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Everything posted by Beige

  1. It depends but yes in most cases I do both so I have a better chance of getting a interview Either your idea doesn't work very well since you don't get very many interviews or you make a very bad first impression when you hand off your resume. Maybe you're giving off some weird vibes to the manager when you drop off your resume. I'm not sure about weird vibes but I'm always nervous when I really want a job. Heck, in that case you should never be nervous. Out of curiosity, what was the managers name? One of the managers was named Peter How many managers did you talk to? What was the name of the manager you handed your resume to? Two managers and the guy that took my resume was named peter Here's something you might try. Send Peter a Thank You note thanking him for taking the time to talk to you, even if all he did was take your resume. Very few people do this, and it might make you stand out among the other applicants. At the minimum, he will remember your name, and that may be the little something extra that gets you a job offer. Can't hurt to try it thanks. It can. They might offer you a job.
  2. Perhaps not here, but I know my niece would love some
  3. For those of us not in the USA/Canada - what is a "Harambe" book, and what does a variant look like. Any pics Gabe - I have no idea which books these are?
  4. Don't worry, I doubt anyone here will be jumping on the "pink variant" or restored, mid grade semi key at GPA high market anytime soon bro. Meeklo should trademark that - seems to be a key selling feature
  5. I'm not making fun. I, like most others, just cannot comprehend how, after being given so much advice, you still do the total opposite and are certain you are right, and we are wrong. The "pink variant", a crappy condition, small time key at best is the perfect example. The problem that you have, and I mean this with honesty, not spite, is that you quite simply are just too damn lazy to do the work required. How many op-shpos have you been to this month? Deceased estate sales? Garage sales? Church fetes? Do you run a wanted to buy ad? Have you written up a small ad on Microsoft word, copied it x 500 and dropped it into your neighbours post boxes? All the above cost cents, but can lead you to a big old box of goodies. Doesn't matter who tells you how to get better - you just keep on keepin on, with the same old results. You fluked on with the Hulk #180, then blew every single cent of profit with 2 bad buys. You are still $1100 back in the hole, but you just will not see it. I'm off to work (full-time) and I'm looking at a collection after work. Same as last weekend. You? PS4 and a doobie? The problem is with you, and you willfully decide to keep it that way. And that's the truth wether you like it or not.
  6. This sums this thread up. Even the poor baby seal has more chance of making money out of selling comics. In the last week alone there have been 20 books on the boards you could have made a $10 - $20 profit on. But, like the seal, you continue to hope for the best. PS: I hope the guy with the club meets Lucille.....
  7. Sofia Boutella - no brainer!
  8. The lawsuit has been going on for a while. Takes a long while for stuff to get to Australia mate, we should have those new fangled teleofone thingies soon. I hear the Walking Dead might be a TV show one day - nothing escapes us Aussies.
  9. I would agree with you, phrased like that. At this point, I, like most other people in this thread have no idea which comic conclusively, unequivocally confirms Superman as flying. That's why I hoped the grader would respond. Interesting thread.
  10. If this attitude of "I'm right - about everything, everytime" is the same 'tude you give your employers, no wonder you get the sack on a regular basis. Jebus man, 100% of people replying are telling you that you stuffed up. Accept it - dump that puppy for $10 and consider yourself lucky to get that. Someone post the trainwreck gif, because I can't be arsed. This is like watching a baby seal being clubbed repeatedly in ultra-slow motion.
  11. Thought there would be more chatter seeing there are only 4 days to go!
  12. The #123 still hasn't been done by CGC so I cannot comment, but that panel certainly has the word 'fly' in it - quite definitive I'd say.
  13. Surely he should double his money on ebay at that price, with a little patience? It is a "pink variant"............
  14. Awesome, I'd love to score a huge stack of Conan mags randomly. Thanks buddy - appreciate it
  15. Perhaps some of you guys could help me out with this? http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=9605404#Post9605404 Sorry, didn't see this thread before
  16. Fair enough. I'm happy my opinion is on record though. I guess Gabe is going to do what Gabe is going to do. Besides, it's the weekend, and I'm sure we all have better things to do with our friends and families than worry about a very small thread on a very small chatboard. Have a great weekend all.
  17. If you hate this thread so much why bother to read it much less comment on it? But to answer your question I'm not sure ask a mod. I tend to agree. Nobody is forcing anyone to read this journal. People who're asking for it to be shut down are the ones with the issue IMHO. That's not entirely fair Casey. I only suggested closing it for a bit as the topic switched to Gabes physical medical issues. Surely that should be 'out of bounds'? Gabe just isn't self aware enough to understand the ramifications of putting his entire medical history up for all to see and mock. What happens if he names his medical specialists in this thread. Keep it to comics and it's fair game. Medical issues should remain out of the public arena, and certainly not a subject of ridicule. Not suggesting for a second that you would mock someone with a medical condition, but Christ on a stick, there are enough here who would, and do. What next - mocking Hector because of his height?
  18. Whilst not in the league of the last couple of posters finds (congrats on the Batman and the ST's) I found this nice little lot inc the Converse Bag and unused board game for the princely sum of $80 Lots of Conan, and complete runs of the Dark Horse Star Wars and Terminator series. A couple of weird and wonderful Australian comics as well.
  19. I'm all for bagging the guy about comics, but maybe this is going a little far? Taking the about showering, dermatitis, etc - it's just a bit unsavoury. Maybe time for the mods to close this bad boy down. Perhaps start again with a journal when you get a bit more settled. The kid is 21 and has issues. Maybe enough is enough.
  20. Hey, what about us loyal Deadites who live the other side of the world !! (shameless attempt at a freebie....) Hop on a flight. -shawn You paying Boss?