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Posts posted by grendel013

  1. On 5/1/2024 at 7:37 PM, bc said:

    My best gig as a kid wasn't the paper boy routine - it was as an altar boy.

    Got at least $5 per funeral or wedding tip which would take an hour. Could make an easy $20 a week depending on the season. Most of that went to comics.



    My friends were alter boys and wanted me to do it too but I always was apprehensive around priests. :fear:

    I opted to bus tables at a pizza place once a week instead and usually brought in $20-25. I loved that we got paid in singles most of the time. The owner of the LCS sometimes commented about them having white powder on them. I told him it was flour but I probably didn't even know what he was implying back then. :roflmao:

  2. On 4/29/2024 at 6:40 PM, Readcomix said:

    Middletown, NY. You near enough to go?

    Thanks! I'd definitely need to plan the day around it. About a 2 1/2 hour drive. But the wheels are spinning...:ohnoez:

  3. On 4/29/2024 at 7:12 AM, Readcomix said:

    They may not necessarily be relisting. They may have multiples. They are a massive warehouse, open to the public by appointment. I have not made one, but I’d like to out of curiosity. They are about an hour from my area, but I drive over that way for work on occasion. I saw the building one day and thought it might be a comics shop, then read the sign on the front door.

    Where is it located? I see @BrianHoward has NYC/NJ in his location. :banana:

  4. On 4/27/2024 at 11:37 PM, RockMyAmadeus said:

    Andrew. Allow me to break my "vow of silence", as it were, for a second, because you're taking some very aggressive shots at me, none of which are justified. When I first responded to your drawing, I had no idea that you had no idea how the mechanics of Gen 2 cases (which is what you have) worked, so I was reminding you...yes, with my "crude" drawing...that what you had drawn was physically impossible without A. popping another corner post, or B. (and infinitely less likely) warping and damaging the inner well and comic inside. Most people I know who spend $$$ on slabs have seen one or two cracked out, or have done it themselves, or at least watched a crackout video on the internet, to familiarize themselves with how the product they're putting so much trust in works. You don't need to crack a 4 or 5 figure slab to do that.

    And now, you're angry...again...because you didn't understand what you were dealing with, and when someone gently corrected you, reminding you of the properties of the inner well (and not knowing you didn't know those properties)...with a picture, no less, which is about as non-confrontational as it gets...you immediately assumed bad faith, immediately assumed someone was "making a joke at your expense." But nothing could be further from the truth. I don't need to be "right" at the expense of others. No, I want everyone to be correct, so that everyone works from a position of knowledge.

    I am a buyer AND seller of slabs. It is not only in my nature to want to be factually correct about the things that interest me, as a matter of personal pride, but it is in my business interests to make sure that misinformation about slabs doesn't proliferate. While everyone was praising your admittedly excellent drawing, they had missed the fact that there was a glaring error in it: the idea that a comic is not sealed into the inner well, and can simply be "tilted" and "pulled out" if one corner post is broken. That is not correct, for ANY generation of slab.

    My goal wasn't to make you feel stupid. My goal was not to anger you. My goal was not to belittle you. My goal was not to "tweak" you. My meme about geometry was a very gentle poke about the physical impossibility of your drawing. My goal isn't...and I cannot emphasize this enough...to "shoo anyone away", but to make sure everyone goes into comics with KNOWLEDGE, because knowledge is power. People who know what they're doing are much, much less likely to be scammed, taken advantage of, or, as in your case, assume they're being taken advantage of when they're not.

    My goal was to bring you to understanding, and prevent MISunderstanding in others who, like you, don't know the mechanics of these cases, how they're designed, and how they function, and might look at your drawing and internalize it, thinking what you drew is possible. It is not. It never has been. And it's important that that idea was corrected.

    So, just so you know: for Gen 2 (which is what your slab was) slabs, the inner well is nearly the entire length and width of the case, and it is divided into two parts: the bottom part where the comic sits is completely sealed by a sonic weld on all four sides and cannot, outside of QC issues, be opened without cutting on the inside of that weld. The top part contains the label, and is lightly welded into the label on both sides, while the top is unsealed and open. 

    I get it. You're a very educated and talented man. You spent a lot of time and energy getting to where you are. And no one likes to be corrected, especially in public. But there are a lot of people who know a lot more than you AND me about many subjects here. And there's nothing wrong with that. Instead of assuming bad faith, perhaps just asking "what do you mean by that?" would smooth out the rough spots that may not actually even exist. Everyone has something they know that others don't, and learning is a lifelong process.

    I hope my explanation brings clarity, if not reconciliation.


  5. On 4/26/2024 at 5:43 PM, paqart said:

    It's tough to show without holding it open, but when I held it from the top, the bottom was hanging open. Also, the comic was sliding all over inside. When it arrived, part of the inner mylar seemed to cross over into the label area. When it's lying flat, the top comes down thanks to gravity, but since it was broken, I thought people who are used to seeing these thing (I'm not) would know what to look for. The fact that none of the commenters can tell that it's popped tells me that this is a form of broken corner that you haven't trained yourself to see. I was very tempted to slide the comic out, which absolutely could have been done with the gap involved, but thanks to your earlier admonition about not making it any worse, I didn't. Also, it's pretty clear the comic had significant moisture damage. Whether that is because of the broken corner or it's a different comic doesn't matter to me, it isn't a CGC 8.0 now, nor was it when it was shipped.

    This was it for me, I'm avoiding slabs (not just CGC) from now on, particularly GA. If I find something I want and it happens to be in a slab, it's coming out and staying out. Also, I am not trusting the grade. As far as I'm concerned, I'm back to the old days of haggling about the grade, except slabbed comics get an automatic deduction because the interior can't be inspected.

    You can see the wavy label in the original pix on eBay. If you think it was swapped why not reach out to Ozark? In his description he mentions that the book was never cleaned and pressed. It was "purchased from an older gentleman who did not believe in it."

    Maybe it's just me, but if I thought I was scammed I'd be relentless in finding the person who pulled off the scam.

  6. On 4/24/2024 at 5:46 PM, ADAMANTIUM said:

    Ok I thought they were great as ❤️‍🩹 well!

    Hesitated to post because all I could think of was trying to guess what the original Joe was ?  :roflmao:

    I'm sure it's obvious to everyone but me, my guess is srgt slaughter cause he is the one that I think has suspenders?

    There is possibly another I can think of that has a white shirt that I can picture but don't know the name of that might also be Star Wars!

    Edit to say Srgt slaughter was wrestling? Joe? Both?

    Yeah. Sgt Slaughter was a WWF wrestler and then became a GI Joe. I would think a Cobra Crimson Guard would be a good starting point but I lost track of the Joes after around 1986ish. I know it's not version one but maybe a later version or some other red Cobra guy? Usually it takes a kit bash as well as some putty and sculpting.

  7. On 4/23/2024 at 6:04 PM, Dave2739 said:

    I seem to recall there also being Spidey and Hulk versions of these. They would break very easily if you tried to do any of the jumps or stunts listed on the package.

    There is definitely a Spidey one. Had that one too and saw a couple on eBay. What I didn't realize was there was a JOKER one. That MAY be my next purchase. :takeit:Not sure about the Hulk though... I know AHI made lots of other cool toys (other motorcycles, cars, parachutes) that predominantly featured Batman, Spidey and Hulk.