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My road to success (Moving Update 2)
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6,552 posts in this topic

So Gabe, what is it? Mentor/life coach and/or professional working with you or no?




Dear Gabe,


You are (nearly) 24 years old. Time to grow up. This comic thing is not working for you. That's a fact.


You lack basic life skills and currently have little hope of becoming a responsible and independent adult based on your current trajectory. You have a bad habit of making superficial acknowledgements of your own failures. You always have plenty of excuses and seem to quit anything that is not “fun” (example: “don’t give many any of that hard work bull”) or feel you are not “respected”. This needs to change.


With your employment track record and only having high school (one year of a two year video game art diploma program means squat) and no trade skills and/or other skill sets to draw from, what kind of work do you hope to get?


To make a million dollars selling “bomics” is not realistic for you. The fact is it is not realistic for most people to make a comfortable living selling comics. You are $1100 in the hole after nearly 3 years of doing this and you would be even worse off had it not been for that generous boardie giving you a sweet “finder’s fee. You are now onto your next blunder, throwing good money after another bad decsion (ASM #129) that you will be lucky to break even on. Imagine if you had to maintain a roof over your own head, pay your own rent (yes, I know you pay rent now) but also utilities, groceries, transportation and everything else that comes with being independent? You simply could not in your current situation. Your parents are “subsidizing” you and you do not have a viable plan for the future. This is not a good path to success.


I highly recommend that you seek out professional help. As some have suggested, a professional life coach/mentor or and possibly other therapist, like a psychologist or even psychiatrist to help you address your learning and other issues. You need professional help and you need to listen and act on that advice.


I believe you are in the Niagara area. Try contacting the Learning Disabilities Association of Niagara Region. Apparently they also provide support to adults. At the very least it would be a starting point. If you are not in Niagara area, there is going to be something similar in nearly every region. Actively seek out help and resources. They are out there and no one is saying it will be easy, but you have to at least try.


You don’t have to leap tall buildings in a single bound. Start small. Focus on the basics of things you can change within yourself. Work on your attitude. Hygiene. Resilience. Work Ethic.


Finally, genuinely look for other real work. There is absolutely no reason a relatively healthy young man can’t work a 40 hour week. Leave that chip on your shoulder at home. If finding regular work is not going well, look into volunteering somewhere to make contacts and show employers you can stick to something and hopefully gain a positive reference. Volunteering may even lead to paid work.


Sidebar: You need to clean up your digital footprint. Not to get “political” but your constant postings of right-wing pro Trump memes/propaganda (you do realize you are Canadian and can’t vote for Trump right?) and anime heavy posts on Facebook should be scaled back. Your YouTube is a bit of a joke. There is a video where you can verbally hear you scoffing at a family member. Change the name of Your YouTube channel as someone else has suggested. Delete the voice acting . Also, fix up or take down your LinkedIn profile. It is a mess. Many employers and even volunteer administrators “Google” those who submit an application and you would likely get a big fat “pass” based on what they can easily find out about you online.


You flat out lack the experience, skill set and resources at this time to buy and sell comics successfully (barring some “miracle” ) so just stop before “dealing” in comics buries you. You can still collect, buy the odd smaller book, enjoy comics for the fun of it but genuinely focus on something that is real and achievable for you. Please don’t squander all the good advice you have received - You have received far more than you deserve to be honest – Or I fear that you are going to end up just another “lost soul”.


I know I have given you a hard time. I know I am probably coming across as a sanctimonious person_who_is_obnoxiously_self-impressed, but I do hope you listen and act on the advice here and from any professional advice you may receive, but you probably won't so I leave you with a quote.







I like quotes and yes I do realize I can't vote for Trump but I don't want politics messing with my journal. I'm getting help from a life coach and a psychiatrist and as for comics I just need to be smarter with what I do because I do learn from them whether you believe it or not I night make them two or three times but I do learn.


Gabe since WHEN did you actually start seeing a life coach and/or psychiatrist? Funny just a few days ago you mentioned that would be a good idea and now all of a sudden you have both?


Fact is you don't learn. You pay lip service to it. Keep on failing bud.



It's not funny to me you never asked and I've had her for at least 6 months and the life coach three months you guys don't believe I'm making any changes so I thought it was pointless to mention until you brought it up,


Soooo...You have had a life coach for three months eh? Then why did you respond this way when it was brought up earlier just a few days ago?


