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Question: If he pays for the book and leaves negative feedback for lets say "poor customer service" which is an opinion are you going to be mad? I'm not saying you provided poor customer service in any form. I'm just asking as he can hammer your reputation by leaving a negative and it is an opinion on your customer service so eBay isn't going to remove it.


To give you a serious answer, however, yes, that's unfortunately the risk you take for standing on principle. I'm well aware of that risk with every transaction, and for every single transaction where the buyer doesn't pay in a reasonable timeframe (in this case, he "bought" the item two weeks ago, and I was more than fair in giving him time to pay, with promise after promise), the odds that something will turn to negative feedback are greatly increased.


If he pays, it proves he was lying about his situation, to some extent.


After all, $450 is a pretty hefty chunk of change for the average person, no matter the circumstances. I'm not rolling in hundos, myself, after all.


But that's not the point, and people ought not to be living in fear of someone potentially leaving them negative feedback. That just enables and encourages that behavior to happen again, to other sellers.


I was very sympathetic to his situation...until I discovered that he had said the exact same thing...literally word for word...to at least one other seller, who said this buyer had strung them along for a month...assuming that's true, then he's been buying AFTER not paying others.


Look at what he's bought in the last month on eBay alone:




He's bought at least 45 different items on eBay in the last month alone.


....but he's in dire financial straits, having just lost his job "Friday" (his claim, not mine)...?


Maybe his dire financial straits...if they exist...are due to his proclivity to buy things on eBay.




By the way...there are four NEW messages from him, that I just received...haven't red them.



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As much as this is being painted as standing up against bad eBay buyers, my take is that you simply enjoy this type of back and forth. If that is not the case-- and you are simply just "mad as hell and not going to take it anymore" when it comes to eBay buyers who string you along-- by all means, go with it.


I agree that this guy is a clown who takes no responsibility for this entire matter. He does deserve to be blocked and I have done that.


Had this been my sale, I would have just cancelled it and moved on-- maybe mentioned it on these boards as a buyer to block.


I don't enjoy arguing over something like this. It is a huge time suck.


My experience when trying to show someone ignorant how to live like a civilized human has been that it is far too often a fools errand that is not only frustrating but also fruitless.


just my take-- good luck.

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As much as this is being painted as standing up against bad eBay buyers, my take is that you simply enjoy this type of back and forth.


There's no way to put this without "sounding aggressive", so I'll simply say it, and you can decide whether you read it as "aggressive" or not:


You could not possibly be farther from the truth. It is a supreme waste of time, and a grand annoyance. I have far better things to do with my time than waste it with time wasters. If you think I enjoy trying to reason with the unreasoning, that I like exposing myself to potential negative feedback for FUN, well...


....that really does go a long way towards explaining why some people have the perspective about me that they do, doesn't it?


And...."too bad to any future sellers he might pull this nonsense on"...


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Haters gona hate RMA. Kudos for exposing this guy and also giving him a hard time and calling him out on his repeated BS. Maybe just maybe he'll think twice next time or at least switch his story up. To the "Dude" who thinks RMA gets off on this, sorry I don't see it that way.

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I understand your views on eBay. eBay is moving more and more towards the same set of policies that Amazon has in place as they have to in order to remain profitable. The buyer holds the cards on the platform.


I hope that you are successful in all your eBay sales.

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why did you only quote that one line?




Is that all you read?





you sure like breaking ridiculously small statements into quoted parts--- so I thought this would make you so happy.


As for getting into some idiotic, time-wasting conversation about this with you-- forget it. I have better things to do with my life.


You are having an emotional response to an issue that isn't emotional. You have gotten upset and taken something personally that isn't personal, and resorted to silliness that isn't justified by the conversation. No one in this conversation, that I can see, is upset (angry) except you, and there's no good cause for you to be so.


That's not reasonable.


Am I on my way to being "notified" again...?

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Haters gona hate RMA. Kudos for exposing this guy and also giving him a hard time and calling him out on his repeated BS. Maybe just maybe he'll think twice next time or at least switch his story up. To the "Dude" who thinks RMA gets off on this, sorry I don't see it that way.


