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Fantastic Four from Fox Studios (8/7/15)
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Haven't read many posts on this thread, so don't flame when I ask this question.


Is it "kid" friendly"?


The few posts I have read referenced it being dark. My kids are 10 and 7, just wondering if they might enjoy it.



I heard it wasn't, so don`t expect a Guardians of the Galaxy or Ant-Man feel good adventure.



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I just got back and took my 13 year old girl and her best friend. The best friend who doesn't know superheroes at all, thought it was really good and all the way home were trying to come up with superhero names.


I thought it was actually really good. Something I've wanted to see for a long time, an hour and a half origin story, that actually made sense followed by a fifteen minute "big fight" by somebody who actually had reason and motivation to be pizzed off.


I can see why others might not like it, if you want action followed by more action. It was also quite dark too.





Have I ever asked you how you feel about the two Ghost Rider movies? :baiting:


They are awful but don't take my word for it...my top 5 superhero movies of all time are


1) Daredevil

2) Guardians

3) Winter Soldier

4) Age of Ultron

5) Spidey


So what do I know. :sorry:





I got your back, Jim. Who needs critics do decide which movies are best? I loved AoU. (thumbs u



I actually like AoU as well. And Daredevil I was just :baiting: Jim. ;)

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The Duff this year got a 72%

Pitch Perfect 2 (a SEQUEL!!!) got 66%


I saw these. :cry:


If I watch FF, I'll let you know which is better. :D

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Still have not seen the Hunger Games or the Harry Potter flicks...


Am I really missing out? HP I've been leaning toward since I continually hear good things about that from production all the way down to the portrayals of the characters.


Hunger Games I've avoided like I've avoided Twilight.

I have seen bits of each (HG and HP) and neither drew me in. I believe the large following for those franchises is because of the readers.


We did visit Universal in Florida and I must say the HP exhibits were world class so that did inspire me to watch the movies.


But yeah, have not really been compelled to follow either franchise.

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I'm a fan of the Hunger Games books. She did a really good job of ending nearly every chapter on a reversal or cliffhanger that makes you want to read on.


That's hard to do. Best example in comics I've seen of it is Brian Vaughn's work in the first 20 or so issues of Y: The Last Man.


That said, the first Hunger Games movie was mediocre (far inferior to the book & the vastly better Battle Royale).


Catching Fire was great -- actually better than the book. And there's no reason to watch Mockingjay Part 1, because the first half of the book is horrible. I'll be watching the final movie, though, to see if it stays true to the last three chapters of the book or wusses out with a more "Hollywood" ending.


I'll defend the book series to the death because it ends on a surprisingly dark note, one that annoyed a whole bunch of fans -- especially the teens to whom it was initially marketed.


I love that she had the guts to write such a bleak and polarizing ending to the series, it alienated fans about as much as the ending to "Gone Girl" did.

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It was probably already a given, but that tweet from Trank virtually guarantees he will never direct for Fox again, and it probably hurts his chances with other studios. :(

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I'm a fan of the Hunger Games books. She did a really good job of ending nearly every chapter on a reversal or cliffhanger that makes you want to read on.


That's hard to do. Best example in comics I've seen of it is Brian Vaughn's work in the first 20 or so issues of Y: The Last Man.


That said, the first Hunger Games movie was mediocre (far inferior to the book & the vastly better Battle Royale).


Catching Fire was great -- actually better than the book. And there's no reason to watch Mockingjay Part 1, because the first half of the book is horrible. I'll be watching the final movie, though, to see if it stays true to the last three chapters of the book or wusses out with a more "Hollywood" ending.


I'll defend the book series to the death because it ends on a surprisingly dark note, one that annoyed a whole bunch of fans -- especially the teens to whom it was initially marketed.


I love that she had the guts to write such a bleak and polarizing ending to the series, it alienated fans about as much as the ending to "Gone Girl" did.


I agree with the review here of the Hunger Games series. Catching Fire was pretty good and I really thought I'd hate it.

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I would say it's worth watching just to enjoy the first half


Unless it's Jessica Alba accidentally turning the clothes she has on invisible instead of herself, I'm not sure this would ever be a scenario I would rush to the movies for.... "just to enjoy the first half"?


Screw Fox, they're not getting a penny out of me. I hope it goes down in flames.