Posted on 09/07/16


Sadly, nothing you say will ever stick with Gabe. He has been left to drift aimlessly by his parents, and to some degree ever teacher he has had (who knows. maybe someone did try and came to the same realization he is going to do his own thing regardless).


More than a job you need a mentor Gabe. It should be your parents, but I fear they themselves lack the skill set to help themselves, let alone another human being. Try to find someone who can help provide direction and structure.I am certain you lack both, and while it may be difficult at first, eventually you will develop good habits and a routine in your life. If not, I fear you will become another sad statistic.



Now that is some solid advice. I think a mentor is just the thing he needs, but it's got to be someone in person and not some well meaning internet buddies IMHO.


Still looking for a person like that.


Which is it? You say you have had a life coach/mentor for the past three months when just a few days ago you said you were still looking for a person like that.








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He can do it if he has access to antique shops, garage sales or flea markets.


Does he strike you as the kind of person that will put in the type of work it will require to do anything with comics on $11 per week?

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He can do it if he has access to antique shops, garage sales or flea markets.


Does he strike you as the kind of person that will put in the type of work it will require to do anything with comics on $11 per week?


No. No he doesn't. :(

Edited by Ryan.
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He can do it if he has access to antique shops, garage sales or flea markets.


Does he strike you as the kind of person that will put in the type of work it will require to do anything with comics on $11 per week?


No. No he doesn't. :(


But I do think most of us reading would agree that showing a measure of budget self control and limiting losses is a huge step in the right direction, and obviously far preferable to dumping thousands into a fire pit. And who knows, if he can save for a few months without spending anything, he'll have a bit of useful working capital...I know a lot of people on the boards who can scratch out some solid profit with $200, some work, and some luck. Maybe he can one of those people

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He can do it if he has access to antique shops, garage sales or flea markets.


Does he strike you as the kind of person that will put in the type of work it will require to do anything with comics on $11 per week?


No. No he doesn't. :(


But I do think most of us reading would agree that showing a measure of budget self control and limiting losses is a huge step in the right direction, and obviously far preferable to dumping thousands into a fire pit. And who knows, if he can save for a few months without spending anything, he'll have a bit of useful working capital...I know a lot of people on the boards who can scratch out some solid profit with $200, some work, and some luck. Maybe he can one of those people


I don't see this happening unless he dumps that contest he is having with his friend. I think that explains part of why he is going after high dollar books without putting too much though into whether or not he is making the right decision.

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Step 1 - Buy comic.

Step 2 - ?

Step 3 - Profit


Step 2 - Sell comic


In an earlier post you mentioned you and a friend were in a competition in selling comics and that he was leading you. Are you still in this competition? Is this also one of the reasons you don't want to give up selling?


That is one of the reasons and the person is smoking me in this competition and it's until 2017.


Is there a prize at stake in this competition?

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He doesn't have an addiction. :eyeroll:


He's just a millennial who wants to make it big doing as little work to get there as possible. He "can't" do things because he's lazy and doesn't want to put in hard work. He "cant" follow the heating up threads because he has a learning disability. meh All he needs to do is put in the time and effort and write stuff down. He doesn't want to work - he wants everyone to do the work for him. You see threads spring up all the time - "what books are hot that no one knows about yet" - because kids like Gabe don't want to put in the work. It's all about instant gratification.


Stop saying he has an addiction because it's insulting to people who actually do have an addiction.


Harvey, please don't assume you know how my learning disability does or doesn't affect me. I ask for tips because people find ways to make things easier on themselves instead of it taking longer for example someone may know how copy all of the thread at the same time. Is that being lazy? No it's thinking smarter and saving time where you can. There are many things that I don't like but if it's something I think I can do I'm determined to do it.


It sure does sound like laziness. Basically you want someone else to do the homework for you because it'll save you time.


Again the answer is no I'll explain again.


I ask for other people's advice because they do things quickly and more efficiently then I can so am I being lazy by wanting to save time on things that take longer then they should? I would happily help someone save time if they asked about something I know. I don't believe in being greedy with knowledge unless it's something like a honey hole or trade secret type thing then I understand. Am I to assume you never asked any boardie here for help? You never asked how to do something quicker and more efficiently? I find that hard to believe. You among all people should know this that I'm not being lazy by doing this I'm asking for tips not asking for someone to do everything for me. You yourself admitted that I lack common sense so when I try to ask for help with something I didn't think of yet you call me lazy for doing it.


