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Everything posted by ne1seenmykeys

  1. Just a quick suggestion - I have been using CSG to grade higher end cards, and if I get a 9.5 then I will send those to PSA (or sometimes SGC if that makes more sense with turnaround time). If you get a card that is above 100 consistently in a high grade (9.5+) then I'd definitely trust the fact that CSG grades tougher and probably send it to PSA once they re-open, assuming they come back with reasonable bulk prices. Also, just FYI, SGC has a really incredible thing going right now. $30 grading and their turnaround times are under a month, so that would have been a viable option, too!
  2. This guy knows wtf he's talking about. 100% agreed on all points!
  3. Thank you so much. That gives me a better idea of where I'm at.
  4. When you say to local dealers who are you talking about? I'm definitely curious about this, for sure.
  5. Honestly I don't think you're doing it right or sending the right cards in bc I have had tremendous success with CSG-graded cards. Do they get the same value as PSA? Obviously not, but if I can send in 20 Yordan Alvarez 2020 Topps RCs (at 7.20/card at the time) that I paid $5 for, then get majority 9.5s (with 2 or 3 10s) and sell them regularly for 15-25 bucks each, I've essentially 2x-3x my profit for having them graded with CSG. Grading and selling with CSG is all about sending them the correct cards and getting the highest grades. If you deviate outside of that right now you're going to be in for a bad time. I would also argue that if you are sending in cards 100% to turn and flip, if they don't sell as well then that's still really on you bc you have to be able to know what's going on in the market. There are certain cards I just won't send in to be graded bc I know, no matter what, no one is going to give me even the grading fee for it. But yeah, so far, after 3 bulk orders back I have made literally thousands off their cards on ebay and other outlets.
  6. Again, proving you just don't know what you are talking about. Aren't you embarrassed at this point? SGC puts high-res images, front and back, in their database for you to access at any time. They have been doing this for awhile. Again, just embarrassing.
  7. I would pretty much point to this post as the most accurate response. He pretty much hit the nail on the head with every sentence.
  8. I think it looks great as is so I would just have it authenticated. If it is indeed hand painted then that's what gives it the value, along with being limited in availability, therefore I'd argue the actual value of the card isn't resting so much on whether it was handled or not. It's hard to see where it was handled from the pic you posted so I wouldn't worry about it too much. Great card and it would be great to have authenticated for sure. Also, don't listen to the person who first responded to you. He's a big baby and doesn't like CSG for whatever crazy reason and just goes around dogging them when and wherever he can. He is the Captain of Team Complain here on these boards, along with "KBost33"
  9. I don't know if there is a way to determine who is truly the toughest in the business without a revealing look behind the curtain at peoples' grading process, to be frank, but from my experience CSG is absolutely one of the tougher ones. HGA seems to be extremely tough, too. I'd say, from personal experience (I have been grading cards for over 20 years, over 30 in the hobby), from toughest to most lenient is: 1) HGA 2) CSG 3) SGC 4) PSA Ironically, I think bc they are the most lenient is why PSA cards do so well. As a percentage, I routinely have more 10s from PSA than I do from anyone else. I think that has changed a bit since they started implementing AI in their grading process, but that is based on a very small sample set so I wouldn't want to extrapolate that out to say anything definite. People want 10s, bottom line, and bc PSA doesn't have a 9.5 or a "Pristine 10" or anything that separates a 'regular' GEM MINT 10 from the truly best of the best I think that's why people continue to go with them - you can have a clearly imperfect card labeled a 10 by PSA, even if the centering is at 60/40, which to me is just absurd. In my personal opinion, I WANT a tougher grading company bc that shows me the highest graded cards are really the best of the best. ETA: I want to add here, too, that I am still grading with PSA and SGC right now, but not BGS. I haven't used BSG in over 5 years bc their company is just an absolute sh*itshow, but PSA and SGC still continue to be very reliable for me. In fact, I just sent in my copy of LBJ's 2003 Bowman Chrome Rookies and Stars and it got a 10, and those bad boys are going for about 6K on eBay right now. I wouldn't have even thought about sending that card to anyone else bc 1) PSA graded cards get the most value in return and 2) their more lax grading gives me more of a chance at said value.
  10. Why??? Bc I castigate Team Complain on here? Does everyone that speaks against your uninformed opinions work for the company you're complaining about? How far do we stretch out this logic? And yes, they have some issues to iron out, just what I said. I think it is beyond absurd they are still taking as many bulk submissions as they can. They are only serving themselves to be set up to have to deal with people like you, KBost33, etc. so I don't know why they'd continue to do that other than to get their pop report up as quickly as possible. That is the very first and most prominent thing I can think of, but there are definitely other issues they have that *desperately* need work. It's like you and others on Team Complain gloss over or just completely ignore my MANY instances of pointing out where CSG has gone wrong and just stick to the parts where I call you out on your BS, to which I sort of understand bc you and Team Complain (TM) have the emotional capability of my 6-year-old nephew.
  11. CSG opened BEFORE PSA shut down you ignoramus. So, again, I'll say for those in the back - there was literally NO WAY for CSg or ANY of the other companies to know that PSA would shut their doors, therefore negating any knowledge of the incoming avalanche. Also, I literally said to you "i think they are making a huge mistake by not limiting the number of bulk submissions they are accepting" therefore *almost* agreeing with you on certain points, but for you to continue to insist CSG should have known what was coming when they opened BEFORE PSA shut things down is just the definition of stupid and uninformed.
