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Everything posted by kimik

  1. Looks like I have to dig the Gen 13 #1s and all of the Wizard/DF/etc. variants I had sitting in the dollar box section and put them up on eBay......
  2. not until the movie at least Hasn't IM 55 already dropped? Not such an easy sell these days I believe it dropped two times already. Nothing that quick press can't handle!
  3. Here is the thing that bugs me about episode 3 - you know you can't permanently kill him (supposedly), but why not take Vandal Savage's body with Hawkman's and just keep him imprisoned and sedated for eternity? Problem solved.
  4. I totally agree with the bolded part. Considering he has been average in most of the other roles he has had in his career, being cast as Thanos was winning a billion dollar Powerball for him.........
  5. Looks like I will have to pick up a few Tec #49s from my LCSs and start listing while the market is hot!
  6. If they keep this up there will be very little left to use as source material for a Superman show......
  7. Do the news stand editions of New 52 Batman #1 1st prints fetch any type of premium to the regular direct copies? I found a copy while sorting a long box of miscellaneous books today.
  8. Nice copy. I would not worry, just get it relabelled as it will still carry a premium to other versions.
  9. That's because the Silver Age market is stagnant. The Modern market is where the action is. Well, if the number of thread counts, post counts, and members viewing are any indication, it would appear that the GA market is where all the action really is by a long shot. Looking at the titles of the threads in the GA forum it appears that the same people are posting in GA and Modern.
  10. Wow, this thread is buried. Here are a couple of recent returns from Sarasota:
  11. , I bet a bunch of folks are thinking this might be the "last" time for an upgrade. After March I'd say the buy in may be exceptionally more difficult to achieve unless you're Daddy Warbucks or the Monopoly guy.... My that this turns out to be the case. If the BvS cameos for other heroes go well then I hope that we will finally see the DC SA keys play catch up with their Marvel counterparts across the board.
  12. That's because the Silver Age market is stagnant. The Modern market is where the action is.
  13. Yep,this is going to be huge. Most non-comic book people I know are more looking forward to Suicide Squad,than BVS! I agree. I have friends who have never read a comic talk to me about this movie. That last trailer did it. Tell them they should go out and buy up every copy of Legends #3 that I will be listing between now and the movie release please.
  14. I am back in the club with a pair of recent additions.
  15. Are you saying that this copy was undergraded or that the other previous copies were overgraded? I am simply stating that this copy was a superior copy. Nothing else. +1 It is amazing how an accurately graded copy can look that much better than other copies floating around. In any case, B&B #28 should see a nice run up over the next couple of years along with the associated 1st SA appearances of the associated characters.
  16. I am not sure. If there was a copy of #28 in the mix as well at OSPG I would say take all three if needed. B&B #29 and #30 should see a bit of a premium to OSPG, but moreso in higher grades.
  17. Time to change the subject from the same BA12 discussion we have had numerous times in other threads.
  18. Wow! Someone did not get their box of Cheerios this morning. Marvel zombies are gonna hate......
  19. I thought I had read someplace that he is supposed to be Slade Wilson but not put on the costume in the movie?
  20. Exactly. Buy at a discount to OSPG and sell at true market value.
  21. That is how I am kind of starting to feel. I will go see it no matter what, but I feel kind of neutral about the whole thing. While on the other hand I am even more jazzed to see Captain America: Civil War than I was five months ago. My index for seeing Batman V Superman is going down while my index for Captain America is going up. I'm the opposite. But when considering the Big Two in comics, I am more a DC nerd than Marvel. Not to say I don't love my Spider-Man, X-Men and Captain America comics. It may be what you appreciate more that matters the most with these movies. Though I do hope they all succeed so the cinema beast keeps fed. +2 re: waning interest in the Marvel movies. I was not a big fan of either AoU or Ant-Man, and more importantly for the future of the franchises, neither were my kids. Their response to Ant-Man was the most disinterested I have seen them be with any Marvel or DC movie I have watched with them to date. They have seen all of the other movies at least 4 - 5 times on DVD or TV, even the duds. I am looking forward to the Fox X-title slate of movies more than the Marvel studios flicks for one simple reason - they are not as formulaic as the Marvel studios movies have become. Guardians was fun because it was different and had a good cast, but the other movies they have done the past couple of years have been. (and yes, that includes the Winter Soldier - the actor they cast as Bucky looks too wussy for the character IMHO )
  22. Unless you are one of those folks that just hate on DC and love everything Marvel. Then you'll be taking everyone else on a journey of unrelenting complaints..... Ignore them. Those are the same people that think AoU was a great movie.
  23. I don't know if it has been posted already, but how many copies of the WD 150 b/w one per store variants were printed?
  24. Agreed, and right now the only regular superhero title that is close to it in monthly sales is Batman. I am curious to see what the sales numbers are for the new #1s or books like DK3 without the multitude of store or other variant covers. There are a ton of variants that help pump up sales #s.