I can assure you that I do not go looking for advice on an Internet board. I'm saying you are lazy because you don't want to take the time to read the speculator threads because they're "too overwhelming". If you can read and respond to all of the post in this thread then I'm sure you can read the posts in the other thread.


Yes I'd be able to read it but this is different since I respond to what you ask or post the spec thread would be trying to memorize what I see which I have trouble with but I do know some comics to look for.

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You're not going to make a living flipping "flavor o' the month" keys at 1K a pop. Sure, they're cool and someone will buy it.... but it's the profit that counts. Where you're going to find opportunities for a healthy profit is in sales at the $20 to $200 level (give or take...). One thing I've found that helps me is to research an item before I sink any capital into it. If there's 3 copies in every Auction, Metro has 6 copies, and eBay has 19 copies, it likely isn't going to be a viable option for the laptop warrior like yourself. The census was mentioned earlier as a resource tool..... a good simple application is to take 3 or 4 titles that you like, and go through the BA and CA eras looking for issues that have no copies slabbed in 9.8.... or even better, copies that have no issues slabbed at all. Find them in the wild in high grade and slab them. Rinse and repeat. GOD BLESS...


-jimbo(a friend of jesus) (thumbs u


This assumes one has the ability to perform the research, interpret and analyze the research, and make well reasoned decisions based on that research. It relies on a certain level of basic math and accounting that just can't be assumed in this case.


Maybe but I do better with example of visual aids to help with that.


Like the kind of visual aids found in a textbook? Or the kind of visual aids used in a classroom setting? Sadly Canada has abandoned business classes entirely, and now only teaches classes about poutine, Wayne Gretzky, and Drake.


Even so, you can learn most anything taking free classes online or even watching YouTube videos. The things you DON'T know about business are extremely basic and extremely integral to your success. You can go at your own pace, but you gotta keep moving forward (and I don't mean buying more high value comics). Honestly evaluate why you've lost money so far, identify those reasons, and address those reasons in terms of viable solutions.



Text book or classroom as long as it's a visual aid and explains what it does I do better with memorizing that. My mistakes have been overpaying for comics, being impulsive, being to trusting with other and lack of doing my due diligence before making a deal or trade, I have yet to fully know what's a good deal as you guys do.

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So Gabe, what is it? Mentor/life coach and/or professional working with you or no?




Dear Gabe,


You are (nearly) 24 years old. Time to grow up. This comic thing is not working for you. That's a fact.


You lack basic life skills and currently have little hope of becoming a responsible and independent adult based on your current trajectory. You have a bad habit of making superficial acknowledgements of your own failures. You always have plenty of excuses and seem to quit anything that is not “fun” (example: “don’t give many any of that hard work bull”) or feel you are not “respected”. This needs to change.


With your employment track record and only having high school (one year of a two year video game art diploma program means squat) and no trade skills and/or other skill sets to draw from, what kind of work do you hope to get?


To make a million dollars selling “bomics” is not realistic for you. The fact is it is not realistic for most people to make a comfortable living selling comics. You are $1100 in the hole after nearly 3 years of doing this and you would be even worse off had it not been for that generous boardie giving you a sweet “finder’s fee. You are now onto your next blunder, throwing good money after another bad decsion (ASM #129) that you will be lucky to break even on. Imagine if you had to maintain a roof over your own head, pay your own rent (yes, I know you pay rent now) but also utilities, groceries, transportation and everything else that comes with being independent? You simply could not in your current situation. Your parents are “subsidizing” you and you do not have a viable plan for the future. This is not a good path to success.


I highly recommend that you seek out professional help. As some have suggested, a professional life coach/mentor or and possibly other therapist, like a psychologist or even psychiatrist to help you address your learning and other issues. You need professional help and you need to listen and act on that advice.


I believe you are in the Niagara area. Try contacting the Learning Disabilities Association of Niagara Region. Apparently they also provide support to adults. At the very least it would be a starting point. If you are not in Niagara area, there is going to be something similar in nearly every region. Actively seek out help and resources. They are out there and no one is saying it will be easy, but you have to at least try.


You don’t have to leap tall buildings in a single bound. Start small. Focus on the basics of things you can change within yourself. Work on your attitude. Hygiene. Resilience. Work Ethic.


