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Everything posted by DeadpoolJr.

  1. I've rereading the ROM series, and am almost done. Up to #68, and the last annual, and noticed that Brandy was a very inconsiderate character to the people around her. She didn't even hide the fact that she loved ROM when in front of people, and didn't even have the decency to tell Rick their relationship was over, always stringing him along. Even after she confesses her love for ROM she still was technically Rick's fiance. Even after she becomes the new Starshine she still references Rick as her fiance even though its clear that she was never going to marry him, and was with ROM which always made me feel sorry for him. It made it really weird that she then moves her attractions almost in a 180 to someone else after the big final battle with the Wraiths. I know they show her being said that ROM left, and saying she'll always love him, but in just the previous issue they show here being infatuated with Rick Jones in front of ROM, which made no sense since they had been writing her loving ROM since the beginning of the issue. On a side not when Ditko drew the issues with the final battle, and all the Earth's hero's did he intentionally leave out some characters like Spiderman, because I noticed that he drew other ones like X-Men, and Captain America, but left his own known creations out.
  2. Glad to here, ROM might of had humble beginnings being based on a toy, but has really become a great fleshed out character.
  3. Is this the unofficial ROM #1 club thread now?
  4. It sounds like she's already making a fallback plan if her new show doesn't do well.
  5. I haven't seen it, and not sure if I will, but am wondering if it will be like BvS on DVD. Apparently the dvd version that was cut differently with added scenes is considered much better than the theater version, so it's possible that the SS movie might follow the same route, where the editing has been all worked out, with a different version on dvd, that might of made it better had it been the one in theaters.
  6. Doesn't seem to work for me... Did you click on the screen after you scanned the location? Thought I was doing it wrong at first, but realized I forgot to click the screen.
  7. Here's a site that if you put in a location will tell you what pokemon are around you in real time. https://pokevision.com
  8. Team instinct! Great minds think alike, my friend! Should of chose Mystic
  9. Its amazing how big this game has gotten. Now Yelp has a new filter added where you can see if the place you're looking up has a pokestop near it.
  10. Beautiful headshot, and your right about him really making the look she's known for. Awesome stuff I really dig the diversity of your collection. Nice, was that the one that came with the sketch? I remember hearing about it, but was too late.
  11. Don't have any sketches in hardcovers, but I do have a Romita Sr. Sketch in an artist edition if that counts.
  12. When will you download this game, and join us already?
  13. You need to either find wild Charizards (not easy, I've seen like a total of 4 wild "starters") or hatch more from 2k eggs. Depends on the area, I found a lot of Squirtles in the park by me. I haven't gotten a Charmander yet though.
  14. I can't believe this happened. http://kotaku.com/cops-called-eggs-thrown-at-hundreds-of-pokemon-go-play-1783621904
  15. Buzz, don't you live in NYC? I would think it would be full of pokemon and stops. Tons of stops by my house. I pass by 5 in a 2 block walk to my local 711 each morning, as long as I take a little around the block detour. But so far all I'm catching is rattatas and pidgeys. Oh, and doosh chills from writing that in a public forum. I just hit level 5, I'm guessing the good guys don't show up until later? Looking at the 3 closest gyms in my town, they all seem to be rocking 1000+CP Pokemon. Not sure how I'll ever beat that. Yea your level helps with what pokemon will appear, as well as time of day, weather, and location you are in. I've been going to a park by water, and have run into a few squirtles, and have even caught a tentacool.
  16. Anybody want to share what they've caught? None of mine are really that powerful since I'm still only level 7.
  17. Pokemon Go is now bigger than Tinder, and has matched the size of twitter. http://fortune.com/2016/07/11/nintendo-pokemon-go/
  18. I went to the park today with it, for around an hour or so, and didn't lose a lot of battery life. The best way to perverse it is to put it on power savings mode, it made a big difference for me.
  19. I tapped out of the Simpsons (hehe) and I'm barely doing the Deadpool daily in MPQ, so I was looking for a new mobile game. You walk around with your phone out and the app on, and Pokemon will appear in certain areas. It then switches to your camera, and you throw your balls at them to catch them (teehee). Any famous or iconic buildings or areas have special Pokemon. A few landmarked buildings in my nabe show up on the map. Wifey caught a special one while we were driving past Citi Field today. You then find a local gym, which in my case is an actual Gold's Gym, and fight other people. I just downloaded it today, seems pretty interesting. Of course, there's already stories out there about people using the gps function to find and rob people, and I'm looking forward to the inevitable story of someone getting hurt or killed while walking or driving while trying to catch a pikachu. But any game that encourages you to get out and walk around is pretty cool. A person actually got killed the first, or second day it was released since he wasn't paying attention, and got hit by a car.
  20. Have you heard of the game Ingress? Its made by the same people. The concept is that its a virtual reality type game where you can capture Pokemon in the real world, by going to real world locations, and use us them to battle, and take over gyms for your team. If you're by water you will encounter water type Pokemon, if your in the desert, ground, and rock type etc. The higher you level the stronger the Pokemon you encounter are. Its made a lot of people go outside, I was at the park today, and saw everyone from 10 year olds, to married couples playing it.
  21. Since it came out a few days ago its exploded with everyone seeming to be playing it. Every where I go I see people on their phones with it, made up of every kind of person you could imagine.
  22. Here's the siege gameplay which I'm really looking forward to.
  23. I haven't been paying much attention to new releases. but "Horizon Zero Dawn" looks pretty good, and I'm a sucker for open world environments. Been playing Planetside 2 on the PS4. Fun game, but has a steep learning curve which can make a lot of people give up playing it. Looking forward to "No Man's Sky" for ps4 which would of come out today, but got pushed back, and should be coming out next month, and the new Mount & Blades game "Banner Lord",which should be out in a few months also. Here's a demo they did showing the new features. If you played the previous games you know the graphics have also been updated by a huge amount. Its usually only a PC game, but I've heard it might be coming to console.