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Everything posted by miraclemet

  1. Excited to fill two holes in my Ss collection. Joe Simon (love the Sandman #1 since it's his last work with Kirby) And Byrne on his dreaded Secret Wars II #1 cover.
  2. I was trying to see which sales thread you bought from, but I cant find a purchase by you from one of Yannis's threads. Were you a PM purchaser? He seems to be back, but again, I cant tell what purchase you made, so as Speedy asked "deets?"
  3. Can you feel it from here? Can you feel my envy? and what is that squiggle under Jim Lee's sig? It looks like "INC" is he Jim Lee Incorporated now?
  4. there's a whole second part to the story that I wont even get into....
  5. You are actually mistaken. It's not 2/4 its 214, and here's what it means. See the original owner a strapping young kid on the cusp of puberty named Saul. He was coming back home from a stop at the newstand where he had just purchased a new title offering from Marvel (he'd enjoyed Peter Parker, and wished he could be as cool as Johnny Storm). He couldnt imagine being as smart as Parker or Reed Richards, numbers and science were never his thing, but he sure wouldn't mind some superpowers. As he was walking up the stairs to his parents 4th floor apartment in Brooklyn he spied the most lovely blond girl stepping out of the doorway on the 2nd floor landing and walking towards him. She didn't look familiar from school (didn't he know all the kids in the building?) and as she passed him she introduced herself as Nancy Polnechau, and said that her family had just moved into the building. Saul was struck mute (as was often the case when girls talked to him these days), and he watched her walk off down the staircase. Before passing out of view she called back "come by in the morning and maybe you can walk me to school?" Lovestruck, Saul looked back down the hall she had appeared from, pulled out a small pencil from his back pocket and carefully wrote on the back of his new Daredevil #1 her apartment number. "214"
  6. cd I'd never do it myself, but is it any different than pulling an image from an ebay listing and asking others opinions? (again, I'd never do it. If I disagree with a grade its based on my own grading)
  7. Plus he made $95 in his last sales thread, some of that $$ should have gone to pay you back.
  8. Since there's no statue of limitations on the PL, yep it sounds worthy. Send him a PM stating you are nominating him and that he has been nominated. He has 3 days to respond. full process outlined here: http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=4949997#Post4949997
  9. I'm not sure I understand why this rankles people. So did the Clink sale NOT happen? If it happened and it was for the same issue in the same grade is it NOT relevant? People have been letting folks get away with posting GPA for raw books without a peep, so I wonder how quoting actual slabbed sales of the same issue is something to get twisted over. I dont dispute that CLINK is a valid market reference. I dont like when a seller picks and choses his reference points within a sales thread. Someone posting GPA references for some books, "last CLINK sale" for others, and then "last recorded sale in GPA" for others is cherry picking data. I have a GPA subscription and seeing how that data is misused while being posted as reference in a sale is at least slightly sketchy. Now if theres no GPA data, and you reference CLINK thats different. I believe the last time I was around when someone started posted GPA reference for raw books I PMed the guys ear off... what rankles me is someone selling a book with a 12 mo GPA of $70, a 90 day GPA of $90 with a last sale of $150 (outlier) and then listing it here as "$120 (last GPA sale $150) when they've referenced the GPA averages elsewhere in their thread. (Oh and there's been a subsequent sale of that book back at the $90 level so it wasnt a market swell, just a dunderhead hitting an outlandish BIN. as others said buyer beware, and only trust the market info in a sales thread as far as you can throw it.
  10. So now citing last CLINK sales instead of GPA averages is a thing? (seller is citing GPA in other listings)... Come on people. If you are going to cite data, pick a method and stick with it across the board, not just when its handy. (the CLINK sale was for $150 more than the 90 day GPA average)
  11. I know and its the first time I've bought a book sight unseen, since it was an OAK I decided to roll the dice, we'll see if I end up burned or not. Im a "my word is worth more than ___(insert book value__" but its still a bit of a scary scenario to buy w/o seeing.
