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Everything posted by kimik

  1. Sell before the pilot airs - just like for every other TV show that isn't named Walking Dead. But what if it becomes as popular as WD? It doesn't matter WD is WD - every other TV show based on a comic book property has followed pretty much the same pattern and it has made no difference whether the show ended up being good/popular or not. That is my thoughts well. I had 6 Preacher #1's CGC 9.8's. I already sold 4 of them, and was holding back 2 till the show started. I can see couple sales of 1k for a CGC 9.8 of #1 but I just don't see how the book will be as popular as WD #1. -higher print run -only 66 issues -limited marketability -religious undertone which leads to controversy Strangely there are more WD #1 9.8s then Preacher 1 9.8 & 9.6s combined on the census. I'm sure there are more raw ultra high grade Preacher 1s floating around but with Preacher 1 CGC 9.8 going for $800 you would think most of the 9.6 / 9.8 contenders would have been subbed. Preacher has a much higher print run, and just got hot a little over a year ago. 1996-2014.....buying Raw 9.8 #1's for $15 bucks off eBay. Due to the dark color and cover stock, Preacher #1 will likely be tougher to find in 9.8 as a % of the print run, and possibly overall, than WD #1. I have a copy I am sending in shortly that is a 9.4/9.6 due to a couple of minute spine ticks from storage.
  2. Sell before the pilot airs - just like for every other TV show that isn't named Walking Dead. But what if it becomes as popular as WD?
  3. This variant cover craze is starting to look very much like the 1991-1993 period all over again.
  4. It is tougher in 9.8 than many books of that vintage. I have subbed three. They were all borderline copies and they all got 9.6s. I've subbed two great copies and got a 9.6 and 9.4 for my troubles. It definitely is a tough book to get a 9.8 with. I subbed 3 copies last year that I thought would hit it but they all came back as 9.6s. Luckily, I won a NM modern lot on Heritage that had a dozen copies of PPSM #64 in it and I have four more in for grading right now with my Based on the price spike, I may have to send in the remaining 8 NM-/NMish copies now as well. Here are the results from CGC on these four subs: 9.6 W 9.6 W 9.8 W 9.8 W Finally hit a 9.8. Looks like I will have to send in the remaining books now.
  5. Wolverine 80 should see a bump too Absolutely! 1st Appearance of Wolvie's spunk in a test tube is on the rise again?
  6. Watching it with my kids, I called what he was going to do when he grabbed her. They said "No way" and then watched as he did it.
  7. This is precisely why I do not buy Image books to read/collect any longer off the rack. If I am not too late, I am happy to pick up spec copies of the latest #1 that spikes and flip them for a profit. Otherwise, wait for a bit and you can snag them for $1 or less at shows. The whole Image model is a meat grinder for talent. Yes, there is freedom to pursue your own creative interests, but there is no floor to support creators when their titles dip in popularity. At that point Image has already moved onto X number of new #1s to displace/replace them. It is funny and sad - Image is a business model that eats its young to a certain extent. With limited $$$ to go around there are only so many new minis/series that can be supported by the reading/collecting community. Each new round of #1s cannibalizes the sales of the previous favorites. The publisher makes their cut, but the creative talent has to reinvent itself continuously unless/until they hit it big with a concept.
  8. If that is horrible, how would you describe the casting and CGI (e.g. the Turd, I mean Thing ) from the last FF movie?
  9. I like that variant. I missed it when it was at the LCS.
  10. He is not too worried about your money or mine, unfortunately, as he could just regurgitate what he has done to date in a remix and still make a few hundred million with this franchise. Seriously, though, I hope you are right with Unicron. That would be an awesome movie.
  11. The key is to buy #1, flip it while it is hot at the start for silly $$$, then picking up the run a year later in the $1 bin........
  12. I pre-ordered one of these about 2 months ago. Nice. Are you missing any of the Harley statues?
  13. And how much did they rake in with product placement? If MOS could bring in ~$140M from product placement before release, then this film would likely hit the $200M mark. At that rate, their production + marketing cost would have been half covered already. This is where both Warner/DC and Disney/Marvel make hay. I would expect Civil War to do $200M in product placement as well. Besides, in the end it is not the studios that have the most at risk, it would be the investors that finance the big films.
  14. Yes. The people who like Marvel films still believe that the FF is the greatest comic book.
  15. Yes, every single Fantastic Four Canadian is accounted for, untouched, pristine and looking better than the stuff that is delivered this week to the comic shops by Diamond. FF has been easy to find out here in Edmonton for some reason. I have found ASM to be tougher in high grade due to the direct market effect. There is a local collector that is slowly selling his unread Thor #337 and up hoard. The books are mostly NM except for the few he stored improperly. My current 9.6 and 9.8 came from an earlier purchase from him. Yes but I'm talking ubber high grade? I own a slabbed #257 but its only a 9.4 and I'm pretty sure it was the highest graded copy. If there are 9.6's or higher let me know because I'm buying. My uber high grade FFs reside in my file LCS owner's basement along with most of the other common Canadian Newsstand variants I had. I included them in a large purge of non-key/non-hot stock last summer.
