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Signed, Sealed, and Distinctive...

Will he ever find his grail signers? Will he ever afford them if he finds them? Tune in next time, true believers.... I have a handful of Signature Series books. Most of them were purchased online, nearly all of those on eBay. But, one thing that I'm not likely to find online is a Doctor Who book signed by a member of the cast, or writing/production team. Many of those folks are in England, and not that many witnesses go "across the pond" to begin with. But, many of them don't do many pu



Jim, I'm a collector, not a brick layer!

Star Trek, the final collecting frontier.... These are the continuing voyages of my collecting obsession.... I have fond memories of watching Star Trek marathons with my dad. He worked a lot and I really didn't get to spend much time with him before I was in high school. Don't get me wrong, he was there, just worked a lot of hours. But, Star Trek is one of the things we always shared. Since then, I've seen nearly every episode of all the series except for Enterprise. I can honestly say the th



I collect slabs now... Slabs are cool!

My love of graded books and Doctor Who! I think back about 6 years now. I was new to a comic message board, and had a very excited conversation with someone about grading. I wondered if it was good for the industry, and whether it did nothing but fuel the painful speculation that nearly crippled the comic industry just a few short years prior. Now, my friends and close acquaintances know that I have opinions, often times strong ones, but I'm also very willing to listed to a contradictory posit



Big-bad wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey collection

Doctor Who, Flash, Gold Key, Valiant, Star Trek, and assorted other oddities. I started out collecting a a very young age. I was about 8 years old when I purchased a cop of Alpha Flight #1 with Fantastic Four #257 at the 7-11 down the street from the pool we frequented. I was introduced to the earlier that summer by an uncle who was into Byrne X-Men at a time when it was really cool. We sometimes forget that there was a time before message boards, before Internet, before monthly price guides

