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Everything posted by Beige

  1. Pretty hard to follow those Spideys... Todays haul - about $65 USD give or take a dime or two: The Disney are 1960/70 WG and Wogan's so they will cover the cost plus turn a profit. Mad and Cracked, plus the Harveys will do OK - but the cream (or lack of) will be the UK Girls comics. They usually sell at about $5 - $10 each, some up to $30 each, but the shipping costs make them prohibitive to sell individually - they are over A4 size. Roughly 200 - 250 comics in total Hopefully I'll be able to shift them in bulk lots to ease the buyers postal nightmare.
  2. Beige


    Yes! It had crossed my mind,especially as Bruce is at least 10 years away from becoming 'The Batman'. Gordon crosses the line once too often and loses his career - permanently. Foxx unlocks the secrets in the cave computer and adds some tech, and Alfred rides shotgun. I'd wondered about that since the end of season 1, as the main universe characters, with the exception of Selina Kyle, are simply too young to become super-villains. Good call!
  3. Great show - no-one can quite ham it up like Bruce Campbell! A few scenes were "meh" but on the whole this is right up there with 'Bubba Ho-Tep!' Oh check that out if you haven't seen it - surreal!
  4. Resumes for low-grade jobs - over 100 sent out and no reply? Go to the store and speak to the manager directly. I'd wager that's it's got a lot to do with you moving around all over the place every few months. People won't hire if you have a history of no job for years and frequent moves. makes them sound like a loan defaulter tbh. I'm sure you aren't but it doesn't look good. As the others have said - everyone who wants to work will find a job. Is there any reason at all that instead of sitting on your computer writing this journal, that you aren't walking into every fast-food joint and supermarket and asking to see the manager for work? A couple of friends moved to Washington (she was headhunted so got a visa) but his skill was not recognised. As soon as he has permission to work,it took him 2 days to get a job in Walmart shelf-stacking. Granted the pay is poor, but it's a start, and boy, could you do with some sort of work history and a reference right now. I'm sorry, but you just don't give out any sort of vibe that you are remotely interested in knuckling down and finding a job.
  5. Hey Nick, do you know if they inserted famous Chinese actors/actresses into Ant-Man scenes for the Asian release? They did this with Bingbing Fan in Iron-Man in 2008 (she was later to become Blink in DOFP) when they produced a couple of scenes with her playing a news reporter. These were exclusively for the Asian market and really spiced up interest (she is incredibly popular in China) in Iron Man - with great box office figures. Seeing as China responded well to this, I wondered if they had cast her (probably not as she has a 5 film X-Men deal) or someone similar to 'pique' interest. Any idea Nick? PS: keep up the good work - I enjoy this part of the forum very much!
  6. I have one. Centre wrap missing. Shame really to say the least. I doubt I'll find one anytime soon.....
  7. I'll try this again Gabe. Don't go where everyone else goes. Don't buy graded books until you have more knowledge and networks. Don't do consignments. You are trying the lazy way. And failing miserably at the moment. You need to work smarter and harder than the established guys. These people have sellers phoning them !!! You don't work, so get a job. Wash pots, flip burgers. There is always a job for ANYONE who wants one. It may be awful, and pay poor wages, but there is always one out there. Don't be too proud to do a lousy job to put food on the table. When you have,say $300 saved up, after all bills etc are paid - start again. Run a free ad. Put signs up in shop windows, contact estate buyers and tell them that you are always looking for comics. LEAVE CONTACT DETAILS!! Hit up every craigslist/yard sale/church bazaar you see when you are not at work. You have to enjoy it, or this isn't the hobby for you. This year, I have managed to find approx. 15 modest collections. The smallest being 19 Phantoms, the largest 1500 lovely Disney books. And I'm in Australia where USA comics were banned up until the late 70's (give or take a year). Get a scanner, scan and list them individually, or in lots if they are poor condition/unpopular. Open an ebay store, save your listing fees. Find sources of free bubble wrap, free packing cardboard. You will be amazed at how many shops/liquor stores are happy for people to take away the boxes and protective wrapping. List the comics forever (you use the 'list til sold option in your store) - and save up your sales money in paypal. Buy high grade 1st appearances that you like, or you think will go up. Don't buy a high graded NM #98 or BA #12 - those ships are long gone, so try to think what may be hot next. With hard work, you will raise $$, have inventory continually on sale on ebay (don't forget to sell old stock off cheap to turn over stuff) and KEEP WORKING HARD. I decided 18 months ago that comics