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Everything posted by ne1seenmykeys

  1. I know times are going to vary for the different tiers but I'm mainly asking about bulk for now. For example, they're saying it's 124 (business) days right now for bulk, but I have 3 orders they received in the mail (the day the turnaround time starts), all on May 27th, and one of the three bulk orders JUST got into grading today, the 132nd business day since they received them. If all else plays out like my previous orders, the cards will be in G/EI + Finalization for anywhere from 2-4 weeks, which would put their TAT closer to 150 than 124. I'm not concerned about the "Received By" date bc that doesn't seem to affect the TAT at all. I think that is more for CSG's own records in terms of when they enter the order into the system. Can anyone else provide the following: 1) Day CSG received your order in the mail 2) Day the same order went into grading 3) Day the same order moved to Finalization 4) Day the same order was shipped So for my first bulk order being graded right now: 1) CSG received the order May 27th 2) CSG put them into grading on Dec 8th 3) They are yet to reach finalization 4) They are yet to ship I'd like to keep a rolling log of this just so we can see what the TATs are, even if it's just a little bit more accurately. *And to be clear, this is not a thread to come in here and whine about the TATs*. I kindly ask that you go make your own thread to do that please. TATs are simply estimates and I fully realize that. This is simply to see what the actual TATs are. Thank you in advance.
  2. Hey bruh, you can laugh at my replies all you want (I saw your emoticon reply to my last reply in here), but I'm not the one here freaking out about whether I should send a card in to be graded for god's sake. If you've been collecting for over 30 years like you said and you have confidence in the card then it should be a no-brainer to send it in. You have basically everyone in here telling you what to do, which is what you came here for, so either take the advice or leave it but to laugh at others who know what the hell they are talking about AND are trying to help you out seems purposefully ignorant to me.
  3. I have never seen one of those lines on one of these cards. It really is screaming fake to me and I hope he gets it authenticated. The fact that he is so hesitant to makes me question this even further. Until a professional grading company gets it and authenticates it I wouldn't touch this with a 20 foot pole.
  4. Why not both, though? I personally have used CSG as a great way to make profit on lower-end cards while stashing a lot away in my PC looking at long-term value, so I have gotten the best of both worlds. Why pay for your PC when you can have others do it?
  5. I would add that not everyone is collecting these pieces bc they care what the value of them will be long term. I just like his style and want them for my PC, regardless of what they run for. From this post history you seem very stuck on their long term value, which is fine, but I couldn't give two sh* ts what the long term value of them are.
  6. THIS ^ ^ ^ The OP is literally an overly emotional, (more than likely purposefully) ignorant ingrate. Came here asking for help, got helped by several people dishing out what I see to be very correct information on all fronts, and then pisses all over everyone in the thread? LMAO, what a world. At least by the emoticon replies it looks like literally no one is taking him seriously, so that's good. Hopefully he leaves this space and the sooner the better.
  7. Just go with another company, plain and simple. I'm sure CSG doesn't want to deal with people like you and those of us who have had massive success selling CSG-graded sports cards definitely don't want you around.
  8. Selling it ungraded would be another reason why you would want someone to make sure it's the real deal, bc if you sell it under the pretense that it's not fake and it turns out it is then you'll have to give a refund and you'll be stuck with a counterfeit card. That card is the number one counterfeit card in the hobby and it's not even close, and unless you are well versed on counterfeits yourself I wouldn't jump to any conclusions on the technologies etc that were used to create faked ones, when etc. Get it authenticated first, THEN sell it. It is a Michael Jordan rookie card for god's sake. No matter the grade, having it authenticated/graded will increase the amount you get for it exponentially. However, if you don't get it authenticated/graded and you sell a fake, you're doing to be on the hook for that bc there's no way someone is going to not come back looking for a refund if they go and grade it and it's a fake. To be clear, I'm not saying it's a fake. I'm saying it has the number one characteristic if being a fake. Get the card graded. Trust me. Or not lol.
  9. I've been doing this for 30 years and the yellow in the triangle/arrow under the word Fleer on the front of the card is the same color yellow as the rest of the yellow around it, which is literally the number one giveaway of a counterfeit card. I would absolutely take it to a card shop, perhaps, and have someone look at it first to tell you what they think.
  10. I mean it really depends on what the card is. Some cards are just going to be trash that no one wants, regardless of a CSG 9.5 or not. You can't just send in any card and hope that the market goes for it just bc you got it graded. What cards are you having trouble with specifically?
