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50 Cent #II (1st)

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Everything posted by 50 Cent #II (1st)

  1. Maybe of interest to some? RebelVisions? was reading Richard Orton newsletter today on Santa Monica history and in the new #13 issue (you can subscribe for free at Laxlon@aol.com) he interviews the owner of a famous bar in SM, now closed, called the Oar House. In one of the books about Underground Comix history it mentions a group of Underground artist, including R. Crumb, coming down from San Francisco to do a mural in the Oar House. In the news letter, it talks about a fire in 1973 and how a group of artists helped to fix the place and it reopened 6 weeks after the fire. Pretty sure this are related. On Facebook I’ve seen some pics of menus and advertisements that could be the work of some of those artists? But then again, I read also on Facebook that they did a remodel with artists shortly before the fire and that some pieces of art were salvaged after the fire and one had a S. Clay Wilson signature. So who knows? Does this have a Griffin Surftoons feel/style to it to anyone else? (Buffalo Chips was the restaurant next door owned by the same person.) it’s by Tony Bell, who’s name sounds familiar, but I can’t recall why at the moment. Something to do with early Underground Comix college magazines maybe? Now where’s that pic. of the menu I saw on Facebook?
  2. You got lucky, I ordered from amazon the book and for some reason, they cancelled the order. Had to reorder it. You got lucky. Carl Richter posts on facebook.
  3. According to a post today by the author, this is hot off the press, only like 3 years late, but probably worth it. http://www.fantagraphics.com/crumbcompendium/
  4. Making it official, is it time to get your #1's graded? Stephen King's son (Hill) for those that didn't know. http://www.comingsoon.net/tv/news/960635-netflix-officially-orders-10-episodes-of-locke-key-tv-series
  5. I have not heard of the Osborne book, I'll keep an eye out for it. If I'm not going to keep Ferlinghetti in business who is? I can always tell people I bought these paperback editions at THE City Lights bookstore one day...
  6. So anyone make it to ComiCon this year? I didn't, but would love to hear if anyone found any interesting Undergrounds. I was in SF a couple weeks ago and stopped off at City Lights for the first time. Picked up a couple of their self published Bukowski paperbacks with R. Crumb covers that I'd never seen before.
  7. Was enjoyable, but not like the first. I wasn't laughing through the whole movie like the first one, in fact I don't recall laughing until the parachute jump scene. There's a mid credit scene, but "Oh, holy S*** Balls..." there's no post scene you need to wait around for.
  8. The Head Comix page from Yarrowstalks #2 sold via Heritage last week for $143K. Is this a record for a single regular page (non-cover) of Underground Comix art? How about non-splash page regular comic art? Seems like a lot of money for a single regular page that isn't a cover?
  9. Send Corben Fan, Arnie, the list, he can probably get you most of these on the list.
  10. There was a Cheech Wizard comix that someone in the old boards claimed to have found an edition that had a phone number on the inside front cover, that nobody else has seen, if I recall correctly. Maybe one of the others can recall the book and more info. on it.
  11. The Miami Concert comic was called Miami Pop Festival Official Program. There was a loose map that I've only seen once, but I think most people assume it's the drawing of the layout inside, but it's not.
  12. The original Superman came back to life in the first issue of the Return of Superman arc? I thought it was Superman: Man of Steel #25 or 26?
  13. Just wondering which issue was it in the Reign of Superman arc in 1993 (June to October) in which the real Superman first returned in I think Sept. or Oct. '93 about the end of Copper, beginning of Modern?
  14. Gory Stories Quarterly #2 1/2 was also a bound in comic in a magazine which I have forgotten the title of. Corpsemeat #2 had something bound in by Savage Pencil Miami Concert Comic that I'm forgetting the name of had a loose map included.
  15. Appears an affordable 2nd print of Crumb's Bible of Filth was released last month. It's published by a Dutch publisher and is expanded to over 300 pages (336 pages, over 60 additional pages). Anyone know why some pics show silver lettering and "Scratch Books" on the cover and others are in gold lettering without the "Scratch Books" at the bottom? https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1941701701/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  16. While I've got copies of 3 variant printings of the "Rainbow" interior cover edition of Freak Brothers #2, it was reported that there was also a variant of the Pink Paper edition. Today my copy arrived and I can confirm that there was a Rainbow cover variant of the Pink Paper edition. So the first 4 printings all had Rainbow variants.
  17. Rampant Rumors on the set of the new Star Wars movie that Christopher Plummer is taking over the role of Chewbacca after old photo released.
  18. Watching an episode today, they reference the Phoenix Program. New what that is because I happen to be listening to this book. Very interesting, if you're looking to learn about it. https://www.amazon.com/CIA-Organized-Crime-Illegal-Operations/dp/0997287012/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1510971630&sr=8-1&keywords=CIA+Phoenix&dpID=515d%2BSJ134L&preST=_SY344_BO1,204,203,200_QL70_&dpSrc=srch Seems the husband and wife are both reading the same book "Life of Pi" by Martel, which is a very good book, wonder if there's a significance later as I'm only 6 episodes through.
  19. Thanks. I'd give JL a three and a half out of five stars (if they don't have a quarter star). or a 6.5 out of 10. I rate my Netflix (I miss the firefox allowing 1/2 stars they used to ) as Stars: 1 (really bad), 2 (bad), 2.5 (Meh), 3 -3.4 (OK), 3.5-3.9 (Good), 4-4.4 (Very Good), 4.5-5 (Great).
  20. They were worth waiting for, first seemed pretty short but fun, the post was a bit more detailed regarding something completely different (future sequel aspect).
  21. Thought it was OK. There's a during credit scene as well as a post credit scene for those wanting to know if you should stay through all the credits.
  22. Watching this 1975 (Netflix lists 1979, which is the year it was released in the U.S.) movie again, it's a bit of a devilish idea to put a message before (as the book does) that it's based on actual events when it's fiction. Wonder how often this has been done before? The idea of no ending was actually the publisher of the books idea, he suggested that author remove the last chapter (the 12 pages were later published separately). The flow and music of the move remind me of another movie, even though it has nothing to do with the subject, Miracles Still Happen (1974) that came out about the same time, that's about a sole survivor who's plane crashed in the Amazon jungle. The director's most recent movie The Way Back (2010) was pretty good by the way.
  23. Saw Ingrid Goes West in the theater. Was a bit of a odd one, but worth watching. Always like shows filmed near the area I grew up in, this was in Venice. There's also a Netflix series starring Will Arnett that was filmed in the same area of Venice that's worth watching, 2 seasons have come out.