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Everything posted by kimik

  1. The Adams variant was solicited late, if I recall, so it makes sense if the orders were lower on it. I would imagine that stores will correct for it with the rest of the variants if needed.
  2. If you have already seen some/most of Season 1, wait for the prices to be cut.
  3. To each their own. My kids and I felt the same way about Ant-Man and Civil War. The problem with the Marvel movies since Winter soldier is that they are too formulaic. As my daughter (12 years old) said again today after SS, she did not like Ant-Man or Civil war because they are too simple and must be aimed at younger kids. This is coming from a girl that loves Black Widow and the Scarlet Witch - she actually liked AoU because of them (a minor imperfection ) Marvel has learned to do two things well with their franchises, just like Lucas did once upon a time with Star Wars/Indiana Jones and Disney has done all along: 1) keep the movies simple so they work at the 6 year old level (just like we are told to write at a 6th grade level) as this will attract the broadest audience (and the reason to make superhero movies is to make money, not garner critical acclaim) and 2) keep the movie formula the same. This is what DC needs to figure out with the new slate - what is the simplest formula that works for their properties. Obviously it is not the Snyder-led DCCU so hopefully Geoff Johns can bring back the magic they had with Nolan on Batman. That being said, I am finding Marvel movies unwatchable now. It is the same simple formula with each movie, just a different villain as we go. Their production quality was weaker than usual with Civil War - the fight scenes were sped up too much at points so they came across as unrealistic and choppy, and the storyline was brutally weak. GotG is the last MCU movie that I thought was great, and that was because it was different and produced well. I am really hoping that the Infinity War is more along the lines of GotG than what we have seen recently with AoU/Ant-MAn/Civil War. No offense, but this seems to be the same passive/aggressive nonsense tossed from every DC apologist at the Marvel slate these days - calling them "simple" or "aimed at kids." So as to try to paint fans of these movies as basically fans of kids movies. Or to put themselves as superior for preferring the more "refined" slate of DC films. Whatever. If you don't like them, fine. If you're eating what DC is serving, great. But there's no reason to just keep trying this tactic. Despite the few die-hard apologists pushing it, no one is buying it. Sorry. Simply because the vast critical consensus says that Civil War was an excellent movie and BvS and Suicide Squad were terrible doesn't mean you have to agree with that. But it might at least give you pause and wonder if your objectivity has been compromised when you continue to try to denigrate the Marvel movies and their fans. +1 Being angry must be tiring! Same can be said for the Marvel fanboys ripping on everything DC, whether they actually saw the movie or not. As I posted above, I want both companies to succeed so I can continue to make fun money off of it.
  4. To each their own. My kids and I felt the same way about Ant-Man and Civil War. The problem with the Marvel movies since Winter soldier is that they are too formulaic. As my daughter (12 years old) said again today after SS, she did not like Ant-Man or Civil war because they are too simple and must be aimed at younger kids. This is coming from a girl that loves Black Widow and the Scarlet Witch - she actually liked AoU because of them (a minor imperfection ) Marvel has learned to do two things well with their franchises, just like Lucas did once upon a time with Star Wars/Indiana Jones and Disney has done all along: 1) keep the movies simple so they work at the 6 year old level (just like we are told to write at a 6th grade level) as this will attract the broadest audience (and the reason to make superhero movies is to make money, not garner critical acclaim) and 2) keep the movie formula the same. This is what DC needs to figure out with the new slate - what is the simplest formula that works for their properties. Obviously it is not the Snyder-led DCCU so hopefully Geoff Johns can bring back the magic they had with Nolan on Batman. That being said, I am finding Marvel movies unwatchable now. It is the same simple formula with each