Why support the poor planning and bad ideas of some multi-million dollar studio who thinks they can just release any piece of garbage and get you to buy it.


No thanks.


and then be able to say you've seen it,


That's the payoff? To be able to say I've seen it?




and be able to form your own opinion. :)


If they make a movie where the first part is some young kids enjoying life together that's really well done, and the second half of the movie is a dog turd in the middle of an Arizona highway slowly baking in the sun - and 99% of the reviews tell me it's that - I seriously don't need to go see it to form an opinion.


I appreciate that you want to put a positive spin on this, or at the very least give it some kind of... polite 'E' for effort, but really I don't think it deserves even that. Even the best reviews sound apologetic in their sidestepping.


But hey, you're entitled to spend your money how you please, and enjoy whatever it is you want to enjoy. I just can't see being talked into wasting 2 hours of my time and money on this.


Really, the best thing that could happen now is that this movie sets a new record for futility at the box office, and Fox throws up their hands and sells it back to Marvel. Who knows, Marvel might flub it too, but someone else deserves a chance to get it right.


Fox is 0 for 3 and that third strike looked pathetic.

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It was probably already a given, but that tweet from Trank virtually guarantees he will never direct for Fox again, and it probably hurts his chances with other studios. :(


For someone who's only movie grossed under $130MIL WORLDWIDE, that cocaine fuel sure has him thinkin' he walks on water.

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As the trainwreck approached, I was VERY surprised that Trank was so upbeat and positive for his interview with Kevin Smith this week. I'm guessing the one they had scheduled for next week gets cancelled, and it'll be interesting to hear what Smith has to say about this mess. :popcorn: Smith had a similar fiasco himself in 2010 when he directed "Cop Out" where there was a lot of bad blood between he and Bruce Willis, but the severity and budget magnitude of "Fantastic Four" does seem quite a bit worse. :eek:

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Damn. That didn't take long. Opening night and Trank is already talking smack...



For real? Already trying to distance himself from this before it even opens in all theaters is a hell of a bad sign. I mean shouldn't he wait at least till after the weekend box office numbers are in? I mean it being the american public this abomination could still rake in big box office bucks, unless he knows something we don't.


Trank absolutely should be going on the offensive now, to save what is left of his career, if the studio indeed hijacked his first cut of the film, asked him to chop the last third, and reshoot the last third to inject action into the film. This would be consistent with what appears to be a continuity collapse at the "one year later" point and onward in the film. This isn't the last we will hear about what really happened. Fascinating to see this drama-behind-the-movie play out, but unfortunately at the expense of a beloved set of characters.

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comics book character popularity works a lot like true "free markets". The winners are winners based on their merits and the choice over decades of what people actually want to buy, read and support.


It's amazing how many people don't realize you cant just "centrally plan" new versions of characters and expect to have the same success.


Being true to the source material isnt just about making fanboys happy. It's bringing to life what has been PROVEN to work. That doesnt preclude new interpretations from being successful, and the more they keep of the original, the more likely that success will follow.


Trying to completely redo something in the name of being "modern" or "PC", or any other such silly ideal, is completely ignoring the reality of how something that is popular became popular.


The Fantastic Four still being loved after 50 years, validates the source material. While many predicted the outcome of this film based on its abandonment of the source material, many others lived in denial .


Hopefully the bomb is big enough to land the rights back with Marvel, or at least enough to make Fox bow down and beg for a Sony style saving deal of their characters....


I'll watch this on netflix, I will not vote with my dollars to support garbage.

Edited by CBT
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Learning how to accept criticism and disagreement without our feelings getting hurt would be a tremendous benefit.


If someone disagrees with you, it's not the end of the world. Really, it's not.


Wow. :o Who's the director for this radical new RockMyAmadeus reboot? :popcorn:


This is what a changed person sounds like. He even looks different! :o

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This is why I sold my FF collection 6 months ago.


:cry: Can a movie that no one should see taint Stan & Jack's achievement? I would hope not.


No it can't.


The first #100 issues of FF will go down in history as one of the greatest runs in comics and nothing will change that.


People will speculate based on the film but that will never be able to undo history.



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This film is the best Fantastic Four film ever made and beats the first Avengers in my book.

Wow. With one statement you prove you know absolutely nothing about comic books and the characters that populate them...so, why are you even here on this forum?


What a complete and total wildly_fanciful_statement statement.

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