Finally, genuinely look for other real work. There is absolutely no reason a relatively healthy young man can’t work a 40 hour week. Leave that chip on your shoulder at home. If finding regular work is not going well, look into volunteering somewhere to make contacts and show employers you can stick to something and hopefully gain a positive reference. Volunteering may even lead to paid work.


Sidebar: You need to clean up your digital footprint. Not to get “political” but your constant postings of right-wing pro Trump memes/propaganda (you do realize you are Canadian and can’t vote for Trump right?) and anime heavy posts on Facebook should be scaled back. Your YouTube is a bit of a joke. There is a video where you can verbally hear you scoffing at a family member. Change the name of Your YouTube channel as someone else has suggested. Delete the voice acting . Also, fix up or take down your LinkedIn profile. It is a mess. Many employers and even volunteer administrators “Google” those who submit an application and you would likely get a big fat “pass” based on what they can easily find out about you online.


You flat out lack the experience, skill set and resources at this time to buy and sell comics successfully (barring some “miracle” ) so just stop before “dealing” in comics buries you. You can still collect, buy the odd smaller book, enjoy comics for the fun of it but genuinely focus on something that is real and achievable for you. Please don’t squander all the good advice you have received - You have received far more than you deserve to be honest – Or I fear that you are going to end up just another “lost soul”.


I know I have given you a hard time. I know I am probably coming across as a sanctimonious person_who_is_obnoxiously_self-impressed, but I do hope you listen and act on the advice here and from any professional advice you may receive, but you probably won't so I leave you with a quote.







I like quotes and yes I do realize I can't vote for Trump but I don't want politics messing with my journal. I'm getting help from a life coach and a psychiatrist and as for comics I just need to be smarter with what I do because I do learn from them whether you believe it or not I night make them two or three times but I do learn.


Gabe since WHEN did you actually start seeing a life coach and/or psychiatrist? Funny just a few days ago you mentioned that would be a good idea and now all of a sudden you have both?


Fact is you don't learn. You pay lip service to it. Keep on failing bud.



It's not funny to me you never asked and I've had her for at least 6 months and the life coach three months you guys don't believe I'm making any changes so I thought it was pointless to mention until you brought it up,


Soooo...You have had a life coach for three months eh? Then why did you respond this way when it was brought up earlier just a few days ago?


Posted on 09/07/16


Sadly, nothing you say will ever stick with Gabe. He has been left to drift aimlessly by his parents, and to some degree ever teacher he has had (who knows. maybe someone did try and came to the same realization he is going to do his own thing regardless).


More than a job you need a mentor Gabe. It should be your parents, but I fear they themselves lack the skill set to help themselves, let alone another human being. Try to find someone who can help provide direction and structure.I am certain you lack both, and while it may be difficult at first, eventually you will develop good habits and a routine in your life. If not, I fear you will become another sad statistic.



Now that is some solid advice. I think a mentor is just the thing he needs, but it's got to be someone in person and not some well meaning internet buddies IMHO.


Still looking for a person like that.


Which is it? You say you have had a life coach/mentor for the past three months when just a few days ago you said you were still looking for a person like that.








Oh that I have but their schedules are busy and I always get cut short because I talk too much. I do have both a life coach and a psychiatrist that I work with.

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I think if he's going to continue to flip the first thing he needs to do is make a realistic budget...some of the best advice yet. Set a aside a percentage of what you make at your job strictly for comics and have enough discipline to not exceed it. ....


And it has to be a very small amount. The point is to train his self-control, not indulge his impulses as much as he can afford.



A small amount like what?

See my Step 1 again:

1. Stop all comic-buying that costs more than you make in one-hour of work a week. Whatever you make per hour, that is your weekly budget for games/comics etc. for the rest of the year. This is the start of training your self-control which you already admit is the core of your problems.

Will you like it? No.

Will it feel good? No.

Is it necessary? Absolutely.

Will you do this? If your answer is "No", then say so and everyone will know that you refuse to restrain your emotions and impulses. "



What is your answer?



No because I don't understand it. My budget can't be anything over what I make in a hour so what I am allowed to spend?


Gabe, I know I said I was just going to be reading your journal, but like your comic buying .. I just can't help myself.


If you make $7.00c an hour (just a random figure I made up) .. $7.00c is the amount that you spend on comics a week.


Hopefully you'll understand that and be able to post 'Yes' or 'No' to the question.


