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Sauce Dog

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Everything posted by Sauce Dog

  1. I could see them having done this when Jen was desperately trying to get in contact with Hulk to talk on the phone, but with no answer due to him being out in space she just says "screw it...a Hulks a Hulk" and scrolls down her contact list one more to an entry named 'Hulk (2008)' and calls him to discuss her dilemma with Abomination.
  2. They dropped the "up to" part of their sensationalist headline Even if convicted is anyone under any illusions that Miller won't get much other than a fine and some community service BS?
  3. So far my experience with CGC notes when it comes to color touch and trying to remove it afterwards is: There is always more than it sounds like in the grader notes.
  4. Absolute legend. He was amazing in Swan Song, but the same could be said of everything he graces with his presence.
  5. Detaching book scores from any sort of 'value' seems to be the best bet. Allocating a set amount of points for each grade and making them consistent across all books might rile up some folks but to me might be the only way to clean up this mess. This would rid CGC of having to update the set scores constantly for random issues as prices spike and free up much time that would otherwise be spent wrangling daily updates and give @wytshus time for a vacation My main want, as many have also expressed interest in, is awarding a 100% completion bonus - as giving new collectors a chance to compete is paramount, and knowing that they are not priced out of competing (as now they could consider building a complete run with non-9.8 books and perhaps rank well). Also related to this completion bonus, I also once again ask that CGC reconsider their stance on NG books in the registry - they can simply be worth 1 point each, but should be allowed to be registered in a set to help towards total set completion (as many might want to collect something like a full Batman run, but can only afford a coverless copy of #1 - that is still impressive and is still a comic! I imagine many people are turned off from the idea of trying to complete an entire run knowing they can never afford certain early key issues and that buying coverless or incomplete books "don't count" in CGCs eyes as enough to slot into a set)
  6. Laughing at the sold price for this (was a legit auction, not some marked up buy-it-now flip). Absolutely bonkers.
  7. I would absolutely LOVE for them to show this much restraint and only use these characters for limited special presentations. There isn't any reason they have to shoehorn every single character introduced into the movies and shows, nor should many of them even get that much time or exploration, so keeping some of these characters as 'special treats' we get to look forward to rather than milking them dry in the short term would be a welcome change of pace. I think all of us would look forward to Man-Thing-Month every year.
  8. I love how the characters in the show used a video of Jen twerking to get the chuds at intelligencia riled up, in the exact same way her twerking with meg the stallion got so many people IRL in an uproar - like the haters predictably played right into the shows plot points shows the writers knew exactly how this stuff would play out and makes it all the sweeter.
  9. That will be NG. The only time a book with a facsimile cover might garner an actual grade is when it is only partial, that is to say it still has at least one side of the cover wrap (original front with facsimile back, or facsimile front with the original back), and even then it would be 0.5 at most.
  10. That is very true, I just got the vibe they waned to replicate the feel of how many experience & remember these films now, like an exaggerated trope of a bygone era of dirty transfers and 'lesser' hardware - most won't get that proper 35mm restorations / first run reels will looks very crisp (in fact lots of people at the screeners my wife puts on are often surprised things look good for old movies).
  11. Pretty decent, and I very much appreciate we are getting some shorter stand alone properties. Being 55 minutes was perfect, and worth a star just for that and pretty much excuses any complaints I might have with it since they kept it short and sweet. Jack looked perfect, as did Man-Thing (for the most part). I think the only thing I didn't enjoy was the same-old MCU fight scenes with the hunters. My biggest wish though would have been that they actually went all the way with the old film aesthetic though, as it just felt they stopped short of embracing it. Almost as if they thought being black & white was enough (the changeover cues were nice inclusion, but if you are going to do them why not actually do them accurately? also really would have benefited from heavier grain and occasional audio pops). Like the use of practical effects, but was surprised with the CGI not being all that great and as a result often fought against the old look they were going for - I initially expected that any poor CGI would be hidden better by the B&W approach, but was surprised how much more it stuck out due to lighting (more grain would have certainly helped with this).
