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Everything posted by Illustrious

  1. I would assume most people here know that keys drop after the initial movie hype dies down only to slowly ramp back up as the sequel(s) grow closer. They've already talked about Deadpool 3 and 2 isn't even out for a good while, so I wouldn't write off the book's ceiling yet.
  2. I know where another one is! Awesome, if you have the the other blue 9.8, I sent that copy in to be graded along with my remaining copy.
  3. Not exactly "rare" per say, but it has the lowest census numbers of any book I own with a total of 5 graded to date:
  4. Interesting development: http://heroichollywood.com/abc-orders-inhumans-tv-show-fall-2017/
  5. Better stock up on those Captain America #3's, first appearance of Stan Lee.
  6. Might be time to change the title of this thread to "My road to ruin."
  7. I'm just now seeing this, awesome pick-up Ben. I know you'd been looking for one for a while now.
  8. I wonder if today's Brie Larson "Captain Marvel" movie casting news will bump up Avenging Spider-Man #9 again.
  9. I had issue this week with a package getting lost in the FedEx system for almost 5 days, but it eventually popped back up on the tracking radar and was delivered.
  10. I went in with low expectations, but I loved it. My wife enjoyed it as well and she's not the biggest comic movie fan. The Quiksilver mansion scene was a definite highlight for me.
  11. Have you read this thread yet? X-Men Annual #14 - Proof of Gambit's 1st published appearance within
  12. I went in expecting the worse, but I ended up really enjoying it. I like the darker, grittier tone of the DCU, it's a good palette cleanser from the overly jokey entries in the MCU.
  13. I was never a Deadpool fan until seeing the movie, now his whole schtick is put into proper perspective for me and I can appreciate it. That said, I wouldn't put long-term investments into NM #98 since I think it's at it's ceiling now.
  14. When I was 11 in 1990 I wanted NM #87 more than anything, and when the second print finally hit the stands months later, I was finally able to get a copy, which I still own to this day as one of my most cherished books from my childhood collection. I remember Cable being absolutely huge at that time, and he was the favorite character of most of my school friends from that era.
  15. I know Rob Liefeld gets hammered around here, but the cover of NM #98 is my absolute favorite of the 90's, because it's "so 90's" in it's style and composition. It's the perfect snapshot of everything wrong (and right) with comic art from that era.
  16. Imagine what would happen if the Stranger was included in the upcoming Justice League Dark movie. I'm guessing it would be like when Batman #59 went supernova after the Suicide Squad movie cast was shown to include Deadshot.
  17. I thought this copy of #1 ended at a somewhat strong price last night on eBay, considering the page quality and how it presents. I had it capped at $600 max: http://www.ebay.com/itm/311490356159?ssPageName=STRK:MEDWX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1435.l2649