had to be self financing, so I bought the aforementioned collections, sorted, scanned, sold, packed and shipped and bought books that I wanted. Since then, I have managed to buy with the proceeds some really nice books (by my standards - to others they are probably nothing ). Financially it has cost me very little, but it took a lot of time and work. Luckily I enjoy it, so it's actually fun. So what did hard work bring me? Again compared to others, not that much, but to me, they are all keeper books. Tec #38 0.5 TTA #52 9.4 Avengers #19 9.4 Action #252 5.0 Hulk #162 9.6 Conan #1 9.4 UXM #266 9.8 plus another 10 odd others here or with Joey/CGC/Voldermort. All these came from an outlay of less than $2200 AUD, but took hours and hours of work per week. I still have 750 comics and toys on my store for sale as well. I think this is the way for you to go - but you need to get a job first, and then work damn hard and stop taking short-cuts. I've said before - Chip should be your inspiration on how to work hard and smart, and Junk Donkey on how to target a book, hoard and sell. Both are very generous with their time, but you have to show a desire to want to put the hard yards in. The advice you have received in this thread has been invaluable, probably more to other readers than you. You need to stop dithering, get a job, and start working your butt off if you want comic collecting to pay for itself, let alone become a dealer. Best of luck to you - I hope you listen to the people trying to help.
  8. If Glenn ain't dead - what happens to the show?? They will be leaving carts of food behind next.............. Going up to Zombies asking "are you ok?"..... Finding South American torture experts masquerading as barbers....... Acting badly and talking in 5 word sentences... Sorry, wrong show. Carry On. Best opening to a series yet - if they do a Fonzie/Glenn moment, I'll be gutted. This is TV at it's finest.
  9. #1 for me is to set your goals. How do you know what you're doing if you don't know where you're going? "Make as much as I can" is never the right answer. Listen to these 2 folks Gabe - one is the king of hoarding future monster books and establishing relationships with writers, the other works his behind off and is out morning,noon and night searching for deals and collections. They aren't lucky, they just work hard and smart. It's seeing Chips results (100k) last year if memory serves, that inspires me to hit up sales, run ads, and network constantly. It works! See the "garage sales" thread for examples of my very modest scores. But each one, despite being modest, turned a respectable profit that enables me to purchase book I want to keep. So listen to them Gabe, for your own sake.
  10. 1st Typhoid Mary in bulk by the look - a real sleeper book, destined for a big bump. Awesome score!
  11. Another weird and wonderful (well slightly cool) find in wildest Melbourne. About 450 comics - the most eclectic mix ever - mostly average condition. Usual Copper/bronze/modern "keys" But then a small sprinkling of Silver (ignore Avengers Annual #10). Nothing flash, but such an odd mix! Rest were 400 Copper/Bronze Thor/Hulk/Avengers, with 1 - 100 of Marvel 2 in 1. Quasar and Silver Surfer (1987) series. Just a strange mix. Cheap though, so no complaints.
  12. Wow - you really have a knack for coaching! Awesome motivational wisdom and encouragement! Thanks very much!
  13. Hi Gabriel Enjoyed this thread, thought I'd chime in. Everyone here has a vested interest in comics. The people posting to you, have been very gracious with giving you sound logical advice. I'm glad you have responded in a positive way. However - when push comes to shove, every man and his dog will be competing with you for ANY comic that has meat left on it's bones - especially on this forum, where you have some of the biggest, wealthiest and influencial comic dealers and collectors in the world. You cannot compete with them. So don't! Try to be different. Go to places these guys haven't been. You are out of work, if I have read this thread correctly, so for you, your time does not have a $ value at the moment. So use it for your comics! Hit up every craigslist ad. Every yard sale. Every church sale, every charity shop, every house clearance company. Give yourself the best chance of being the 1st guy to find comics in the wild. Run an ad in any publication/website that doesn't charge - you would be amazed at how many people call. Learn to grade properly. Open an ebay store - save on your listing fees, as you can put every comic you have up as a BIN with no end date - and you get a ton of free listings. Get your shipping supplies for free. Grab used boxes from supermarkets, to cut up for shipping, or use to ship comics in. Got any friends that work in shops or offices? Ask them to save all padded envelopes, bubble-wrap etc that comes in - saves you a fortune. When you get back into work (good luck, hope you do soon) you can always grab any spare board, bubble-wrap etc yourself. Don't be too proud to grab free stuff. It's all about luck to start with Gabe - but the harder you work, the luckier you will get. Tread your own path!