If it were me I would say no. You can barely buy a couple of moderns for that money. I know he has a problem with impulse purchases, but there are other ways to do this.


Money earned per paycheck, minus bills, the rest that's left over his discretionary income. Anyone that tells him to save is being silly, there's not too much point saving money when you're hardly earning anything. If he can take that extra money and make more money, why not? Of course, he hasn't shown an ability to do this yet, but hopefully he starts taking some of the advice he's been getting and puts it to good use.


You're enabling a gambling addict. You admit he "hasn't shown an ability" to control himself yet - and yet you give him an excuse to not even try.


This has nothing to do with comicbooks - it's about learning self-control and maturity, impulse-control. The point is not to give him a budget to continue buying lots of books - it's to create a habit within himself to CONTROL his emotions and impulses and see that he CAN pass up "great deals" and his world won't collapse. He will learn self-control and THAT will be worth far more in his life in the long run than any money he maybe-coulda-possibly-mighta made on a "deal" in the short term.


And your statement that "there's not too much point saving money when you're hardly earning anything" is utterly stupid and destructive to a spending-addict like Gabe. The less you make, the MORE you should save!!


This is how addictions are enabled and supported. :facepalm:





He's never going to follow your plan, NEVER. Knowing this, I think the best way is for him to just do what he's doing now, only better.


What's he supposed to save up for when he earning minimum wage working 20 hours a week..a new car? Down payment on a house?


Your wrong about me not following James's plan but you have a point as well in making money with comics if I learn how to make money with comics while at the same time following the budget strategy I'll be killing two birds with one stone as my other mistakes are emotion based impulse buys and desperation of not getting in on a deal quick enough.


You're going to flip comics on a budget of $11 per week?



Good luck with that.


Don't forget I also have my own comics to sell, I can find comics for others and 11 per week adds up to 44 per month and yes that's not awesome and will force me to make better decisions on what I buy because their are specs for cover price as well.

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He can do it if he has access to antique shops, garage sales or flea markets.


Does he strike you as the kind of person that will put in the type of work it will require to do anything with comics on $11 per week?


It will be hard for sure so I'll have to may attention to specs now.

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He can do it if he has access to antique shops, garage sales or flea markets.


Does he strike you as the kind of person that will put in the type of work it will require to do anything with comics on $11 per week?


No. No he doesn't. :(


But I do think most of us reading would agree that showing a measure of budget self control and limiting losses is a huge step in the right direction, and obviously far preferable to dumping thousands into a fire pit. And who knows, if he can save for a few months without spending anything, he'll have a bit of useful working capital...I know a lot of people on the boards who can scratch out some solid profit with $200, some work, and some luck. Maybe he can one of those people


Really? who? Hector?

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He can do it if he has access to antique shops, garage sales or flea markets.


Does he strike you as the kind of person that will put in the type of work it will require to do anything with comics on $11 per week?


No. No he doesn't. :(


But I do think most of us reading would agree that showing a measure of budget self control and limiting losses is a huge step in the right direction, and obviously far preferable to dumping thousands into a fire pit. And who knows, if he can save for a few months without spending anything, he'll have a bit of useful working capital...I know a lot of people on the boards who can scratch out some solid profit with $200, some work, and some luck. Maybe he can one of those people


I don't see this happening unless he dumps that contest he is having with his friend. I think that explains part of why he is going after high dollar books without putting too much though into whether or not he is making the right decision.


I won't end the contest because of this and I can still do other things to make money with comics and being smarter with how and why I buy something would be a good start.

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Step 1 - Buy comic.

Step 2 - ?

Step 3 - Profit


Step 2 - Sell comic


In an earlier post you mentioned you and a friend were in a competition in selling comics and that he was leading you. Are you still in this competition? Is this also one of the reasons you don't want to give up selling?


That is one of the reasons and the person is smoking me in this competition and it's until 2017.


Is there a prize at stake in this competition?


A prize? No prize per say but we both wanted to prove who's better at making money and to me that was good enough as it was a chance to have friendly competition and prove myself.

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Step 1 - Buy comic.

Step 2 - ?

Step 3 - Profit


Step 2 - Sell comic


In an earlier post you mentioned you and a friend were in a competition in selling comics and that he was leading you. Are you still in this competition? Is this also one of the reasons you don't want to give up selling?


