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Everything posted by buttock

  1. Why would you even pass on information relayed to you be such an obvious person_too_unaware_of_social_graces? Frankly, I'm disappointed in you, Rick, for dredging this muck back up to the surface. Apparently, poor taste needed a spokesperson. because he politely asked me to, however, don't confuse a messenger with a spokesperson... I found it interesting that the book actually graded 9.2 (speculating on how, but that is a different story) (thumbs u Dear Rick, It was so nice to see you on the boards again, I'm glad to see that you're doing well. If you wouldn't mind a favor, I'd like to kindly ask that you give me your Action 1. If it's not too much trouble, any Detectives you have in your posession would go nicely with it too. I wish you all the best, Dan I asked politely...
  2. I used to own the WM copy and it was killer -- it's probably the 9.4 listed on the census.
  3. Love the Buccaneers 21. It's just one of "those" books that you can't do justice unless you can flip through it. I sold mine years ago and finally got another last year in Baltimore.
  4. Very subtle. Looks like they may have even picked some off in one spot.
  5. It is ironic that during that late '50's period, little old Treasure Chest was more vocal than straight War comics from DC. Actually, I'd say that's anything. . .everything else BUT ironic. Definitely NOT ironic. You are correct that my word choice was poor. I should have: "On the other hand, it was no surprise that Treasure Chest was more vocal than DC." I do understand the background and motivation behind Treasure Chest's decision. I did not know though about the timing of the "unde God" addition. (thumbs u After all, one should remember that radio carried such a show as: I was a Communist for the FBI As per the wikipedia entry (to save me more research), "The film and radio show are, in part, artifacts of the McCarthy era, as well as a time capsule of American society during the Second Red Scare. The purpose of both are partly to warn people about the threat of Communist subversion of American society. The tone of the show is ultra-patriotic, with Communists portrayed as racist, vindictive, and tools of a totalitarian foreign power, the Soviet Union." Granted McCarthy used American's fears of an atomic war in an effort to advance his own career, don't forget, at that time that there was a real threat of Communist infiltration in the Government, academia, business, and the media. The cases of Alger Hiss, the Rosenbergs, etc are well documented facts of Communist Americans spying for the Soviets. Comics like TREASURE CHEST and others were keen to make Americans aware of a very real threat. Its a shame that the lasting impression from that era are "black lists" and "witch hunts". While those things did happen, the greater good was that a lot of traitors were exposed and that resulted in the nation being a safer place. Does anybody else feel the volcano trembling? Bill, I'd be willing to debate that one off-thread, pilgrim. (Don't want the current trajectory of this one to get ANY of us well-mannered war folk ejected.) All politics aside Mick, I think you're in for a losing battle here. Communists perpetrated massacres that put the Shoah to shame, I can count three off the top of my head. Yes, some anti-communism propaganda was religious, but that probably reflects higher levels of organization more than anything. If other groups had been as large you'd have seen the same thing. Virtually the entire country was united in an anti-communist sentiment from the 50s on. People who were pro-communist were generally hold-overs from the 30s & 40s. At that point it was en vogue in left circles to sympathize with the communists because they were the only thing standing against the fascists in the Spanish civil war. But by the time the detestability of what the communists were doing in Europe & Asia became public knowledge most had to peel back due to the sheer evil involved. And ultimately, that's what it boiled down to. It wasn't religious groups piping an agenda, it was a free nation reviling plain old evil.
  6. It's a great question. To speculate a bit... Korea wasn't a very popular war, and quickly went the wrong way. DC may not have viewed this as worth featuring. McCarthyism was dead in the water at this point, so any discussion of the "Red Menace" may have been considered too political or too similar to a witch hunt. Although McCarthy wasn't an anti-Semite, Kanigher, Kubert, etc., may have viewed the anti-communist rhetoric as a little too similar to what the Jews had just gone through. As previously noted, DC didn't have much of a penchant for involving the Nazis in their storylines -- which may reflect a general avoidance of reality/politics in their storylines. Keeping things more "kid friendly". Now the converse of this is, why was Atlas SO vehemently anti-communist?
  7. i only have one. That tear on the 20th page must really bother you. Let me take that off your hands...
