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Everything posted by troydivision1

  1. Ultimate Fallout #4 Purchased already graded in 2019. I was late to the party regarding Miles Morales. Initially, I believed he and Spider-Gwen (aka Ghost Spider) to be cheap ploys at inclusivity. I ignored all the posts on the boards regarding picking up copies. Even ignored it when the 1:25 variants started popping up in various bundles. Again, it wasn't my thing. Then Into The Spider-Verse came out and I was blown away. I was wrong. They weren't trying to replace Peter Parker. Just expand the Spider-Verse. Luckily, I purchased my copy before the book truly exploded. It was fueled by a new PlayStation game, speculation Miles would be in Spider-Man: No Way Home, and Into the Spider-Verse sequels. The price shot up and has settled back down.
  2. Thank you for your response. Deeply appreciated. Is there a way to perform a search based on signer's name? For example, pull data for Stan Lee signature series prices.
  3. Question for the brain trust from someone that does not have GPA. My personal collection is over 75% Signature Series. Is there a way to search by signature?
  4. Is it possible to purchase a book from a major distributor without it being reported to GPA? Meaning, can the buyer ask that it not be included?
  5. Curious whether CGC will grade any others after the initial 300... How will they handle SS opportunities regarding these?
  6. Tank Girl #1 Signed by Jamie Hewlett and Alan Martin - Top 10 BookPurchased raw between 2013 - 2014. First and foremost, I must give credit to Branget for facilitating this. They were the one that reached out to me regarding my post in the Signature Room. (see second photo below) Without them this book (and its twin) would not exist. As it stands, the two completed for this Signature Series opportunity are the only two copies signed by the creators. What happens and how does it feel when you acquire a unicorn grail? What do I consider a 'unicorn' grail?Something that you want / dream about / desire more than anything else BUT it may never actually happen.It doesn't come down to just having the money to buy it, but also 'the stars aligning'. It is hard to describe what this book means to me to other people. I dreamt about owning a signed copy of Tank Girl #1 for decades before it became a possibility / reality. What I wasn't prepared for was that it made all other comics not matter anymore. It is a strange feeling to not care or feel joy connected with to one's passion after such a massive 'win'. Additionally, no level of joy or happiness outside of comics can / has matched the joy from acquiring this comic. (I can feel happiness, but not joy) Eventually, I started visiting the boards less and less which lead a lapse of 2 years of visiting / posting here between 2016 - 2018. It was good to reconnect to life, discover new passions, and determine what matters. In total it took about four years after receiving this book to realize that I needed to establish a new collecting goals. Addendum - In recent years I have decided that upon my death I want to be cremated. I'd like a bonfire held. Then I want this book and a few others (after cracked out of their cases) thrown into the bonfire. Then my ashes tossed in too. All so that my ashes, the comics, and the fire could join together to create new energy for the universe. No one will ever love this book more than I do....
  7. Answer is yes. Finally entered. Paul Dini Signing Mechanical Error Submission Shipped 11/1 Delivered 11/2 (1 business day later / 1 day total) Scheduled for Grading 11/17 (11 business days later / 12 days total)
  8. 1 - Golden Age - 1 Uni 3 - Silver Age - 1 SS / 2 Uni 5 - Bronze Age - 2 SS / 3 Uni 15 - Copper Age - 11 SS / 4 Uni 25 - Modern Age - 24 SS / 1 Uni edit: There are copies of books in my collection that haven't had copies sold / been made available since I started tracking values in 2019. That is the toughest part of determining value for insurance purposes. Those values have carried over month after month, year after year.
  9. Continued tracking of my 50 piece personal collection's value for insurance purposes. I am utilizing eBay sold items (with auctions taking priority over buy-it-now) to determine FMV. January to February .40% increase February to March 2.05% increase March to April 4.07% decrease April to May 1.14% decrease May to June .01% decrease June to July 1.83% decrease July to August 3.15% decrease August to September 7.01% decrease September to October 1.68% increase October to November 2.01% increase Next month I'll be able to share some % data based on 2022, 2021 vs. 2022, and my books with the biggest gains / losses in 2022.
  10. ME delivered 11/2. Still not entered. 7 business days. My last 10 book shipment to CGC was completed within 7 business days. (see below) Either McFarlane books clogging the line or writing ME does nothing at all... September Modern Slow Boat Shipment Received by CGC 09/08 Scheduled for Grading 09/08 Credit Card Charged 09/09 (1 business day later / 1 business day total) Grading / Quality Control 09/14 (3 business days later / 4 business days total) Shipped 09/19 (3 business days later / 7 business days total)
  11. Sometimes you have to zoom out to get the whole picture... Unless you purchased everything you own during 2020 to late 2021 (or chased spec books at their peak) you should be fine. This was previously posted in a different thread in Comics General (Are prices still climbing or have they eased up a bit???) Below I pulled up September 2019 - 2022 to compare my personal collection's value for insurance purposes.Then filtered only books that have remained constant that entire time period.(37 out of 50)2019 to 2020 24.62% increase2020 to 2021 31.68% increase2021 to 2022 7.72% decrease2019 vs 2022 51.43% increase
  12. CGC has a flood limit on submitting certification numbers (to protect against bots scraping the data), so it would take roughly four to six years to be careful not to trigger the scraping flood limit and check all the certification numbers.
  13. Very good to know. Now we just need someone to create a bot to submit every possible certification number, scrape the data, and export into an excel file. Then compile it into a searchable database based on 'signed by'. Let's find out how many Stephen Kings or Robert Crumbs or George Lucas there are out there...
