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Everything posted by vaillant

  1. Once again, and I hope for all – let’s not be ridiculous. Adam Warlock as such is clearly introduced in Marvel Premiere #1. And the origin story of "Him" is Fantastic Four #66-67; people can say and collect whatever they want: this won’t change the fact Thor #165-166 are just an accidental story, also pretty much forgettable, IMO. As far as Kamala Khan goes, all these "teasers" may be nice, but in the end she is introduced in Ms. Marvel #1, and possibly the All-New Marvel Now Point One if it has a short story (I don’t have it). :shrug: CRAZY ! and it is Marvels #1 digital comic. She has serious fans. Well, it’s one of the few Marvel titles with some nice ideas behind – and not "degenerative" – it’s also fresh in its take of the teenager experience as a superhero: not pretentious and we can say really attuned to the original Marvel age's underlying poetics. As much as Nova was the "Spider-Man for the 1970s" Ms. Marvel is slowly growing as a favorite because of inherent qualities, not hype of any kind.
  2. Update: My raw copy here is now graded, a CGC 5.5 (I haven’t taken a picture yet).
  3. I'm queer - And I was born that way - but I was 28 when I realized which kind of queer, and that there was a label for it, and there were other people like me. I wasn't repressing anything - I had just never heard of Asexuality. Maybe because this, as all other "modern" definitions of "sexuality" have a predominantly arbitrary quality? Everyone can say he or she "feels" in a certain way. The bottom line is that "scientifically" there is nothing definite about feelings, nor about where they come from, and the most paradoxical thing about this post-modern inconsistent culture is that the most enervated sentimentalism or sensual instance is maintained in the name of "reason". With sensual = attaining to the senses. Not specifically related to intercourse. So now it seems fine to affirm whatever nonsense in the name of some emotional response, while reasoning becomes optional. And you see that from the lack of agreement in any field, and if you have good eyes you also see the results. Not world peace, it seems. :shrug:
  4. This is why I get less Marvel books and soon will not be picking up any new issues. Diversity for the sake of diversity for the sake of saying hey look we are all championing diversity is incredibly fake. WTG Marvel. So the lack of diversity for forty-plus years was what, real? I think he's saying they're forcing it, rather than doing what Archie Comics did, which was to introduce a gay character. That’s what natevegas meant – and aside from this this is offensive regardless. Also, if you introduce a character supporting a highly controversial topic, an ideologic stance, you have to be a really good writer to do so – political correctness is not just offensive, it also brings an element of unlikeliness to the narration. Really poor writing.
  5. I know in the end I always liked you… (and I don’t care about Star Wars but loathed that midichlorion thing). BTW, just got your Amazing Adventures: really sweet, thanks man!
  6. X-men started with regular human beings that had x genes thus making them mutants. Professor Xavier put a team together and called them the X-Men. I don't give a what Marvel's think tank thinks is cool, hip, trendy, instant, breaking down barriers whatever. This is the origin and its a slap to all older readers / collectors out there to say now they are not mutants. Stop insulting my intelligence Marvel its not working. That. If written properly they could treat whatever problematic theme or refer to actuality in all its instances, but they rather prefer this dishonesty towards readers. Not good – in fact, getting worse.
  7. Really? This movie rights butt hurt is driving me crazy... This movie rights butt hurt is showing Marvel at its lowest low: I find this the Nth insulting stance towards readers, as much as I love the Inhumans. They are "adjusting" their characters for their whims of "commercial warfare" over movie production? And as a reader I should "appreciate" this and give them my money? Shameful… Well, as many other things anyway…
  8. I sold all my Valiants more than a year ago for about $0.50-$1.00 each…
  9. Anybody see that dark circle under the "A" in Factor? Is that a oil stain or something? Great job Divad! Not only are you getting top $$$ but your scans are being studied as the Mona Lisa! +1 David does not strive to be cuddled, but leave him alone!
  10. It didn't happen then, because that poop stain of a movie ruined Daredevil for years. Just like the Green Lantern movie sent prices tumbling for GL keys. When movies are done well, (or series), then the books take off. This also applies to speculative fever before the product is released. (See Flash, Avengers, Iron man etc.) I'm talking about the run-up before the series came out. Why did everyone think first Purple Man was a good buy when details were still sparse? From what I've heard Purple Man will appear in the Jessica Jones series, not DD. The Purple Man was used very effectively in Alias. Creepy beyond belief. Evil at a Joker level. Which is, basically, not the Purple Man. And this proves once again that Bendis more than often either did not know better or did not care anything for the characters. Characters change. Just like people. People change. Just like characters This is off-topic but… People change, in many ways, but not arbitrarily. While this is what Marvel has deliberately encouraged in the past 8-10 years: a neglection of all that has been done before, an arbitrary and inconsistent treatment of the characters, which have been – for the majority – reduced to hollow shells in the hands of a good number of writers which care little to nothing about them. That’s not the kind of change belonging to life, that I expect from an albeit fantastic narration, but that has always been "lifelike" in all its fantastic elements. Marvel characters have been consistently developed for about 40 years, and if one wants to see, it is easy to see – if you don’t want to see it, fine, but don’t dismiss my criticism with such a poor statement, please. :shrug: Unless I am missing something substantial, I suppose he showed how much he cared by "rewriting" them from scratch, like in "Avengers Disassembled" or worse. I have yet to get which would be his "good reasons" whenever he wrote regular Marvel characters.