MISSION ACCOMPLISHED RMA--- your single comment quote has this guy convinced I both hate you and that my only thought is you are wasting your time.


Well played. God forbid they read the very next line in the original-- nope-- no need, let RMA edit it down to what he feels are the important points.


ridiculous and not what I said at all.


You are overreacting, and calling MustEatBrains incapable of reading your post for himself and coming to his own conclusions.


That's not reasonable.

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Haters gona hate RMA. Kudos for exposing this guy and also giving him a hard time and calling him out on his repeated BS. Maybe just maybe he'll think twice next time or at least switch his story up. To the "Dude" who thinks RMA gets off on this, sorry I don't see it that way.


MISSION ACCOMPLISHED RMA--- your single comment quote has this guy convinced I both hate you and that my only thought is you are wasting your time.


Well played. God forbid they read the very next line in the original-- nope-- no need, let RMA edit it down to what he feels are the important points.


ridiculous and not what I said at all.


I read your your entire post. You cast judgement on what your perception is of RMA. In a negative light no less. Your following statements were a lame attempt to balance it out. I don't know either of you but dude, that was so obvious. Peace.

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Mods come on - there was nothing in RMA's comments worthy of notification.

Someone obviously has it in for him and is going for a soft target.

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The hits just keep on rollin for me....




Not 5 minutes after he wins my 7 day auction for a $250 book I receive the following message:


"Hello, It looks like I will not be able to purchase your item. I thought I would have enough funds but I will not. If you could please send a cancellation request, that would be great. Thank you for your understanding. -Ralph"



Why do I continue to torture myself with this ebay slop?


If you have stuff I want, I'll buy it lol



I have stuff you want....you don't buy it.




I feel like if you back out of deals due to an admitted lack of funds, ebay should suspend your account for 3 months at least.


I agree, but we all know it'll never happen.







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Bingo !


"New message from: stujamw1971



I'm so sorry my autistic son got hold of my tablet and bid for this and didn't realise that he had bought it ,if possible could I cancel it please as it is not needed and he's not even old enough to read this comic


Sorry for the trouble and I would greatly appreciate it"


I do think it's a terrible thing to use disability (genuine or not as an excuse for your failings as a human being.


Funny how his son can't read, but he can click on Make Offer, then figure out a reasonable (25% in this case) discount off the price of a book is, and manage to hit the submit button....his son's reading is obviously better than the guy's lie-inventing...tool.







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Went back and forth negotiating over a book. I said "make it $200, and you have yourself a deal!"


They made an offer for $200.


I accepted.


Two hours later:


Hi, unfortunately I no longer need item. Instead of returning item could you please cancel transaction. eBay will not charge you any fees if you send me the cancellation link/message. I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you so much.


Then, later in the day:


Hi, sent you request for cancellation. I see your auction has two week refund policy but wanted to avoid the hassle of returning item. Thx, I appreciate it.


I did not reply to either message. Notice the subtle, implied threat: "if you make me pay for the item, and you send the item, I will return it, and you will be out the postage, too."


Today, received payment. I refunded, Paypal takes 30 cent non-negotiable transaction fee, and eBay takes the 30 listing fee, and refuses to protect me from either negative feedback or being stolen from.


The corruptness of eBay never, ever ceases to amaze me.


I recommend blocking dragonjab



Why didn't you just cancel to begin with and move on? What point did you end up proving there?


That people should honor their commitments...?


I know, crazy!


I didn't cancel because the buyer made a commitment to buy the item, and he/she was asking to be let out of that commitment with no cost. I wasn't about to do that, and would have filed a NPB case if it came to that.


It did not.


lol Have fun jousting your windmills


I do, and will. And if Dragonjab loses the opportunity to buy from a few people because of his/her game-playing...maybe he/she will think about it before doing it to someone else. That's obviously a very large "maybe", but who knows? You think that's "jousting a windmill"..? Sure, no problem. Knock yourself out.


What's your eBay user id?







