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Official Amazing Spider-man review thread (All reviews here )

220 posts in this topic

My review: Cake tastes great, but that doesn't mean it's good for you.

When the sugar buzz wears off, history will not be kind to this movie.


Do pundits define history? Superman Returns got solid critical reviews and won Saturn awards, but writers love to bash that film.


No they don't. And that's the point. Regardless of what anyone says, this won't be remembered as a great movie. In fact, I think it's going to be seen as a disappointment.

Just my opinion.


Amen. This movie bore all the markings of a Michael Bay film. It was almost like satire.

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I'll chime in and add that my 8 year old girl was frightened of the Lizard as well.


In our 7-9 year odds defense, this thing scared the mess out of me when I was around that age.




It's primal.


Whether you go lizard brain or garden of Eden, it's ingrained.

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This movie used to come on TV every now and then when I was a kid.

I loved it but it would scare the holy mess out of me every time I watched it. :eek:




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My stepson and I watched ASM last night in 3D. He liked it, and I thought it was a good reboot with something different to offer.


I'm not sure what other people thought of the 3D - it was really, really distracting in the non-action parts. The massive difference between what was in focus and out of focus was hard for my eyes to adjust to from scene to scene. But, I wear glasses, so I'm not sure if anyone else experienced this. It's the first time that has ever happened.


The Lizard looked really awesome on screen. The city action sequences were beautiful. By the end of the movie, it made me miss New York City. I think Andrew Garfield is a good Peter Parker.


It had some Twilight-ey moments (but not as many as I expected): lots of awkward pauses, longing stares, etc. BUT a big THANK YOU to the director for not punishing the audience with a long, drawn out "I'm Spider-man" reveal and subsequent swinging-through-the-rooftops montage with Gwen Stacy.


Looking back, the early trailers didn't do it much justice, as I would have never seen this movie in the theater if it weren't for my stepson being in town. The trailers made it look painfully angsty and full of teen drama. It was not. It was a good, fun flick for everyone. They did a great job with it.

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The Lizard SUCKED. Nothing close to what it could have been. Awful CGI and terrible character design.


They wasted about an hour to an hour and a half giving us another origin that had a bunch of added nonsense just so it would be different. Snore.


Spider-man is my favorite Marvel character. This was disappointing more than Spider-man 3.


Hokey and sappy in all the forced fake ways imaginable too...


I hope they get another writer and director and new people on the design team for the next one.


The costume was so crappy. Especially the tennis shoes!


The only thing that rang true was the Gwen and Peter relationship.


Coming out the same summer as the Avengers just shows how big of a failure Spider-man was. Not even close to the same level of story telling and design work. Just way below the standard set in Marvel's in house movies. Someone needs to buy the rights to Spider-man back. The origin can be during the credits and just get the story going.


Pretending kids don't know who Spider-man is wont work to explain the retelling of the origin. They know the same way I do. There has been a Spider-man cartoon on TV almost as long as there has been a Spider-man comic book. I was a Spider-man fan for years and years before I ever read a Spider-man comic book.

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I'm not sure what other people thought of the 3D - it was really, really distracting in the non-action parts. The massive difference between what was in focus and out of focus was hard for my eyes to adjust to from scene to scene. But, I wear glasses, so I'm not sure if anyone else experienced this. It's the first time that has ever happened.


I was surprised at how good it was after seeing a 3D trailer in front of Prometheus use post-production 3D that looked horrible. The 3D in ASM was used rather sparingly--a few times during non-action scenes my girlfriend took her glasses off and noted that there was no fuzziness at all, so I did the same and found a lot of the movie was indeed in 2D. I didn't have that issue you're describing and never have during any of the 3D films I've seen. (shrug)

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I was surprised at how good it was after seeing a 3D trailer in front of Prometheus use post-production 3D that looked horrible. The 3D in ASM was used rather sparingly--a few times during non-action scenes my girlfriend took her glasses off and noted that there was no fuzziness at all, so I did the same and found a lot of the movie was indeed in 2D. I didn't have that issue you're describing and never have during any of the 3D films I've seen. (shrug)


I agree - I thought the 3-D was a non-factor for this film. It didn't add or detract from the experience (which is what I have found for most 3-D films to date, especially the ones which added the 3-D effects in post-production). I thought the 3-D effects for The Avengers really added to the experience, though.

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I was surprised at how good it was after seeing a 3D trailer in front of Prometheus use post-production 3D that looked horrible. The 3D in ASM was used rather sparingly--a few times during non-action scenes my girlfriend took her glasses off and noted that there was no fuzziness at all, so I did the same and found a lot of the movie was indeed in 2D. I didn't have that issue you're describing and never have during any of the 3D films I've seen. (shrug)


I agree - I thought the 3-D was a non-factor for this film. It didn't add or detract from the experience (which is what I have found for most 3-D films to date, especially the ones which added the 3-D effects in post-production). I thought the 3-D effects for The Avengers really added to the experience, though.


