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Everything posted by Aman619

  1. The vendor who lied to the government for the sake of selling inferior materials would be "guiltier." I am not sure what you mean by "the govt employee who didn't live up to the written standards set forth at some point years ago." The vendors are required to meet the standards in order to sell materials to the LoC. The reality is that the LoC does test the materials it receives and the 30-year pulp and paper guy sounds like either a figment of BCW's imagination, or the dumbest 30-year pulp and paper guy in the world. For looking the other way.. In most vendor client relationships that go off the tracks like this, th rem liter is usually culpable for helping a vendor who is very generous with drink and gifts. We all like to work with our friends and award contracts to them, and look the other way when they transgress. But I'm just surmising. And increasingly cynical of late. Is it possible that the components have changed since they may have passed LoC testing requiments too?
  2. If true, charges could be made against BCW. But in the arena of government malfeasance, who is guiltier, the vendor or the govt employee who didn't live up to the written standards set forth at some point years ago. And in reality, it would be somewhat less than a cause celebrate. Hey hat guy must have gained some hands on experience in those 30 years, no? But it does sound a little thin and desperate.
  3. Well. It's good that someone still trusts that people incharge don't cut corners anymore...
  4. You're giving the BCW rep way too much credit here. I can pretty much guarantee that you any archival product used by either the LoC or the National Archives is tested up the wazoo to ensure that it does what it's supposed to do - their goal is not to count pennes, but to ensure long-term preservation of anything they store (case in point: they spent $5 million building & designing the new display cases for the Constitution, Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights). You guys know a heck of a lot more than I do about the chemistry etc in this matter. I'm reading the body language. Also, I did take pains to separate the millions they spend on their most important documents in my post. But do they use the same "spend whatever it takes" approach with the rest of their collections? I'd think they'd see much of those supplies as a welcome chance to save some bucks with "over the counter" generic medicines. As it were.
  5. Or, he can't be that stupid, so maybe the settling conclusion that BCE is the only one selling something different than what they are marketing, isn't exactly true. Wouldn't the library of congress most likely take Gerber Products at it's word that their products are advertised.. Like the rest of us do? Fo most of their stuff, and take special precautions with only their finest specimens? My sense is that the archival products industry is rife with partial truths and that BCW can't be much worse than the rest , truly inert archival materials are expensive leading to cost cutting and misleading marketing. Welcome to business 101.
  6. as Lou Costello famously said in a similar conversation: THOID BASE!
  7. But. But. But. The reviews were awful!..!!!?? ; )
  8. I love this discussion... and hope in the end we all really know the best solution for storing our comics. However, short of investing many $1000s in storage supplies to protect 10s of 1000s of comics from all eras, Im satisfied with boards and mylites and mylars packed securely in dark cool areas and rarely dislodged as being sufficient for my tenure over my books. Yeah, I can see how Im allowing some deterioration to happen on my watch... but, arent only our best most historic books worthy of the Declaration of Independence storage efforts? I mean, Bangzoom still has them in polyethelne bags! What does that tell you?
  9. so, how about neutral PH boards with the 3% coating added! thats one louder! seriously, why not? of course adding microchamber paper would be similar to adding an acid eating buffer coating.
  10. seems the best longterm solution might be the totally inert (Gerber) boards, plus microchamber paper (swapped out periodically) to NOT add acid to the environment and absorb the acid from the comic. Better this way than adding an acid releasing boars in a closed space plus an acid releasing comic, and better than than a board with a 3% (temporary) coating to absorbs acids from the comic AND the board, as it will be acidic too soon. do I get a B+ at least?
  11. Nah. S4 is inferior for all the reasons you always said it was. And anyway, the bb28 will be very 2013!
  12. I'd rather have the bb28 than the S4 in those grades.
  13. congrats! I think you will be fine, unless a couple 9.2s or a 9.4 show up. As for the movie? Sure looks like it could be really big! But, I was also gung ho for Watchmen based on trailers and stuff Id seen before it opened. There's a solid chance that Warners still doesnt GET how to do a modern super hero movie besides Batman. Marvel obviously does... and the rolling out of their film slate feels very much like the early Marvel Age rollout of comics and characters... Layer upon layer building up. However, I know you didnt buy this book because of a movie. Its a great book, scarce in HG super DC key --- and you will be fine, IMO
  14. theres a new GL trailer that basically explains who and what GL is that looks pretty good. This movie feels like a Star Wars intergalactic saga, except of course when its Earth thats attacked.
  15. Cause movie hype buying model says prices have peaked and now trend down as opening day approaches
  16. yeah, but it wasnt an investment, it was a grail that had the added expectation of a profit. Not a bad formula in this hobby.
  17. I dont recall the Kleenex billboard. probably because it was obscured by the very famous smoke rings blowing Camel sign next to it! heres a shot of it in action. http://timessquarestudio.tumblr.com/post/405384821/camel-smoke-ring-billboard-designed-by-douglas
  18. small type on right says Released through United Artists.
  19. This might become skypinkblu's new screen backdrop, what with the good looking half-naked man and all thats from a movie. the doctor is the actor who played Bernstien in Citizen Kane.
  20. wow! I woulda voted for THAT version!! great work! : )