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Sauce Dog

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Everything posted by Sauce Dog

  1. Honestly if CGC decides that Newsstands warrant different slots and higher points, I would expect them to extend the same logic to Pedigree / File Copies which certainly do have a history of commanding a higher price than a regular copy of the same book.
  2. Never seen that before, and it honestly feels confusing to me...either it's moderate or it's extensive, how can it be both? Still a book I would love, as I don't care about restoration so long as it looks to have been done competently.
  3. Pretty common to do so and I've done it with a few of my books already for Conservation, as it also matters how well the married page was applied to the book. I much prefer and agree with married pages/covers being under a Conservation label as they do structurally matter to the integrity of a book and is still clearly noted on the labels (and in the end they are technically original materials from that run of the book, not like foreign pieces later added of a different year or composition in inks/pulp).
  4. You submitted this book while still in the poly bags? How could you be sure they were 9.8s? Did you have them pressed to remove the subscription crease that typically is found on this book? Still inside poly bag != Near Mint book
  5. I don't think that was the necessarily the case but rather the name associated with it. Keep in mind the failure that is Resident Evil is very fresh in the publics minds, and it was a very big failure for them, so putting more money towards ANY project by Andrew Dabb is going to be at a disadvantage (no matter how it turns out, good or bad, many will now think 'Grendel? From the guy who made Resident Evil on Netflix - no thanks, pass). Better to cut their losses now with only filming complete (lots of cost left to even finish these, from editing to effects) and let someone else release it (that way Netflix can only benefit. If someone else releases it and it is crappy they are vindicated in cancelling it and look smart in saving the money, if on the other hand it ends up being good they can still claim credit as all the casting, writing, and filming was by them and people will still associate Netflix in some way with it)
  6. I'm thinking Frog Man is who DD is chasing after (or has to represent). We already have seen that Josh can talk to women...the total opposite of what Frog Man is capable of
  7. That was my original guess but at this point I'm assuming he isn't anyone...just a crappy person involved with the online community following the orders of someone else (as we have seen how easily such things as Q can get people to do crazy stuff as well as harass people)
  8. Porcupine perfection. This episode was great and it's nice to have a series that feels like it has an upwards trajectory in quality for once (I can't think of any MCU show that didn't go downhill after its start).
  9. Same issue with mine. It was not working for a day and now it finally loads but shows I have no submissions (I should have one Express Signature Series book, which was marked received on the 20th)
  10. Yeah, it's fake. The rest of the info is legit for the global tour, but if you are going to make and post fake stuff for the internet attention at least try to match the grain/noise of your source image
  11. It's a safe guess to assume Resident Evil killed this.
  12. It also is a stretch to call what he is doing suicide if he knows he will be fine and it isn't inconveniencing him at all. He literally a walking, talking version of the "Men will literally do X, rather than go to therapy" meme (which is quite simply true for the vast majority of men and I think the show is doing a great job with this sort of stuff)
  13. When it comes to online ones I was pleased that http://metropoliscomics.com actually gave me money back on a book I bought raw from them when it came back as restored 2 years later (I didn't submit it right away and it sat around in my PC).
  14. Yeah this has been my experience as well. I just finished removing CT on a book for another board member, and the CGC notes were Slight B-1 (Small amount of color touch on cover) but the amount I found was far more than I ever expected (basically a full straight 2" line down the center of the cover, several small blotches along the spine, and another small 1/8" blot CGC missed on the right edge of the book).
  15. I'm pretty sure he is going to be revealed to be
  16. Great episode. Making fun of the right people in the right ways (dumb internet harassers). Josh is nice but it pretty obvious who he is, which is a shame as sometimes it's nice to get character love interests without some hidden connection or motive.
  17. My friend who I helped obtain his grail Albedo 2 recently, and had it signed by Sakai, now wants to sell it before it even is done being graded at CGC. Family life comes at your fast it seems (I live the DINK life though, so everyday I be spending) Think I might just bite the bullet and buy it from him in order to keep it in the 'family' as it ain't like these are getting any less rare edit: Took the plunge and bought his Albedo 2. Now to just sit back and see what grade it comes back as (still in 'received' on my CGC account)
  18. Superman's head is obscured by objects and out of frame, only a multi-million dollar CGI lip occasionally slips into our view. Shazam flies away shortly after due to contractual obligations.
  19. They certainly nailed the cenobites (especially moving away from the leather outfits and towards a more book accurate look)
  20. I simply cannot believe this is actually happening, and part of me will not truly accept it until I see a trailer drop. This is amazing news.
  21. Nah, there really is zero point. You already know the grade for certain (NG) and if displaying it next to other slabs is what is driving your consideration towards slabbing then just pick up a comicskin.
  22. Also does CGC test the games and factor that into grading (do any companies test loose stuff)? Submitting a loose but complete game might still mean it isn't functional (I could submit a very good looking CIB Gamecube game, all minty, but it has small amount of disc rot and would never boot), and many loose games will not have working batteries after use (heck, one reason not to buy sealed cart games is you basically accept the possibility the onboard battery will eventually leak and need replacement, same goes for capacitors but not really an issue on most carts - all my retro stuff has had such things replaced over the years) - which also raises the question, are loose items authenticated to having their original parts (batteries) or replacements (I would maybe compare this to comics, if it has the original staples or not) Seems like a requirement if grading loose items that they actually be in working order to authenticate (whereas its understandable a sealed item is graded as is).
  23. Yeah they are a mixed bag. The labels and presentation do look much better than the other offerings, but when it comes down to graded items like these (or boxed toys) I much prefer the insert labels of VGA or CAD cases, especially when you have them put them on the bottom of the case facing up - allowing you to display your stuff without labels visible AND you can stack the cases (which don't look possible with the CGC flaps...but those do give me a nice nostalgic feel as they remind me old G1 Transformers boxes)
  24. Decided might as well watch it now that it was on streaming. It was...pretty bad. I get the tone being a joke because it is all from Korgs perspective and narration, but if they wanted to make it a narrated story they really should have stuck with it and had more interjections by Korg during the movie (much like the Princess Bridge, stopping and starting the tale mid telling). As it is, the humour doesn't work and felt forced (heck 99% of any attempt at any sort of emotion felt forced in the first 90% of the film). Jane could have been the focus of this movie far more and it would have been better for it. I did feel the movie got decent towards the end, only there we got something that resembled actual connections and real rapport between the characters (once they were on the boat and Jane revealed her illness to Thor, kids with Thor, Thor and Love). Loved the scene with the kids getting empowered was great and perhaps the only exciting and energetic/uplifting scene in the movie. Bale was great in the role, so no fault with Gorr other than perhaps would have liked even more of him (though I am unsure of exactly what that would have looked like in the movie since I can't point at anything I feel was missing with his scenes). Eternity was nice to see, so that was maybe the high point.
  25. I'm currently in the process of conserving a book for another board member and I've run into a discrepancy with the book and its grader notes. I'm removing some slight color touch (B-1) and have found that the notes do not match up to what I'm seeing. The notes for the book have it as "small amount of color touch on left center & center front cover" and while the latter center CT was obvious there is literally none I can located anywhere on the left, but rather I have located color touch on the RIGHT center of the front cover. Has anyone else had the locations of known defects entered incorrectly on grader notes? I need to know I'm not crazy and that this is a data entry mistake and I'm not missing what CGC saw (and also found something they missed on the opposite side). I've gone over this cover several times with a microscope and different lighting setups, and just need some reassurance that this sort of thing has cropped up before for others and that it is safer to assume human error during data entry than this being the most professional/epic and well done color touch in the history of the hobby that is eluding me