  14. Thanks for all the 'leg work' and drive you put into this.
  15. Star Wars #1 Signed by George Lucas - Top 10 Book Purchased already signed / graded in 2018. This (and the next) post will be treading into topics that don't often get addressed in the comics space. I may come back to them from time to time to add more context. Sometimes, in the moment of typing, it doesn't flow the way you intend it to. Star Wars was the first movie I was ever taken to the theater to see. I was a baby. My age could still be counted by months. I was taken to see it by my Dad. My Dad died in October of 2018. He suffered through early onset dementia (he was 60 when diagnosed) that segued into Alzheimer's. We didn't have the greatest of relationships. There is lot to unpack about fathers & sons and the generational trauma that is often created. From my grandfather to my Dad and my Uncle then onto each of their children. Each being former military men, prone to alcoholism, and all ended up suffering from dementia. A journal entry about generational and genetic trauma? Oh boy! That is all prelude to this... My Dad instilled in me a love of comics, sci-fi, and horror movies. He took me to numerous conventions, watched Star Trek: The Next Generation with me, bought me Fangoria magazine, and let me know that it was okay to be different. He wrote a story that was featured in Pep #184 when we has 13 years-old. (see second photo below) I am choosing to remember him as someone that supported a little nerd. Perhaps because he hadn't been; I will never know. None of this excuses things he did, but I wanted to provide full context. Life is complicated. After he passed away and his debts were settled I used my inherited monies to pay off all my debt. It was the best gift he could have given me. With the little I had left I decided to search out a whale of a book that could mark the occasion. Fortunately, this copy of Star Wars #1 signed by Papa G was available. It made SO much sense that this would be the final gift my Dad 'gave' me and could also be one to 'remember' him by. I get teary-eyed thinking about it. I know I was an angry teenager / young adult for what he did when I was young. I have every right to be. I also have the right to miss him. Life is complicated. The last good memory I have of him, while he was still 'verbal', before he was lost within the symptoms of dementia was - My sister and I were watching 'The Force Awakens' with him at his house and the scene of Han Solo and Chewbacca entering the Millennium Falcon made him laugh aloud and then turnaround to us to point to the TV. He was still in there. That kid that loved comics growing up. That loved sci-fi as a young adult. That supported his son's love of all things nerdy. That's the final moment I choose to remember him by.
  16. This is true BUT Mechanical Errors should not be delayed. The turnaround times for every and all tiers are clearly stated. Mechanical Errors are a result of many factors NONE of which are the customer's 'fault'. Say for example - You order a cake for someone from a bakery. They are short staffed / busy, but you've agreed to a timeline. Paid your fee in full in advance. Cake arrives and it isn't correct. Whether it be the wrong message (incorrect label verbiage) or contains ingredients that were not discussed (various foreign objects found within the well) how long would you 'wait' for the bakery to make things right? A day or two? Over two weeks? Two months?
  17. @CGC Mike Whom do we contact about the apparent lack of urgency in regards to processing mechanical error submissions? It could be perceived that since CGC is not profiting from these that they are not correcting / resolving the errors in a manner that is putting their customers / stakeholders first...
  18. Thank you to everyone that posts in this thread to showcase their collection and inspire others.
  19. Thanks for posting this topic. Had to send in my first ever mechanical error recently and was wondering why those aren't "Fast Passed" the regular queue for processing...
  20. The only final issue in my personal collection...
  21. Scott Pilgrim: Full-Colour Odds & Ends signed by Bryan Lee O'Malley Purchased raw in 2014. Scott Pilgrim meant a lot to me during the time period that I wasn't actively collecting comics. It was very much a product of its time whilst being retro. It was a post-modern comic for late Gen-X / older millennials. It also has its flaws that I would love to see addressed many years later (in aging the main characters up) if they was ever a follow-up series. Scott was 23 years old in the first volume (2004), so it would be nice to see what middle-age looked like. Scott Pilgrim - Fifteen Years Later... This is my second copy of this book. My first copy was completed at SDCC 2014 and is graded a 9.6 I rolled the dice on another copy at NYCC 2014 and this one scored a 9.8 Bonus: A original page from Scott Pilgrim's Finest Hour (Volume 6) and A sketch of Ramona Flowers from Bryan Lee O'Malley signed by Mary Elizabeth Winstead.
  22. @CGC Mike Help me out... My submitted 9.4 SS Bruce Timm had Paul Dini added. Unfortunately, CGC forgot to include the Bruce Timm data on the new label. The best part is CGC returned the original label to me. /s obvs... (please see below)
  23. I shipped my SS 9.4 Bruce Timm to CGC for the Paul Dini signing. Just got it back. The new label doesn't reference the previously witnessed Bruce Timm. AND they even included the previous label back in this shipment. Has this happened to anyone else? If so, how did you handle it?
  24. Paul Dini Signing Event Submission Delivered to CGC 08/08 Received by CCS 08/15 (5 business days later) Credit Card Charged by CCS 08/24 (7 business days later / 12 days so far) Scheduled for Grading 10/25 (42 business days later / 54 days so far) Grading / Quality Control 10/26 (1 business day later / 55 days so far) Shipped 10/28 (2 business days later / 57 days total) So...super happy with CCS pressing as I got a grade bump to 9.6 Also Dini placed the signature / sketch where they would both work well. My concern / anger? I shipped my SS 9.4 Bruce Timm to CGC The new label doesn't reference the previously witnessed Bruce Timm. AND they even included the previous label back in this shipment. Has this happened to anyone else? If so, how did you handle it?