movie, just a different villain as we go. Their production quality was weaker than usual with Civil War - the fight scenes were sped up too much at points so they came across as unrealistic and choppy, and the storyline was brutally weak. GotG is the last MCU movie that I thought was great, and that was because it was different and produced well. I am really hoping that the Infinity War is more along the lines of GotG than what we have seen recently with AoU/Ant-MAn/Civil War. No offense, but this seems to be the same passive/aggressive nonsense tossed from every DC apologist at the Marvel slate these days - calling them "simple" or "aimed at kids." So as to try to paint fans of these movies as basically fans of kids movies. Or to put themselves as superior for preferring the more "refined" slate of DC films. Whatever. If you don't like them, fine. If you're eating what DC is serving, great. But there's no reason to just keep trying this tactic. Despite the few die-hard apologists pushing it, no one is buying it. Sorry. Simply because the vast critical consensus says that Civil War was an excellent movie and BvS and Suicide Squad were terrible doesn't mean you have to agree with that. But it might at least give you pause and wonder if your objectivity has been compromised when you continue to try to denigrate the Marvel movies and their fans. Marvel movies are simple and that works. Why complain about it? Lucas created a $4 billion company out of this approach. Disney has an empire based on it. You are posting the same response that Marvel movie fanboys always post when people point this out as well. That being said, if my 11 and 12 year olds are noticing the same things re: how simple the Marvel movies are, that tells me something (as in I will not be dropping $100+ to take the family to the theater as often ). In any case, if Marvel puts out great movies like Avengers, Iron Man 1, Winter Soldier and GotG then I will continue to go to them. Just like if DC does not improve I will stop after giving WW and Justice League a try. Personally, I want both companies to succeed so I can continue to make fun money off of the comics underlying their movie properties and have the value of my core collection continue to increase. It is as simple as that. FWIW, I have more Marvel keys sitting in my "to flip" boxes than DC.
  5. SA production quality was definitely all over the place. You also see differences in the amount of gloss in mid to late 60s Marvels depending on where they were printed. I love picking up those books in collections - it is like they were double glossed at the printers.
  6. What about Strikeforce Morituri? I loved that series as a kid.
  7. And helped in saving the day. What a waste.......and not just because I have accumulated a nice stack of HG NTT #2s for cheap over the years.
  8. My daughter and I saw it today and it was good, not great, but an enjoyable movie. That being said, I have no idea why the critics hammered it so much other than the movie was not simple and light-hearted. I don't know what all the fuss is about the movie not flowing well. If you are partially literate and can follow a story line for more than 2 mins it is fine. Smith was fine as Deadshot, and Robbie was great as Harley Quinn. I liked El Diablo as well. Leto was good as the Joker, but they hardly used him which was a shame. He brought a different perspective to the character which was interesting, but I can see how he is hit or miss with fans/viewers.
  9. Im wondering if it wont even make it out of the first weekend before the drop starts... Typical 1st weekend breakdown for the big superhero premiers is... 43/31/26 Summer behavior breaks down as 40/34/26 (so a little better on Saturday) but it wouldnt surprise me if SSq matched BvS or even was more Friday weighted. BvS broke down its $166m first weekend 49/31/20. Maybe SSq breaks 50% of its first weekend on Friday... Right now we're looking at a 48/29/23 breakdown... So pretty darn close to the frontloading like BvS (even though it didnt get as much of a push as BvS). Amazing considering this was the summer and usually those breakdowns are MORE even, not less. So that means we'll be looking for another high 60% drop off for week two... Either that, or we see a smaller dropoff due to 1) a lack of competition and 2) better word of mouth than what critics were rating the movie at. Not having anything decent to go against may give it more staying power.
