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Real Elijah Snow

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Posts posted by Real Elijah Snow

  1. I'm about to sink my teeth into #6. Also the NYCC cover for #6 is AWESOME.

    If your retailer didn't get a stack of BEK #1 Halloween variants to pass out then you should publicly shame them, and possibly even physically assault them. The trade should be out soon, and these giveaway books are a perfect way to see if you will dig the series. That, and it's one of the best covers for the book. Did I mention that it's black and white on nice slick paper? Szymon's art looks AMAZING in black and white, plus you can pretend like it's the 80's/90's while you're reading it due to the lack of color.

  2. That was one of mine. I've had it up for a while, and kept the faith on it.


    Yup. My reaction as well. I remember when this comic came out on Steve moncuse Fishwrap and it immediately went to the dollar bins (or back then, the 50 cent bins). The only thing working for it at the time was that it was published by the same guy that put out Fish Police.

    Now Sam & Max have a cult following among gamers and Fish Police is.. Well nowhere really.

  3. I liked so many 90's comics I have no issue spending money on OA from the era. The stuff mentioned so far is all stuff I would like to have, but I mainly just take what comes. I wanted a nice Joe Mad X-men page for a while, and have gotten 4 in the past year or so. I do like stuff that I doubt I have much competition for though, as I loved the series "Fatale" from the 90's. That one I have gotten pretty much all of my favorite pages from. Beautiful JG Jones cheesecake art for $100-$200 a pop. Mantra is another one. I've gotten a few pages this year that I love, but I guess my competition doesn't really exist for it. If I have a point, i guess it's this. I would rather have a good Bone page than what I've listed above, but It's probably not going to happen anytime soon. I've adjusted, and bought stuff that makes me happy in the meantime.

  4. I know that I personally sacrifice a small woodland creature every blood moon to get the grades on books that I do.

    You are more likely...literally...to be hit by lightning than to find 9.9 copper books in the wild. Why?


    1. CGC overprotects the 9.9 and 10 grades. This is most likely because they wanted to be taken seriously. Many, many books that deserve these grades are relegated to 9.8, and the 9.8 grade has possibly the single largest range of any grade on the scale. It is very, very difficult to get those grades, even when the books deserve them.


    2. It takes less than a single slight stress or a slight bump to destroy a 9.9 potential. That means that, unless you find a collector who selected the best available copies when brand new and carefully stored them for decades ( :hi: ), you won't find any. Simply handling a book in a bag and a board is frequently enough to remove a book from 9.9 protential. Yes, that means CGC handling the books can and has knocked books out of 9.9 potential, as well as you simply packing the books up to send off.


    When you combine those two, you'll find that finding "9.9s in the wild" is functionally impossible.


    Although - and this may be the exception that proves the rule - the legendary New Mutants 98 10.0 was found in the wild. Foolkiller pulled it out of a box at a show.


    Im fairly certain it was pressed though.... ?


    It was pressed that's correct.


    However, I also submitted five MOS 18s, and got 3 9.9s, those were unpressed, mostly because I thought they were 9.8s and pressing wouldn't have done anything more to improve them.


    You have more luck any anyone I know of

    Yes, the harder he works to find books, the luckier he gets.


    Crazy, that correlation....

  5. I remember that too! Living in Atlanta I remember being insanely jealous about it, lol


    I found these pictures on my computer recently. I figured someone might find them interesting in light of recent discussions.


    I don't own either of these anymore, but there was a Silver Turtlemania Proof and a Sample that are out there. Both seem to be made of the same stock, though with obviously different writing added after the fact.










    For some reason I can remember someone posting here on the boards that they found either the same or something similar in a box at an antique dealer in the Atlanta area.


    Any chance you can find that? I don't remember it.

  6. Yeah, no Brooks or Hughes was kind of a bummer. I don't spend that kind of money on non published stuff, but they were awesome to look at. I have attended the auction probably half of the 20 years I've been going to Heroes. The lack of big name pieces was definitely noticeable. There wasn't the stack of big ticket items that hit thousands like years past, but the amount of $200-$500 pieces seemed way higher to me.

    It was entertaining. I couldn't believe what some stuff was going for. A lot of the lesser name artist's pieces were selling for multiples of their commission rates! Did you see that big FF painting? That thing was amazing.


    I got a little crazy at Shelton's art auction at Heroes. This Bagley Hulk DPS was the result.



    I enjoyed the auction as well. No purchases this year but I was watching the action closely on this one. Congrats!


