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I'm sorry, things have been difficult, I'll contact each buyer still waiting and make a plan moving forward.



That works too.


As far as I'm concerned I'm still in good standing with my buyers. I've been in contact with them and they are aware of circumstances.



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Some you "win" and some you "lose". I'm sorry you didn't get the golden ticket. Maybe Mr. Wonka will refund your money? :sorry:


i agree. i don't understand your defense. we've got multiple boardies saying they've received nothing or are less than thrilled with their purchase. i'm waiting for Jason's side of the story but this doesn't smell good.


I have some paid boxes to ship. I have all the freebies left to ship.


Would it matter if I submitted to you all and said here's the laundry list of BS I've been dealing with this year? Personally I'm so tired of it that I don't even want to go into it because it all sounds like BS excuses. Which only serves to anger me at myself. So what if I changed jobs recent? Or that my wife was in a car wreck and that I'm still dealing with that fallout? Or that I had my computer crash on me? Lost a lot of information while it was down which really slowed me down on the thread? Or that I work 11-12 hours a day usually skipping lunch and that my cell phone apparently is an outdated POS when it comes to reading the boards? Or that some drunk chick backed into my car on June 27th and then I had to deal with getting my car repaired AGAIN? Or that the very same car just got a cracked windshield yesterday and so I got to deal with my wife crying uncontrollably all because we just keep getting more and more BS piled on?


If you read through it, you can do a simple Algebra equation. X=BS Life Drama = excuses. So that's how I feel about it, I don't want anyone thinking I'm living it up in Costa Rica while you're waiting for your items to arrive.


I mean really that's probably going to be about the biggest obstruction to my shipping right now. Or how about now that I'm spending 90 minutes defending myself on these boards instead of getting these boxes to the night drop because someone wants to PL nominate me over A. a refund and B. a free item.


I'm not belittling this place or the rules and I adhere to whatever, but put the pitchforks away. I'm not a bad guy I'm just having a hard time right now in general and I don't get off on bragging or boasting about myself or asking people to throw me a pity party.


BTW I still love you all.


Sorry, life does get in the way and sometimes it seems bad things come in gangs.


But it is absolutely your fault for failing to ship these boxes in a timely manner. The buyers didn't pick your 11 hr per day job without breaks or pick out your cell phone or cause any of the problems you're experiencing.


And let's be fair here. If you had to have those boxes our last Friday no matter what you'd stay up all night and get it done. You bit off a lot, had some issues with life and let people down.


Finally, I find it a comical gem that you suggest that the boxes are delayed because you're busy defending yourself here for 90 minutes. That's just plain nasty.







people work hard for there money and expect prompt shipping and not with I'll get to it when I get to it attitude. If you were having all these problems there should of been better communication or the offer of a refund to everyone. I'm guessing you spent more time football on the field than in class learning communication skills. Having to work with multiple buyers to straighten things out whether about items not shipped or about contents received is testimate that what you have done is not acceptable. The only reason I believe more people have not come forward is they are scared how that will affect there MB content when hopefull received. You can paint me with any brush you want but I'm standing up for all those that I have heard complain and won't post. I will let follow community agree or disagree with me.

Edited by Diaolos
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In response to Comicalgems situation. Life does happen and it sux sometimes but just communicate. It seems to me that everyone loves you when your giving away Walking Dead 1 cgc 9.8 or whatever. You make the boards more interesting and fun. I hope your situation gets better and you get the mb/freebies" lol" out then maybe downsize alittle.



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I think that Diaolos expressed his points and described the situation in a respectful and polite manner (so have others).

It is clear that Jason tried to handle more than what he could manage, and did not worry enough of delays.


But in response to Robert I have to say "flamed" was probably not the best adjective but I imagine that if Jason is burdened with personal problems it is understandable that one feels "under attack", and that’s what he simply meant, I think.


In the end, I believe that the main problem are not the "mystery boxes" themselves (I don’t buy anything that way but I understand as Justin said that there are people who might like the "surprise" factor, aside from the possibility of getting a good deal) but that it boils down to two elements:


– in some way, if you like the mystery box concept and buy one, you are taking the risk and so any objection being satisfied or unsatisfied about the content should be resolved with the seller;


– Jason should just consider that shipment timing is very important, and if he sees this experience as teaching him something, that would surely be to take a good time margin not to handle things in a hurry, so if problems happen he has room to ship in enough timely manner;


Also, shouldn't the probation list serve (chefly) to address dishonest behavior?