  10. To each their own. My kids and I felt the same way about Ant-Man and Civil War. The problem with the Marvel movies since Winter soldier is that they are too formulaic. As my daughter (12 years old) said again today after SS, she did not like Ant-Man or Civil war because they are too simple and must be aimed at younger kids. This is coming from a girl that loves Black Widow and the Scarlet Witch - she actually liked AoU because of them (a minor imperfection ) Marvel has learned to do two things well with their franchises, just like Lucas did once upon a time with Star Wars/Indiana Jones and Disney has done all along: 1) keep the movies simple so they work at the 6 year old level (just like we are told to write at a 6th grade level) as this will attract the broadest audience (and the reason to make superhero movies is to make money, not garner critical acclaim) and 2) keep the movie formula the same. This is what DC needs to figure out with the new slate - what is the simplest formula that works for their properties. Obviously it is not the Snyder-led DCCU so hopefully Geoff Johns can bring back the magic they had with Nolan on Batman. That being said, I am finding Marvel movies unwatchable now. It is the same simple formula with each movie, just a different villain as we go. Their production quality was weaker than usual with Civil War - the fight scenes were sped up too much at points so they came across as unrealistic and choppy, and the storyline was brutally weak. GotG is the last MCU movie that I thought was great, and that was because it was different and produced well. I am really hoping that the Infinity War is more along the lines of GotG than what we have seen recently with AoU/Ant-MAn/Civil War.
  11. It was a flash in the pan to start with, but depending on how Spider-Gwen is handled she may regain some of the sizzle. FWIW, the next "Gwen" to get a title is supposedly Gwenom - that is where the speculative $$$ will be going.
  12. Really? When I stated how bad I thought that AoU and Civil War were (along with Ant-Man), I got attacked as being a hater and a troll. It seems like on these boards there is only respect for differing opinions if it is Marvel fanboys hating/trolling DC movies.
  13. If luck holds, we should see Jody & TC next season. I loved that story arc when I first read it back in the day.
  14. This just isn't true though. BvS made quite a bit of money for a movie that didn't connect with audiences. Is it possible it did connect and critics didn't like it? And it sold a ton of BluRays too. If JLA fails next summer, then I'll agree with you. Until then, this is no different than Marvel when they built their Cinema Universe, except Marvel's movies got better ratings. I'll bet SS does just fine. Why does it bug people that the DC movies are doing fine financially? Because critics didn't like it? If SS is DC's 3rd movie in their DCCU, I'll bet it matches up just fine to Marvel's 3rd movie which was IM2. Not exactly a movie that set the world on fire. Don't get me wrong, I was one of the people that liked BvS much better than Civil War, but the fact that BvS did not crack $1B at the box office tells you all that you need to know about how well it is connecting with the broader movie-going audience. I expect that WB/DCCU learned their lessons and will apply that to their movies going forward. WRT critics, do they really matter anymore? I am happy that the DC movies are doing well financially, but I would like to see one top a Marvel box office to watch the heads spin on some of the haters here on the boards. Give DC time. Marvel didn't have the huge breakout blockbuster until their 6th movie. Marvel had to learn what worked and didn't work as they went as well. This is true but it is also true that Marvel is playing with one hand tied behind its back (not having access to its top tier and most famous characters and titles) which is what makes what they are accomplishing cinenamatically that much more impressive and truly remarkable. And what makes the recent failures of Warner and DC (with their most famous and marquee characters ) that much more inexcusable, glaring and downright pathetic. It really does look like they either don't know what they are doing , or are just going for quick first weekend cash grabs with great marketing of inferior product. -J. True enough re: X-Men and Spider-Man, but if Marvel did not cut those deals back in the day who would own them now? Fox has done fine with the X-franchise so far, and the FF has not been a relevant comic book since the early 70s so they are not missing much there. Marvel has access to Spidey now so it will be interesting to see if they can match the first two Sony Spider-Man movies in quality. If not, that will be a huge whiff (I think they have whiffed with the actor already personally, but will give the movie a chance). Right now DC's issue is that they gave the reigns to Snyder to the DCCU and his vision is not connecting. Doing a change in direction with WW and JL will give them a chance to make up for it.
