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Posts posted by Maccai3

  1. I have;) sounds like a lot terms that describe SOME males;)


    a person who has sunk below the normal moral standard

    Synonyms backslider, debauchee, debaucher, decadent, deviate, libertine, perv, pervert, profligate, rake, rakehell, rip

    Related Words bankrupt, delinquent, derelict, incorrigible; blackguard, cad, heel, knave, miscreant, rascal, reprobate, rogue, scoundrel, villain; lecher, playboy, playgirl, satyr

    Near Antonyms saint


    sums me up pretty well, especially backslider

  2. I like the show, but the 90210 storylines are a little much. I wish they would focus more on his training, and associates, bring some other dc characters on for cameo's..They did it in smallville, they can do it here.


    i think their ratings success is down to women being perverts, they're catering to them with the romantic aspects, i think they're balancing it pretty well. I think they're planning for alot of seasons so i'd prefer them to drag the island flashbacks out over them all





    I mean other than getting to watch Ollie do those great pull up thingys...the show seems to cater to men. They had so many sexy women they had to cut one of them, and send her off somewhere.


    I'm not exactly a pervert, lol.


    oh i never said you were, and men definately are...but my girlfriend and mother (and my friend's girlfriend) watch it for the shirt off scenes, my mother likes Diggle and Slade too, mate's g/f liked Roy shirtless, i'm not throwing out accusations without witnessing it



    I think you need to look up the word "pervert" and change it to SOME Women or perhaps "People" ;)


    Sounds like your mom has excellent taste;)


    Definition of PERVERT



    a : to cause to turn aside or away from what is good or true or morally right : corrupt

    b : to cause to turn aside or away from what is generally done or accepted : misdirect


    a : to divert to a wrong end or purpose : misuse

    b : to twist the meaning or sense of : misinterpret

    — per·vert·er noun

    Examples of PERVERT


    people who pervert their religion to support violence

    They perverted the truth to help further their careers.

    movies that pervert the minds of young people by glorifying violence

    Origin of PERVERT


    Middle English, from Anglo-French purvertir, pervertir, from Latin pervertere to overturn, corrupt, pervert, from per- thoroughly + vertere to turn — more at per-, worth

    First Known Use: 14th century


    check the definition as a noun ;)

  3. I like the show, but the 90210 storylines are a little much. I wish they would focus more on his training, and associates, bring some other dc characters on for cameo's..They did it in smallville, they can do it here.


    i think their ratings success is down to women being perverts, they're catering to them with the romantic aspects, i think they're balancing it pretty well. I think they're planning for alot of seasons so i'd prefer them to drag the island flashbacks out over them all





    I mean other than getting to watch Ollie do those great pull up thingys...the show seems to cater to men. They had so many sexy women they had to cut one of them, and send her off somewhere.


    I'm not exactly a pervert, lol.


    oh i never said you were, and men definately are...but my girlfriend and mother (and my friend's girlfriend) watch it for the shirt off scenes, my mother likes Diggle and Slade too, mate's g/f liked Roy shirtless, i'm not throwing out accusations without witnessing it



  4. I like the show, but the 90210 storylines are a little much. I wish they would focus more on his training, and associates, bring some other dc characters on for cameo's..They did it in smallville, they can do it here.


    i think their ratings success is down to women being perverts, they're catering to them with the romantic aspects, i think they're balancing it pretty well. I think they're planning for alot of seasons so i'd prefer them to drag the island flashbacks out over them all

  5. Finally watched the latest episode.


    I still enjoy the show, but the writing is getting worse.


    I can suspend disbelief and accept the use of bows and arrows instead of guns, but I have a problem with watching the Huntress loading bolts into a crossbow and then cocking and firing them faster than a man with a gun can fire a bullet.



    Also, and there's just no excuse for this, one moment Tommy is telling Oliver that it wasn't him keeping everything a secret from him that had him upset, it was the fact that Oliver is a murderer. Later, at the end of the episode, he tells him the exact opposite and now everything is ok between them. It's ok that Oliver is a murderer, just don't lie about it to your best friend.



    The fight scene with Thea's red hoody love interest doing a 360 on the wall. What the heck was that about! I've squashed spiders with more sense.



    The island scenes continue to be the best.


    Sadly, I'll probably watch this show no matter how bad it gets.


    i feel the show still has a strong plot but i agree with the wall flip. The dialogue isn't great but i continue to enjoy it no matter. I'm enjoying Slade.

  6. First off, I want to let everyone know that I've read through the entire thread and admire everyone's work!


    One of the reasons I joined the boards was as a way to learn more about comics & their history because I teach art and I think that it would be well received amongst the junior high set.

    I want Mrs. Winter to be remembered as the coolest art teacher ever. :)


    Anyways, the reason I'm posting here is because I was commissioned to draw Storm. I have a fine arts background, done a little illustration, but have never attempted comics/heroes, so any advice would be greatly appreciated.


    Here's a quick sketch I started last night...




    Personally, I don't feel like she's dynamic enough...

    You can be brutal. I can take it.


    i don't feel the pose you did is wrong in any sense, they dont always have to be flying through the air shooting lightening out of their breasts, get some bright paint on it....like this


    to make it pop, that artist is named Jock

  7. Interesting introduction or Arsenal - agree his casting is potentially questionable - wonder if he'll become a significant character or not


    how can he not? he's a huge part in the comics...surely they cant gloss over him, i think it may take a while before he turns into Speedy though

  8. Bunheads is wayyy better than Arrow.


    you have 69 posts, its funny, never post again


    but seriously, why come into a thread to start arguements?


    You really think I'm trying to start an argument? It was a joke......Wow

    Do you really need to keep track of my posts?


    your post count is next to your name, i'm not keeping track


    maybe add something to the conversation next time? :wishluck:


    good episode, noticed the "on the corner of O'Neill & Adams" by Felicity, they had a Wolfman and Perez mention last week too, not too sure on their casting for Speedy, Manu Bennett is a great Deathstroke though, he was brilliant last week

  9. Okaaaaaay, where to start? Ollie gets shot by his mom? There's more than one Deathstroke? Will we see how Slade loses his eye? Will we see a Longbow Hunters tie in with the girl with the dragon tattoo? Will this how stay good or deviate like Smallville? hm


    Slade Wilson is Deathstroke's name so Billy Wintergreen was just to throw the comic fans, i guess the knife in the eye was just another nod to the fans without having to give Slade the 1 eye. Wintergreen is in the comics too, a slight change in story, he was killed then came back in Blackest Night to fight Deathstroke.


    awesome episode, love the Island flashback, be good to see who they have in line for Eddie Fryers employer, didn't sound like Tommy's dad