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Everything posted by ne1seenmykeys

  1. Bro I don't even know what you are trying to say here. There is not enough info to go on and I've read your post about 4x now and I have no clue what the problem even is.
  2. I mean, it clearly says checks in his response. At least give the appearance of caring
  3. SO you admit you know this is a USPS issue but are still looking for help here? I guess I'm confused what you are seeking then. It's an issue with the Post Office. Just keep calling them.
  4. I completely agree with you. They should absolutely cut off Bulk submissions right now, if not all their lower tiered submissions. But yes, I 100% agree.
  5. lmao what an ignorant comment. If you knew anything about shipping and the USPS tracking system you'd know this is a tracking issue and nothing to do with CSG. Some of these posts in this thread are just pathetic in their understanding of how the real world works.
  6. Seriously asking - do you have any concrete proof that PSA does this? I see ppl saying this all the time and 100% of the time i ask for proof of it no one can seem to provide it. So I'm curious where this started and why people say it. If you have proof of it then I'll change my tune, but until then I'd like to understand more your motivation for saying this.
  7. Honestly, with CSG the rules sort of go out the window, for a lack of a better term. I'm using CSG to solely churn and burn lower-tiered cards, so think like 2020 Topps Ronald Acuna Jr/Luis Robert/Gavin Lux/Vlad Jr etc etc etc Esp if you got the premium membership, that cuts down every grading tier's price by 10%, meaning the old rate of 8/card got chopped down to 7.20/card. At that rate all you have to do is send in 300 cards in a calendar year to literally make your membership price back, or even less cards with higher tiers. And, at 7.20/card you are pretty much guaranteed to make a profit as long as the card is in really good-great shape. So, instead of selling a lot of (10) 2020 Topps Acunas raw for like $15-20 on ebay I can pay roughly $75 to get them graded and make way, way more than 15-20 that I'd get from eBay (minus the seller fees etc). So yes, literally every card I have sent in for bulk has a price estimate between 20-50. NOW, with that said....... bc the prices are so low to get each card graded in bulk, for my longer-term holds - https://www.ebay.com/itm/373549209473?ViewItem=&item=373549209473&nma=true&si=fgt%2FIx05SFFvBCDjWguNwksPvO4%3D&orig_cvip=true&nordt=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557 for example - I am sending some of those cards to CSG bc they grade at a much more difficult scale than PSA, so essentially if I get a 9 or 9.5 through CSG on a really great long term hold card then I'm going to really think hard about sending it into PSA. So, essentially, I use CSG as a way to gauge how some of my longer-term cards will hold up to PSA's lax- standards, bc as long as PSA is still king then I will continue to send them my higher-end stuff.
  8. Low-dollar card? Listen, I'm with you in sentiment here, but thr vast, and I mean VAST, majority of card collectors are only able to afford what you consider "low-dollar" cards, meaning 75-100 once graded. LuBob is legit one of the best young players in baseball and looks to be really good for a long time on a really good offensive team. Bash OP for his obvious wrongs in his post, but sending in 75 LuBobs if you have them for grading is an absolutely legit strategy, esp for people who can only afford that tier of cards. Chastising people for only being able to afford lower-tiered cards is really elitist and just serves to make you look like you're being a .
  9. No, it's not. They have a secure facility that it gets delivered to. They just haven't scanned it as received. Have patience.
  10. Thank you for this, but expecting the spazzoids on this website freaking out about turnaround times, etc to be nice and remain calm on the phone with people might be a monumental task lol.
  11. lmaooooo you actually believe they will give your graded cards back to someone else? Man, y'all are some straight up weirdos on here.
  12. Yeah, you and everyone else. All you do is complain on these boards lol. Anyone that has been following card grading over at least the past year knows what's up with all these comapnies (meaning they all have huge, glaring deficiencies) and once PSA shut its doors to everything except Super Express and up all rules flew out the window. The only thing CSG can do is protect themselves from liability, and they do that by updating their turnaround times, etc. As always, if you don't like them, take your money elsewhere.
