn't name calling. And I was agreeing with the first two people who posted on this thread. Because it is 100% True. It is going to drive away future business growth in the Pokemon Sector which is why I think it should be addressed. 

    There is no such thing as scalpers in the card world. That is exactly why I believe your clueless. I used to work a sales job to where I was just a middle man for computer products, as in I would buy products from major manufactures and resell them for a higher price to another business. If someone called us scalpers, you would look stupid and people would think you have some sort of mental disorder. Its called capitalism to where people buy things for cheap and resell them for more. If you dont like it then you might want to relocate to some communist country.

    And nobody is taking your advice. Its cringy and childish at best. But Im just going to end my discussion with you since its like talking to a wall. Just wanted to state for the record that nobody should listen to you since you sound like some middle schooler who is just angry that his pokeman cards are not being graded as perfectly as they wanted. If you ever want to talk with grown ups, Id happy to have a discussion but I just dont talk to little kids or people who act like children since thats kind of weird.

  7. 2 minutes ago, ShiningCollectibles said:

    Buying cards out for Raw Price to not even hold the card because of personal attachment just to sell it right away. Sounds like a Scalper especially when you are buying it from many people that don't know the graded price lol! So perfect definition of one. Just abusing the hobby for personal gain/benefit.


    Dude, you need to cut it out with the insults. I can easily call you a "hoarder" since all you do is hang on to stuff and keep it away from the market at having a chance of buying one. If there was nothing but "True collectors" like yourself out there, then nobody could ever have access to anything. No new collectors could ever buy any older cards if there were no resellers.

    But im not childish and need to call people names. Clearly you want to live in your own selfish bubble and not understand anything. That is fine but your kind of alone on your opinions outside of other clueless people.

  8. 2 minutes ago, ShiningCollectibles said:

    Yep, you have no value in the cards. Most people who buy to just sell have little care about the hobby. I can't wait till it crashes to mess over the scalpers so badly. I don't mind losing a few hundred thousand on my collection because I bought them for sentiment. 

    And how do you think cards get on the market? There are tons of cards sitting in peoples closets and tons of cards that I get from distribution that I find and put up for sale. I think your very ignorant in that you have no clue how the business works. You really need to chill out and wait and stop making a bunch dumb comparisons. This is not court and this is not a restaurant. This is the card grading industry. Your constant whining and degrading of resellers isnt going to speed up your turnaround times.

  9. 7 minutes ago, ShiningCollectibles said:

    Na, I'd rather let the scalpers hear me complain :P Once enough (Real Collectors) The ones that value their cards complain about it things will change.

    Dude, your the only one on here complaining. I resell cards and have no problem waiting since Im not an angry little kid crying every week about my stuff not coming back asap. Its a hot market and to act oblivious about it is just being extremely stupid. Everyones cards will come back at some point. People like yourself seriously need to learn the concept of patience. 

  10. 1 hour ago, Red84 said:

    No one has a problem with you claiming the grading was inconsistent. That very well might be the case. CGC has been doing this less than a year and grading is done by people so it’s not an exact science. People have a problem with you alleging “revenge grading” because it implies that CGC intentionally and unethically punished you with lower grades because you had been asking them about your delayed submission. Accusations against CGC’s integrity were uncalled for. We all understand you were upset that the submission was delayed and your anger was exacerbated by your disappointment with the grades. But accusing CGC of intentionally hurting you is a bridge too far. 

    Yeah thats what I been trying to say but unless u agree with this dude that his behavior is ok, then he doesnt listen. My issue with him is his irrational behavior. These bogus conspiracy theories are so cringy and so immature that its just painful to read.

    I also found that dudes youtube channel just by searching cgc pokemon and looking for the time stamp. Not going to share it but I have no clue why the guy was so afraid of sharing it. Its just his wife or kids showing the cards and barely saying anything. Comments are also disabled, so yea...not seeing what hes even talking about them being "pro cgc" when there isnt much being said or really any content in the first place.

