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Real Elijah Snow

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Posts posted by Real Elijah Snow

  1. Yeah, they do. I guess that's an oversight really since it kind of looks like it was intentional. That one doesn't have the appearance that something "wrong' happened in production. It is an inconsistency though. I wonder how they would treat the grade if you ask for a blue label...Maybe you should sub it and ask for that just to satisfy this curiosity lol

    Do you mean the Bloodshot #0 gold/platinum situation?


    That's it brothaman. Those get blue labeled from what I've seen (shrug)

  2. lol I've taken to phrasing things like that with the intention of avoiding asinine arguments with some of the tool bags in the modern section.

    35 centers are way more rare than 30 centers generally. There are some pretty rare 30 centers too, but as a general rule the 35's are pretty tough much harder to find across the board.


    Fixed that for you. (thumbs u

  3. Take it to the Bobs.

    Hi first post of account, likely another of Jaydam's aliases. Welcome to the Boards!


    You write like him too.

    Indeed, now there are to of them!

    So, we can add that to the list with Rick moma and thewallcomics?

    Now your just paranoid. :insane: ...your


    Frank just posted Hyperion as Pre-Heat. Someone with 420MOD skills, smoke his IP please? K Thanks.

    Pre-Heat Spec Thread

    Which fairly recent first appearance will become the hottest


    1- Jessica Cruz (Lantern)

    2- Alpha (walking dead)

    3- Duke Thomas (robin/batman)

    4- Grail (justice league)



    Marcus Milton



    So what!?


    Did I do something wrong??

    Please whoever you are stop harassing me.


    You are probably soft as baby mess in the street. Please don't be on here trying to "on-line" bully people.


    Not cool man. Not cool


    Take it to Phils

  4. Just got mine back last week with an old case too. awesome book!

    Been waiting with bated breath for this one. Expected a new case, not disappointed to get an old one.


    Big thanks to SpideyFein for making this available on the boards.



  5. I'm not selling anything. I sold several copies at the signing on Sunday for a fraction of what he's selling them for. That's why I don't have many left from the portion I got. I'm not Ssalfish.

    I definitely understand that there is a difference in opinion on what the thread title means. I also know that there's plenty in this thread that doesn't fit my opinion of what the thread is about. This thread could be condensed down to 50 pages or less if every post was about "Moderns that are heating up on Ebay". I was just going to make the one post here about how well it had started selling, but then I got cried on, and have responded.
    You're going to get the crybaby quartet all riled up again. 25 have now sold at that price( 21 on Ebay) Black Eyed Kids #1 micro variant is the new hotness, but it will never be hot enough to evaporate the tears of the crybabies since they have no copies.

    How can something be heating up at $45 when the store owner is the one charging $45 or whatever the price is??


    cuz he's actually selling some of them?


    I don't think its a big deal either way, but do you honestly not see the difference? Or why you're being perceived a certain way?



    You don't know what this thread is about.

    This thread is about moderns heating up. Not a "book pumping" sales thread.


    Books heat up when they gradually sell for more than previous sales. A book doesn't heat up when it sells at a "set price" from a retailer and stays at that price, regardless when that retailer gradually raises the price.


    Supply < Demand

  6. Yeah, I think that was the perception. I had gotten pms from several boardies, so I was just going to make 10 available in a sales thread at a lower price so 10 people could get one if they wanted. Once the crying started though I shut that down, as I have no interest in selling mine. I still held my word to a couple of guys since I'm not going to go back on something I say I'm going to do no matter how much some people might wan't to whine about it. We were in the middle of pm conversations, so I didn't want to leave them hanging. Beyond that I have zero interest in selling any more. I don't have that many, and genuinely believe the book has legs.

    I definitely understand that there is a difference in opinion on what the thread title means. I also know that there's plenty in this thread that doesn't fit my opinion of what the thread is about. This thread could be condensed down to 50 pages or less if every post was about "Moderns that are heating up on Ebay". I was just going to make the one post here about how well it had started selling, but then I got cried on, and have responded.
    You're going to get the crybaby quartet all riled up again. 25 have now sold at that price( 21 on Ebay) Black Eyed Kids #1 micro variant is the new hotness, but it will never be hot enough to evaporate the tears of the crybabies since they have no copies.

    How can something be heating up at $45 when the store owner is the one charging $45 or whatever the price is??


    cuz he's actually selling some of them?


    I don't think its a big deal either way, but do you honestly not see the difference? Or why you're being perceived a certain way?




