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Everything posted by Illustrious

  1. And why is this such a hot book all the sudden? I seriously doubt the Miles Morales Spidey will be used in any movies for the foreseeable future.
  2. Did you look and see he has dialogue in 6 different panels on this page? And here's the original link Bosco provided where you can zoom into the scan and read it all: http://s717.photobucket.com/user/bosco685/media/Xmen_Ann14/sales_books004_zpsbadef8ef.jpg.html
  3. If you and enough people feel this way, you all should email CGC about this as well like I did. Maybe when a lot more people start giving them heat about it, they will look at this once again and reconsider the whole "Gambit cameo (pre-dates #X-Men 266)" cop out.
  4. I really don't care what the market thinks. I'm not out to profit on anything Gambit,the truth is the Annual is still his 1st appearance whether you like it or not. I like the way you think Dave. (thumbs u
  5. I was the same way, I had heard over the years of the Annual being an earlier cameo, but it wasn't until this thread with the scans, comic release dates, and copyright dates that I realized how many panels he really did appear in and how much earlier the Annual actually hit the stands. In my opinion, he is in more than enough panels to constitute a full appearance. For my money, I will gladly buy 2-3 9.8 copies of the Annual over buying one 9.8 #266 for the same price. I don't care about continuity, I care about what comic actually hit the public first with a full appearance of Gambit, and it's been proven beyond doubt to be the Annual.
  6. CGC 9.8's are going for around $150. Yes, but did they point those listings to this thread? Easy $300 now.
  7. Many people, including myself, didn't realize how much evidence stacked up in X-Men Annual #14's favor as being the actual full first appearance of Gambit until recently. Seeing the release date schedule, copyright info, and actual scans of the Gambit panels in XMA #14 show to me that a large majority in the hobby has had it wrong all these years, and are too stubborn to admit their mistake now.
  8. See if they can make it "Gambit (10 page) cameo (pre dates X-Men #266)" I know, it's the biggest "cameo" I know of.
  9. After directing CGC to this thread with the supporting evidence contained within, they responded to me they will now label X-Men Annual #14 like this: "Gambit cameo (pre-dates Uncanny X-Men #266)"
  10. I believe the following books need updated labels: The first book that I believe needs a label update is X-Men Annual #14, which hit the stores/stands May 29th, 1990. The current label that CGC assigns to this book only mentions a “Gambit cameo”, but he appears on 9 pages and 15 total panels, which for all intents and purposes, comprises a “full appearance”. Since the annual was available a full two weeks before X-Men #266 (which is currently labeled as the “first full appearance of Gambit and hit the stands on June 19th, 1990), I think the Annual should be updated and labeled as “the first full appearance of Gambit.” I believe with increased interest in Gambit due to the upcoming movie, this is a change that needs to come sooner rather than later so novice collectors can know they’re getting the real “first full appearance.” There’s a current thread in the Copper forum that provides many pieces of proof to support this label change, including shipping dates in the Spring/Summer of 1990, the copyright info for both books, and scans of the panels and dialogue that Gambit has in X-Men Annual #14. That thread is located here: http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=8369430&fpart=1 The second book that I think needs label clarification is the Walmart Exclusive Iron Man: Movie Special Issue #1 from September/October of 2008. This was an ashcan sized, squarebound comic that came with certain copies of the Iron Man movie DVD sold in Walmart stores. This comic is set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and features Agent Phil Coulson extensively. It predates all other appearances of him in the comic medium. Scans of the book in question and Coulson himself are featured here: http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=8156068#Post8156068 CGC currently labels Battle Scars #1 (published November 2011) as the first appearance of Phil Coulson, but it’s only the first appearance of Coulson within the Marvel 616 Universe. It is predated by not only the Walmart Exclusive Iron Man: Movie Special #1 in 2008, but also the Iron Man/Incredible Hulk/Nick Fury one shot comic (set in the Cinematic Universe, published February 2009) and the Iron Man 2: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. one shot (set in the Cinematic Universe, published in November 2010). Pictures and scans of those books are here: http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=8153925#Post8153925 Thus, I propose some sort of labeling of these books as follows: Walmart Exclusive Iron Man: Movie Special Issue #1(2008) - First appearance of Phil Coulson Iron Man/Incredible Hulk/Nick Fury one shot (2009) - first appearance of Phil Coulson in a regular size comic Battle Scars #1 (2011) – first appearance of Phil Coulson in the Marvel 616 Universe continuity The third and final book I believe needs a label update is Avenging Spider-Man #9 (2011). This book needs to be noted as the issue where “Carol Danvers becomes Captain Marvel”. Although in continuity this issue takes place after Captain Marvel #1 (2011), Avenging Spider-Man #9 came out a week earlier, and contains a printed preface from Marvel on the first page acknowledging this fact. That page can be viewed here: http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=8152574#Post8152574 CBCS are already labeling graded copies of Avenging #9 “Carol Danvers becomes Captain Marvel (2nd in Continuity)”, and I would like to see CGC do the same before I send you guys my copies to be graded.
  11. Avengers #4 all day, everyday. But, I might a little biased.
  12. The label said first wrap is missing, so I guess there goes the splash.
  13. CGC really needs to consider this. The "other" guys have this grey area covered well in my opinion.
  14. CGC finally changed the label of Forever People #1 to say "First full appearance of Darkseid" after years of it just saying "Darkseid appearance", so I guess it's possible if enough people are vocal about it.
  15. Boscoe had some scans of the 5 or so panels he was featured in posted in an older thread, but the links are dead, maybe he'll repost them here.
  16. Now we need scans of the multiple panels in X-men Annual #14 that shows his appearance is more than a "cameo".
  17. Oh thank god. I've been reading this thread for 5+ pages now wondering what the answer was. FINALLY, I can stop!