If problems arise from a neglect (for the most varied reasons), I believe what is expected is that the seller solves them, but not that he is accused not to honor the transaction terms like he did it maliciously on purpose: while in these cases he is obviously faulty, it’s a different thing than being fraudulent. It also should be handled upon single cases, even if the seller behaved dishonestly on a larger scale.

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I think there are several discussions taking place


one about the specific issues (shipping/quality) with the current mystery box sale thread that Comicalgems (Jason) is having and another about mystery box sales (too many problems/should all be banned) threads in general


I disagree with your statement mystery boxes are not the problem. Plenty of folks have chimed in that they are. Furthermore, it's impossible to get honest feedback on previous ones as a negative comment will be viewed as threadcrapping or removed from the kudos thread.


If you do bring it up in the discussion thread, many will tell you "you win some you lose some" or "that's what you get".


basically you can run a mystery box sales thread and not be held to any standards hence it's a mystery what you are getting etc


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I disagree with your statement mystery boxes are not the problem. Plenty of folks have chimed in that they are. Furthermore, it's impossible to get honest feedback on previous ones as a negative comment will be viewed as threadcrapping or removed from the kudos thread.


If you do bring it up in the discussion thread, many will tell you "you win some you lose some" or "that's what you get".


basically you can run a mystery box sales thread and not be held to any standards hence it's a mystery what you are getting etc

I see what you mean, and I agree – but I did not say that "they are not the problem", I said that they "aren't the main problem" as I was talking more about Jason's present case here. It’s clear that if someone wants to twist something he can always find a way, and I agree especially on the fact "mystery boxes" should be only partially "mysterious": if one likes the surprise factor he will be satisfied but at the same time there will be no misunderstanding about actual value. :)

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Also, shouldn't the probation list serve (chefly) to address dishonest behavior?

If problems arise from a neglect (for the most varied reasons), I believe what is expected is that the seller solves them, but not that he is accused not to honor the transaction terms like he did it maliciously on purpose: while in these cases he is obviously faulty, it’s a different thing than being fraudulent. It also should be handled upon single cases, even if the seller behaved dishonestly on a larger scale.


On this point Claudio I see it differently. I do not think the PL was created with any assumptions of good or bad faith intentions but only to serve as a mechanism to complete incomplete transactions.


The transaction could be off the rails because someone is indeed dishonest, or it could be a simple oversight which is corrected when made public.


I understand that it is the "going public" portion of it that can seem disproportionate in the case of otherwise good faith mistakes or errors, and if things get fixed via PM all the better for everyone, but if the PM route is not getting the job done, than publicity has always been the next best medicine for getting things moving. 2c

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While I'm clearing up the issues I'm not actively promoting any sales of new boxes...so it's not like I know there's a problem and I'm still trying to sell additional boxes.


Also with someone who has been refunded being the one to nominate me and immediately bumping my somewhat dormant sales thread to show that there's a nomination feels like he's doing it out of anger/bitterness in order to hurt any future business that I might try to conduct here which to me seems almost like a HOS offense.


Specifically in Diaolos case, I had another international buyer who requested I hold his order until I got the green light to ship. I made note of it on my now crashed computer and then by memory I thought "Oh yes, that's the international order I'm supposed to be holding" and didn't ship anything. I have a shipping label created on July 7th...the same day that I refunded him in full. Why? Because I intend to ship him a box anyway. He paid me on June 6th, and I did ship out a round of boxes to the people that paid me the first week of June with only the two international orders being held. So to that end refund was given before 30 days had passed.


I'm also shipping those first week buyers a second box at no additional cost, happy or not just because I took so long to ship out. There were a few concerns about quality/quantity of items received so my hope was to alleviate those concerns with the 2nd boxes.


Now I don't typically publicize my refund/replacement practices just because with a Mystery Box it's really easy to take advantage of the situation if for some reason you got say a bunch of DC books but you're a Marvel zombie, but I have always and will always treat my buyers fairly if there's a legitimate complaint.

Edited by comicalgems
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It appears that Jason is going above and beyond now to get caught up and make things right.


