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Please, help me decide..

147 posts in this topic

Am I the fool?

Am I a complete novice?

Am I the butt of the Joke here?

Who is out of line?


A breif history: (the numbers may be scued $50 -$100 or so because most of this is by memory)


There have been several GA books offered for sale here on the boards over the last several months through a third party. One in particular I had a very strong interest in but was priced aggressively to say the least. If memory serves me right. I made a non-committing offer of around $1000 - $1100 which was denied and probably taken as insult by the seller.


A short time later the book is on ebay with a low opening bid, but a reserve. I end up being the high bidder at something like $660. The next day I get an e-mail from the seller offering me the book at near my previous offer on the boards. I decline because after the poor performance of the book on ebay, I have second thought about it's real market value. During that point or shortly after I counter at around $700.


At some point later the seller counters asking for a book I have priced at $1200 in my ebay store plus $250. I say I'll take $250 and make the trade. My book has since sold for $1050.


Some where in here I was offered the book again and declined because of a very unprofessional way the seller dealt with a friend of mine. (a whole nother story) and again, the price was to high.


The book gets listed on ebay again with an opening bid of $800 (it may have been $900) and does not sell. I send an offer off ebay again that is just below what the seller would have netted after fees had it sold at the opening bid. It was countered at more than the opening bid. Of course I declined because I could have just bought the book at the opening bid and even had a 10% off promotion at that time.


A couple of days ago, The book is relisted on ebay agian. Even though I have reservations about dealing with this person because of my friends experience and some recent negative feedback the seller has received on ebay, I really want the book. So I send this e-mail:


Hi Xxxxxx,


I'm still real interested in that Comicbook #XX. If you want to set the Buy it Now at $750 on ebay, I'll hit it.

If not, I understand.





This is the response I received:


Hi Mike,


How bout your Torch and $ 250.00 ? If not I will understand....???


Do you have anything high grade that you would like to sell currently at 75% of market value ? Here is a tip for you as I have been collecting 34 years and you are

obviously a novice collector ...9.2 means near mint minus and brings 1.5 to 2x Overstreet guide especially if the book is low in the price guide. I hope this helps

you grow up as a collector. I didn't realize you knew so little about the market.


Please don't send me any more of your ridiculous offers...this being the 3rd....however if you decide to "MAN-UP" and put your

money where your mouth is then please by all means contact me...you are kind of becoming a re-occurring joke around here,


Thanks for the laughs,....I really mean it...it has been quite hilarious each time. Myself and some of the guys on the boards have cried because we laughed so hard each time I circulated your email offers,

I just don't have anymore time for this as my business partner and I just scored a 1.5 Million dollar collection

and need the time for serious matters such as real customers.






Now, I withheld the name because it is not my intention to try and public out someone, even if they are a complete jerk. I think it would be great if that person would "MAN-UP" and respond here.


If you know this person and are "some of the guys on the boards" that get a kick out of my ridiculous offers and laugh behind my back, please, laugh in my face, send me a PM. Maybe I may be a novice and have a lot to learn. I am open to constructive critisism.


I can't belive I am even starting a post about this kind of ridiculous drama, but this e-mail tough guy really pizzes me off.

I refrained from the combative e-mail I wanted to reply with. I figured, why not get the opinion of some peers that I respect here on the boards.


Thanks in advance for your insight.






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I have to agree. He's already scored a 1.5 million dollar collection, so do him the favor of not having to deal with your money I guess. I know it might sound silly, but I remember a poster above the blackboard in my 7th grade English class which said, "It's nice to be important, but it's important to be nice." While it's great to have knowledge and money, it seems flat to not be able to interact well with others.


But compare to many of you, I'm 1. just a youngin' and 2. a newb in the collection department, but that's my 2c

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It is not even about the book. I can live with out it. Belive me, I wouldn't buy water from this guy in the desert at this point.


I'm more curious as to which of us really has an unrealistic grasp or novice view of the market.



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Mike, walk away.


This whole thing smells like a bad relationship. You like her, she's not really into you, but you keep calling. Your friends try and set you up again and she is the exact same way to you as before, ice cold. But you really want it to work out so you try once more. She says "maybe, call me next week". and you do. She is too busy to deal with a relationship now, etc....She just signed a 1.5m deal at work.


Basically, the book is not worth what he wants for it or it would have sold numerous times. I have not seen any posts about your lowball offers, I find that you step up and pay fairly when you want a book, so don't worry about that comment. Move on. It's smarter, healthier and a better use of your time.

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It is not even about the book. I can live with out it. Belive me, I would buy water from this guy in the desert at this point.


I'm more curious as to which of us really has an unrealistic grasp or novice view of the market.





I'm surprised you went as far as you did. See the thread about pono_tiger (READY, FIRE, AIM).

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a book is worth what someone is willing to pay...


apparently, the seller would like to get 1.5 to 2x guide for a book... if you are the only really interested party making offers (which, at least in this point in time, I assume is so, based on your story, and the fact that the book keeps getting listed on ebay with no takers at the sellers price) then the book would apparently be worth to you, the $750 you last offered...


now, without hearing the other side (I have read their ebay descriptions, and since I don't grade any book higher than 9.0, who is to say their 9.2 is your 9.2, since the book is raw), I can't say for sure, but I do know that supply + demand= price, not a price guide, not a grade, not wishful thinking


also, given that the crippin copy of this book in cgc 9.0 only sold for sub $600 some 2 years ago, I Think your offer is fair (thumbs u

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It would seem so.


Myself and some of the guys on the boards have cried because we laughed so hard each time I circulated your email offers,

I just don't have anymore time for this as my business partner and I just scored a 1.5 Million dollar collection

and need the time for serious matters such as real customers.





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