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Everything posted by kimik

  1. what are the politics you are mentioning? Also what are the thoughts that you felt the movie provoked? I felt like it was trying to be thoughtful (vs the glib, popcorn marvel movies) but got so bogged down any attempts to be "deep" got lost in the muddiness and plot holes. kudos for trying, but trying ain't the same as succeeding... Critics are lobbyists. theyll tell you what they "honestly" think based on how much money gets in their pockets. 29% for this movie is nothing but an insult. Deliberate insult... Someone didnt get paid. Well Ill tell ya. Warner got paid. And good for them, they did an excellent job. Theres no way youre gonna go to a Christopher Nolan production and not take something from the cinematic experience. But, it depends on the mood. You may go to a movie and expect to see good guys beating bad guys and some T&A thrown in for good measure, or you can go see a movie with alot of depth and a unique interpretation of what bad vs evil really is. Its not always black and white is it now? i've got to go back to gold and stay there; i'm getting depressed reading the stuff the movie forum attracts. bye [and, i know: "good riddance" as far as the d.c. movie crowd is concerned--fair enough]. No need to leave. Everyone has their own views. And, remember, we will be out in full force if Civil War sucks.
  2. Awesome! Ask and ye shall receive. I am glad to see this project moving forward finally.
  3. I liked BvS much more than Deadpool. I think that Deadpool was a revelation to people who were not familiar with the comics, and my bet is that the critics also went in with lowered expectations due to the Ryan Reynolds effect. I thought DP was a very good movie, but it was not as funny as I was hoping it to be (and they fugged up with one of my X-favorites, Colossus ). In any case, the majority of critics are seeing something in the movie that the vast majority of viewers are not which is hilarious. It will be interesting to see how BvS does this weekend. I hope that it holds well and ends up around $620 - $630M range and tops $1B in the end.
  4. I saw it in 3D because everything else was sold out. I typically do not like 3D movies; they typically distract me. But this one did not. Not much of an endorsement, but if you extrapolate, that might mean the 3D is decent. Thanks. I will pass the information along. Go for the 3D. This one was done well so the 3D aspects were not a distraction.
  5. I would be okay with that. The ending is just the end of Lucille pointing at the victim who we don't see who it is till next season. Exactly. Leave the fans wanting more. That should keep interest high over the summer.
  6. I love the way they are teasing Negan in the ads by just showing Lucille and just having him speak a few words. My prediction.............nobody bites it in the finale. Negan lines them up, starts the selection process, and it ends when he picks "it".
  7. +1000 We just got back from the theatre. My wife and kids loved it. I asked my daughter why and her response was that it was a complex story and that Wonder Woman was awesome. I then asked how it compared to Ant-Man and AoU and she said "Ant-Man is for little kids, and AoU was bad. I like the DC movies better than the Marvel ones because they are more complex." As for my son (10), he loved it as well and thought it was awesome. I asked him if he liked AoU or Ant-Man better and he said no way. He said he liked BvS as much as the first Avengers flick or GoTG. My wife thought it was a great movie as well. She had some questions about a few things (e.g. Parademons), but she nailed all of the dream sequences as they were starting and had no problem following the story even though she is the furthest thing from a comic fan (she likes the movies and tolerates my "stupid and childish comic habit"). She was actually pissed at the end when they killed Superman. I have no idea why people had problems with the editing or the story. It was easy to follow whether you know anything about the DCU or not (which, granted, most movie goers do not), and sets things up nicely for Darkseid and the Justice League movies IMHO. Affleck was great as Batman. I was worried going in, but even my wife liked him in the role and she is a big Christian Bale fan. Cavill was fine as Superman again. I liked the fact that Supes showed some more human behavior in the film and lost his restraint when Lois was held hostage at the start. Gadot was perfect as Wonder Woman. My wife and daughter are excited to see the Wonder Woman film. DC/WB will have a huge franchise on their hands if they do the Wonder Woman movie right as she resonated well with the women I know who have seen the movie. There were some aspects of the movie that I did not like: Eisenberg was hit or miss as Lex for me. In some scenes he was overacting too much for my tastes. I did not care for the whole battle set up by Lex either, but it was probably the easiest way to do it. Doomsday was way out of proportion as well. They made him look way too much taller/massive than Superman. Using the listed heights from DC, 8'10" vs 6'3", it should not look like cave troll vs. hobbit in the really bad scenes. I did not care for Doomsday's cave troll similarity either. With the amount they spent on CGI that should not have happened. Overall, I thought the film was great and can't wait for the director's cut/extended blue ray disc to come out.
  8. Let's get this movie into production already. I picked up a couple of collections last year with NM runs that I need to unload.
