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A.K.A. Jessica Jones on Netflix (11/20/15)
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Captain Marvel Was Originally Going To Appear On Jessica Jones


As most of you know, showrunner Melissa Rosenberg was developing a Jessica Jones television series for ABC five years ago, but it never gained traction. Several years later, Marvel struck a deal with Netflix that made Jessica Jones a perfect fit for the online streaming site. Rosenberg had originally planned to use Carol Danvers in ABC's Jessica Jones, but she had to alter those plans when it moved to Netflix.


"Back when it was at ABC Network, I did use Carol Danvers," Rosenberg told IGN. "But between then and when it ended up on Netflix, you know, the MCU shifted, and it also shifted away from the universe in the [comic] book. So in the book, the powers are very out in the open and the themes of that are about ‘the other,’ and in the cinematic universe that’s not the mythology. So there was a lot that I had to move away from, just in terms of sheer plot, and Carol Danvers got her own movie."


I wish they'd used Danvers. The friend that hosts a radio show does seem off. Danvers would have been a nice Easter egg. Imagine how the Internet would have exploded if it had been Danvers?



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I just watched the 1st episode and really liked it, but my wife turned to me and said "I didn't like it at all, it's not my cup of tea".


I don't think she wants to watch anymore of it with me.


She loved Daredevil though.


I know JJ is dark, but can anyone who has watched more episodes tell me if I should talk her into watching more episodes?


Even DD took a couple episodes before it really hit full stride (that scene at the end of episode 2 is what hooked me).

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I know JJ is dark, but can anyone who has watched more episodes tell me if I should talk her into watching more episodes?


Although I am enjoying it because of a different path for a Marvel production, it is a very dark story. That can be troubling to some viewers. Especially what Kilgrave does to people under his control.


I wouldn't try to force a viewing, as that may turn them off even more. Maybe revisit an episode later on to see if after a while the experience changes.

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A comment on the Opening Title Sequence since that's been posted...


Big, big fan of Opening Sequences, sort of an art form unto themselves. Daredevil is unique, Game of Thrones is genius. Anyway, Jessica Jones' didn't do much for me. Kind of clip-artsy and flat. No big deal, I can fast forward through it each episode.


I'm up to ep#8 so I'll Spoiler Tag my other comment...



True, JJ is dark. Dark themes. But, weirdly, is also VERY light. "Light" being not highly imaginative/creative...

Light detecting (follows people, some social engineering).

Light fighting (tosses people around).

Light superheroing (jumps, breaks locks, can stop a car).

It's a strange combo, especially since Daredevil had some of the best fight sequences ever filmed imho.


Overall JJ is a slow burn. It's interesting enough, but probably much more so for Marvel fans who're already branded going in. imho


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I just finished watching all of season 1 of Jessica Jones and have to say...it was fantastic. Overall, I'd give this show a 5/5.




Jessica Jones is the new benchmark for comic book based productions. If CW, CBS and FOX weren't inspired or at least made jealous by the extraordinary quality of Daredevil, then Jessica Jones will. Arrow, Flash, Gotham...they don't hold a candle to the quality of these groundbreaking Netflix productions. Unlike the poorly acted and boredom inducing superhero shows on the aforementioned stations, I watch Jessica Jones and Daredevil and am genuinely compelled to keep watching. While I like the character of Daredevil much more than Jessica Jones (I had no connection to the Jessica Jones character prior to this show), I actually enjoyed Jessica Jones series more than Daredevil.


Jessica Jones is finally a comic book TV show that genuinely keeps my interest (the only other being DD). There were plenty twists and turns in the story that surprised me throughout the show. It was more a detective show (which I prefer) than a beat em' up show. Yes, there was fighting but there are very long stretches (perhaps over a few episodes at a time) where there was very little or no fighting at all.The fighting wasn't as "high-quality" as Daredevil, which is fine by me as the fighting wasn't the point of the show, nor should be. I love the sort of detective show that reminds me of the old black and white detective TV shows and movies from decades ago. Jessica Jones did that for me, BUT with the higher quality acting and production that the older productions could never touch.


