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On 10/10/2022 at 3:01 AM, Bosco685 said:


Hopefully that gives them enough time to recast Galadriel with an actress that can open her mouth all the way and speak without mumbling.


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On 10/10/2022 at 8:13 AM, Dr. Balls said:

Hopefully that gives them enough time to recast Galadriel with an actress that can open her mouth all the way and speak without mumbling.


I have not noticed that.  Might be time to get the hearing aid checked?

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On 10/10/2022 at 1:04 AM, Dr. Balls said:

Really? I talk to about 8 different people regarding this and HoD, and no one can seem to figure out which is the worse show. So, perhaps I am talking with the 8 people on the entire planet who think that both shows are mind-numbingly underwhelming?

If I’m in the minority, then God help modern creative thinking - because both of these shows are so bad that they disrupt the suspension of belief of their story every ten minutes. The litany of problems plaguing both shows would rival the length of Ted Kazinsky’s manifesto.

If you enjoy them, god bless ya - because they both stink.

Edit: I’m clearly not in any sort of minority lol it’s got mediocre ratings across the board.

Other than these boards or people doing YouTube stuff, I do not know a single person watching RoP.  I know plenty of people watching HoD.  I must admit I like HoD, but raelize that it could come crashing down very quickly.  

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On 10/10/2022 at 5:01 AM, Bosco685 said:


If it take them years to get the next season out, and with very mixed and divided fan reviews and reaction.  This could kill any momentum they may have.


What a way to waste 1 billion.  If they want people to like and stay I vested in shoes they need to get them out in a timely manner, ideally at least once per year. Hell old network TV used to give us decent quality and 22 to 26 episodes per year. I know many of these are more production and CGI intense, but they are doing a fraction of the episodes. You think that would mean they could keep a reasonable schedule.  Either the showrunners are incompetent or the parent companies are not pushing at all. (That last little rant could apply to many streaming shows)

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On 10/10/2022 at 12:29 PM, jsilverjanet said:

the comments here are hilarious

life is too short to watch things you don't enjoy and more importantly there are so many other things you could be watching


how dare you tell me what to watch, who made you king or queen, moderation reported

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On 10/9/2022 at 11:24 PM, sfcityduck said:

They showed no heat from the blast wave, which is in fact realistic.  It was the ejections which set things on fire.  People were suffering secondary burns, not burns from the blast wave (which was not a pyroclastic flow).  Mt. St. Helen's was a much worse eruption than Pompei, the pyroclastic flows went about 1/5th the distance of the blast waves.

I'm gonna call it the way I see it: You want to nitpick the show because you have a sports team attitude and to elevate HOD you think you need to push down RoP.  The sad part is this is not sports or politics. Its not a binary competition. Everyone can win in art.

Not nitpicking.  They showed what they showed, was glowing red hot clouds hitting all the people in the town. Even if it was burning material, it magically missed all the people, but hit every building? Within the reality of the show, this is what was pictured.


Plus, that level of flow shown (distance from said volcano is irrelevant, they showed a massive wave of it) would kill everyone.  


This has zero to do with HoD.  The level of inconsistency from episode to episode, leaps of logic, and plot holes are astounding. It is poor writing 

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On 10/10/2022 at 1:38 PM, drotto said:

Not nitpicking.  They showed what they showed, was glowing red hot clouds hitting all the people in the town. Even if it was burning material, it magically missed all the people, but hit every building? Within the reality of the show, this is what was pictured.


Plus, that level of flow shown (distance from said volcano is irrelevant, they showed a massive wave of it) would kill everyone.  


This has zero to do with HoD.  The level of inconsistency from episode to episode, leaps of logic, and plot holes are astounding. It is poor writing 

Hey. You should be able to dislike what you don't care for. Along with like things too.

But it feels like with Rings of Power there is a portion of the viewers that may want to force themselves to be dissatisfied. And I am not sure why. And I don't mean, "Awww shucks - that wasn't as good as I wanted!" I mean downright hate and attacking the show.