    Well, you have left out the part where you were trying to sell some at the same time you were hyping how good it was. That was a key part of what generated the reaction I think.

  7. I remember those books, but don't exactly remember what happened in that regard. Is it because they kept making more and more variants for the first issue? I remember there being a bunch of nowhere men covers...That isn't going to happen with Black Eyed Kids. He will definitely do 2nd,3rd prints if reader demand is there, but there won't be any more new cover art variants beyond the 1st print ones that already exist. (micro,1/10,B+W,show and Ssalefish)

    You're going to get the crybaby quartet all riled up again. 25 have now sold at that price( 21 on Ebay) Black Eyed Kids #1 micro variant is the new hotness, but it will never be hot enough to evaporate the tears of the crybabies since they have no copies.

    How can something be heating up at $45 when the store owner is the one charging $45 or whatever the price is??


    cuz he's actually selling some of them?


    I don't think its a big deal either way, but do you honestly not see the difference? Or why you're being perceived a certain way?


    It must be "heating up" because he raised to price to $50 on ebay plus shipping.

    Since this is a CGC forum and, for better or worse, has influence over the secondary market he's risking the chance that the book won't be bought, slabbed, flipped at 4x the price and become an investment hit.

    Look at what happened with Nowhere Men and Humans #0 when people felt that they weren't being treated fairly. Just saying

  8. I definitely understand that there is a difference in opinion on what the thread title means. I also know that there's plenty in this thread that doesn't fit my opinion of what the thread is about. This thread could be condensed down to 50 pages or less if every post was about "Moderns that are heating up on Ebay". I was just going to make the one post here about how well it had started selling, but then I got cried on, and have responded.

    You're going to get the crybaby quartet all riled up again. 25 have now sold at that price( 21 on Ebay) Black Eyed Kids #1 micro variant is the new hotness, but it will never be hot enough to evaporate the tears of the crybabies since they have no copies.

    How can something be heating up at $45 when the store owner is the one charging $45 or whatever the price is??


    cuz he's actually selling some of them?


    I don't think its a big deal either way, but do you honestly not see the difference? Or why you're being perceived a certain way?


  9. You're going to get the crybaby quartet all riled up again. 25 have now sold at that price( 21 on Ebay) Black Eyed Kids #1 micro variant is the new hotness, but it will never be hot enough to evaporate the tears of the crybabies since they have no copies.

    How can something be heating up at $45 when the store owner is the one charging $45 or whatever the price is??


    cuz he's actually selling some of them?

  10. Thanks! You're the man J.

    Let's keep talking about it.

    It's not heating up. Just pumping books to sell.


    That. Is. All. :headbang:


    If your book isn't "heating up" per se, it seems to be selling well at whatever price you have set. You gave full disclosure that you are involved with this book, and were understandably shameless in your plugging and proud that it has caught on.


    So congratulations on a successful launch.


    If there was less jaundiced cynicism on these boards , more people would have told you the same thing.



  11. I'm seriously thinking about doing this deal for your efforts. lol

    I don't see any difference between a store selling them for whatever he wants. If you don't want one .... Don't buy it. Why do you think you should tell him what they are worth. Let the market decide if he can sell 150 for $40 or $1,500 for $4

    If someone wants to sell me $1500 for $4 :takeit: ... sorry, just trying to lighten the mood...

  12. lol You guys.

    I don't see any difference between a store selling them for whatever he wants. If you don't want one .... Don't buy it. Why do you think you should tell him what they are worth. Let the market decide if he can sell 150 for $40 or 1500 for $4


    Exactly. So how is it "heating up" here?? It's him trying to sell copies at $40-45 which is what they set the price as. The store that has the exclusive store made that price because it is there variant. Is Batman #51 heating up because copies are selling for 100% asking price at $4?


    Thank you

  13. K. Is there a thread for new variants that are selling well on Ebay? Around 20 have sold at this point on Ebay at around $40 per. Seems like a "hot on Ebay" book to me. Your opinion of what deserves to be reported in this thread obviously differs from mine.

    They weren't there last week. They are now and they're selling well.
    How can something be heating up at $45 when the store owner is the one charging $45 or whatever the price is??


    But that's the store who made the variants asking price. That isn't heating up. That is overcharging for a cover and then saying it's a great deal to buy them for one of the two people who have them in stock.


    A store variant heating up would be when Phantom/Larry sold Wayward #1 B&W for cover price and they were $40-50 on eBay.