  12. Hey bro would you mind telling me what date it was received etc? I'm trying to get as best an estimate as i can for my next one. Thanks in advance!
  13. https://xkcd.com/1357/ Here ya go. This one is just for you and others on Team Complain!
  14. I understand that you can and will say anything you want about CSG, but I'm going to explain to you how the real world works. If YOU are the one making a claim, then YOU have to be one that proves that claim, or else WE get to come on here and tell you how stupid it is that you are making unsubstantiated claims. Furthermore, just bc others are having delays, also, doesn't mean that CSG is doing what you claimed, "holding them until they feel like it." So, again, go ahead and say any and everything you want, but just know that once you do others are going to ask for proof of your claims, and "just look at other posts on here" doesn't prove a GD thing except to show others how comically inept you are at using logic and avoiding fallacies.
  15. In terms of answering your question, it's something I hadn't even noticed before, and from that I can only conclude that it just isn't a big deal to me, even after your pointing it out. I can see why you'd be concerned though, for sure. I'd also add that CSG has a lot more to worry about right now than the centering on their labels. People are pissed, no matter how illogical, about their estimated TATs and other issues that a select and VERY loud few, esp on these boards, have been voicing their opinions on for awhile now. At one point, CSG literally lost the credit card numbers of seemingly everyone that submitted one at one point, their slabs are still getting about 50-60% the value of PSA, and still lagging behind SGC in terms of value, too, so there's just a lot they need to work on. Again, I'm not saying there isn't value in what you are asking here, but I'd imagine it's item #57692363765 on a list of things a new company needs to take care of.
  16. Honestly I wouldn't even respond to anyone that is questioning why you do what you do in the hobby. That is for no one else's edification to begin with and only serves to judge right from the onset. If you want to get a card graded then just do it. But, then again, if you look at the post history of the person you responded to you'll find that's pretty much all they do so here we are.
  17. LMAOOOO you don't owe them money on anything bc if they have your card (which they do bc you have put in 1000 orders [with a company you claim to hate lmaooo]) they automatically charge your card. You have no say so in that once you sign their agreement form. If you're going to lie about something at least make it a believable lie or one that can't get dissected at the drop of a hat.
  18. The people complaining are emotionally stunted troglodytes who have no common sense. They are financially dependent on getting these cards back and are only complaining bc they're needing to use the eviction moratorium bc they went all in on cards.
  19. Lmao I am a self-sustaining filmmaker and painter who lives in Marina Del Rey, California. I do not need CSG's money ffs. I'm just someone who lives my life as logically and with as much common sense as possible, and the things you and others on Team Complain are soiling your panties about are about as delusional and non-sensical as I can imagine. You refuse to accept the fact that no matter what you have no moral, ethical or legal ground to stand on when leveling your accusations. You post no screenshots to back up your claims, you claim CSG is 100% at fault with, AGAIN< no evidence or anything to support your half-cocked BS stories here. I'm just someone who uses CSG exactly how they should be used. Unlike you and the others on here - the ones who are seemingly financially dependent on having these cards back by a certain date - I don't send in cards I can't live without. I pay my bills from the money I make from my films and paintings so I don't have to rely on side income from cards rolling in. I also understand the word ESTIMATED, which you and others clearly do not. I also understand that the easiest way to shut down a company is with my wallet, therefore if i have a problem with a company to the point that you all are claiming here I simply leave them and never look back. I dob't stick around to argue my wrong-a*s points just bc I'm bitter i didn't understand how this all works beforehand and then go get my binky from Grandma like you "MeN" in here seem so want to do. You are pathetic, as is everyone else on these boards who are complaining to CSG simply bc you can't get attention anywhere else in your life.
  20. When has PSA ever been at a year turnaround time? Please prove that with screenshots, and thank you in advance. And even IF CSG's estimated TATs get lengthened they literally update it as soon as they do, so what's the problem? Btw, the TATs have literally not increased since you made this post, which was Aug 17th, so looks like your little theory has been proved wrong so far.
  21. Can you provide proof of this with screenshots? Thanks in advance
  22. Can you please provide proof of this, with screenshots etc? I'm definitely interested bc if they are going with group submitters first then I want to get in on that to get my cards back faster. Thank you in advance.
  23. I mean, if you don't have a tracking number then how are they supposed to find it? I'm not saying they haven't lost your order or something is wrong on their end, but if you don't have the tracking number of the order you sent then why are you expecting them to be able to find it? Maybe I'm missing something here.
  24. If you are going to make extraordinary claims then you need to present extraordinary evidence that CSG is in fast holding cards "till they feel like it." Do you understand data sets? Data points? Skewing data and what's involved with that? If not, then I suggest you sit this one out and leave your Anti-CSG-Fan-Club business card on another board.
  25. The guy you responded to is a very widely known troll on this site, and his existence, it seems, is to eat, sleep and criticize CSG lol. Just don't even mind him if he responds to you. He is the most negative nancy I have ever seen and serves no purpose on this board other than to cause negative reactions towards a company that doesn't do everything the way he wants 100%.