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Everything posted by kimik

  1. I am not sure what the value is, but I remember those packs on the rack when I was a kid. Maybe Donut or one of the other Canadian Newsstand experts can speak to pricing.
  2. The thing that has always bothered me about the cover is this - how the heck is he going to hit CM from that position?
  3. Depending on what the shipping backlog at CGC is like, I might have another ASM #300 (9.6) back for Christmas.........
  4. What was special about ASM #9 for the sales bump - Spider-Gwen or Spider-Verse? ASM #10 released in the same month was back below Batman and at its normal sales average. Looks like #9 was a speculative bump. No - Harley is the DC equivalent of Deadpool. Massively popular "humorous" super-hero characters that have a huge following that will buy whatever book or mini-series that is printed. Over the past year and a half I have started buying Harley and Deadpool minis and regular series issues in bulk for one purpose - to flip for a nice profit at shows. Those two titles cover all of your expenses and more for setting up, leaving the bigger books for the gravy.
  5. kimik


    No, that would be the POS Marvel's Agents of SHIELD. What a brutal show that is.
  6. Out of curiousity where do you obtain the "pre-cut cardboard that fits perfectly"? Papermart. About $117 shipped for 600 sheets of 8.5 x 11 200# cardboard. I used to cut my own cardboard. My time is worth 20 cents a sheet. I'm getting the 9 x 12s for 26 cents each, and they're just a bit bigger. Yay! You know what they say about comic fanboys with bigger cardboard.......... What does that say about this Fanboy who actually owns a cardboard factory BTW I come to this board to get away from cardboard talk between the hours of 9:00 to 3:00 Jim There is a huge captive market here. What is the best price you can give on the packing boards and mailing supplies?
  7. Out of curiousity where do you obtain the "pre-cut cardboard that fits perfectly"? Papermart. About $117 shipped for 600 sheets of 8.5 x 11 200# cardboard. I used to cut my own cardboard. My time is worth 20 cents a sheet. I'm getting the 9 x 12s for 26 cents each, and they're just a bit bigger. Yay! You know what they say about comic fanboys with bigger cardboard..........
  8. It's also the time of year that people are buying gifts and don't have extra cash. Net gain. Right after Christmas and into the first couple of weeks of January are always great for sales. Late Jan and early Feb tend to be weaker as the Xmas credit card bills come due. The best times to buy seem to be late Jan/early Feb and then November, for whatever reasons. August is not bad as well as people are on vacation or have spent their $$$ at the big cons. That being said the last week of November and first week of December have netted me some new GPA highs on books this year........
  9. This is also entering into the silly Christmas bidding season. Best time of the year to list books as buyers are flush with Xmas gift cash and willing to overpay significantly on books.
  10. As long as Snyder keeps things going with Batman all will be fine in the comic universe.......
  11. That's why there are two 1st appearances in the book, not just one. True. If it's hot because of Jason Todd, then I can see that. If it's hot because of Croc, then this is the wrong book... Todd only appears in two panels, from a distance! Bah! Bah, I say! Well, if a fist punching a door can qualify as a 1st appearance now this one is fine.
  12. Gen 13 1/2 is also a great book. Incredibly tough to find in 9.8, because of the spine. Gen 13 is a great property, and if they ever do anything with it, the sky's the limit. Sure, there were a bazillion blacks printed, but...how many have been thrown out? Probably more than a dozen. The gold black is...well...gold. The only real problem is storage. I agree with Gen 13 - it is a property waiting to resurface....... Many Valiant books are at the lowest they've been in years....not Bronze material, but there's potential there. I sold off all of the Valiants I had accumulated during the first big spike in the early 00s. With the $CDN:$USD exchange rate at the time it was an extra 40-50% on top of the high prices.
  13. Gen 13 1/2 is also a great book. Incredibly tough to find in 9.8, because of the spine. Gen 13 is a great property, and if they ever do anything with it, the sky's the limit. Sure, there were a bazillion blacks printed, but...how many have been thrown out? Probably more than a dozen. The gold black is...well...gold. The only real problem is storage. I agree with Gen 13 - it is a property waiting to resurface....... Can you really get away with scantilly clad, anotomically incorrect drek these days? In the 90's that was all the rage. Seems like the only successful books are the ones with great writing these days. They're going to have to do a major overhaul to Gen13 if they want to sniff Issue #30... Agreed, but other anatomically incorrect and scantilly clad characters are still out there (Power Girl anyone?) and with Jim Lee taking a bigger role with DC he may be able to find some way to rescue it from the heap.
  14. Gen 13 1/2 is also a great book. Incredibly tough to find in 9.8, because of the spine. Gen 13 is a great property, and if they ever do anything with it, the sky's the limit. Sure, there were a bazillion blacks printed, but...how many have been thrown out? Probably more than a dozen. The gold black is...well...gold. The only real problem is storage. I agree with Gen 13 - it is a property waiting to resurface.......
  15. The aforementioned Rocket Raccoon. If they can do something with him, they can do something with anyone. The problem with Tec #400 is that it started at an unsustainable price to begin with as it was perceived to be hard to find in high grade. As more HG copies have come onto the market the prices have adjusted accordingly. In addition, the Man-Bat is a rather lame character....... With Ra's playing a prominent role in Season 3 of Arrow, it looks like WB/DC will start to feature the character more which will help to increase the value of Batman #232. The book has always been undervalued due to the perceived availability of copies, but they are few and far between with other dealers at the shows up here............