It goes back to a thread I started a few years ago about hardcore fandom and how at times they ruin it not only for themselves, but also others that are connecting with a show or movie.

I may not care for the She-Hulk show's general approach. But I'm certainly not hate-watching it so as to excitedly post yet again how it should have never been made or how the writers should never work again. You watch some of these videos and you wonder which of their family members were attacked by Rings of Power creators. Or, these channels realize it is easier to play on the emotion of 'hate' and 'dislike' because it leads to more clicks and up votes.

For me, Rings of Power requires additional research on the part of the viewer. The show should have accounted for this and had some warm-up videos dropped at certain points throughout the season to educate viewers about the world of Tolkien and its people, places and key events. This way not only do you achieve show entertainment and possibly better satisfaction, but also fantasy story education leading to book purchases. Though to be fair, Amazon does push going and buying the books to learn more - just no warm-up videos to drive a more educated action.

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On 10/10/2022 at 1:55 PM, Bosco685 said:

Hey. You should be able to dislike what you don't care for. Along with like things too.

But it feels like with Rings of Power there is a portion of the viewers that may want to force themselves to be dissatisfied. And I am not sure why. And I don't mean, "Awww shucks - that wasn't as good as I wanted!" I mean downright hate and attacking the show.



It goes back to a thread I started a few years ago about hardcore fandom and how at times they ruin it not only for themselves, but also others that are connecting with a show or movie.

I may not care for the She-Hulk show's general approach. But I'm certainly not hate-watching it so as to excitedly post yet again how it should have never been made or how the writers should never work again. You watch some of these videos and you wonder which of their family members were attacked by Rings of Power creators. Or, these channels realize it is easier to play on the emotion of 'hate' and 'dislike' because it leads to more clicks and up votes.

For me, Rings of Power requires additional research on the part of the viewer. The show should have accounted for this and had some warm-up videos dropped at certain points throughout the season to educate viewers about the world of Tolkien and its people, places and key events. This way not only do you achieve show entertainment and possibly better satisfaction, but also fantasy story education leading to book purchases. Though to be fair, Amazon does push going and buying the books to learn more - just no warm-up videos to drive a more educated action.

Like I have said, for me it all stems from disappointment.   Ironically, the roots for my dislike actually stem from GoT after the butchered my favorite TV show ever in the final two seasons.  Here they are taking my favorite movie trilogy ever and retroactively butching that. I just see the showrunners as repeating so many of the mistakes from the end of GoT, and we are only at the start.


She-Hulk has officially 100% lost me.  I am now a spectator not a viewer. But again, my dislike is rooted I disappointment, that the arguably greatest movie franchises in movie history seems to be faltering  



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On 10/10/2022 at 2:14 PM, drotto said:

Like I have said, for me it all stems from disappointment.   Ironically, the roots for my dislike actually stem from GoT after the butchered my favorite TV show ever in the final two seasons.  Here they are taking my favorite movie trilogy ever and retroactively butching that. I just see the showrunners as repeating so many of the mistakes from the end of GoT, and we are only at the start.


She-Hulk has officially 100% lost me.  I am now a spectator not a viewer. But again, my dislike is rooted I disappointment, that the arguably greatest movie franchises in movie history seems to be faltering  



It's a bummer that it isn't working for a portion of forumites here. Or at least portions are not. And I am sure if you even perform a casual search on any show or movie, you will always find the negative blended in with the positive.

For me, the show works. And even better, it is forcing me to revisit topics I had long forgotten. So additional entertainment I was not planning on. Rings of Power is missing out not plugging that awareness hole more proactively.

As far as Game of Thrones TOS being ruined, I don't feel that strongly about it other than HBO allowed David Benioff and D.B. Weiss to shorten their run carelessly. And that is creative suicide for a show when after years of wonderful buildup allowing for a 'hurry up and wrap it up - I have Star Wars to work on' myopic strategy. But even with that, Seasons 1-7 for me were still so much fun and 8 is where it somewhat condensed far too much.

