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Also, concerning LSComics question asking for clarity on some of the foreigns comments….. I do not think he was being out of line at all requesting clarification. Being that Tony is one of the most outspoken members of the small little sub-community here that collects foreigns, like it or not he is one very public face of our little sub-community. It becomes very easy to stigmatize an entire minority within the larger majority when the sub-group is small enough, has fewer voices, and can be lumped in with one persons actions. I have always felt, like it or not that the larger CGC community doesn’t quite care for the crazy foreign guys for whatever reason. Not that I see a direct attack on us necessarily but do sometimes catch little indirect digs….. I feel like many in the majority put up with us but maybe quite possibly also relish when things like this happen so as to discount what we do or who we are. Maybe im wrong, and seeing things through some biased filter but this is how I feel at the moment. And further more… im not even necessarily saying that the earlier posters meant anything negative/alienating when saying things like “international contacts” or “foreign variants”. But, these are buzzwords associated with the niche and the foreign collecting sub-community at large. So do be wary because what can be considered jokes at solarcadet’s expense could also be viewed as underhanded jabs in the foreign guys direction when considered in the context of a public face of a small minority within a larger majority. Just sayin….




That was a well thought out and detailed response.


Just wanted to make mention of how off-base lscomics was about me disparaging the international comic collecting community. If anyone would have cared to ask they would have found out that I am one of the more long standing and established foreign variant guys. I've established contacts with publishers on several continents and dozens of countries to get NM books across the globe and in the hands of collectors. If you have a Serbian Image book in your collection there's a 90% chance it came over in one of my purchases. If you have an Argentinian book it's probably 35-40% from one of my transactions.


That's why when someone gets mad about what they think is a knee-jerk reaction and they proceed to make their own knee-jerk reaction they may find themselves on the -end of being wrong.


It was never about foreign variants, it was about people being willing to justify and rationalize anything to get their hands on sweet-sweet books or sweet-sweet cash. Some comic collectors will let anything go to get their fix. That includes making excuses for behavior that, without the incentive of personal interest, they would never tolerate otherwise.


My reaction wasn't knee-jerk. Like Define999 said, I simply asked for clarification on what you had posted. Maybe you took it that way since it's not the first time you and I have disagreed. I don't know. Even having read the whole thread it still came across as condemnation of the sellers (and by extension buyers) of foreign books. That never happened though, it just became a meme-fest within the already out of control situation.


It's always nice to see members of this "community" you guys are so proud of treat other members with such respect. It's instances (and to be clear I mean in regards to my post, not the situation with solarcadet) like this that cause people that aren't board members to not want to become members. I've talked to more than one person at local shops and conventions about the boards and had them state that they don't want anything to do with this place because it's full of elitist jerk-holes.


I honestly don't know how you could see it that way unless your apparent dislike for him is clouding your judgement?

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Also, concerning LSComics question asking for clarity on some of the foreigns comments….. I do not think he was being out of line at all requesting clarification. Being that Tony is one of the most outspoken members of the small little sub-community here that collects foreigns, like it or not he is one very public face of our little sub-community. It becomes very easy to stigmatize an entire minority within the larger majority when the sub-group is small enough, has fewer voices, and can be lumped in with one persons actions. I have always felt, like it or not that the larger CGC community doesn’t quite care for the crazy foreign guys for whatever reason. Not that I see a direct attack on us necessarily but do sometimes catch little indirect digs….. I feel like many in the majority put up with us but maybe quite possibly also relish when things like this happen so as to discount what we do or who we are. Maybe im wrong, and seeing things through some biased filter but this is how I feel at the moment. And further more… im not even necessarily saying that the earlier posters meant anything negative/alienating when saying things like “international contacts” or “foreign variants”. But, these are buzzwords associated with the niche and the foreign collecting sub-community at large. So do be wary because what can be considered jokes at solarcadet’s expense could also be viewed as underhanded jabs in the foreign guys direction when considered in the context of a public face of a small minority within a larger majority. Just sayin….




That was a well thought out and detailed response.


Just wanted to make mention of how off-base lscomics was about me disparaging the international comic collecting community. If anyone would have cared to ask they would have found out that I am one of the more long standing and established foreign variant guys. I've established contacts with publishers on several continents and dozens of countries to get NM books across the globe and in the hands of collectors. If you have a Serbian Image book in your collection there's a 90% chance it came over in one of my purchases. If you have an Argentinian book it's probably 35-40% from one of my transactions.


That's why when someone gets mad about what they think is a knee-jerk reaction and they proceed to make their own knee-jerk reaction they may find themselves on the -end of being wrong.


It was never about foreign variants, it was about people being willing to justify and rationalize anything to get their hands on sweet-sweet books or sweet-sweet cash. Some comic collectors will let anything go to get their fix. That includes making excuses for behavior that, without the incentive of personal interest, they would never tolerate otherwise.