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As noted in this thread over here:




...buyer has been buying items on eBay, promising to pay for weeks, then backing out, using....literally....the same exact words to other sellers:


"Here. You been waiting along time for me to pay you, but yesterday I got laid off. Work here in Alberta slowed right down. Major economic times. I am just having the worst luck of my life. Have to move in with my parents to make ends meet. So please understand comics are not a priority for me right now. I feel really awful. But if I can get more work later, I have your store saved for future purchases. You been so good to me. So please cancel, and I shall accept. I am sure another great person will have it, just not me! I feel like *spoon*.

3rd time here in Alberta for me in 35 years. I really wanted your book, but I got to eat. No way of paying visa, even if it comes. I am sure you will sell it soon. Thank you. I just don't have a way of paying you. Thank you for waiting. I was optimistic, but lesson learned in many ways with these banks, PayPal, etc. "


Did not reply to 3 of these types of messages, just opened an NPB claim.


Got this


Opened a case against me? You can cancel it. I can't pay it. I have no job now.

I will come back later when I can find another job. Even the 100,000 Americans we have here working are losing their jobs again. They came here after recession a few years ago in America. Crime is up 30%. Things are bad. I just had bad luck all around honestly. Promise I will be back to your store later. Right now I wish I could buy that teen titans. But I can't. Things are sour.




My response:


I'm sorry to hear about your circumstances, but after a couple of weeks of promises, you didn't pay for the book. I understand that things happen, but no one forced you to make the offer in the first place. While I've been very patiently waiting for you to pay, amid your promises to pay, this book could have been listed and sold to someone else. If you didn't have the money to pay for the book, you shouldn't have sent the offer.


Speaking this way to you may offend you, but I hope it does not. It's nothing personal, but now it will cost me an additional listing fee, and time that I can't get back. I appreciate that you say you will "buy more later", but if you can't fulfill your obligations now, what makes me interested in taking another chance with you in the future? Words don't have any meaning; only actions do.


So, no, I'm not just going to cancel the transaction. Does that sound fair to you, if you were the seller? You don't have to pay, and in a few days, the case will close, I'll get my Final Value Fees back, and that will be that.


Best of luck to you in the future, really.


And, of course, when confronted, out come the claws, the truth...as always:


You have no clue. I bought that book and it went through. Than shortly after I had a bad situation with bank etc. Now I lost my job. Everybody only cares about one thing, and you know what that is. I purchased it. Than most 1/3 of items came back unpaid. You make it sound like its my fault. Remember how you are treating your buyer right now after what I told you. Heartless. You know, don't worry if I ever get working in Engineering here again, I won't be back to your store. No worries.


My response:


Also, Mario, I see that you've said the exact same thing to other sellers recently, and over longer spans of time. Let's get honest, now, if not with me, at least with yourself. Why are you really "buying" all these items, then telling everyone how horrible your life is, but then "buying" other items?


If you go here:




You can see the discussion from others.


It's a clean link, to the CGC board. Are you a member?





I been a buyer with eBay for years and first time for everything. I had a stroke of bad luck. I bought the book and went through. Not my fault the bank had issues. It costed me $840 for all the attempts made by PayPal to get paid. You have no right exchanging information about me. That is breaking the law. Grounds for a major law suit. But you know what, I got enough going in my life. I will let this childish behaviour go. For one $450 deal. My gosh. Don't worry, won't be in your store again when I get back on my feet.


My response:


Oh, I think I have SOME clue. You won't believe this, but it IS your fault. No one held a gun to your head, Mario, to "purchase" these things....and then you send the exact same excuse to others? You "lose your job", but you don't have enough saved to honor your commitments? You string sellers along for weeks, and then finally tell them you're not going to pay?


Come on, Mario, we're both adults here. There are other sellers to pull the wool over on.


As for not coming back: you didn't come in the first place, Mario. You didn't honor your commitment. You didn't pay for something you committed to pay for. Why on EARTH would I want to risk that again? I treat my BUYERS with the utmost courtesy and respect. You are NOT a buyer. You didn't BUY anything. You are a window-shopper.


Seriously, good luck in your future endeavors.