I thought the effects looked good - especially the city scape scenes. But the depth of field really messed with my eyes during the non-action sequences like when Peter, Uncle Ben and Aunt May were talking in the house. It was like the focal point was *too* sharp and there was a momentary disconnect while my eyes moved back and forth. Like I said, it was weird as I've never experienced that with a film.

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The Lizard SUCKED. Nothing close to what it could have been. Awful CGI and terrible character design.


I thought the CGI was fine. Compared to the effects in the Wolverine movie, I think it's pretty difficult to say the Lizard CGI was awful. Unless you haven't seen the Wolverine movie, which at this point I would recommend, so you can see what awful modern CGI looks like.

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This movie used to come on TV every now and then when I was a kid.

I loved it but it would scare the holy mess out of me every time I watched it. :eek:


I've always loved Gargoyles!

(gotta be the best TV movie of the 70's)



RIP Stan Winston - you were and always will be the MAN!





As a heads-up, this movie is OOP on DVD

and I got a copy. If you want me to burn you one and mail it you

I can no sweat.



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.....wow, page 9. Saw it today with Judy and Richard, all of us long time Spidey fans. Richard prefers Toby...but Judy and I liked Garfield. It was definitely more Ultimate than Amazing, but I went in expecting that. I was 100% with the extra character development of May and Ben. Captain Stacy was great as was Gwen. The Oscorp presence was seamless and logical....nice explanation for all the advanced science and technology. There were two younger fellows behind us that were attempting to sit it through and catch the show twice for the same low price lol I remember doing that with American Grafitti when I was about that age. Judy thought the first half was slow, but necessary. I always like extra character development and that was, after all, what made Marvel great. Flash Thompson to me was a fresh treatment. I desperately missed JJJ and the Bugle....but I'll be surprised if we don't see all that in the next one. I was most sceptical and probably the most pleasantly surprised with the Lizard. Not how I had pictured him but so well done......I'll definitely want to buy this one. The action sequences were great and the directing over all was very impressive to me. Action choreography was very innovative to me. Very glad I went.....but I couldn't skip Spidey and the Lizard. GOD BLESS....


-jimbo(a friend of jesus) (thumbs u


P.S. Judy had a few too many at the Movie Tavern, and afterwards, out of the blue, said " ALL drunk people are fired !" ....Not exactly sure what that meant, but it cracked me up.

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I finally saw Amazing Spider-Man with some friends this weekend.


I liked it, I thought it was better than Spider-Man (which I also liked). I loved the mechanical web shooters, Spidey swinging through the city, the Lizard, and the chemistry between Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone.


Gwen Stacy! :cloud9:


I went with five friends, they all liked it better than the original and they all clapped at the end.


The gal I was with applauded like crazy and said she enjoyed it more than the Avengers. She thought it was the best movie she's seen in a while and she's a regular movie-goer.


Great flick, great summer for super hero movies. The comic-kid in me has waited 4 decades for a summer like this. It's been worth it.


Can't wait for Batman.

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....I think I'll like ASM even more the next time I see it. The web-slinging was :cloud9: and the sewer scenes with the Lizard were so atmospheric. Conners was handled exquisitely. I wasn't ready for Captain Stacy to die. GOD BLESS...


-jimbo(a friend of jesus) (thumbs u

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Just so everyone is aware, I almost went to see it this weekend but then my Spidey-Senses kicked in and made me back out.



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....it's not so bad Dice. It's not old school, but is still respectful towards it. New York sparkled like a diamond and it was loaded with emotion and pathos. It was a bit awkward at first.....but afterwards I had to admit that the new Parker was still a good fit as "Mr. Everyman". GOD BLESS....


-jimbo(a friend of jesus) (thumbs u

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I couldn't get into the movie. I don't know. I thought it was horrible: acting, cheesy lines, lame CGI. Yes, Garfield is a cool Spiderman, and I did like the outfit.


If this is based more on the Ultimate series, than maybe that's why it didn't jive with me since I never read that series.

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....it's not so bad Dice. It's not old school, but is still respectful towards it. New York sparkled like a diamond and it was loaded with emotion and pathos. It was a bit awkward at first.....but afterwards I had to admit that the new Parker was still a good fit as "Mr. Everyman". GOD BLESS....


-jimbo(a friend of jesus) (thumbs u

The Garfield Spider-man special effects blow away anything done in the Tobey Maguire Spider-man films. The other day one of the networks put the Tobey Maguire Spider-man on, and the special effects were so putrid compared to the Garfield Spider-man that I had to turn it off. It was like night and day,just seeing Spider-man swinging thru the New York in the reboot will show how much superior the Garfield Spider-man is to the Tobey Maguire Spider-man. :)

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