    Lastly, going over his grades, I dont see what the big deals are since most of them are over 9s minus a few of them. Second, those cards arent that rare. Most of what was graded was mass produced and are easy to get if you live in Japan or can export from there. Outside of the mewtwos, pikachus and the starters, its not really worth grading most of it. Also this dude graded a common japanese WATER ENERGY, a COMMON PIKACHU FROM HIDDEN FATES, like come on. At that point I feel zero sympathy when your grading junk.

  11. 1 hour ago, jsilverjanet said:

    CGC has blacklisted before

    Thats good to know. I personally just cant tolerate abusive customers and tell them to walk if they cant be reasonable. I cant imagine how this guy was on the phone with them lol. All that aggravation over Pokeman cards. Unbelievable. I cant imagine how this dude would react if something serious went down in his life.

    And again, if this guy has a condition that he cant control, I apologize, but at the same time its not ok to be treating a business or any human being like that. And if he had a condition, at least tell us something is going on since if not we just have to assume your kind of nuts and a bad person.

  12. 10 minutes ago, Roger66 said:

    I hear you but sometimes we must ignore the ranters, ravers, finger-pointers, aggravators, distractors and inane posturers online.  Prior to the internet people sat down and wrote their grievances on paper, which often (but not always) lead to more personal consultation, insight, contemplation and consideration by the author, who wrote to a much smaller audience too.  Nowadays just about anyone can spew any form of grievance, hatred, bigotry, stupidity and self-loathing they want by simply clicking their mouse and tapping away on their keyboard.  We choose who to ignore and we choose whom to reply to online.  In the end this is all meaningless chatter, which is like grains of sand on an endless and isolated windswept beach. My 2-cents. :preach:

    Yeah, your not wrong. I just wanted to set someone straight since this stuff shouldnt be tolerated. Im probably just talking to a wall and should go on my way lol but Ive spoke my peace. This dude acting up like this was just sad to watch and its even sader how he doesnt realize that the way he is acting is not right. It is what it is. Wish this pandemic would be over so I wasnt stuck at home trying to kill time.

  13. 23 minutes ago, alohaboyz said:

    LOL, feeling better?   now go suck your thumb in the corner . "timeout".  lol 

    Id be embarrassed by the things that you wrote. Im sorry if you suffer from some sort of condition but yeah, what your doing is not cool man. Its mortifying that your on here acting out this crazy behavior and acting like its normal. Not sure who taught you this behavior was ever ok but its not. Its not how any respectable adult should be acting towards a business.

  14. 1 minute ago, alohaboyz said:

    A fool that is afraid of doing what is right will just be quite.  Grow some.  Of course there is two sides to every story. i can tell you, the truth is probably in the middle.

    so all you fools can stand extremely to one side, you are most likely wrong, no matter what you post or think.

    Paul has his explanation, i have my explanation.  the solution is somewhere in the middle.   That is how it works .

    Its not a matter of being right or wrong. Its your behavior. My problem with you is how you been on here raging like a child instead of dealing with these people in private. Your a grown man yet your acting like you have the mind of a 5 year old. Its just not ok to act that way regardless if you have a point or not. Its not professional and I wouldnt in a million years do business or keep doing business with someone who acts that way.

  15. 44 minutes ago, Roger66 said:

    I am sometimes nostalgic for the good old days (pre-any entombing of cards or comics etc) when it was like the wild west.  During those times you had to use your own wits, acumen, guile and sometimes cunning when grading raw books etc and in the end if you were unhappy ???  with a purchase or trade you really could only blame yourself for not doing your due diligence. We all suffer from some form of blindness be it a lack of objectivity, self-inflated ego, poor judgment, insufficient mindfulness or simply making bad assumptions.  Owning up to that was easier before you could blame a third party grading service. My 2cents. :preach:  

    I miss the good old days to where people didnt go on the internet acting like lunatics just because they didnt get exactly what they wanted.  There was a time when people had to learn to speak like a human being to a business to get anywhere. Now you can just rage on social media and people give you attention. Not just with cards but with anything. 