Heck, even the GoT actors were displeased in the end. I remember seeing a video of Jacob 'Grey Worm' Anderson (Interview With The Vampire's Louie) being stopped in the street as Season 8 was being released and being told by a reporter how much show fans were disliking the season. The shock on his face also a look of disappointment to hear that. And just recently Lena Headey shared how she expected a more significant character ending than what she was told to do.

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On 10/10/2022 at 10:38 AM, drotto said:

Not nitpicking.  They showed what they showed, was glowing red hot clouds hitting all the people in the town. Even if it was burning material, it magically missed all the people, but hit every building? Within the reality of the show, this is what was pictured.


Plus, that level of flow shown (distance from said volcano is irrelevant, they showed a massive wave of it) would kill everyone.  


This has zero to do with HoD.  The level of inconsistency from episode to episode, leaps of logic, and plot holes are astounding. It is poor writing 

We disagree.  Up above I posted a video that is eerily similar to the RoP scene taken from the vantage point of people overtaken by a blast cloud on a volcano.  They survived because the blast cloud of a volcano does not have to be hot and it is cooler and has a different composition the further you get from the volcano (and here it is quite a ways away).  The notion that the RoP blast cloud was pyrooclastic is contrary to the fact that there is no evidence of superheated gasses at the village.  The people and structures who are burned were hit by ejectment. The other people are essentially unharmed except for being covered by dust.  That's why many survived. The scene makes sense in the context of the logic of the story and not outside the realm of what actually happens in nature.  The amount of suspension of disbelief here is a lot less than for a fire breathing dragon. I think you might enjoy it if you just realized it is a fantasy story.

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On 10/10/2022 at 11:55 AM, Bosco685 said:

Hey. You should be able to dislike what you don't care for. Along with like things too.

But it feels like with Rings of Power there is a portion of the viewers that may want to force themselves to be dissatisfied. And I am not sure why. And I don't mean, "Awww shucks - that wasn't as good as I wanted!" I mean downright hate and attacking the show.

I wanted nothing more than to enjoy the season. I am pretty easy going and don't expect shows to conform to my views of how it should be done  - mostly because I just want to enjoy the fun of it. Since we're in the RoP thread, I'd have to say that this guy (whom I've never seen before your post) pretty much itemizes every issue I had with the episode. And now that I heard they don't even have a plan for season 2, I'm even more disappointed I invested time into it.

I don't blame people for being frustrated at everyone seemingly complaining about the show. No one wants to hear complaints every place they turn to. I'm going to check out and not add to the negativity on the next episode. The show is bad, and I'm going to pretend like I'd never watched it.

The golden age of fantasy television may be over. Between the final season of GoT, Wheel of Time, HoD and this show - I'm not sure there's much left to pick through and ruin. I am concerned this lack of creative storytelling will start spilling over into the comic genre (as we are starting to see with Phase 4). Existing, established material can only take people so far - at some point these "creatives" are tested to how they can continue the tale - and it's not looking good.


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On 10/10/2022 at 8:01 PM, Bosco685 said:


Another show killed.

Nobody will wait around until 2024 going 'Is Rings of Power season 2 out yet?'

Way too long.


PS: Agree with poster above - only a few people at work who are into 'all things nerdy' are watching this. I think it's the platform,not the show itself.


As I say (probably way too often) in Australia the streaming services are so split, you have to subscribe to 8 or 9 services to watch all shows.


Most do the Foxtel / Disney+ combo - As Amazon Prime (shipping offer doesn't make any diff to us down here) is pretty poor outside of Picard, Reacher The Boys and ROP (plus invincible) - but that's literally 1 season of each every 2 yrs.

Most people don't bother.

Even if you get the new Foxtel IQ to stream 'on-demand' - you still have to be a member of Netflix etc  AS WELL to access the shows.

With Foxtel IQ running at $140 per month ( It's the only channel to show every AFL / NRL /Soccer game per round + has certain HBO shows too and SOME Marvel DC stuff) and Disney+ at $13 per month - the adding Prime, Paramount etc etc is just too much.

To watch every 'nerdy show' - a friend worked out it's $240 per month MINIMUM to access the required channels.