  9. Very nice! If a movie with polarizing reviews can't derail price gains, can you imagine what will happen if the Justice League movie actually cracks 50% on Rotten Tomatoes?
  10. I think that we will see more movies in the future open worldwide in all markets. There are too many hero/sci-fi/big budget movies coming out now to do the delayed releases. The longer you are the big movie in all markets the better your returns will be.
  11. I am finally going to see it tomorrow. My expectations are tempered going in, but I am betting I fall more in line with this review. i think that's the right attitude. its not a cinematic masterpiece, but its generally fun. You can pick it apart (if you want) after the movie, but while you're in there, if you're trying to enjoy it you probably will. I am fine with movies that make you pay attention and think while they set up the storylines for future films. That is what I hope to see in this one. I don't need to be spoonfed it like they do in the Marvel movies.
  12. I am finally going to see it tomorrow. My expectations are tempered going in, but I am betting I fall more in line with this review.
  13. Broke the record for Tuesday in March. (after breaking Monday's record too). http://comicbook.com/2016/03/30/batman-v-superman-breaks-march-tuesday-box-office-record/ A March Tuesday record? That's horrible.
  14. This is why I am losing interest in the Flash. I thought Barry and his crew were supposed to be smart? I can't stand how physically weak he is either. It seems like he gets a beating by everyone.......
  15. They already introduced Gambit, along with Deadpool, in the first Wolverine movie.......
  16. But oddly came in just a little under the last 5.5 sale on GPA. The latest B&B #28 CGC 5.5 sale that I am seeing on GPA is $5,497 That was much lower than the previous two copies at $7K+
  17. That is gold plated igloos from flipping Canadian newsstand variants.
  18. I wonder if anyone's put together a complete Canadian set yet? I would, but I'm too far from he source material, and everyone else wants silly prices. Define "complete Canadian set" for me in this context please. Because I'm very close to a complete set of Marvel "Canadians". All raw. I may send off the 95 centers to get graded at some point, as some of them are legitimately hard to find. I keep telling Mrs. Donut that there may be a road trip to the Great White North in her future to hit small comic stores in Ontario. I am pretty sure "complete Canbadian set" was in regards to Legends #1-6. If you have them, please sub/fast track 'em I have a raw set or two if you are interested.........
  19. It is because the pence symbol is so lame compared to a $ sign. The print run on the CDN newsstand edition is likely lower than the UK pence copies as the population of Canada was ~50% of the UK (still is), but I am not certain. I think I posted before that comic sales to Canada were likely 10% of what they were in the USA. Earlier newsstand variants should be easier to find as the newsstand print runs were probably in the 40% of total distribution range. The later $0.95 or $1.00 and up cover prices are the ones to get in high grade as the newsstand print runs had dropped significantly by then.
  20. Looks like the latest CGC 5.5 sale on the Boards has eclipsed the last 6.0 sale on GPA: http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=9254295&gonew=1#UNREAD
  21. The price difference between CGC vs. CBCS makes buying tightly graded CBCS books to resubmit to CGC a decent opportunity right now.
  22. Someone buying a book with bright colors not paying attention to PQ...? :shrug: Clutch the pearls ! -J. I am surprised that book hit a 4.0 with the slightly brittle pages. Looking at the creasing on the cover, the tears at the top and bottom of the spine, and subscription crease, I would have expected CGC to nail it further due to the pages. It does have nice color, though.
  23. Interesting. I wonder how much higher a Canadian newsstand edition would have gone for? I was planning on holding my 9.8 Legends #3 Canadian newsstand copy until closer to the movie, but this price makes me wonder if it is not better to sell now. Canadian variants go for good money, you should list thst book asap.....check GPA;) Legends 3 has dropped a lot, since last year.Sold my last cgc 9.8 direct for about $190 BIN.....can't even get $125 BIN for the 9.8 I have listed now. I have slowly been leaking some of my 9.8s out over the past couple of years. The two 9.8 Secret Wars #8s did very nicely last year leading into the whole Marvel Secret Wars event. I kind of regret selling my 9.8 Batman #400, but the price was right. I have not found anywhere close to as nice of a copy since then.
  24. I wonder if anyone's put together a complete Canadian set yet? I would, but I'm too far from he source material, and everyone else wants silly prices. My guess is that Donut has a complete set, if not two. He has been buying them for years now and I think the last time he posted he had several long boxes. I had all of the DC and most of the Marvel superhero CDN variants a few years back but sold most of the non-key/hot books off in a massive collection downsizing. I had lucked into two collections that had complete newsstand 80s Marvel and DC runs in high grade where the OO would search multiple 7-11/Mac's stores for the best copy(s), read them once and bag/board them. While they are common up here, it is not easy to find them in 9.6+.