Perhaps the two sides can take a break... at least until his compensation boxes show up. Maybe then everyone will be a little less on edge.


I've purchased a mystery box from Jason before and while I did not obtain the big prize... I had fun doing it. I can't even remember the contents of the box, but I know I read them all and that was part of the fun.


I hate that mystery boxes have caused problems for a few... but in dealing with Jason in the past, I really think he will make things right for those people.


Why not just a little time out on the issue and let the man work and getting everything caught up and out.


In the immortal words of Chip.... "Peace" :D


xxx ooo




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Also, shouldn't the probation list serve (chefly) to address dishonest behavior?

If problems arise from a neglect (for the most varied reasons), I believe what is expected is that the seller solves them, but not that he is accused not to honor the transaction terms like he did it maliciously on purpose: while in these cases he is obviously faulty, it’s a different thing than being fraudulent. It also should be handled upon single cases, even if the seller behaved dishonestly on a larger scale.


On this point Claudio I see it differently. I do not think the PL was created with any assumptions of good or bad faith intentions but only to serve as a mechanism to complete incomplete transactions.


The transaction could be off the rails because someone is indeed dishonest, or it could be a simple oversight which is corrected when made public.


I understand that it is the "going public" portion of it that can seem disproportionate in the case of otherwise good faith mistakes or errors, and if things get fixed via PM all the better for everyone, but if the PM route is not getting the job done, than publicity has always been the next best medicine for getting things moving. 2c

I did not say it was so, that’s why I asked – now that I have checked the Probation List I see that is clearly specified:

"The following Board Members are currently on "Probation" for failure to complete a Marketplace Forum transaction in good faith after one month's time.".


The explanation and discussion by Diaolos was polite, but as you say the discussion is bound to degenerate (also via repeated misunderstandings) and so I just stressed I also see Jason's point in feeling somewhat at unease, and I still believe it should be handled upon single transaction cases, even if there are more than one in play (when we consider good faith, that is).


I’m sure Jason is sorry and will make the best to compensate for the problems.

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Also, shouldn't the probation list serve (chefly) to address dishonest behavior?

If problems arise from a neglect (for the most varied reasons), I believe what is expected is that the seller solves them, but not that he is accused not to honor the transaction terms like he did it maliciously on purpose: while in these cases he is obviously faulty, it’s a different thing than being fraudulent. It also should be handled upon single cases, even if the seller behaved dishonestly on a larger scale.


On this point Claudio I see it differently. I do not think the PL was created with any assumptions of good or bad faith intentions but only to serve as a mechanism to complete incomplete transactions.


The transaction could be off the rails because someone is indeed dishonest, or it could be a simple oversight which is corrected when made public.


I understand that it is the "going public" portion of it that can seem disproportionate in the case of otherwise good faith mistakes or errors, and if things get fixed via PM all the better for everyone, but if the PM route is not getting the job done, than publicity has always been the next best medicine for getting things moving. 2c

I did not say it was so, that’s why I asked – now that I have checked the Probation List I see that is clearly specified:

"The following Board Members are currently on "Probation" for failure to complete a Marketplace Forum transaction in good faith after one month's time.".


The explanation and discussion by Diaolos was polite, but as you say the discussion is bound to degenerate (also via repeated misunderstandings) and so I just stressed I also see Jason's point in feeling somewhat at unease, and I still believe it should be handled upon single transaction cases, even if there are more than one in play (when we consider good faith, that is).


I’m sure Jason is sorry and will make the best to compensate for the problems.


I'm all over it.

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(thumbs u


I'd also gently suggest that while I think you're a straight shooter and I'm genuinely sympathetic for 'life getting in the way', the mystery box business model leaves very little wiggle room for you as a seller for things to go wrong. If buyers are sending you money with no idea what they're getting, they're putting a great deal of trust in you. That trust begins to ebb away with shipping delays and limited communication. A buyer waiting for a mystery box is probably anxious enough after a week, but if they're waiting 3-4 weeks or even more than that (!), it will likely take a pretty effing amazing box to make them feel completely satisfied. 2c



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hm lots of interesting talk around here.


The "win some, lose some" responses seem to lean towards the offering being a raffle, which is against rules (I think).


I think mystery boxes, generally speaking, are a ripoff.


That said.......