    The one thing Im bothered with in this industry is the lack of professionalism and this thread is proof of that. Regardless if you think your right or wrong, there is a right way of handling it. You dont mindlessly spam garbage 100 times and refuse to listen to logic. Not sure where this person was raised or who brought them up, but its just not acceptable behavior and really wish CGC didnt cave in. If it was my business, Id tell the dude to take a hike since there are plenty of rational, calm, mature, and less aggressive people willing to do business.

  16. 11 minutes ago, alohaboyz said:

    Talk to Paul.    Solved in a fair manner as usual.

    To all you posting,  Step back and see both sides.  Then you get a more clear picture.

    Props to Paul again.  



    On a side note (not related to CGC)  educate yourself:

    .   A BGS submitter had his "chrome" cards sitting in the BGS storage for serval months.  When he got his card back, all the grade were very low with the subs on surface bring down the overall grade.  What he noticed, is the surface on many cards were "fogged", what most likely happened was the cards somehow got stored in a humid part of the facility which caused the problem.  People that actually grade cards understand what humidity does to chrome cards.

    There is a lot of factors that effect cards that many here do not understand.  that is why i do not like cards sitting longer than needed.  Only bad things happed if cards sit around.   Next time you post,  have more experience with submissions.




    Yeah, no. Your a legit diva. I wish CGC would blacklist people. Crying on the message boards as a grown man is pathetic. I wish CGC would realize that your business is pretty irrelevant and had some balls to kick you to the curve. Your behavior is unacceptable and shouldnt be tolerated.

  17. 46 minutes ago, alohaboyz said:

    Feel free to check out the cards

    serial #  3739616001  to  3739616048

    Use the CGC search.  i have graded or in receiving over 1000+ of these type of pokemon cards between CGC, PSA and BGS.

     99% of these cards come from my personal collection that our family is the original owner since bought new.  All stored the same way over 20+ years .    Before you defend CGC,  remember i already have 9 other submissions from CGC to compare the normal ratio of grades per submission that were pretty consistent .

    This last submission grades are ridiculously low and not even close to the normal ratio.  


    a 8.5 and 9 arent low grades. u need some help since ur sounding a bit off the rails.

  18. 1 hour ago, ShiningCollectibles said:

    Or maybe they grade for their own personal collection and aren't a greedy scalper/flipper and the more it costs them the grade the less they want to grade. I've been collecting since 1999. I have a collection of about 100,000 USD. I like receiving my cards back in a timely manner. Meaning if I pay for a estimation of 30 days I expect it to be around that. But maybe I am looney lol!

    Either looney or incapable of being rational. How many times do people have to tell you that its a sellers market and not a buyers market? Its not McDonalds to where there is a burger place on every street corner. There are only X amount of grading companies and all of them including BCW (the 1 guy company) are being slammed. 

    And LOL "Im going to go somewhere else next time!", yeah let me know what grading company is quicker with similar resale and Ill wait. Ill wait for this magical place that does not exist. 

  19. 12 minutes ago, Ron Churches said:

    Yeah, the demand for their services is unprecedented. Price hikes are probably a combo of needing to boost capacity, taking advantage of demand, and trying to reduce the chuff that's getting sent in to grade on the bulk. That 8 dollar per card bulk price is very, very favorable for these low dollar cards to get graded and then turn around and sell in such a hot market. It's completely different from most baseball cards, which will barely move if they aren't a 10, and certainly have low margins. The market mechanics are different and we (the submitters) have been reaping the rewards. Everybody wants their cards faster because we know speed to market is essential. Flippers should be THRILLED with a nominal increase in price. You telling me you can't bake in another buck or two, per card if it means you'll get things closer to the stated turnaround times? 

    Things right now are great with this market. I been making good money off graded cards. Paying a few more bucks are fine. The only people complaining are the people who have no clue what they are doing or are greedy and want something for nothing. 