My reaction wasn't knee-jerk. Like Define999 said, I simply asked for clarification on what you had posted. Maybe you took it that way since it's not the first time you and I have disagreed. I don't know. Even having read the whole thread it still came across as condemnation of the sellers (and by extension buyers) of foreign books. That never happened though, it just became a meme-fest within the already out of control situation.


It's always nice to see members of this "community" you guys are so proud of treat other members with such respect. It's instances (and to be clear I mean in regards to my post, not the situation with solarcadet) like this that cause people that aren't board members to not want to become members. I've talked to more than one person at local shops and conventions about the boards and had them state that they don't want anything to do with this place because it's full of elitist jerk-holes.


Maybe you're right and I took it that way because of our past discussions.


It's not what I meant, and the comment seemed to come out of left field. That's where my reaction came from.


I am willing to say that even though I am pretty sure you just called me an "elitist jerk-hole". lol



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i believe you. at the end of the day you have not ruined my relationships with my PMed friends. If you do that I will bow. it cannot be done....


that is what you cannot take away. you group that hates me i can live with because when i log out... i dont think about it or hurt from it.


you cannot kill my joy of collecting and sharing foreign comics with w few peeps. do that my friends and i will bow.


If you have friends on here that see value in someone that lies about their father dying to hold off on a transaction, I'm not sure those are people I give two snaps and a circle about.

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keep it up laughing boy



im telling you keep posting. dont stop. your unemployed right? spend you job hunting time posting to me.



Your job must not require words, shift keys, the apostrophe key, or knowing the difference between "your" and "you're"...along with allowing you to be entirely devoid of shame.


Galaxy Note II does not have these you are correct. English is my 2nd language


This might be a good time to learn that before ripping on someone else for their life circumstances you should take inventory of your own problems.


Does "English is my second language" cover the "devoid of shame" part too?



have you asked your mom?



She's dead.


No, wait, she isn't.


I got confused for a minute.


You know that's like, right?

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She's dead.


No, wait, she isn't.


I got confused for a minute.


You know that's like, right?


He died in the big war. World War Civil Revolution, or something like that. The details do not matter. But it was really big, and he really misses pops.

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i believe you. at the end of the day you have not ruined my relationships with my PMed friends. If you do that I will bow. it cannot be done....


that is what you cannot take away. you group that hates me i can live with because when i log out... i dont think about it or hurt from it.


you cannot kill my joy of collecting and sharing foreign comics with w few peeps. do that my friends and i will bow.


If you have friends on here that see value in someone that lies about their father dying to hold off on a transaction, I'm not sure those are people I give two snaps and a circle about.


You actually said what I was beating around the bush about.



In the end it's all about the cool books for some people.

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keep it up laughing boy



im telling you keep posting. dont stop. your unemployed right? spend you job hunting time posting to me.



Your job must not require words, shift keys, the apostrophe key, or knowing the difference between "your" and "you're"...along with allowing you to be entirely devoid of shame.


Galaxy Note II does not have these you are correct. English is my 2nd language


This might be a good time to learn that before ripping on someone else for their life circumstances you should take inventory of your own problems.


Does "English is my second language" cover the "devoid of shame" part too?



have you asked your mom?



She's dead.


No, wait, she isn't.


I got confused for a minute.


You know that's like, right?


yes i do



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keep it up laughing boy



im telling you keep posting. dont stop. your unemployed right? spend you job hunting time posting to me.



Your job must not require words, shift keys, the apostrophe key, or knowing the difference between "your" and "you're"...along with allowing you to be entirely devoid of shame.


Galaxy Note II does not have these you are correct. English is my 2nd language


This might be a good time to learn that before ripping on someone else for their life circumstances you should take inventory of your own problems.


Does "English is my second language" cover the "devoid of shame" part too?



have you asked your mom?


I think we're almost at the point where the mods are going to "CapFFreak" him. hm


Ignores his own transaction rules, dares to community to do something about it, and becomes a community nuisance.


I sense a nice vacation in his future.


3+ locked threads in just a few hours draws their attention after all. lol

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keep it up laughing boy



im telling you keep posting. dont stop. your unemployed right? spend you job hunting time posting to me.



Your job must not require words, shift keys, the apostrophe key, or knowing the difference between "your" and "you're"...along with allowing you to be entirely devoid of shame.


Galaxy Note II does not have these you are correct. English is my 2nd language


This might be a good time to learn that before ripping on someone else for their life circumstances you should take inventory of your own problems.


Does "English is my second language" cover the "devoid of shame" part too?



have you asked your mom?


I think we're almost at the point where the mods are going to "CapFFreak" him. hm


Ignores his own transaction rules, dares to community to do something about it, and becomes a community nuisance.