  12. This is my vote as well (though I highly agree with Human Torch #3, but that one is pretty expensive already - I do believe if page 44 was ever sold loose on its own it would be a record setting sale though). Every Golden Age first appearance is rare, but not all of them have such a GIANT and clean depiction on the cover. Every other GA first is leaps and bounds more expensive (Spectre, Fate, even Sandman in Adventure though that is technically not a 'first') so this one just sticks out as being woefully undervalued (that is if you can even find it for sale in the first place)
  13. I would reverse it, and have Superman catch a knocked silly Shazam mid air...mirroring this panel from when Doomsday first showed up (even most of the dialogue would work, can even say 'doomsday' still as a cheeky way to hype Black Adam up)
  14. One of my favourite writers ever (you cannot go wrong with basically any of his short story collections), but I think the only comic of his I have graded is a CGC 7.0 Weird Science-Fantasy #24 (his 1st professional story), so I'm eager to add something of this lot to my collection.
  15. Totally missed this, but perhaps the only MCU/DC YouTuber I'm actively subscribed to and found to have some legit decent takes on the super-hero genre as a whole made a She-Hulk video and it's pretty spot on (Like him I also just assumed the booze thing was due to her transforming back to Jen before her hulk body could metabolize the alcohol, leaving little Jen stomach filled with a few rounds of hulk sized drinks. I found it clear but I guess it wasn't as clearly stated as I thought).
  16. ...but ...but isn't all of this is moot because Jen is SeXuaLLy ExCeSSivE!??!
  17. There is nothing inconsistent with this. You can want to be taken seriously at your job, while at the same time having a PRIVATE dating life. Those two only collided when they were forced to bring dates for her case (and only one of which she slept with). You literally say she is "throwing herself at excessive amounts of men" which has nothing to do with her professional life, and honestly is some crazy moralizing on your part to call going out on dates excessive (I'm going to guess and assume you haven't been in the dating pool for a few decades now). When you say " The end of Episode 8 demonstrated how furious she is now that her image has been attacked where she went on a rampage." here IMAGE being attacked isn't what angered her...it was the literal harassment and breach of privacy/trust. She was literally taken advantage of in a sexual way (yes, taping someone without their consent is that) and that is horrific. Also one thing I don't see many bringing up is this was the very first time she got really angry WHILE she was already in Hulk form, which I actually think is another level of anger-management Bruce failed to explain.
  18. Yes, if you honestly think a person sleeping with three men is excessive (one of which she was going on multiple dates on before they even did anything) and that doing so makes a person desperate it sounds like you're a little uptight and out of touch. Seems you are bringing too much of your own ideas about women, sex, and respect (the lack there of) into this more than you care to admit. She ain't running around to lock down a baby-daddy by sleeping with everyone, she is acting like a totally normal single person who is also trying to find someone nice (but knows also what they want so can hookup while on the search for a long term partner, as she tried with Josh)
  19. "Sexually excessive" what does the even mean, there was like three dudes she actually hooked up with and the rest were one off dates, and this show is rather tame when it comes too dating IRL. It's not like she is banging dudes and telling her boss about it and posting online.
  20. So just dodging the question, huh? Nobody is taking this personally, it just seems you have some questionable takes when it comes to respect, sex, and what exactly constitutes 'embarrassment'.
  21. Can you clarify then what you mean to imply by saying "Demands respect for her accomplishments, but then gets angry when her behavior leads to embarrassment." as it sounds like you support the idea she brought this on herself which is tantamount to saying she deserved it. What behaviour of hers lead to embarrassment - and by embarrassment I assume you are referring to the releasing of the video and other private information publicly, correct?
  22. What behaviour of hers lead to, and deserves, people organizing a harassment campaign against her that included non-consensually filming her during sex (literally a criminal offence just on its own) - and why should she not be angry about that, especially when orchestrated in front of all her co-workers at a very important moment (and it more than just "embarrassment", it was a complete loss of security and trust and any sense of privacy. This isn't a 'whoops a did a silly thing *blush*'. Downplaying what happened here as just 'embarrassment' is honestly pretty sick) Her dating and seeing as many people as she likes is not incompatible with demanding respect.
  23. It never will but I don't think it need to be (census is it's own beast to be tackled separate from the Registry), and there is no need to keep registry points linked to scarcity/price - standardizing a few things like Pedigree can be done even if they are a single point higher than the equivalent universal which would allow alternate paths in set building (as often trying to buy the next grade up to increase your score could mean spending thousands of dollars, but buying the same grade you have now in a pedigree might only mean spending a few more bucks), same can go for Newsstand editions.
  24. I agree about the slots, they should not have their own, I only think they should be recognized as carrying a premium in points compared to the exact same book in the grade (even if it is slight, could just be a handful of points at most)