  15. This just isn't true though. BvS made quite a bit of money for a movie that didn't connect with audiences. Is it possible it did connect and critics didn't like it? And it sold a ton of BluRays too. If JLA fails next summer, then I'll agree with you. Until then, this is no different than Marvel when they built their Cinema Universe, except Marvel's movies got better ratings. I'll bet SS does just fine. Why does it bug people that the DC movies are doing fine financially? Because critics didn't like it? If SS is DC's 3rd movie in their DCCU, I'll bet it matches up just fine to Marvel's 3rd movie which was IM2. Not exactly a movie that set the world on fire. Don't get me wrong, I was one of the people that liked BvS much better than Civil War, but the fact that BvS did not crack $1B at the box office tells you all that you need to know about how well it is connecting with the broader movie-going audience. I expect that WB/DCCU learned their lessons and will apply that to their movies going forward. WRT critics, do they really matter anymore? I am happy that the DC movies are doing well financially, but I would like to see one top a Marvel box office to watch the heads spin on some of the haters here on the boards.
  16. I have yet to see anyone who bases their movie like or dislike decision based on the comics they are trying to sell. In fact, I see more fanboys that complain here about the characters not being how they expect them to be than anything. If I had to characterize all of us vultures on the boards it is this: we speculate on all movies and will move the keys we want to sell before given movie's premiere as we are all aware of how comic prices drop shortly after that. Anyone looking to sell their BA 12 has done it already.
  17. Yup +2 If the same book keeps popping up in auctions it basically sends two messages: 1) it is overgraded and 2) there is no upside for the press-slab-flip play.
  18. What did you smoke/drink/inject/inhale before you saw it? Obviously the same stuff that anyone did who thought Civil War or AoU were great movies.
  19. The difference is, they are well written, well-acted, well directed. People (or fanboys) may not like the direction a film goes(IM interacting with a young boy as a mentor, IM having PTSD), choices made (fake Mandarin), etc, but the only movie from Marvel's Studio you could say was of poor "quality" would be Hulk, and portions of Captain America 1. Everything else people knock films for (IM2, IM3, AoU) are their personal opinions about things they dont like. That's not the same as "bad dialogue", "bad pacing", "bad acting", etc. Which is why those films that some people rag on that Marvel has made, did well financially and critically (not 23% on RT, etc). This 10000% Yep agreed. This is spot on. It feels like certain people just want to mess on Marvel movies because of some sort of allegiance to DC/WB Just like certain people just want to mess on DC/WB movies because of some allegiance to Marvel. It works both ways. DC's problem right now is that BvS and SS are based on the initial vision for their cinematic universe, which is not connecting with the broader movie-going audience. I can imagine the SS is a mess as they tried to correct things after the film was basically finished production and BvS was panned. That never works out. That being said, with SS not having any real competition at the box office for a bit WB may luck out with a decent result in the end.
  20. Civil War was a weak movie and nowhere near the best Marvel flick, let alone TDK.
  21. I suspect those are pretty tough to find, but... that price is crazy. They definitely are tough to find. Even the newest #1 is seeing some decent sales again after going cold for a bit. U need to pick some up for your Cons they will be easy sales. I do not need to pick up any more, I just need to figure out which book I stashed the regular #1s and Phantom #1s in. I actually cleaned out the two LCSs that had them when they came out and I could flip the book for a quick double on eBay.
  22. Everyone I know that watches the show, along with my wife and I, do not like Tulip. Maybe that is success for the character in a double negative = positive kind of way?
  23. I suspect those are pretty tough to find, but... that price is crazy. They definitely are tough to find. Even the newest #1 is seeing some decent sales again after going cold for a bit.
  24. Those are strong moves. But, if WWBN 32 can go for crazy money, JO 134 should too. Looking at the latest 8.5 and 9.2 sales, I guess that means my 9.0 is now a $1000 book? Wow, that has moved up fast. The current action on ASM #129 is amazing as well.
  25. Remember, this movie was scripted/developed and initially filmed under the old Snyder vision for the DCU so it was going to be darker from the start. My guess is that Wonder Woman and then Justice League will be the films that the lessons learned show up in. Suicide Squad was basically done filming/most of production when BvS came out. You can't throw all of that away and still hope to make money. That being said, I am looking forward to Suicide Squad and will be taking my kids and some of their friends to it this weekend. The kids are more amped for it than I am. This will likely be the last hero movie we go to this year. My two kids thought the Dr. Strange trailers looked "silly".