  16. That's why there are two 1st appearances in the book, not just one.
  17. Sorry, but chasing 9.8/9.9/10.0 of any BA/CA book is a mistake as there will likely be another one around the corner. I keep 9.4s for my personal collection and dump 9.8s as soon as they come in.
  18. You want a tip...? Buy Detective #311s. Wait for some sort of "announcement." At worst, you'll have a few extra Detective #311s lying around. And a few 100 dollars lighter. FF #45 FF #36 FF #46 FF #52 Strange Tales #126 Hulk #271 Marvel Preview #7 Marvel Super Heroes #18 New Teen Titans #2 Preacher #1 Sandman #1 DC Comics Presents #49 Batman #417 Micronauts #8 The list goes on of books that had little relative value 2-3-4-5 years ago. This is strange, new territory we're in, but it's also very familiar territory. Everyone's rushing to get the next hot thing. The key to making "money" in comics is to resist the temptation to follow the crowd, to run out and spend money on the next hot thing, and buy what everyone else is not. At the prices that Tec #311 is selling for, you have essentially nothing to lose. It's not like it's a book that is going to plummet to $1 for NM copies after you've spent those hundreds of dollars. You're not likely to see a loss if you HAVE to sell, which is a wonderful aspect of many collectibles. Don't like Tec #311? How about Tec #400? Green Lantern #59? Spidey #101? DC Comics Presents #87? Flash #112? Justice League #1 (1987)? Showcase #79? (Showcase is littered with potential, actually.) Blue Beetle #1? Booster Gold #1? All books that were fairly "hot" at one point, but have settled back down to low levels relative to the non-keys around them. If Legends #3 can "hit"...this crazy market can do anything. Sure, you don't know what will hit, and when...but picking books that were "once hot, now not" is a lot easier than trying to guess what the next Batman Adventures #12 is going to be (if there ever will be another one like that.) You are off by 100 issues with the Tec #311 play. The smart money was accumulating Tec #411 over the past few years before the big jump. Right now is a good time to still be snapping up Tec #405 (tough in high grade and undervalued - 1st League of Assassins) or Batman #232 instead (this one keeps moving up). Buy all of them. Although, I wouldn't be buying Bats #232. But the rest...yes. At the prices they are at? Yes. Snap away. Bats #232 at a discount to GPA is a good buy long term IMHO. That book sells fast at shows, is requested all the time, and is still undervalued even after the gap up over the past year. It was a great buy at its prices 2-3 years from now and will continue to move up. I am not as certain about the future for books like Tec #400. It was higher in the past due to perceived scarcity in high grade. As more copies have come onto the market in 9.0+ the prices have dropped as they should. The Man-Bat is a nothing character as well, which hurts it in the 1st appearance category. Another book to keep accumulating while it is still readily available at low prices is Batman #357. I still can't believe how low some dealers price it at relative to what slabbed copies are going for. I am also wondering if the 1st Nocturna won't jump up at some point as well. That was a decent story arc.
  19. You want a tip...? Buy Detective #311s. Wait for some sort of "announcement." At worst, you'll have a few extra Detective #311s lying around. And a few 100 dollars lighter. FF #45 FF #36 FF #46 FF #52 Strange Tales #126 Hulk #271 Marvel Preview #7 Marvel Super Heroes #18 New Teen Titans #2 Preacher #1 Sandman #1 DC Comics Presents #49 Batman #417 Micronauts #8 The list goes on of books that had little relative value 2-3-4-5 years ago. This is strange, new territory we're in, but it's also very familiar territory. Everyone's rushing to get the next hot thing. The key to making "money" in comics is to resist the temptation to follow the crowd, to run out and spend money on the next hot thing, and buy what everyone else is not. At the prices that Tec #311 is selling for, you have essentially nothing to lose. It's not like it's a book that is going to plummet to $1 for NM copies after you've spent those hundreds of dollars. You're not likely to see a loss if you HAVE to sell, which is a wonderful aspect of many collectibles. Don't like Tec #311? How about Tec #400? Green Lantern #59? Spidey #101? DC Comics Presents #87? Flash #112? Justice League #1 (1987)? Showcase #79? (Showcase is littered with potential, actually.) Blue Beetle #1? Booster Gold #1? All books that were fairly "hot" at one point, but have settled back down to low levels relative to the non-keys around them. If Legends #3 can "hit"...this crazy market can do anything. Sure, you don't know what will hit, and when...but picking books that were "once hot, now not" is a lot easier than trying to guess what the next Batman Adventures #12 is going to be (if there ever will be another one like that.) You are off by 100 issues with the Tec #311 play. The smart money was accumulating Tec #411 over the past few years before the big jump. Right now is a good time to still be snapping up Tec #405 (tough in high grade and undervalued - 1st League of Assassins) or Batman #232 instead (this one keeps moving up).
  20. There are plenty of opportunities to buy books and make a great return. Not everything needs to be snapped up for a buck a book, but it is nice when speculative plays out of dollar bins pay off.
  21. There are a ton of Copper Age books selling for good coin now. In the past a person would cringe at having to sort through another Copper collection. Now I actively seek them as you can snag them for a pittance compared to Silver/Bronze collections and generate a larger return.
  22. Great news for Copper hoarders between this and the Suicide Squad cast announcement.....