Wow! This I got to call to eBay. The harassment now? Really. Records of all your conversations. Wool over your head, window shopper? Wow, wow, wow.




You know I wanted that book. Everyone else is sympathetic. Canceled, done. Those I will deal with again. Good bye. I have called eBay to handle these. I am a great client. Bought books for tens of thousands before. You really think I asked for this? Really.


My response:


When and if you get around to actually paying for the book, I would be happy to ship it to you, and then I will consider that what you've said is true. Until then, words are meaningless chatter.




By all means, Mario, feel free to do whatever you feel is necessary. But please do move on. Good luck.




I ain't done with you. You inconsiderate human being.


My response:


Harassment? Who is harassing whom? I happily stand by everything I've said, and everything you've said is being posted at the CGC board.


Feel free to take it up there, see if anyone will sympathize with you.


Final response (for now)


Let me get a job again in future, which are hard to come by right now and I will buy that book. Guarantee it will still be here in 6 months. Ok. End of this childish he said who said bull. Leave me alone.


Yes, I know, I KNOW, I probably shouldn't be getting into these back and forths with these people on eBay....but if no one EVER stands up to people doing these things, and gives some pushback, what happens....? The same thing, over and over again, to countless sellers, doing harm to both those sellers AND Mario.


And he DOES look like he has great feedback....he's even done business with Pastaroni...but he's playing a game, at some level, regardless of how true the things he's claiming are or not.


Still...it should make for an interesting read on a Sunday morning.





I, for one, appreciate & applaud you standing up to these Adam Henrys.







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As noted in this thread over here:




...buyer has been buying items on eBay, promising to pay for weeks, then backing out, using....literally....the same exact words to other sellers:


"Here. You been waiting along time for me to pay you, but yesterday I got laid off. Work here in Alberta slowed right down. Major economic times. I am just having the worst luck of my life. Have to move in with my parents to make ends meet. So please understand comics are not a priority for me right now. I feel really awful. But if I can get more work later, I have your store saved for future purchases. You been so good to me. So please cancel, and I shall accept. I am sure another great person will have it, just not me! I feel like *spoon*.

3rd time here in Alberta for me in 35 years. I really wanted your book, but I got to eat. No way of paying visa, even if it comes. I am sure you will sell it soon. Thank you. I just don't have a way of paying you. Thank you for waiting. I was optimistic, but lesson learned in many ways with these banks, PayPal, etc. "


Did not reply to 3 of these types of messages, just opened an NPB claim.


Got this


Opened a case against me? You can cancel it. I can't pay it. I have no job now.

I will come back later when I can find another job. Even the 100,000 Americans we have here working are losing their jobs again. They came here after recession a few years ago in America. Crime is up 30%. Things are bad. I just had bad luck all around honestly. Promise I will be back to your store later. Right now I wish I could buy that teen titans. But I can't. Things are sour.




My response:


I'm sorry to hear about your circumstances, but after a couple of weeks of promises, you didn't pay for the book. I understand that things happen, but no one forced you to make the offer in the first place. While I've been very patiently waiting for you to pay, amid your promises to pay, this book could have been listed and sold to someone else. If you didn't have the money to pay for the book, you shouldn't have sent the offer.


Speaking this way to you may offend you, but I hope it does not. It's nothing personal, but now it will cost me an additional listing fee, and time that I can't get back. I appreciate that you say you will "buy more later", but if you can't fulfill your obligations now, what makes me interested in taking another chance with you in the future? Words don't have any meaning; only actions do.


So, no, I'm not just going to cancel the transaction. Does that sound fair to you, if you were the seller? You don't have to pay, and in a few days, the case will close, I'll get my Final Value Fees back, and that will be that.


Best of luck to you in the future, really.


And, of course, when confronted, out come the claws, the truth...as always:


You have no clue. I bought that book and it went through. Than shortly after I had a bad situation with bank etc. Now I lost my job. Everybody only cares about one thing, and you know what that is. I purchased it. Than most 1/3 of items came back unpaid. You make it sound like its my fault. Remember how you are treating your buyer right now after what I told you. Heartless. You know, don't worry if I ever get working in Engineering here again, I won't be back to your store. No worries.