  12. speaking of concerns, Im a bit worried about a recent purchase I made. bought a slab with no scans (seller never provided even after my request) so Im just crossing my fingers that the book presents well, and the Sig is well placed and visible (his other SSs were all well done so I have hope) but since he was a "no returns on slabs" sale, its hard to throw up the "take it" sign when you cant see the book . I mean I list a slab for under GPA w/o scans and say first "I'll take it" wins, is the buyer SOL when he gets a mis-wrapped book that is the grade, but presents poorly? (Id never do that, but its certainly within the rules for this type of scenario to occur).
  13. yeah it would have been helpful in the past if CGC had specified if the tape was being used to attach the cover/pages or if it was just being used to reinforce or tear seal.... maybe its at least in the grader notes?
  14. yeah, I saw one listing (cant seem to find it now..) with lots of tape noted on the label, and I wanted to ask, and thought sellers should note what purpose the tape served. Sellers would benefit if they could state details about the tape (like when its not being used for reattaching covers), but not all book owners know whats going on inside their slab if they didnt sub it.
  15. He started a selling thread saying "go to my website". I went to his website and sent him this message, "Hi Matthew! I noticed you post on the CGC Boards. I was given a copy of your book from a friend who bought it in Chicago. I like it. I would be interested in buying 10 copies of the variant if possible. When I try to buy them on the Ashcanpress website it charges $30 shipping for 6 books to Canada - is there anyway to get a lower shipping cost? And - are there copies signed by Ghostface Killah available? / Jimmy Linguini on the CGC Boards " He said "Hey Alex, Thanks for writing. Yeah, the webstore shipping stuff has some kinks in it. I set aside 10 books for you and I will figure out what shipping is on them and get back to you this weekend. Do you have a paypal account and we can just do it that way? Let me know. And thanks so much man.-Matthew" The book I was to buy 10 of for $10 each, now sells for $50 to $70 and his website says sold out. I sent an e-mail to Matthew two days ago about my intet to put him on the PL and how I will not support any books from his publisher. Can he now be added to the PL? Check the rules JL: 2) Notification on the Probation Discussion Thread a) After the 30 Day Rule is fulfilled, the accuser will send a PM to the accused informing them the issue is being submitted to the Probation Discussion Thread for their inclusion in the PL. CHECK 3) Being Placed On The PL a) After a 72-hour waiting period, if the accused does not respond they will be placed on the PL. b) If the accused responds in the Probation Discussion Thread and it is determined the conditions of the transaction was not met, they will be added to the PL. c) If the accused is not available during that 72-hour period and is placed on the PL, they are free to later respond in the Probation Discussion Thread and present their side. d) If the accused has not responded in the Probation Discussion Thread but continues to post on the boards, a reply can be made informing them they are being considered for placement on the PL. so long and short, 3 day waiting period. Has it been 72 hrs yet?
  16. I'll say this about Romeo, he's been receptive to feedback (in the sales thread, in this thread, and via PMs) and hasn't run off. Different topic.... know what's awesome? When someone says "GPA is all over on this book" and then prices it at $$$ and cites what a similar copy is listed for on ebay... and then you go look at the GPA on the book and its relatively level, and average sale price is about 40% less than the asking price in the thread.... reminds me of another sales thread that didnt mention GPA on any of his books except one when he pointed out "last recorded GPA sale" as a reference point. Went and checked. It was a 220% outlier vs all other sales in the last two years (and there has since been a "normal price" sale on ebay, so I guess it wasnt some big market swing) statistics are great, you can use them to say anything...
  17. Sold SpideyFein a Witching Hour slab. He paid fast, communicated well, and let me know when the book arrived. Also his skills in thermonuclear dynamics came in handy when we were forced to disarm that dirty bomb just outside of Chechnya earlier this year. As they say in Grozney Продажа мужчины комиксов и он твой друг на всю жизнь! Sell this man some books!
  18. on a different note, someone is trying to sell a book right now saying theirs is the ONLY one with WHITE PQ... and thats not true. (I've come across 3 others just looking at GPA data) lesson is, don't believe everyone's sales pitch, and do your own research.
  19. And isnt part of the PL about giving the offender an opportunity to "make it right"? If no money changed hands, he cant give a refund. If he has no more books from the printing he cant fulfill the discussed order that was never consummated with payment. Linguini what are you looking for him to do?
  20. Also, it is stupid. the Socrates of our times... or maybe its Shakespeare, or both...