    Yep, really weird auction experience this year. This is only my 4th auction but it had a totally different feel than any of the previous I had attended. Even walking around the floor on Fri/Sat, the conversation about big ticket items was conspicuously absent. I hope the days of Hughes and Brooks putting up their pieces (that have been signature pieces of auctions past) are not gone. No Noto, No David Williams and not a lot of other big names in the auction (Wrightson, Neal Adams, etc. have been in multiple auctions) this year either. I was surprised at a few items that went high (the FN187 was crazy) but overall I thought the auction skewed more toward the prices going lower across the board than normal. The FF piece was insane as I doubt anyone saw it going for $7K and being the high water mark for the night (I didn’t stay so I am not sure this is true). We were sitting right next to the guy who won it and the buzz on the floor was that he was formerly from the Charlotte area and had moved to Hawaii so he had an emotional attachment to the piece (and add in that the bidding war was between him and the guy who bought the FN187 piece) – the guys hand was shaking every time he raised up his bidding paddle. The artist struck gold when he decided to do a piece with the Charlotte downtown buildings (I heard his piece went for 200 last year). I hope it isn’t the start of a trend as I would love to see AH and Brooks back (I also sat really close to the guy who paid $15K for the Brooks piece last year). I’d love to see Allison running the auction and the smoking jacket crew scurrying around. The room was missing a certain buzz this year – hoping they can start to recapture it going forward.

  7. It was entertaining. I couldn't believe what some stuff was going for. A lot of the lesser name artist's pieces were selling for multiples of their commission rates! Did you see that big FF painting? That thing was amazing.


    I got a little crazy at Shelton's art auction at Heroes. This Bagley Hulk DPS was the result.



    I enjoyed the auction as well. No purchases this year but I was watching the action closely on this one. Congrats!

  8. lol Thanks! My crummy pics will soon be a thing of the past once I get the new scanner.

    lol Thanks! I think I'm up to close to 40 covers now. 400-500 or so pieces total. I need to make a CAF gallery, but I'm too cheap to buy a big scanner!

    wow, you buy in bulk :)


    Great stuff!




    You can post the same crummy pics there that you do here :baiting:


    And scanner prices have come WAY down. Would be but a fraction of that art haul.


    Great pages, BTW :golfclap:

  9. I haven't done an art update since the last clink auction, so here's what I've acquired over the past month or so....


    Midnighter covers (#9,12)






    Terra Obscura vol.2 #6 COVER! I LOVED this series, and this was my favorite cover. If you haven't read this series, it's Alan moore at his best. OVER the MOON to have this, and the price was ridiculously cheap.



    I got a little crazy at Shelton's art auction at Heroes. This Bagley Hulk DPS was the result.



    This Kazar #17 cover is from the best Kazar series IMO. Very cool Shanna cover.



    This is my 4th Joe Mad page, but my first from the Age of Apocalypse. Astonishing X-men #1 page!!!!




    I've wanted a Jim Lee Wildcats page for a while, so had to buy this..I like perm Zealot more than short hair Zealot lol



    This is one that I would have gladly paid double what I did. 12 year old me was a little too in love with this Cyberforce #1 page :insane: (Beewbs)




    TURNER!!!!!! Witchblade #2 pg 1




    This Turner Fathom piece is cover quality. It is seriously amazing in person..




    Speaking of Fathom, I can't believe how cheap this Talent Caldwell cover went for....




    Anyone that knows me, knows I'm a huge classic Valiant guy. This beautiful painted Magnus #15 page from Ernie Colon had to be mine. It's a fantastic page from the Unity crossover featuring Magnus, Solar, Rai, Mother-God, Albert, 1-A, AND dinosaurs! LOVE THIS.





    And last but not least, just a ho hum Alex Ross cover with John Carter, Tarzan, martians, and JANE. NBD :insane:







  10. No Shirley Temple drinking vegetarian will ever dominate the world.

    Finally read issue 1, and I'm hooked. I don't know why I didn't believe the hype, but I'm glad I finally gave it a chance. It's too late. They have me.


    The art is leagues above so many other current books.


    Good. Good. Soon our plans of world domination will be complete. (insert evil laughter here)

  11. Richie barely looks at me when I go to his booth. I mean, I get it. I'm too good looking, and he's jealous. The lady he has working for him is nice though. I usually just talk to her, and get a 20% discount. I never buy anything major, but have spent a few hundred dollars a handful of times. I might be willing to make a bigger purchase, but Richie himself and his lack of communication skill keeps me from doing that. I don't really care all that much. He always looks like he's super busy looking down and muttering to himself , so I'm ok with not talking to him. Maybe he's communicating with an alien intelligence, and my interaction could doom the planet. I only talk to good looking people anyway. (like me)