My response:


Also, Mario, I see that you've said the exact same thing to other sellers recently, and over longer spans of time. Let's get honest, now, if not with me, at least with yourself. Why are you really "buying" all these items, then telling everyone how horrible your life is, but then "buying" other items?


If you go here:




You can see the discussion from others.


It's a clean link, to the CGC board. Are you a member?





I been a buyer with eBay for years and first time for everything. I had a stroke of bad luck. I bought the book and went through. Not my fault the bank had issues. It costed me $840 for all the attempts made by PayPal to get paid. You have no right exchanging information about me. That is breaking the law. Grounds for a major law suit. But you know what, I got enough going in my life. I will let this childish behaviour go. For one $450 deal. My gosh. Don't worry, won't be in your store again when I get back on my feet.


My response:


Oh, I think I have SOME clue. You won't believe this, but it IS your fault. No one held a gun to your head, Mario, to "purchase" these things....and then you send the exact same excuse to others? You "lose your job", but you don't have enough saved to honor your commitments? You string sellers along for weeks, and then finally tell them you're not going to pay?


Come on, Mario, we're both adults here. There are other sellers to pull the wool over on.


As for not coming back: you didn't come in the first place, Mario. You didn't honor your commitment. You didn't pay for something you committed to pay for. Why on EARTH would I want to risk that again? I treat my BUYERS with the utmost courtesy and respect. You are NOT a buyer. You didn't BUY anything. You are a window-shopper.


Seriously, good luck in your future endeavors.




Wow! This I got to call to eBay. The harassment now? Really. Records of all your conversations. Wool over your head, window shopper? Wow, wow, wow.




You know I wanted that book. Everyone else is sympathetic. Canceled, done. Those I will deal with again. Good bye. I have called eBay to handle these. I am a great client. Bought books for tens of thousands before. You really think I asked for this? Really.


My response:


When and if you get around to actually paying for the book, I would be happy to ship it to you, and then I will consider that what you've said is true. Until then, words are meaningless chatter.




By all means, Mario, feel free to do whatever you feel is necessary. But please do move on. Good luck.




I ain't done with you. You inconsiderate human being.


My response:


Harassment? Who is harassing whom? I happily stand by everything I've said, and everything you've said is being posted at the CGC board.


Feel free to take it up there, see if anyone will sympathize with you.


Final response (for now)


Let me get a job again in future, which are hard to come by right now and I will buy that book. Guarantee it will still be here in 6 months. Ok. End of this childish he said who said bull. Leave me alone.


Yes, I know, I KNOW, I probably shouldn't be getting into these back and forths with these people on eBay....but if no one EVER stands up to people doing these things, and gives some pushback, what happens....? The same thing, over and over again, to countless sellers, doing harm to both those sellers AND Mario.


And he DOES look like he has great feedback....he's even done business with Pastaroni...but he's playing a game, at some level, regardless of how true the things he's claiming are or not.


Still...if should make for an interesting read on a Sunday morning.







Question: If he pays for the book and leaves negative feedback for lets say "poor customer service" which is an opinion are you going to be mad? I'm not saying you provided poor customer service in any form. I'm just asking as he can hammer your reputation by leaving a negative and it is an opinion on your customer service so eBay isn't going to remove it.


Why would I be mad? I'll just have CAK and Kav dial up eBay for me, and get the neg removed.









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why did you only quote that one line?




Is that all you read?





you sure like breaking ridiculously small statements into quoted parts--- so I thought this would make you so happy.


As for getting into some idiotic, time-wasting conversation about this with you-- forget it. I have better things to do with my life.



You are having an emotional response to an issue that isn't emotional. You have gotten upset and taken something personally that isn't personal, and resorted to silliness that isn't justified by the conversation. No one in this conversation, that I can see, is upset (angry) except you, and there's no good cause for you to be so.


That's not reasonable.


Am I on my way to being "notified" again...?


Looks that way. Sad, too...







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