I sense a nice vacation in his future.


3+ locked threads in just a few hours draws their attention after all. lol


thanks for the heads up. peace out (thumbs u

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Thanks Matt


the witchunt and mobbing never stops so I just sit back and laugh


i already made amends with the Spiderfein. no ones cares about that so keep the hating going


I just hunt comics that are not for sale on websites and hook people up like Matt, Hado, and just recently Ronnie(Amazing RJS). i have never stolen one red cent from anyone in the forum. Im actually putting together Christmas gift mailouts today for them.


Im ok with the validation of the few people that i still do private deals and hook up. You can ask Spiderfein if i made an attempt.


I have a good job, girlfriend, daughter, family, and cat. I stopped traffic on the 110 last Tuesday in front of the DMV and saved a dog named Pulga and found her home. in doing so Im missed my appointment and my Drivers License is now expired. :makepoint:


in good faith all i can offer is to help anyone find a foregin edition of their favorite key.


My spelling is bad due to typing on a smart phone but I prefer anyone to criticize that as well. lol





I'll probably regret this but...


while many folks have here to explain their votes...I have yet to see where you explain your reasons or remorse for


a) the statement regarding the death of your father

b) your reaction to when the issue with the most recent transaction aka daring the board to do something about it.


while you may think some of this is witchhunting etc, your statement above leads me to believe that you believe you are right and everyone else is wrong.


Even the folks that have come out in your defense seem to care more about how you are viewed than yourself.


If you wanted to this to go away, you thumbing your nose at everyone doesn't seem to be like you really care anyways.


the board should do what they want. Dare. no dare. do. Dont...


you want me to tell you that you are governing body and i need to do what?


i made right of the sales thread to spiderfein. IM entertained of the witchunt postings I want to laugh and keep it going. you feed into it.


give more attention than talking comics and comic threads....


you will keep posting and i will keep laughing.



You keep laughing yet you are hurting yourself every time you do. That you don't see it is a symptom of something bigger and a cause for concern for those around you, possibly.


Keep it up, laughing boy.


I'm going to assume you never got any cool books from him.


i would still send Slym a foreign of his favorite key.


I'd just send it back, "Return To Sender" and you'd have to pay the postage.



i believe you. at the end of the day you have not ruined my relationships with my PMed friends. If you do that I will bow. it cannot be done....


that is what you cannot take away. you group that hates me i can live with because when i log out... i dont think about it or hurt from it.


you cannot kill my joy of collecting and sharing foreign comics with w few peeps. do that my friends and i will bow.



We will leave you to ruin all that for yourself. You have done a good enough job here with the people you don't really know.





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Also, concerning LSComics question asking for clarity on some of the foreigns comments….. I do not think he was being out of line at all requesting clarification. Being that Tony is one of the most outspoken members of the small little sub-community here that collects foreigns, like it or not he is one very public face of our little sub-community. It becomes very easy to stigmatize an entire minority within the larger majority when the sub-group is small enough, has fewer voices, and can be lumped in with one persons actions. I have always felt, like it or not that the larger CGC community doesn’t quite care for the crazy foreign guys for whatever reason. Not that I see a direct attack on us necessarily but do sometimes catch little indirect digs….. I feel like many in the majority put up with us but maybe quite possibly also relish when things like this happen so as to discount what we do or who we are. Maybe im wrong, and seeing things through some biased filter but this is how I feel at the moment. And further more… im not even necessarily saying that the earlier posters meant anything negative/alienating when saying things like “international contacts” or “foreign variants”. But, these are buzzwords associated with the niche and the foreign collecting sub-community at large. So do be wary because what can be considered jokes at solarcadet’s expense could also be viewed as underhanded jabs in the foreign guys direction when considered in the context of a public face of a small minority within a larger majority. Just sayin….




That was a well thought out and detailed response.


Just wanted to make mention of how off-base lscomics was about me disparaging the international comic collecting community. If anyone would have cared to ask they would have found out that I am one of the more long standing and established foreign variant guys. I've established contacts with publishers on several continents and dozens of countries to get NM books across the globe and in the hands of collectors. If you have a Serbian Image book in your collection there's a 90% chance it came over in one of my purchases. If you have an Argentinian book it's probably 35-40% from one of my transactions.


That's why when someone gets mad about what they think is a knee-jerk reaction and they proceed to make their own knee-jerk reaction they may find themselves on the -end of being wrong.


It was never about foreign variants, it was about people being willing to justify and rationalize anything to get their hands on sweet-sweet books or sweet-sweet cash. Some comic collectors will let anything go to get their fix. That includes making excuses for behavior that, without the incentive of personal interest, they would never tolerate otherwise.