I think I'll run a mystery box thread tonight. :devil:

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I have been reading the comments on this thread regarding Jason and I feel I have a legitimate complaint that would put them in the probation list. It has been well past the 30 days after I made payment and I did not receive what I was told I was purchasing. I too have been given empty promises and a lot of excuses. If in fact Jason is experiencing life challenges that are preventing him from fulfilling his obligations, then he should be held to a time limit. Jason keeps promising that he's going to make things right but he never says when. It keeps people hanging. One of the many complaints is that he is not communicating. I am asking Jason to fulfill his promises to his multiple buyers within a certain time limit before my nomination that he be placed on the probation list.. I think by holding Jason to a time limit is a very fair way of settling this situation. Jason, I am asking you how long will it take for you to for fill all the obligations you promised?

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Also, shouldn't the probation list serve (chefly) to address dishonest behavior?

If problems arise from a neglect (for the most varied reasons), I believe what is expected is that the seller solves them, but not that he is accused not to honor the transaction terms like he did it maliciously on purpose: while in these cases he is obviously faulty, it’s a different thing than being fraudulent. It also should be handled upon single cases, even if the seller behaved dishonestly on a larger scale.


On this point Claudio I see it differently. I do not think the PL was created with any assumptions of good or bad faith intentions but only to serve as a mechanism to complete incomplete transactions.


The transaction could be off the rails because someone is indeed dishonest, or it could be a simple oversight which is corrected when made public.


I understand that it is the "going public" portion of it that can seem disproportionate in the case of otherwise good faith mistakes or errors, and if things get fixed via PM all the better for everyone, but if the PM route is not getting the job done, than publicity has always been the next best medicine for getting things moving. 2c


(thumbs u

Edited by Diaolos
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I have been reading the comments on this thread regarding Jason and I feel I have a legitimate complaint that would put them in the probation list. It has been well past the 30 days after I made payment and I did not receive what I was told I was purchasing. I too have been given empty promises and a lot of excuses. If in fact Jason is experiencing life challenges that are preventing him from fulfilling his obligations, then he should be held to a time limit. Jason keeps promising that he's going to make things right but he never says when. It keeps people hanging. One of the many complaints is that he is not communicating. I am asking Jason to fulfill his promises to his multiple buyers within a certain time limit before my nomination that he be placed on the probation list.. I think by holding Jason to a time limit is a very fair way of settling this situation. Jason, I am asking you how long will it take for you to for fill all the obligations you promised?


Free envelopes will take a little while. I'm hand writing a note with each one.


Everything else will be en route to buyers tomorrow at the latest and if it's not I'll nominate myself.

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While I'm clearing up the issues I'm not actively promoting any sales of new boxes...so it's not like I know there's a problem and I'm still trying to sell additional boxes.


Also with someone who has been refunded being the one to nominate me and immediately bumping my somewhat dormant sales thread to show that there's a nomination feels like he's doing it out of anger/bitterness in order to hurt any future business that I might try to conduct here which to me seems almost like a HOS offense.


Specifically in Diaolos case, I had another international buyer who requested I hold his order until I got the green light to ship. I made note of it on my now crashed computer and then by memory I thought "Oh yes, that's the international order I'm supposed to be holding" and didn't ship anything. I have a shipping label created on July 7th...the same day that I refunded him in full. Why? Because I intend to ship him a box anyway. He paid me on June 6th, and I did ship out a round of boxes to the people that paid me the first week of June with only the two international orders being held. So to that end refund was given before 30 days had passed.


I'm also shipping those first week buyers a second box at no additional cost, happy or not just because I took so long to ship out. There were a few concerns about quality/quantity of items received so my hope was to alleviate those concerns with the 2nd boxes.


Now I don't typically publicize my refund/replacement practices just because with a Mystery Box it's really easy to take advantage of the situation if for some reason you got say a bunch of DC books but you're a Marvel zombie, but I have always and will always treat my buyers fairly if there's a legitimate complaint.


Trust me You need no help from me. You seem to be doing a great job yourself. Always classy to blame the whistle blower. If you feel I deserve to be on the HOS then I welcome my follow community members to decided if what I have done here is worthy of it or not. The bumping of the thread was done to raise awareness for all that participate in the MB thread so they can know what going on. I'm not to sure you have really grasped what this is all about.

Edited by Diaolos
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