So a lot of people will give this a miss due to platform.


Roku and Firesticks have just started here in Australia - but only for 4K TV - and you STILL have to subscribe to each channel.



Hopefully with more popularity, the bootleggers will produce those 'special' ones that let you watch the lot for not much...but that's a long way away.


The platforms need to work together, as people who would watch 'Rings Of Power' for example aren't going to sign up for just one show. Things will only change when Foxtel makes an agreement with other streamers - but as the exclusive major sport channel in Australia, it's up to the streaming platforms to come to them,not the other way around.


$1 billion spent on 'Rings Of Power' - and Amazon prime only has 3 million Australian subscribers - most of whom don't pay extra for the shows / movies - yup TV or Movies are not included in the initial amazon fee - and even when you pay to join - 50% of the titles still have a fee!!

The free stuff is just junk usually - 1980's garbage 'titillation' movies, dreadful old 'action' films - Amazon prime Australia still is charging $4.99 for Scream and Stargate FGS.

In the USA you don't pay - we do.

Plus extra for Paramount etc (or join STAN - but you still have to pay extra)


Netflix is Australia has 14 million viewers - but only 601 shows.

Netflix USA has 5500.


But when you just put the SVOD numbers in - the 'on-demand' figures: People who can watch 'Rings Of Power'

Amazon Prime drops to 270,000

Netflix - 2,800,000

Foxtel - 2,860,000 ( but Netflix is included if you 'join' them via a link - so you pay for Netflix VIA Foxtel) - so 6,000,000 viewers

STAN - 2,800,000 (Australian only SVOD channel)


It's ridiculous.

Edited by Beige
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On 10/10/2022 at 10:35 AM, shadroch said:

Bored of the Rings is a more appropriate title.  I liked episode five and parts of six but last episode was dissapointing . And boring. Have I mentioned I find the show dull and boring?

Can't argue with that opinion - its purely a matter of perception.  I appreciate your post because you reminded me that I was such a big Tolkien fan that I bought and devoured the Harvard Lampoon's "Bored of the Rings" pb back in the 70s when I was a kid.  I'm sure it was low quality, but it made me smile a bit. Probably paved the way for me appreciating the truly talented Terry Pratchett.

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I listened to the Fellowship last month, the start of listening to the LOTRs, something I've done every few years since I read it as a teenager.  I'm a huge fan of his original published works, even the minor ones. I've enjoyed most of the later stuff his son finished, although much of it seems very repetitive.  I was really looking forward to this show but it hasn't captivated me.  With baseball winding down,  I'll need to fill some time so I'll keep watching. Hopefully, it makes a connection.

As an aside, I was fishing on youtube and came across the Siege of Helms Deep, from the Bashki animated movie.  This scene is heavily roto-scoped and is amazing. 

It's a shame he didn't use that for the whole movie.

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On 10/10/2022 at 2:47 PM, Bosco685 said:

For me, the show works. And even better, it is forcing me to revisit topics I had long forgotten. So additional entertainment I was not planning on. Rings of Power is missing out not plugging that awareness hole more proactively.

100% in agreement with what I bolded in your post above. One could argue that your 'average' fan of Tolkien bases their interest in the Hobbit and the Trilogy.  They are aware of the other books in the canon, but there's just too much to read and grasp beyond the two mentioned above.  This doesn't mean that some haven't dove into The Silmarillion or his other writings, but I would guess most haven't. The show is also forcing me to more fully understand this incredible history that Tolkien fleshed out in his brilliant mind.  It makes you realize that the vastness and depth of the characters and events in the two core publications is on more than solid ground because he took the time to carefully construct their foundational ancestry. I, too, had forgotten some of this ancestry, but for me it is a joy to learn for the first time (in depth and detail) about this history.

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I wouldn't call myself a Tolkien fan or a Sci-Fi fan (wood not iron) with the exception of Conan and GoT (and now HoD).  I did like the Jackson movies though. ROP just seemed boring and overly dramatic.   That being said I did not watch the whole series and probably wont.

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