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Everything posted by DeadpoolJr.

  1. No, he's right. If you look at the stars you can see that they're spread out different.
  2. Here you go balls. Saw it a few months back, and remember it being yours. http://www.romitaman.com/GalleryPiece.asp?Piece=19241&ArtistId=1172
  3. That is an awesome cover! This gunner is my kinda flyboy! Thanks! I love old WWII-era war comics and being in the Air Force now, I wanted to collect these four in particular. That's a nice set you're assembling. Is number 2 really gotten that expensive? It's the only issue of the run I own, and don't remember paying a lot for it, though to be fair its because some kid had put a marker to the cover. Besides drawing in the glasses, flag and teeth he added an arrow to rear with Uncle Sam in the background holding a bow, and arrow.
  4. I think some of his Spawn prices are ok, and I can see some collectors who can afford to over spend in the grands to buy up those pages, though I think the more high priced stuff will stay where it is for a while. The real test though is to see when/ if any of these pages reach the secondary market, and go for around, or more than what he listed for. That might not happen though since the people buying them are ones that probably wouldn't sell them either if they didn't have to.
  5. He implies it is the original cover, because he list it as "Original", and not "reproduction" as well as list its creation between 1900-1949. in the Item specification.
  6. I'm sure you would have a lot of buyers for a nice 2.5 in that price range Gator I had a nice 2.5 at 10995 in Chicago and no buyer You do multi year time payments?
  7. Dear Gator, Am I doomed to never be able to own a copy of AF15? With how fast the value for them climbs will it eventually become next to impossible for the average collector to own one, unless they find a grandma selling comics at a yard sale? I did a quick napkin estimate of the value for part of my collection,( a few grand shy of 20k) and realized that even if I got that amount for it that I would still only be able to afford a bear up copy, and not be able to replace a lot of what I sold since most of it is OA. So basically is it still possible to save up enough faster for a decent copy that has restoration to it which cost a fraction of a universal copy faster then than its appreciation in value at the current indication? The amount I would be saving up is around 8-10k.
  8. Wow, is all I can say after reading through this whole debacle.
  9. Congrats on the sales, was it hard to sell it though? I've toyed with the idea of selling a few things, and only did it once at comiclink not sure if I could do it again even though I liked the money I got. Also what method are you going to ship the AT-AT with. I have a few Star Wars toys myself that size, and can't really think of how I would ship them.
  10. I'll give this a bump with a question. Does anybody think this would be a good venue to sell Star Wars action figures in? I have a few tubs full of them, and have never actually had a sales thread before. I could post some picks if anyone is interested.
  11. I just realized I forgot to show the recent pieces of OA I've added to my collection. The first was actually a birthday gift by a family member which really surprised me since I didn't even plan to even bid on the Comiclink auction, and yet still got something from it. The reason why I'll explain later on in this post. Like I mentioned above it was a family member who got this as a surprise birthday gift for me, which I didn't expect to say the least. I just happen to be looking at it online wishing I had to funds to go after it, but figured thats just how collecting is at times, and you can't get everything. I didn't know that the person who got it happened to be listening to me about it though, so to not only get something I thought I had no chance of owning, and it being from someone close to me is something I can't even put into words. Its worth so much more to me that its something I could never sell. Now for the second piece which will also explain why I didn't have the funds to go after the piece above. To start it goes back to the last major Heritage auction, where they were auctioning the Spider-man Wolverine cover art, which was one of the highlights of the auction with many collectors wanting to own it. One of those collectors to finance the attempt at getting it started to sell his pieces where one person I know who I consider a friend in the OA art hobby bought something of high value from them, and to pay for that purchase they also began to sell pieces from their collection. One of those pieces I soon learned now made available from talking with them about their latest buy was one I had been eyeing myself, but never tried to get from them. After he told me the price I made a half joking comment that I would by it myself for that number if I hadn't already spend a lot of my budget on other recent buys, which was true. He told me that he would take time payments, as long as I could get him 50% to him before the auction ended so that really made me think about it seriously. On one side it was of a character, and piece I had wanted for a while, and new that someone else would either buy it, or that my friend would change his mind about selling it, and if it did become available again it would be for a lot more $. On the other hand if I went did get it, it would be the most I ever payed not just for OA, but anything in the hobby, not to mention that I had already blown almost my whole collecting budget on earlier buys so it would not only be the most I spend, but I would need to think if where I would even get the rest of the funds from. After thinking about for the night I agreed to the deal, and worked out the time payments. Just now I realize this is the first deal I ever did time payments on also. After doing some budgeting that only a college student knows how I was not only able to finish the payments, but do it ahead of schedule too. It was hard, but worth it after I got it out of the packaging. Here it is Also does anybody else want to share any stories of having to make hard choices where you didn't think it was possible to swing a purchase, but made it work?
  12. I found it while researching CGC, and lurked for a few years until I was old enough to sign up.
  13. I also have this recent purchase. I wasn't really looking to get a copy, but happen to see this one at a LCS, and the price was right so I figured why not? Even though the movie has apparently had less then stellar reviews (I haven't seen it yet) I still love the story, and just finished watching the animated movie versions on HBO a few days ago. Also if you're a fan of Miller, or Batman in general I recommend you get the leather bound version which has the complete Dark Knight Returns, and Year One as an added bonus in it. Plus it makes your bookshelf look sophisticated.
  14. Hi All, Guess its time for an update since my last post. I've been slowing moving away from buying moderns except for a few by Image, and smaller publishers since I've lost a lot of interest in many of the Marvel, and DC titles. The issue is though that they take up space so I've been buying the trades instead. The most recent one I got was "Paper Girls" written by Vaughn, and art by Cliff Chiang, and like many have already said, its great, I'll definitely be picking up the second trade when it releases. I was also Able to pick up another "Blacksad" which is worth it for the art alone, I can't wait for the new one to be released. Lastly I got the the Joe Kelly DeadPool omnibus, and the "East of West Year One" hardcover, and they're both huge! Here are some picks.
  15. Just got this in today, and makes up for missing art con. I want to give a big thanks to Malvin for selling it to me. Thanks Mal.
  16. Signs of this book cooling off? http://www.comicconnect.com/bookDetail.php?id=631066
  17. Nice copies Wombat, before you couldn't find 1 now you have 2!
  18. Probably, the greenlight for a sequel was already announced. I actually haven't seen the movie, and not sure I care to.
  19. I'm glad I got my copy back in 12' before the boost in price, doubt I would of been able to swing it in now. I did come across another copy that was a beat up reader, I don't even remember getting.
  20. That or a website like Imgur, if you don't already have your photos saved on some online account. Once done you can do two things 1. Scroll over the image and right click, and hit "copy image location" from there paste the link in your post, and put "" at the end of it without the quote marks, then hit post. That should work 99% of the time. 2. Instead of doing the first which is the more manual way you can also do the auto way. On the site you save your photos to once you bring up a photo a list of different link formats should appear on the side. left click on the one labeled "BBCODE", which is used for message boards. If unsure the link will also have the "" because the bbcode format will already have them. Hit post, and your done. Keep in mind that some pictures can come out very big, and can be annoying to other boardies, so if they do it is considered polite to add a spoiler tag around it.
  21. I've had these for a while, but don't think I've ever posted them. Some TMNT pages from the first series #37 to be exact. Pencils by Rick McCollum, and inks by Bill Anderson.