  11. I was just noticing they are on the uprise… the other issues from the story arc as well. Great stories…
  12. Johnny Depp… I really liked him up to the Pirates of the Caribbean. Also because he was consistent in what he said and what he did in his work – not much afterwards. Very curious… a movie about Dr. Strange these days. Harder to do than the average superhero movie.
  13. what kids in the 90's were saying 'broad'? Sinatra's? You mean Buzzetta?
  14. If you save the threads in PDF format, at least on the Mac, you can search the files content, so it becomes a sort of equivalent, "offline" search, but I am too lazy to do so for all the threads…
  15. I keep almost all myself – I generally delete these which are "temporary" and do not contain communication or information useful to keep. But I see they can quickly become unpractical to handle, so I understand those which delete most of them… Don’t like the message too… Maybe we could ask the mods to change it?
  16. I think Peter Palmer criticism was honest and very constructive. (thumbs u
  17. I probably missed something later, but I thought the 90s X-men book revealed that they were really two different characters. Somewhere in the 20s. It's been so long and convoluted. Patrick Claremont started writing stories like he was apparently brainwashed in that period, so it would not surprise me. Psylocke was a very nice character before that mess.
  18. 1st Betsy Braddock more important, and expensive than 1st Psylocke. 1st Black Goliath is more important than 1st Bill Foster. 1st Adam Warlock is more important than 1st (or 2nd & 3rd) Him. It goes both ways Honestly, the first Betsy Braddock is "important" as long as you are a super-completist. For the development of the character, the last issues of the second series of Captain Britain magazine (leading directly into New Mutants Annual #2) are way more important. As for Warlock, Fantastic Four #66-67 are as much important as Marvel Premiere #1 and Strange Tales #178: all essentials to the development of the character. I do not know about the Black Goliath, but surely there is a similar case with Rhodey on Iron Man, right?
  19. I understand what you're saying: while the PL serves as a warning, the primary objective of the PL is to get problem transactions completed. Thus, when an offended party proposes a nomination, it's not simply to "get back at someone" but serve as an incentive to get the deal done. So yes, the offended party should have at least a general idea of what would be needed to get the transaction satisfactorily completed. However, there have been some problem transactions were the way forward is not readily clear. Initially, this looked like it could have been one of those transactions - buyer wants the book, seller sold the book and no longer has it. In such cases, I would think the burden of finding a way to move forward would fall on the offender, not the offended. This is why I was nominated. No. You were nominated because you unilaterally broke a deal which had terms that you and the buyer had both agreed upon. So you feel absolutely no responsibility whatsoever to try and make things right with the buyer? I told him I didn't mail the book yet and I would sell it to him, he declined. And why did he decline? He clearly said why: because selling the book to him now would involve doing to someone else what you were going to do to him. What you've done with this transaction is put yourself in the unenviable position of having two buyers who have equal legitimate claim to the same book. If you pull the book back and sell it to the first buyer, you're breaking your agreement with the second buyer. If you go ahead with your deal with the second buyer, you're breaking your agreement with the first buyer. You've claimed that the second buyer would be understanding if you couldn't fulfill your commitment to him. But you also assumed that the first buyer would be understanding about breaking your deal with him - without discussing it with him first. As it turns out, he wasn't. Are you sure your second buyer will be understanding, especially if you haven't discussed it with him yet? And even if he is, should he have to be? He didn't create this situation, you did. Here's a suggestion: In one of your snarky, dismissive responses you mentioned that there are several of these on eBay. Why not buy one of those copies and send it to one of your buyers? That way you can fulfill your commitments to both of your buyers. Of course, you won't make in money on the deal. You might even loose some. But you can chalk that up to a learning experience: don't agree to extended payment terms when what you really need is immediate payment and don't break or alter an agreement without discussing it with the other party first. That's just a suggestion. And since it sounds like the first buyer is dropping the nomination, there's nothing in terms of the Probation process obligating you to come up with a solution. It depends on how much your reputation as a seller on these boards is worth to you. +1000 -slym Ad not only that: I would add it depends on how much you are interested to be honest, which is way more important than a reputation which people may perceive.
  20. I don't get the drama around someone deleting a PM. The software makes it sound like a personal affront by saying "removed themselves from this topic." I remember when I decided to start cleaning upt my PM inbox and got back some PMs from people asking if I was mad with them because I had "removed myself". They are just words from a probably socially inept programmer. ..... same thing here.....it could be worded better. I thought I had been put on ignore or something. GOD BLESS.... -jimbo(a friend of jesus) (thumbs u I generally leave a brief message before removing myself from old (and no longer useful) PM discussions, precisely because I did not like the phrase. (thumbs u Also, I try to keep a single discussion thread with friends and acquaintances… hey, I managed to keep one with 1Cool = I win!
  21. D'oh, I did not even know he died by suicide. I am always amazed by the amount of mess nowadays people write about a person died by suicide.