  11. I don't know what y'all are sending in, obviously, but I am getting 10s left and right compared to others on this site. It makes me feel like the ppl sending in stuff either aren't checking your cards well before sending in or they just don't know what to look for. My first big bulk order had 18 CSG 10s out of 114 cards. Some were repeats of the same card, however, but I still got 10s on 12 different cards, incl big name guys (LuBob, Acuna, Yordan, etc etc) In the 2nd order I sent them, again, I nailed the 10s with a total of 9 CSG 10s out of a 80-card order, incl three CSG 10s of Ronald Acuna's 2017 Bowman Draft, Ozzie Albies' 2018 RC, etc You really, really need to check your cards before sending them in.
  12. I see where you are coming from, and the rest of the people in this thread, and we DO deserve an answer, but if they were really shaking people down for subgrades then I wouldn't have had such a stellar return on my bulk sub orders - on my first 114-card bulk order I received 14 CSG Pristine 10s, which seems to be way, way over what they are normally handing out. I just want a clarification on what Nichole meant. I don't think they are doing anything nefarious but think we deserve an explanation.
  13. Bro it's not the hobby shops' fault that they are taking advantage of Panini offering them retail products. As much as I hate it, this is capitalism in a nutshell. No one wants to seem to say that out loud, but we are witnessing the 3rd phase of capitalism in this hobby right now, where there is huge consolidating at the top (Fanatics etc) and everyone is in a race to buy out everyone else. This is literally what capitalism does. It affected almost every consumable market around the world during the pandemic and just hasn't stopped bc capitalists have figured out there is a lot of money to be made in this hobby IF you come in with money to begin with. You and I are going to get priced out of this hobby bc of capitalism, plain and simple. It's the same reason that everything else in this country isn't affordable - bc some hot sh*t, sociopathic wacko decides he's the best at something so he sets out to make his company the only game in town. When every resource has been squeezed out of their employees' paychecks, the only way to keep shareholders happy is to increase prices, and with increased prices come opportunities for others. It's the way the system is designed to work. People like you and me, every day people, we're only supposed to be in the system as a way to prop up rich douchebags who wouldn't know empathy if it came up and caressed their face.
  14. CSG all the way bc of all of what the previous posters mentioned, plus the value of the slabs can only go up from here, so if CSG one day becomes a major player in the market then the value of your collection will increase as their reputation does.
  15. www.130point.com/sales is what you are looking for. It is an aggregate site for all the ebay sales on almost any card you can think of, and they show the Buy It Now price. The truth is there is no definitive answer to your question other than saying, "the market determines a cards value and that is constantly changing." I would also recommend getting whatever cards you want slabbed up, and not focus so much on the value of the card itself, unless you are looking to flip and re-sell these cards once they are graded. But even then, there are variables beyond looking up what the value is bc there are different grades that the card could get, therefore fluctuating the value of the card depending on the grade. SO if you looked up a PSA 10 version of a card you have and see it's worth $100 you might get excited to send that card in to get graded, but if you don't know what you're doing then the card might get graded a PSA 8 and the value of the card drops A LOT when that happens.
  16. @NicholePerIs there any way you could clarify this please? Thank you in advance.
  17. Are you a child? No, I am not getting nervous about my cards. Why would I? I, like everyone else sending in to CSG, sent in a bunch of cards in the month of May so I fully expect that particular backlog to take them forever, and I never send in more cards than I can financially handle. Seriously, that was such a weird reply. "ArE yOu GeTtInG nErVoUs?" when I was simply answering the guy's question lmao.
  18. I think it's good to go, mainly by the Fleer logo on the front, meaning it's barely darker than the yellow 'ribbon' next to it, and it's also juuuust below the ribbon as well. All the logos look sharp, etc too. FYI - https://www.google.com/search?q=how+to+tell+a+real+and+fake+jordan+rookie&oq=how+to+tell+a+real+and+fake+jordan+rookie&aqs=chrome..69i57.5931j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#kpvalbx=_Lk5KYZTTFYH49AO-nZDYAQ19
  19. Their estimated TAT just went from 173 down to 155, as well, so I assume there will be faster grading times coming up. They have been super consistent from what I've seen (anecdotal though, not everyone claims the same experience) so I wouldn't doubt a little quicker time on the cards coming back, which is sweet. I know I sent in 4 diff bulk orders about 3 total months apart and they all got entered into the system all within the past two weeks or so, so it looks like their hiring promotions worked!
  20. Yeah you'll prob wanna cal them for that bc mine was received on 6/17 and in g/e/i right now (has been for more than a minute, too)
  21. LMAO I got more than 10 10s without subs in my first bulk order from them. Whoever told you that is lying through their teeth bc CSG uses AI to primarily grade and then they use humans to make sure the grade isn't too harsh/lenient.
  22. i literally always buy my own insurance through FedEx and let CSG know about it and it's never been an issue. Not only that, but their policy on buying your own insurance has been clear and upfront since day 1, and was never buried. Where would they bury it? On some secret webpage?