  16. I look for the desperate dealers at the end of the last day, and toss out cash money lowballs left and right. Do you want to carry these two slabs back in a box and hope they sell next time? I'm pretty sure your cost into them is 50-$60. You're selling them for $130 total. I'll give you $70 (I'm already holding my cash out in front of their face). This works best for people who have just a few slabs, not boxes and boxes full. These five raw keys you have on the wall for $550 total? I'll give you $300 cash (make sure you lay out the $300 down right in front of them, preferably in a neat orderly fan of $20's or $50's make sure the they are crisp new bills. Then when they agree to that. Oh that other key you have up for $50-$60, can you throw that in for another $20? I just bought 5 keys from you (Extend the money toward them already, its the natural inclination of people to accept the money). I agree with this . There are always at least one dealer who has had a bad show. Havent had enough help to load out . Over bought and dont have enough room to bring everything , etc etc . You have to pre scout a little , Small talk to get some info . But the deals are there at the end of the show . I just don't get this. If I'm a dealer and have a bad show, why would I compound it by giving away keys? You'd have to be really desperate or, more likely, really stupid to do so. Exactly. Even if I am having a bad show I will not give anything more than my normal discount on anything hot/semi-key/key. If someone wants commons I am happy to go to 50% of guide on the slower moving titles, maybe even a bit more if I need to. However, it does not make sense to blow out anything that you can sell for more online. Besides, in most cases the lowball offers will turn into sales at sticker to the same person the next show.
  17. That's why I avoid talking specifics on issues. The number of raw 1st Beta Ray's stashed away with that 75¢ glaring like a neon sign, ready to pounce at the sniff of speculation. Very nice! My best copies have come from a couple of collections and one source that is slowly leaking his hoard out. In all three cases the OO would visit multiple stores to pick up multiple pristine copies, just read one, then bag and board them. Some of the LCSs are slowly pulling out their 80s backstock now with some beautiful copies also.
  18. Yes, every single Fantastic Four Canadian is accounted for, untouched, pristine and looking better than the stuff that is delivered this week to the comic shops by Diamond. FF has been easy to find out here in Edmonton for some reason. I have found ASM to be tougher in high grade due to the direct market effect. There is a local collector that is slowly selling his unread Thor #337 and up hoard. The books are mostly NM except for the few he stored improperly. My current 9.6 and 9.8 came from an earlier purchase from him.
  19. Could we get a Killer Croc vs. Batman scene? And have the joker revealed to be Jason Todd as well. Fixed that for you. Do you think that will be the hidden backstory they are building up to? Then where is the real Joker? I have no clue, but I have a few copies of Batman #357 (including a Canandian newsstand 9.8) so Jason Todd Joker + Killer Croc would mean a nice pop for it.
  20. Nice ! Cover-cutting is becoming a thing...... The blood-splattered one is pretty cool http://www.ebay.com/itm/Walking-Dead-150-Blank-Cover-Hand-Cut-Variant-Bloody-Negan-/131753151818?hash=item1ead198d4a%3Ag%3AqEcAAOSwvgdW3MVy&nma=true&si=aKsQrWZqA5VYUQbM%252F0xlLKeIWlc%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557 People are paying a premium for a massively cut/trimmed book?
  21. Dont remind me i had 20 of these and sold them for 10 each I picked up a few of the Garners and held onto them as I thought the story was great and I did not want to make the same mistake I had with the Hughes Harley #1s. I had 8 copies and sold all but the one I (thankfully) misplaced in the wrong box way too early for $40 - $60.
  22. Could we get a Killer Croc vs. Batman scene? And have the joker revealed to be Jason Todd as well.
  23. This is why they are fun to collect in high grade. I pass on VF copies in stores/at shows all the time. True 9.4+ copies are much more difficult to find. A NM set would be something to behold. Finding pristine copies is a collecting treat. The thrill of the hunt is dead for me. I've been sitting on nearly 12,000 copies of unsold/undistributed Canadian Price Variants, it's been yielding many of the highest graded copies. It's been years and I still have not sifted through all of it Have the keys all be picked? I have them mostly set aside for a rainy day, don't want to flood the market with multiple copies. No, they aren't sale. It's a long meticulous process and yielding record prices when done properly. We should coordinate timing of putting keys in 9.6/ 9.8 up for sale then to avoid stunting the prices for one another.
  24. Car crashes and train wrecks always garner much attention. -Terry And so does the greatest Superhero movie ever made... This is the Winter Soldier thread? I love the Winter Soldier movie. Even with some of its flaws (Nick Fury has a laser in his jacket so powerful, he cuts through the roof of his SUV and the street below to escape - but doesn't use it on Winter Soldier). But even that received a 7.8/10.0 on IMDb from 462,640 user votes. So I guess not everyone liked it consistently enough. Which surprised me. It was a good movie, but a half an hour too long and too childish in the Bucky vs. Cap relationship. if winter soldier was an hour too long, then BVS was 4 hours too long. Winter Soldier is a movie I like less every time I watch it. It drags on in too many parts and the whole simplistic/childish Cap and Bucky relationship gets weaker with every viewing. "Buck, I am going to let you beat on me and say "I'm with you to the end of the line" and then you will become a good guy". GoTG and the first Avengers are still great movies to watch every time.