That is one of the reasons and the person is smoking me in this competition and it's until 2017.


Is there a prize at stake in this competition?


A prize? No prize per say but we both wanted to prove who's better at making money and to me that was good enough as it was a chance to have friendly competition and prove myself.


End the contest. You should only be competing with yourself.

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So Gabe, what is it? Mentor/life coach and/or professional working with you or no?




Dear Gabe,


You are (nearly) 24 years old. Time to grow up. This comic thing is not working for you. That's a fact.


You lack basic life skills and currently have little hope of becoming a responsible and independent adult based on your current trajectory. You have a bad habit of making superficial acknowledgements of your own failures. You always have plenty of excuses and seem to quit anything that is not “fun” (example: “don’t give many any of that hard work bull”) or feel you are not “respected”. This needs to change.


With your employment track record and only having high school (one year of a two year video game art diploma program means squat) and no trade skills and/or other skill sets to draw from, what kind of work do you hope to get?


To make a million dollars selling “bomics” is not realistic for you. The fact is it is not realistic for most people to make a comfortable living selling comics. You are $1100 in the hole after nearly 3 years of doing this and you would be even worse off had it not been for that generous boardie giving you a sweet “finder’s fee. You are now onto your next blunder, throwing good money after another bad decsion (ASM #129) that you will be lucky to break even on. Imagine if you had to maintain a roof over your own head, pay your own rent (yes, I know you pay rent now) but also utilities, groceries, transportation and everything else that comes with being independent? You simply could not in your current situation. Your parents are “subsidizing” you and you do not have a viable plan for the future. This is not a good path to success.


I highly recommend that you seek out professional help. As some have suggested, a professional life coach/mentor or and possibly other therapist, like a psychologist or even psychiatrist to help you address your learning and other issues. You need professional help and you need to listen and act on that advice.


I believe you are in the Niagara area. Try contacting the Learning Disabilities Association of Niagara Region. Apparently they also provide support to adults. At the very least it would be a starting point. If you are not in Niagara area, there is going to be something similar in nearly every region. Actively seek out help and resources. They are out there and no one is saying it will be easy, but you have to at least try.


You don’t have to leap tall buildings in a single bound. Start small. Focus on the basics of things you can change within yourself. Work on your attitude. Hygiene. Resilience. Work Ethic.


Finally, genuinely look for other real work. There is absolutely no reason a relatively healthy young man can’t work a 40 hour week. Leave that chip on your shoulder at home. If finding regular work is not going well, look into volunteering somewhere to make contacts and show employers you can stick to something and hopefully gain a positive reference. Volunteering may even lead to paid work.


Sidebar: You need to clean up your digital footprint. Not to get “political” but your constant postings of right-wing pro Trump memes/propaganda (you do realize you are Canadian and can’t vote for Trump right?) and anime heavy posts on Facebook should be scaled back. Your YouTube is a bit of a joke. There is a video where you can verbally hear you scoffing at a family member. Change the name of Your YouTube channel as someone else has suggested. Delete the voice acting . Also, fix up or take down your LinkedIn profile. It is a mess. Many employers and even volunteer administrators “Google” those who submit an application and you would likely get a big fat “pass” based on what they can easily find out about you online.


You flat out lack the experience, skill set and resources at this time to buy and sell comics successfully (barring some “miracle” ) so just stop before “dealing” in comics buries you. You can still collect, buy the odd smaller book, enjoy comics for the fun of it but genuinely focus on something that is real and achievable for you. Please don’t squander all the good advice you have received - You have received far more than you deserve to be honest – Or I fear that you are going to end up just another “lost soul”.


I know I have given you a hard time. I know I am probably coming across as a sanctimonious person_who_is_obnoxiously_self-impressed, but I do hope you listen and act on the advice here and from any professional advice you may receive, but you probably won't so I leave you with a quote.







I like quotes and yes I do realize I can't vote for Trump but I don't want politics messing with my journal. I'm getting help from a life coach and a psychiatrist and as for comics I just need to be smarter with what I do because I do learn from them whether you believe it or not I night make them two or three times but I do learn.


Gabe since WHEN did you actually start seeing a life coach and/or psychiatrist? Funny just a few days ago you mentioned that would be a good idea and now all of a sudden you have both?


Fact is you don't learn. You pay lip service to it. Keep on failing bud.