My reaction wasn't knee-jerk. Like Define999 said, I simply asked for clarification on what you had posted. Maybe you took it that way since it's not the first time you and I have disagreed. I don't know. Even having read the whole thread it still came across as condemnation of the sellers (and by extension buyers) of foreign books. That never happened though, it just became a meme-fest within the already out of control situation.


It's always nice to see members of this "community" you guys are so proud of treat other members with such respect. It's instances (and to be clear I mean in regards to my post, not the situation with solarcadet) like this that cause people that aren't board members to not want to become members. I've talked to more than one person at local shops and conventions about the boards and had them state that they don't want anything to do with this place because it's full of elitist jerk-holes.


You really are seeing a mountain when there isn't even a molehill.







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Also, concerning LSComics question asking for clarity on some of the foreigns comments….. I do not think he was being out of line at all requesting clarification. Being that Tony is one of the most outspoken members of the small little sub-community here that collects foreigns, like it or not he is one very public face of our little sub-community. It becomes very easy to stigmatize an entire minority within the larger majority when the sub-group is small enough, has fewer voices, and can be lumped in with one persons actions. I have always felt, like it or not that the larger CGC community doesn’t quite care for the crazy foreign guys for whatever reason. Not that I see a direct attack on us necessarily but do sometimes catch little indirect digs….. I feel like many in the majority put up with us but maybe quite possibly also relish when things like this happen so as to discount what we do or who we are. Maybe im wrong, and seeing things through some biased filter but this is how I feel at the moment. And further more… im not even necessarily saying that the earlier posters meant anything negative/alienating when saying things like “international contacts” or “foreign variants”. But, these are buzzwords associated with the niche and the foreign collecting sub-community at large. So do be wary because what can be considered jokes at solarcadet’s expense could also be viewed as underhanded jabs in the foreign guys direction when considered in the context of a public face of a small minority within a larger majority. Just sayin….




That was a well thought out and detailed response.


Just wanted to make mention of how off-base lscomics was about me disparaging the international comic collecting community. If anyone would have cared to ask they would have found out that I am one of the more long standing and established foreign variant guys. I've established contacts with publishers on several continents and dozens of countries to get NM books across the globe and in the hands of collectors. If you have a Serbian Image book in your collection there's a 90% chance it came over in one of my purchases. If you have an Argentinian book it's probably 35-40% from one of my transactions.


That's why when someone gets mad about what they think is a knee-jerk reaction and they proceed to make their own knee-jerk reaction they may find themselves on the -end of being wrong.


It was never about foreign variants, it was about people being willing to justify and rationalize anything to get their hands on sweet-sweet books or sweet-sweet cash. Some comic collectors will let anything go to get their fix. That includes making excuses for behavior that, without the incentive of personal interest, they would never tolerate otherwise.


My reaction wasn't knee-jerk. Like Define999 said, I simply asked for clarification on what you had posted. Maybe you took it that way since it's not the first time you and I have disagreed. I don't know. Even having read the whole thread it still came across as condemnation of the sellers (and by extension buyers) of foreign books. That never happened though, it just became a meme-fest within the already out of control situation.


It's always nice to see members of this "community" you guys are so proud of treat other members with such respect. It's instances (and to be clear I mean in regards to my post, not the situation with solarcadet) like this that cause people that aren't board members to not want to become members. I've talked to more than one person at local shops and conventions about the boards and had them state that they don't want anything to do with this place because it's full of elitist jerk-holes.


You really are seeing a mountain when there isn't even a molehill.








I'm impressed that comic book fans at local shops and conventions think that comic book fans on the CGC boards are elitist jerk-holes.


They must have stumbled into the GA forum and were unable to get back out.

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I think this community is great and I don't think we are a bunch of elitist jerk-holes.




I have a book for sale........but now you want it, I just changed all my terms, doubled the price, then asked for PP+3%


Here is your guide



1. Back up, go and honor what you said.

2. Apologize to all concerned and tell them you didn't know what you were thinking.

3. Take the kicking that will ensue.

4. Never, ever, ever do it again.

5. Give your head a shake and bask in the forgiveness that will eventually be yours.



1. Challenge well established boardies to crucify you. They will

2. Slag off said boardies about Mom, Dad, Jobs or anything else. You are now heading to meme city

3. Carry on mouthing off trying to tell everyone how great you are really - No one is listening we are now just trying to have a laugh and lock the thread.


To late Solarcadet, you could try, but I think you may be too far gone.



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I would happily relinquish everything I have for five more minutes with my Dad. For this dude to use his father this way is beyond human decency and respect.


I've tried to find the poll to put him up for HOS - can't find it! Mine is a resounding yes, FWIW.



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I would happily relinquish everything I have for five more minutes with my Dad. For this dude to use his father this way is beyond human decency and respect.


I've tried to find the poll to put him up for HOS - can't find it! Mine is a resounding yes, FWIW.





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