  13. lmaooooo you have no idea how the legalities surrounding these types of things work, and you are coming off as someone who is relying on these cards to be your main income or something. Yes, it is obvious they couldn't handle the bulk orders in a timely fashion, and i don't like it one bit, but, as per their own website, they reserve the right to increase turnaround times whenever and however long they choose to do so. The answer to your problems is simple - if you don't like CSG then just go with another company.
  14. Lmao they put very specific clauses up that say, VERY explicitly, they have the right to determine/change/estimate turnaround times at their discretion. I'm not happy with the bulk turnaround times but you are complaining about something here that is literally spelled out for you on their website. They are absolutely playing within the rules. You just don't like the fact that they acted within their legal capacity.
  15. As much as I see where you are coming from I don't think people are being completely fair to not just CSG but every other grading company outside of PSA right now. When PSA shut its doors there isn't a grading company in the world that would have been ready for that sort of volume coming their way instead. Even with several other options right now- BSG, CSG, SGC, HGA - the amount of cars that PSA was doing per day (they're up to grading over 25,000 PER DAY right now - that's a million cards every 40 days) completely overwhelmed the capability of these other companies. And there's no way these companies could have known that PSA would be completely shutting their doors (except super express etc), and logic dictates they couldn't have prepared for the overflow without immediately changing thousands of things within their operations. I'm not giving CSG or anyone any extra slack, but at the same time, even if it is a 200 day turnaround, at 12/card, and for the types of cards I'm sending in, I don't have a problem with that. They're only going to increase in value while they're waiting anyways ::shrug::
  16. https://www.csgcards.com/news/article/9110/ccg-turnaround-times/ NO IT'S NOT. It is literally on their site through the news tab. It starts when the package is delivered! The ppl in this thread acting outraged that CSG makes this confusing are merely acting for outrage's sake bc, again, it is spelled out in its own post *on their site*! Jfc. Some peoples' absolute lust and need to be right is, at best, cringeworthy and, at worst, completely embarrassing.
  17. This is just not true. SGC grades tougher than PSA without a doubt. I don't know who at SGC hurt you but again, what you wrote is absolutely not true. PSA is BY FAR the easiest grade in the business. I have made multiple hundreds of dollars in profit since last november buying SGC cards and grading them with PSA.
  18. Can you point me to where it says that please? I am looking for it and have not been able to find it.
  19. I mean, that's just not true. If anything, toploaders provide a greater area for movement during travel than CardSavers.
  20. Again, you are way, WAY over eBay comps right now with this, even at 300. https://www.ebay.com/itm/144018418261?hash=item21882aaa55:g:c3oAAOSwzPxgg7WE - BGS 9.5 for $142 SGC 10 for $87 - https://www.ebay.com/itm/384136581880?hash=item59705312f8:g:IOwAAOSw6UtgkCRJ
  21. LMAO dude, PSA 9s of this card are going for as low as $75. $200 is an absolutely absurd price. I'd give you $50 for it, tops. Do you understand the valuation difference between PSA and CSG? https://www.ebay.com/itm/373562127659?hash=item56fa09b52b:g:WrAAAOSwyDdgjBEg <--- $56!!! And you're asking 200? What am I missing here?
  22. Just make sure not to confuse demand with pop count. Even though there will be tons and tons of WWF cards on eBay through PSA, therefore making their pop count dramatically higher than the ones from CSG, they will still get way more value than a CSG-graded card, simply bc PSA's name in the marketplace is so cemented.
  23. But what if someone undervalued certain cards in their submission and there is the need for an upcharge? Thank you.
  24. Honestly man you sound over-reactionary to the extreme. What do you think happened when PSA shut down and SGC raised their prices to 75/card? CSG prob got hit with an absolute onslaught of cards and they have adjusted their turnaround times as a result of it. In terms of their having your cards for three weeks before opening them, that's 15 business days, 25 business days and a full month and a half of pure calendar days until their previously-guessed 40 business day turnaround. I mean, it literally says on their website (and everyone else except HGA) there are no guarantees, and if you are submitting cards to CSG then you should know what's going on in the market right now. I just don't understand why everyone is so upset. I have two bulk orders I sent in when it said 60 days. Not it says 80 days. So the hell what??? Esp if they are PC cards then what does it matter? You're not going to sell them and there's no deadline and at economy prices you paid 15/card.