  14. Amazing story! You were meant to find this art to keep it from getting trashed! Yeah, it certainly seems like it! I have a friend who's husband runs a house clearance company, so she gives me a call if he is doing a job within a reasonable distance of my home that may have comics, toys etc. If there is something of interest, I can either work for him for a bit, or donate a slab or two (Aussies will understand) in exchange. If it's valuable, we can sort out a $$$ amount (he's VERY ebay price savvy - it's his bread and butter on top of his clearance fee). Turns out this was a "clean and clear" job, basically they are paid to empty the house and remove the contents to the tip (and keep/sell anything of interest for themselves) so the house could go up for sale, so I got a call as the place was cluttered with older stuff. Most of it was rubbish - bit of a hoarders home. Found this lot of art, plus a couple of hundred Phantom comics already in the skip ready for the run to the tip! Most of the character sketches are on tracing paper, so I may get some of them framed up. If nothing else, they are a great conversation piece. I've actually downloaded the movie, and it's uncanny how close to his art some of the scenes actually ended up being. I have no idea how the art ended up in this house, as from what I gather, the owner was quite old, and had no family to speak of. Maybe he had found them himself? I doubt we will ever know.
  15. So I get this lot today. From a guy called David Russell, concept artist on stuff like Star Wars, Batman etc - 15 Oscar winning films in fact. http://www.dynamicimagesdr.com/ This was work he had done on a 1999 Australian/NZ show - "Journey To The Centre of The Earth" with Bryan Brown and Treat Williams. I found them in a folder in a rubbish bin. This was about 10% of it - there was loads! Unbelievable - a world renowned conceptual artists original work in a bin in Melbourne!
  16. Theres another can of worms, "no returns" I guess if you get a damaged slab or shaken damaged book like the ones Wally posted...you're skrewed? No worms. You offer insurance. They take it and insurance can be claimed. They pass and you pack in a reasonable way it's on them for passing. No returns is only undone for material breach ( you sent something materially different than agreed upon ) just like in any other business deal. Pretty simple I'm going to disagree here. Insurance is for the seller, not the buyer. If the seller ships uninsured and the book gets damaged; well that seller is out of luck because the buyer paid for a book in a particular condition and is entitled to that book or a full refund. +1
  17. Ugh....tell us more about people who think they just murdered a good friend and co-worker would act. Have much experience with that type of thing? People act totally normal then? Do you routinely kill your co-workers to know how people act? Or would you just have your own opinion, the same as anyone else? Tell us more about how carrying drugs already in a bag on your shoulder is exactly the same as wheeling a full cart full of canned goods down two flights of stairs. Gee, I dunno, how about a lift or a ramp - you know, the way they got up there in the first place - or do you think minions carry tins up 2 flights of stairs, one box at a time? I assume that this isn't the only major city school in the USA without disabled/freight access? Amazing that some people watching this show A) Believe they would handle the situation as if they were Rambo and B) have no ability to put themselves into the shoes of a person who (the day before) the world was entirely normal. The problem here is the -script and how the actors relay it. Who's saying they are Rambo? That's a theme you keep coming out with. I have no idea why. Given the lack of patience you've displayed (attacking from Ep 1) thus far you'll never know if this is a slow burn story with constantly increasing tension because you gave up after your first, cursory "Where Da Zombie HeadSplatterin' At?" analysis. Your words, not mine. If it improves, I'll be sure to post as such. If not, then I'll continue to criticise. Every one of those reviews, that you rely so heavily upon for personal validation of your own opinion, come from the same "I'm a huuuuuuge fan of the Walking Dead and this is nothing like that....." perspective. I am not totally shocked that people can't figure out that this is its own show, just set in the same world. The same thing happened on the main WD show every time they diverged from the comics. The sky kept falling. I don't need validation from anyone to have an opinion. Try it. It's quite liberating. Now, instead of complaining that they diverge from the content of the comics, they are complaining about the pacing and storytelling style diverging from the main show. It's all so tedious when people are so lazy that they can't take something new and give its own chance to tell its own story its own way. I'm quite happy to see and enjoy something new. Trouble is, this show mostly isn't doing anything that hasn't been done before (so far). I enjoyed the cop filling up his car - but surely Travis would have asked "that bad?" Time to get out of town?"...... End of the day - it's a TV show. And an average one at that. If my opinion changes, it will be because the show has improved, not because you defend it continuously.