  20. 2 hours ago, ShiningCollectibles said:

    Na, I just know that the company works for us. Not the other way around. We are the ones spending the money. I am not living in a fantasy Universe. You can only use the Pandemic card for so long. Many businesses including the Card Grading Industry is back at 100%. There is no excuses anymore. Many businesses not saying CGC is trying to cut corners (operate with as least employees as possible to save a buck) it really shows in the production loss. I don't know how you expect people to pay (MORE) for a CGC card when BGS/PSA have been in the Market for Pokemon for ages. I understand (Slowly Progressing up to their prices) But not being more expensive. If you added some sort of special labels maybe I could see that but until then I can't!

    Yeah your definitely living in your own world and not on the same planet as everyone else. The pandemic has shot up demand of grading like never before to where nobody cares anymore who grades what. GMA graded cards (the company with 1 guy) have a premium now. You have zero leverage in this situation since the demand is high. It doesnt matter if you stop grading since 1000s of other people will take your place. Its not a buyers market. And them raising prices is just an issue that you personally have while the other 1000s of people sending in cards could care less.

    eBay is showing similar prices for CGC cards to other graded cards. What about that do you not understand? Its the new norm and no complaining is going to change that.

  21. 2 hours ago, ShiningCollectibles said:

    I hope your right but really it scares me if prices are already going over Beckett. 

    Yeah...I dont want to be rude but your legit living in some kind of fantasy universe. Did you seriously end up in a coma and wake up just now? Like no joke, there has been a pandemic which has led to production shortages on cards and people have been sitting at home for over a year with nothing to do, hence part of why grading is the highest its ever been.

    Your not even predicting anything at this point. I send CGC cards to PWCC and track their listings. The CGC cards are going for the same exact amount for beckett and close to PSA outside the 10s. Nobody cares about labels anymore, The days of it being PSA or nothing are over since it takes almost a full year to get a return from PSA. And I used to grade with PSA and not only does their customer support suck, but they are inconsistent when it comes to grading. I can send back the same card 4 times and 4 different grades. Its not reliable to expect perfect condition cards to come back as 10s from them. Waiting 7-9 months to potential get 9s on perfect condition cards isnt worth it.

    CGC is already beating out the competition on consistency and speed. What company is faster at grading right now for the price? Since I dont see such as a place. And you act like BGS is so fast, yeah BGS your looking at a year wait as well. When you factor in time, you lose money waiting longer to get cards back. So yeah, you might save a few bucks, but the time loss on reselling cards and then buying more is an opportunity cost in itself.

    You just have a personal problem and need to learn to adjust to the market since the market doesnt really care that your feel bad about a slight price increase. And your expectations need to be reevaluated since the market is red hot and your acting like it should cater to you. 


  22. 3 hours ago, Ron Churches said:

    I bet it's wrong tier! If he's going to complain so much he needs to tell us all what he did wrong or what CGC is telling him is happening. There's NO way he's waited this long without information from CGC directly.

    It seems normal on here for people to complain about the following:

    1) Turnaround times

    2) Increase in pricing

    3) That their cards havent been graded

    Yet these people like to think there is some company out there that does any of the above better. They are here for a reason lol. If there was this magical grading company that had similar resale values, faster turn around times and was cheaper, these people wouldnt be on here complaining.

  23. 1 hour ago, ShiningCollectibles said:

    I won't stop using them but I can see many people stopping and moving elsewhere. A pretty new company shouldn't be more than established companies for years.... But I mean that's my opinion we will see their profits in the coming months. Just because someone sold a card valued at 360k doesn't mean they deserve 360k for grading that card. It's a grading company they don't own your cards. First impressions are major in a New company for Pokemon submitting. So far my first impression has seen delayed dates from 30-65 days+ and two price increases. So that kind of scares me. I wanted to grade tons with them.

    That is wishful thinking. If people stop using them then the return times can be faster, so yes please get people that you know to stop using them! Hurry spread the word since I need my cards to come back faster.

    And with all due respect, it sounds like you been in a coma for the last few months and have no clue what is going on with the grading market. Yeah im sure you want to grade lots of cards. Id like a mansion and a yacht. We all cant get what we want in life.