It's not funny to me you never asked and I've had her for at least 6 months and the life coach three months you guys don't believe I'm making any changes so I thought it was pointless to mention until you brought it up,


Soooo...You have had a life coach for three months eh? Then why did you respond this way when it was brought up earlier just a few days ago?


Posted on 09/07/16


Sadly, nothing you say will ever stick with Gabe. He has been left to drift aimlessly by his parents, and to some degree ever teacher he has had (who knows. maybe someone did try and came to the same realization he is going to do his own thing regardless).


More than a job you need a mentor Gabe. It should be your parents, but I fear they themselves lack the skill set to help themselves, let alone another human being. Try to find someone who can help provide direction and structure.I am certain you lack both, and while it may be difficult at first, eventually you will develop good habits and a routine in your life. If not, I fear you will become another sad statistic.



Now that is some solid advice. I think a mentor is just the thing he needs, but it's got to be someone in person and not some well meaning internet buddies IMHO.


Still looking for a person like that.


Which is it? You say you have had a life coach/mentor for the past three months when just a few days ago you said you were still looking for a person like that.








Oh that I have but their schedules are busy and I always get cut short because I talk too much. I do have both a life coach and a psychiatrist that I work with.


A few days ago you said you didn't have one. Now you are saying you have had one for the past three months...Just so we are clear now, you DO have paid professionals helping you. Is that right?


If so, have them read this thread.

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He doesn't have an addiction. :eyeroll:


He's just a millennial who wants to make it big doing as little work to get there as possible. He "can't" do things because he's lazy and doesn't want to put in hard work. He "cant" follow the heating up threads because he has a learning disability. meh All he needs to do is put in the time and effort and write stuff down. He doesn't want to work - he wants everyone to do the work for him. You see threads spring up all the time - "what books are hot that no one knows about yet" - because kids like Gabe don't want to put in the work. It's all about instant gratification.


Stop saying he has an addiction because it's insulting to people who actually do have an addiction.


Harvey, please don't assume you know how my learning disability does or doesn't affect me. I ask for tips because people find ways to make things easier on themselves instead of it taking longer for example someone may know how copy all of the thread at the same time. Is that being lazy? No it's thinking smarter and saving time where you can. There are many things that I don't like but if it's something I think I can do I'm determined to do it.


It sure does sound like laziness. Basically you want someone else to do the homework for you because it'll save you time.


Again the answer is no I'll explain again.


I ask for other people's advice because they do things quickly and more efficiently then I can so am I being lazy by wanting to save time on things that take longer then they should? I would happily help someone save time if they asked about something I know. I don't believe in being greedy with knowledge unless it's something like a honey hole or trade secret type thing then I understand. Am I to assume you never asked any boardie here for help? You never asked how to do something quicker and more efficiently? I find that hard to believe. You among all people should know this that I'm not being lazy by doing this I'm asking for tips not asking for someone to do everything for me. You yourself admitted that I lack common sense so when I try to ask for help with something I didn't think of yet you call me lazy for doing it.


I can assure you that I do not go looking for advice on an Internet board. I'm saying you are lazy because you don't want to take the time to read the speculator threads because they're "too overwhelming". If you can read and respond to all of the post in this thread then I'm sure you can read the posts in the other thread.


Yes I'd be able to read it but this is different since I respond to what you ask or post the spec thread would be trying to memorize what I see which I have trouble with but I do know some comics to look for.


People have said more than once, including myself to write this stuff down and make a list of books you can refer to. There is no need to use " I can't memorize stuff" as an excuse.

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"I ask for other people's advice because they do things quickly and more efficiently then I can so am I being lazy by wanting to save time on things that take longer then they should? I would happily help someone save time if they asked about something I know. I don't believe in being greedy with knowledge unless it's something like a honey hole or trade secret type thing then I understand. Am I to assume you never asked any boardie here for help? You never asked how to do something quicker and more efficiently? I find that hard to believe. You among all people should know this that I'm not being lazy by doing this I'm asking for tips not asking for someone to do everything for me. You yourself admitted that I lack common sense so when I try to ask for help with something I didn't think of yet you call me lazy for doing it."



Anyone who can use grammar and punctuation this effectively does not have a profound learning difficulty.

The whole thing is written as a mature, confident, cognisant adult would.


I have difficulty relating this writing to the type I would associate from someone with a learning disorder requiring paid professional intervention by at least 2 people.



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