  14. You're dead on with your assessment of Brett. That's why I set these covers up for him in the first place. He's a good dude.

    That's a store owner I know in NC.


    And just to chime in for anyone who doesn't know firsthand, my opinion is that Brett, the store owner in question, is one of the good ones. His store is small and unassuming, but when I was a regular customer he used to consistently impress me with his passion and knowledge, and has helped a lot of local artists get books published and on the shelves. The store gives back to the community in many unselfish ways, and they ran some of the best Free Comic Book Days I've ever been lucky enough to attend. I truly hope that we continue to see more Ssalefish exclusives, because that means he and his store are still doing well.


    Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to help a brother out with the purchase of a $40 exclusive variant. (thumbs u

  15. I think you're confused. I made an Aftershock thread because I know the creators, and I wanted something to show them when they came on the boards. I want them to be able to pop in and answer some questions, or relay some info. It will be there as a catch all for any of the books that come out. BEK just happens to have just came out this past week, and it's the new #1 issue. That's why it's mentioned in that thread. When I have other announcements or info to relay there those books will be spotlighted. I have literally not sold one of these online personally. I have not sold any here, and the ones on Ebay are Ssalefish copies. That's a store owner I know in NC. He has a portion of the run, and that's what he has sold on Ebay. I've literally not seen a dime of that nor will I. I started a sales thread earlier to sell 10 of them because I have gotten several PMs asking if I'm selling. I was going to sell a small amount to boardies at a cheaper price than Ebay to give a better deal to a select few that wanted to jump on early at a better price. That's pretty much it. I won't be selling a single copy here as it's not worth the headache. There's no "pump and dump" without the "dump". That won't happen as I've decided not to sell any here. I will continue to post on a book I believe in that is actually "heating up on Ebay" however. That's what this thread is.

    I made a thread to sell 10 of them. I did so because I was getting offers via pm for them. Even though I have less of them than Ssalefish, I was going to sell a few to boardies if they wanted them at a lower price than the ones on Ebay are selling for. I went ahead and deleted that thread though. I won't be selling any here if that's what you consider "dumping". I am not "dumping" anything. I am however still "pumping" because the book is killer. I hope that's understandable.
    No reason for "secrecy". I am definitely pumping this book because I believe in it. I'm not dumping it though. Of the copies I have left i'm only making 10 available. I honestly think this book is going to get a little crazy $ wise.


    :roflmao: what??


    For what's it's worth, I think you provide a lot of knowledge to these boards and are an asset. But what you did is the exact definition of a "pump and dump". You made a thread specifically about the issue when there is already a BEK thread. Then pointed out how the sales were doing of the specific book and then sold some.

    Let's put the "situation" under different circumstances. Let's just say it was, oh...I don't know, maybe Preacher instead of BEK. Would that be an attempted "pump and dump" then?

  16. (thumbs u Couldn't agree more. No one has enough of these to dump them. I wouldn't have posted here if there hadn't literally been 12 sales of the book from Ssalefish already. It's not like I was posting some junk that's not actually selling. It's getting pretty bad around here when you post a variant that actually has multiple sales over the week of release online and in person, the regular version sells out from Diamond 1st day, and you get the old "pump and dump" stuff. There was a time when this thread was something other than people arguing for 20 pages at a time. Yes, I am invested in this book. I believe in it. It's good, and sales have reflected that so far with the regular book and the variants.



    12 copies sold at $40-$45. Not bad. (and yes, total transparency, I had a hand in creating this variant.) I still have a little stack of these that I didn't sell already. Ssalefish isn't me, but it's a friend of mine's store. I'm proud of this variant and it's getting some healthy sales on the bay. Best of all, the book is actually really good.

    Great book and looking forward to issue #2 but tell your friend to lower his prices. Raping buyers on a new unheard of (by most) series won't gain him many return customers



    but..... but.... but.... there's only 150 of these :ohnoez:



    sssshhhh.....the pump and dump is in full effect.


    Actually I bought one :whistle: at those prices, and quantities, there wont be much dumping. And if the book hits. Buy what you like, so they say

  17. Does Black mask charge the shops that have a unique cover for the art? An artist has to actually produce the work when it's not just a color change. There's also the charge involved at the printer with the cover change. There's a total cost to producing these, and it's a lot more than $2 a book; at least for this one.

    if black mask charges $2 a book for their 200 print run variants,(its probably less in the US because of international diamond shipping) how much does aftershock charge?