  8. I just want to say "tell us WTF you agreed upon TO THE LETTER" You took it to the people and now the people want to hear the conclusion. You can't just use us for your own satisfaction and leave us hanging. That's not how a community works. As far as I'm concerned you are both on my probation list until time stands still if you don't cough up the details. Don't bother buying from me, nor will I buy from you. I'm happy that you came to an S & M type happy conclusion but someone give me my time back for 70 pages of selling research wasted by members agreeing in private that they aren't despicable to try to escape being put on the probation list in the end. You my friend need to chill out maybe go back and read it again cause you apparently missed alot, i said time and time again i got screwed and theres nothin i can do, i dont have the book and never will what more do you want?? As far as putting me on the probation list seriously grow up and dont worry i wont buy from you and you can do the same from me. I didnt make the resolution private at all You made the resolution private by not making it public, and from the way you have worded it you had no say in the resolution either and that is sad. BTW, don't worry because you're on my private probation list, not the forum one. (and I don't own any 'Tec 37"'s either.) It's too bad you can't get this angry at the seller because you do need to grow some if you want buy here or you are going to find more of your purchases walking away from you (but not from me) Night Matt boy That's a great attitude to have (thumbs u What is the Matt supposed to do? Can he get the book? No. Why slam the guy he did nothing wrong. He said there is no resolution he got screwed. What else do you want? Stop acting like a jerk, there is nothing he can do. When have you sold here? I don't think he's going to miss out on to much. He brought it to the people and now it is an issue for everyone who participates in the sales forum as buyer and seller. Everyone agrees he is being victimized and I'm giving him some tough love that he needs. He needs to man up and you need to stop bending over beside him. Now you have gone from this is vile to its OK to deal with this seller without any info and we are suppose to be ok with this because the victim says I give up? We deserve to know the details to make our own decisions regardless of whether he or you say the case is closed. Why can't he tell us what Yannis said he felt was an agreeable conclusion even if it was squat because he knew Matt would roll over? Are you one of the PM privy ones so its good enough for you to know but not the rest of us? I'm happy that you are satisfied but I like to draw my own conclusions not just the ones made behind closed doors. Wanting to see justice served in transactions here, even if it means the seller will find another book or give a discount for making a mistake, is important to me if this is to be a healthy sales community. As far as I'm concerned that's a great attitude to have (thumbs u even if you don't share it. Self-righteous much?
  9. Like... oh, I don't know... maybe if someone had a deal with someone and then took another innocent party and sold the agreed-upon-item to them without telling them they had the aforementioned deal? That kind of situation? I hate that too. I'm glad we're all on the same page.
  10. Very cool book!! The only thing different about this book from the rest of the preheros is the cowboy hats. Thanks for sharing (thumbs u thanks to all, I was stunned when I found that copy, unfortunately the scan makes it seem like it has more defects than it does. Has anyone else tried to find the 4 Kirby monster westerns? I've found Two Gun Kid 58 to be perhaps the toughest - but when I finally found a copy I was so disappointed with it I let it go.
  11. I think this is my first post in this thread, I've loved the pre-hero books for years, but could never splurge on them. Looks like I've missed the boat on the bulk of them in grade, but I've been lucky to find a couple of the Kirby monster westerns in nice shape. I'm interested to hear how others feel that these fit into the pre-hero genre.
  12. By the way Jon, those are a great investment... you would be much better off without them. I know someone who would be happy to take them off your hands. And I mean me, just to eliminate any ambiguity. I'm the only person in the world who wants them. The ONLY person.
  13. A Board member owns the Larson (or at least he used to) - the ink couldn't dry fast enough on the check I'd write for that book! My 4 is the Cosmic Aeroplane copy. The 2 and 3 are the Larsons. I love the cover to #2. jb Please, please stop. That just hurts. At least I did not tell you about the Larson copy of #5.....or that the #1 is the Denver.... I take solace in this.
  14. A Board member owns the Larson (or at least he used to) - the ink couldn't dry fast enough on the check I'd write for that book! My 4 is the Cosmic Aeroplane copy. The 2 and 3 are the Larsons. I love the cover to #2. jb Please, please stop. That just hurts.
  15. The seller picked up something pretty astounding to keep his spirits up. (thumbs u Y'all mean this little old thing? Yeah, what he said. Wowie zowie!
  16. AtlasTales has it as Brodsky (?) - most of the features that would allow you to identify an artist are obscured by the layout so I'd say that's as good of a guess as any.
  17. I actually scanned and posted it on the boards a few years ago too (thumbs u Scans promptly found & stolen. Thanks to both of you!