The acting was superb. If I'm not convinced by the acting, the show would lose me. I loved the characters. Jessica Jones had a Dirty Harry flavor, in my opinion. The attitude, the detective skills, the renegade; all very appealing concepts for me. I did not know what to expect from David Tennant as Kilgrave, but I think he did great. The portrayal of him being a clever, one-step ahead, love-sick psycho was perfect. I loved Patsy Walker and look forward to seeing her in the future (Rachael Thomas is so lovely); Patsy is actually my favorite character on the show. The dynamic between Patsy and Jessica was great. Even the colorful upstairs neighbors were fine by me to add some bizarre flavor to the mix. Honestly, the entire cast was great in my eyes.

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Watched episode 1 last night. Great episode. Great ending!

I, as you may know, HATED Daredevil.. So Im very surprised with this.

As far as the show being a hit? I think if it will resonates with the P18–49 and mainly female viewers it will be.. Also, surprised to hear that no one has mentioned the extremely violent/graphic/explicit language content of this show.. This is a first for Marvel and could be BIG news if it hits, as it may lead to more shows/movies with a similar content.

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A comment on the Opening Title Sequence since that's been posted...


Big, big fan of Opening Sequences, sort of an art form unto themselves. Daredevil is unique, Game of Thrones is genius. Anyway, Jessica Jones' didn't do much for me. Kind of clip-artsy and flat. No big deal, I can fast forward through it each episode.



I agree. I love the DD & GOT Title sequences and rarely fast forward thru them. The title sequence for JJ is ok I suppose, but starting with the 2nd episode I'm already fast forwarding thru it.

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I actually really enjoy the opening sequence. Kind of a mix between some of the more crime-noir 70's/80's/90's movies & The Wire. Not really digging the visual side of it, but the music is perfect.

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Burned through the first few episodes last night and it's just ok, not bad but not great. It's no Daredevil which A) was amazing and B) had non-comic fans raving for months. I don't see it getting the same kind of buzz aside from those holding multiple copies of Alias #1 and the SJW crowd.

My girl gave up after the 1st episode, she loved Daredevil and had never read a DD comic before

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Was able to sneak in Episode 11 while doing some holiday chores.


Although the overall series isn't grabbing me like Daredevil did (I would purchase a Daredevil Blu-Ray set; I wouldn't for Jessica Jones), I still think it is worth watching.


And I agree about the show theme. I like it. But I am not loving it like I did Daredevil.





Frank Simpson definitely will become Nuke, as he seems to be part of the Weapon Plus Program with the pills he is taking to gain strength.


Luke Cage just walking out of the bar in the end was an awesome scene.





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Burned through the first few episodes last night and it's just ok, not bad but not great. It's no Daredevil which A) was amazing and B) had non-comic fans raving for months. I don't see it getting the same kind of buzz aside from those holding multiple copies of Alias #1 and the SJW crowd.

My girl gave up after the 1st episode, she loved Daredevil and had never read a DD comic before





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I personally am liking it more than I did Daredevil - that's not necessarily a judgment of its quality, moreso that I'm drawn more to the subject matter in JJ than in DD.


But luckily, for all their similarities, they're proving to be vastly different shows with staggeringly different dynamics, so I don't feel particularly compelled to compare them.


JJ is doing an excellent job at using supporting characters to their fullest. :applause:

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Watched three episodes today and I liked them but the series can't be compared to Daredevil. I literally had a hard time stopping to go to bed once I started Daredevil whereas JJ is a standard show where I watch a couple episodes and come back another day. I'd rate it a solid B so far.

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This is about the darkest Marvel or DC show yet. Killgrave was a third rate bit villain in the comics, but here, he's a complete sociopath with practically unlimited capabilities to get what he wants. They don't avoid the dark matter and gore, normal comics do. I can't understand why she'd want to keep him alive.


I was getting bored in the first few episodes, but it eventually drew me in and I don't know much about the comic backstory. Definitely not for all (esp. squeamish or kids).

Edited by bronze_rules
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Just finished it & the one thing I especially dug as an easter egg/foreshadowing was



the mention of IGH. I have a feeling this will be the replacement for MGH in the MCU. Inhuman Growth Hormone instead of Mutant Growth Hormone

as a source for powers.


Also, I'm 99% sure

Frank will be Nuke in the other series, including Punisher.


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