  18. Must be an awful lot of people who are missing the wonderful -script, academy award winning acting and simmering tension building plot as well as me then. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3743822/reviews?ref_=tt_urv Or maybe, the show really is poorly written, woefully acted and downright pedestrian. They left the food because they were 'in shock' - sure they did. Tobias knew the guy was a walker. The teacher knew. But no, lets wander up to a growling shambling dead guy (acting just like the one she saw 2 hours ago) and ask "are you OK?" Oh, hey Tobias, here's your knife, wanna lift home, but don't worry about all that food you broke into a school for, coz we are both in shock. *Luckily she remembers the drugs, although nobody seems to have commented on that.* Maybe it's not some slow-burn classic like some here would plead for you to believe, but just trite, quickly produced, B grade filler, with D grade actors and a truly awful -script. Online reviews are scathing and viewers have dropped over 20% in one week. A body count increase will not make up for the glaring deficiencies in this show, so to use that as a basis for deflecting criticism of said product is completely pointless. The standard of the show is simply too low for it to be a success in the long run, no matter how much spin ii put on it.
  19. There are a lot of men on this forum, but off the forum, there are many females. It's something we might occasionally lose sight of here. It's great to see a positive role model for young women/girls. The show doesn't have to be edgy, fun is fine and there will be tons of fans. That was the target audience of Supergirl when she started, she was aimed at enticing young girls./women into the comic fold. She was not sexy, edgy, nor was she sophisticated. I admit that times have changed, but maybe not always for the best. It's nice to see children being allowed to be "children" for a change. Looks like a great family show and even though my daughter is older than the target age group, as a mother, I'm very happy to see a program like this. I enjoy Arrow and Gotham (now that Fish is gone I hope) too, but there is nothing wrong with fun. Nothing wrong with Fun at all Sharon - my point, and obviously not well made, was as of this moment, I'm not sure what sort of show it is. If its for families - great If its for an older audience, great as well. I'm seeing a potential mix of both, with would dilute the audience, as it's a kinda 'twixt and between show' atm. A clearer message from the studio would go a long way.
  20. Phew. Gives me that extra week to recover....from the kraptastic -script In much better news - Z-NATION is back next week! Woo-Hoo!
  21. Oh Dear.... Spoilers ahead, so you have been warned. Couple of good things: The cop loading up the cruiser with bottled water (suggesting authorities know whats coming) Raiding the school for tinned food and confiscated drugs (junkie aid) But then things went into the endless circle jerk of 5 word sentences and nothing happening. Seriously - you go to the school to get drugs, team-up with the only 40 year old student in LA (Tobias) get loads of tinned food - kill the only Zombie in the show (after Walking up to it asking if it's OK - knowing damn well it's a frickin Zombie) - and then leave all the food behind whilst strolling out to your car!! The rest of the episode was even worse. If that were possible... Total Zombie count = 2 (plus a long-distance sighting at the end) Pointless trips = 6 Food collected = 0 Escaping LA = Nobody 5 word sentences = 1,655 Rating 2/10. Utter Garbage. I'm still going to tune in next week, in the hopes that at least one of the dumb wankers get killed. Really - it sucks.
  22. I think the lead girl is a perfect fit - but the biggest potential problem with this show is that in todays society, violence against women is (quite rightly) absolutely taboo. Take the shot earlier in the thread of Supergirl being held by the throat - can you see anymore violence in this show than that? She isn't going to be kicked senseless in Ep#1..... I appreciate that this is a good thing! However, and here is my concern, the lack of violence/grittiness/edge really limits the market audience. Anyone in their teens may just find this too wishy-washy, whilst young children may find the multi-villain plots confusing (I read 9 already in season one in this thread - yes?) I guess this show needs to decide from day 1 wether its a mum/dad/lil kids and apple pie show, or something harder. A mix of both would be a disaster. DC needs a win here, for it's entire Universe. Fingers crossed for a clear target audience from Ep #1.