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Everything posted by ne1seenmykeys

  1. 2 months in G/E/I?? Ugh, that is rough. In my opinion they need another level to indicate they have moved into the shipping room but aren't being graded yet, bc there's no way it takes literally two months to grade an order. It's my thought that they are sent out of receiving and into the grading room but probably sit on the grader's desk until they can get to them bc I don't know what else would explain 2 MONTHS in G/E/I. I'm at a month solid on the 8th of this month for one of my orders and about three weeks on 3 more. So I'm assuming another month on those based on your post. Sheesh.
  2. Literally does anyone use Google or any search engines anymore??
  3. He has already been told this multiple times but has chosen to not to participate in the thread *he created*
  4. https://www.csgcards.com/contact/ There is literally a Contact Us page on the site with their number, or you can just Google "CSG card grading phone number" and the first result is their phone number. I have seen this question numerous times on this site now. Does anyone use Google?
  5. I have another bulk order to report: Bulk Order: Delivered to CSG: 05/27/21 Grading/Encapsulation/Imaging: 12/14/21Quality Control: TBDShipped: TBD
  6. When was the package marked as delivered to CSG? Thank you. Their turnaround times start when they get your package in the mail, not when they are marked as received. That's why I'm asking for dates that your package was delivered to their facility.
  7. All ended well! Grabbed the 1984 Topps Throwback card and got an auto of hers. I think her career is on track to be the female version of Shawn White, and I am building up my "Female GOAT" PC at a pretty great rate so she will slow into that perfectly. I'll be sending them in to CSG here very soon to have them preserved forever. Really looking forward to seeing what she has in store now that she's had 4 more years to practice.
  8. Literally no way he's sold this for $300. This entire thread is so dumb
  9. You came here to ask for advice and got advice in return and it was pointed out to you by two people who have been *grading cards* for 30 years (I haven't just been collecting for 30 years), and we are telling you that you have the number one sign that the Jordan card is fake. You even admit to not grading cards - THAT'S WHY I REPLIED, bc I've been grading for over 30 years with PSA, SGC, etc. I was literally trying to help you and your response is to laugh at my suggestion that I wouldn't touch a Jordan RC that displays the number one sign of being fake??? For a card that much I'm NOT goint to touch it with a 20-foot pole, esp when the holder of the card has a double-digit IQ and DoEsNt KnOw WhEtHeR tO GrAdE iT oR nOt. I even told you, quite literally, that I'm not saying it's fake, but that it has the number one sign, *which is why you should have it graded/authenticated*. NO ONE that knows what the hell they are doing is going to buy that card from you with the glaring yellow-color issue you have. You might get some other double-digit IQ person like yourself to buy it from you bc they are ignorant on what to look for, but there are too many glaring issues with that card for anyone with any knowledge about that card to buy it without it being authenticated/graded. Also, I'm not losing anything - you're the troglodyte that "DoEsNt KnOw WhAt To Do WiTh My CaRdS" when the answer is simple - if you want more money for it and to make sure it's authentic then get it graded. Or not. I literally couldn't care less what you do with your life. And, again, I already said this to you. Finally, I would say the one "LoSiNg It" is the one that wrote a 1000-word essay in reply to me lmao. And "booze and strippers" sounds like really great life choices. You sound like a really well-adjusted, emotionally intelligent human being.
  10. Sounds to me like your system needs an update and/or reboot. Can you provide evidence that you get an 80% gem rate with PSA/SGC? I can almost guarantee you can not. ALso, a 30% Gem Rate with CSg sounds awfully high, so can you provide evidence you get that rate as well? I'll wait.
  11. Eh, I think it depends. I am grading with CSG in order to add cards to my personal collection, so what I do is take the profits from selling those and have that pay for the ones I'm keeping. For instance, if I have an 80-card submission, let's just say that's roughly $650. Well, if I hit the $650 mark when I am re-selling them with like 30-40 cards to go then anything after that is profit for me and I'm not too worried about maximizing every single cent out of those cards, so I'll let them go for lower than what they're prob worth at the time, and sometimes even below what I paid to grade them just to move them and get sales under my belt. I have found that people are more willing to buy from me after consistent sales, as opposed to selling them for as high as I possibly can. Anecdotal, obviously.
  12. What is this in reference to? Have you read somewhere that they are changing the label?
  13. First submission - 114 cards with 14 10s Second submission - 78 cards with 10 10s
  14. I have gotten a 114-card submission back with 14 CSG 10s I have also gotten an 78-card submission back that had 10 CSG 10s You all are clearly not turning in cards that are 10-worthy, or just don't know how to review cards before turning them in, bc CSG definitely gives 10s. You can go on eBay right now and there are lots and lots of them. Some of these were from as early as 2017 (Bowman Draft Ronald Acuna, where I got 3 10s out of 12 of those cards submitted), too, so my advice would be to watch some videos on YouTube on how to pre-grade cards bc I didn't even pre-grade mine and got these 10s lol.
  15. 1) Then I would just create another order form for any cards over the 100 card limit. 2) You are literally saying, "I think CSG should not make as much money as they could with each order that is sent in," which is the antithesis of having a business in the first place. SO many bad ideas in this thread lmao
  16. I wasn't saying that they are holding cards. I think just the opposite, in fact. The guy I was responding to is a major troll on this site. Go through his post history and it is just littered with garbage post after garbage post with zero evidence to back up anything he says. I am a huge CSG fan and have made a killing on re-selling their slabs while using the profit from those sales to pay for the cards I am keeping in my personal collection. I also agree with you on CSG being the best set up to compete with PSA once they open back up. I don't think it will be for another 5-6 years bc of their deal with Fanatics, but in the mean time I am buying as many CSG slabs that I can bc they are so undervalued right now.
  17. Bro you can go to your damn eBay page and see tons and tons of CSG-graded cards that are moving for you, confirming just what we always knew about you - just here to complain when you are the one that made the decision to add subgrades, etc, on cards that are selling for less than what you paid lol. You can say anything you want, sure, but what I am saying is that if you are going to say A Thing that is an extraordinary claim ie. "CSG is holding cards till they feel like getting around to them" then YOU must provide the evidence that proves what you are saying is true. "People have been waiting months for cards" doesn't prove anything other than CSG is backed up to the turnaround times they have listed on their site. SO, again, go ahead and say whatever you like, but when you say CSG isn't getting to cards until the feel like it you are making an extraordinary claim. You clearly aren't intelligent enough to parse through everything that's going on here and I'm glad there has been such a slow down in your commenting...you and KBust33 both.
  18. What do you mean what do I mean??? The phrase "if you don't know what you are doing" is self-explanatory, is it not? I mean, after all, you are on here asking us places to look up cards, so it's pretty clear to me you don't know what you are doing. There is nothing wrong with that. In fact, I commend you for asking for help. Give me the cards you are trying to look up. Are you trying to look them up ungraded? Graded? Graded by whom? And if so, what grade are you looking for? *As I already told you*, there are lots of variables to looking up the cards you want in terms of what their value is. A PSA 10 will be significantly higher in price than a PSA 7 or 8, so tha matters. Gie me a list of the four cards you mentioned you can't find and I can guarantee you I can find the relative value of them (bc I know what I'm doing).
  19. Good god what a card. That is lovely! Glad you got it fixed.
  20. Bro they won't even put the number of the numbered cards on there, which is, frankly, BS. I'll turn in a Vladdy 42/100 or whatever and they WILL NOT put the 42/100 on the label. It's infuriating. They leave off so much stuff on the label and it's frustrating, esp with all that white space staring you in the face.