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Sauce Dog

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Everything posted by Sauce Dog

  1. Since I put most importance on how a book displays over everything else, it might come down the visual appeal between both covers - in which case might happily take the 0.5 (I loveeee bottom of the barrel grades for books that actually look mid-high grade). Being possibly the best looking 0.5 out there certainly gives the book a leg up against others in that grade category, so I would value it a better pick up (and once again - it could become a restored/conserved book one day if the back cover is obtained)
  2. Make no mistake I love Paul WS Anderson and his films, but I have never heard him referred to as being a top notch pedigree even by his most fervent fans
  3. I will however always jump at buying discounted Silver Age books that are missing back covers, as those are often easily sourced and replaced from other books published at the same time (but for Golden Age books that is next to impossible)
  4. This. There was a huge amount of luck that Dutch just ended up being one of the last ones to live, had the order of engagement changed even slightly there would have been no reason for Dutch to survive the fate others experienced. People talk as if Dutch got to where he was thanks to him being the best, but omit the giant amount of situational luck he had to NOT be in the wrong place at the wrong time We also have to remember Savage was still beating the ever loving tar out of Dutch at the end and decided to DISARM himself for the final fight in order to get SOME sort of challenge from it (it wasn't just only mutual respect between hunters)
  5. Since this movie will reignite all discussion around getting more period-specific Predator films (which fans have always been clamouring for) might as well post one of my favourite fan trailers, as this is the setting I would prefer them explore next. 'Zatoichi vs Predator' demo/trailer
  6. "Poked with a stick"...yeah cause getting stabbed through the chest with a spear is totally a minor thing we've all had to walk off before. You seem to just want to diminish everything prior to her success in order to make it sound silly - we can do that for all of em; Ghost got injured by multiple shotgun blasts all over his body, which is just like BB gun pellets before a middle aged cop got full credit for beating him. She took plenty of hits, so it just sounds like you have a problem with anything that features a woman doing anything. Nobody is saying any of these movies are perfect, they have plenty of plot issues so not sure why you want to make up weird plot problems that are not a thing (she wouldn't be the sole provider of her tribe catching only rabbits, we saw there were more men still and no single person ever went out hunting to provide for them all...and considering her ENTIRE STORY ARC I would imagine she would actually encourage the other woman to take up hunting if they so choose) Each Yautja we've seen was different - Feral was literally the least experienced and juvenile of all hunters we've seen, and most certainly the quickest to get frustrated and respond with empty-headed emotional outbursts when things didn't go his way. This was his literal first hunt (once again, a story beat mirroring Naru's first hunt, just as each of their prey is mirrored in both of them starting with small game, such as rabbits, and working up to larger beasts. Literally scriptwriting 101 here). Canonically Ghost and Savage were two of the more experienced hunters, and who had done this many times before. Let's just pretend a simple Hunter didn't take out two highly trained special ops teams in the first one...all it took was a trained army vet realizing his special ops training was useless and needed to change it up and lots of magically free time to build an entire home-alone traps jungle gym to save the day against a Predator who willingly disarmed it self because the prey sucked at winning, without taking a single hit.
  7. When it comes to big Golden Age books I would take a complete restored copy over one that was missing hard to replace parts (such as a back cover). If it is just a mangled complete copy that graded 0.5 I would consider that depending on the extent of the defects, as a Universal book can be worked on with proper conservation (or restoration if it makes sense).
  8. Did we watch the same movie? She never took down Feral 'single handedly', in fact it took MANY other people hurting it before she was able finish it off (with tactics Dutch eventually resorted to in the first movie, but also combined with the Predators own tech because he was acting very reckless by the end) - the entire point of her brothers arc was about teamwork and trusting each others ideas on the hunt. She was also getting injured often (as I mentioned before, her own wounds mirrored that of the predators initially. Also Danny Glover pretty much sustained less injuries fighting in Predator 2 than she did, and I really don't think anyone in their right mind would argue that a middle aged out of shape cop is a better natural hunter in the wilderness than an eager Comanche) Just because a woman wins in the end doesn't mean it is a 'Mary Sue', and I find cries of such a trope pretty common by those who don't actually know what it is. Naru was a very flawed character in contrast to her tribesmen; stubborn, independent, impulsive, and goes through much before barely wining in the end due to being constantly underestimated (by friend and foe alike)
  9. Feel free to DM me if you have questions about coding the descriptions to spiff em up, I've helped a few other winners with theirs as well so far (Mine was the Signature Series set, though the copy they made of it ended up having a formatting error for some reason. You can see the proper rendered one here: https://comics.www.collectors-society.com/registry/comics/PeopleSetDetail.aspx?PeopleSetID=137866 )
  10. This response by CGC is bonkers, but we all know that. All that is left to wait for is the ramifications of this. What we need to be doing is putting down bets on what the over/under is on the time until an established artist who likes money decides to release custom new acetate wraps for previous books they can sell at conventions. I'm looking at you, Liefeld and McFarlane!
  11. I want to see the unhinged cult leader on a press tour to promote their funny book movie! DO IT, YOU COWARDS! IT'S GOING TO BE GOLD!!!!!
  12. Just here to add more posts to the fire...this entire situation is hot garbage of responses by CGC. I have personally had cover recreations commissioned by the original cover artists on a book (then professionally press printed like actual books), which by CGC's logic I could staple those to the originals and submit them for high grades. It really does feel that CGC sold guaranteed grades. 30 books graded and basically half of them were over 9.8 - for books that were over a year old stock, handled originally, then handled again to have new covers stapled over via extra staples, with no label notations. For me it is clear; I cannot trust buying modern CGC graded books. Likewise, I feel I'm at a disadvantage if submitting my own moderns since they clearly won't compare to those submitted by influencers/big account submitters. So I just won't submit moderns anymore and leave them raw.
  13. ...and there he is, presenting The Hood! IMO Anyone who complained about Batgirl looking like a CW show just from set photos better be consistent with this, because it certainly is something https://twitter.com/ironhnews/status/1556742735570288640 edit: There are also shots of her armour floating around, but I'll let others post those as not to hog all the scoops & flood the thread with my posts
  14. Feral wasn't entirely CGI, as it was played by Dane DiLiegro who did it blind (he could not see straight out of the costume - he could only peer down at his feet through a neck hole, so guides were placed on the ground so he could hit his marks and know which path to run), but regardless felt this one had just as much 'character' as prior yautja, especially when contrasted with each movies main character. Naru's arc is mirrored by the Predator's development, but in reverse (we even see their wounds mirrored, as they both tend to their leg injuries). Throughout the movie we see her observe, adapt, learn and improve as a hunter which ultimately culminates in her victory, but at the same time we watch the Predator get more and more reckless and sloppy, choosing to tank more and more hits with each kill - as if he was getting more and more pissed off and reckless as the movie went on (he seems to have gotten charged up and maxed cockiness after winning against the bear, which I'm sure he regarded as a biggest threat on earth and not these smol hairless humans running around). He even seems to show he knows he bit of more than he could chew when the moment things started to go south (against Taabe) he wusses out and jumps back into using his cloak / tech. My takeaway is this Predator enjoyed the kill high more so than the hunt itself (it was his first hunt after all)
  15. 237 business days so far for a ReHolder*. WHOOOOO LET'S GOOOOOOO FOR THE RECORD ;) * jk, it's not even in the system yet for a reholder after all this time, cause CGC lost the book and have been trying to find it since last month. edit: added spoiler image below if you are curious what book they lost and are scrambling to locate.
  16. Yup, annoying AF. You can see now the twitter account has changed their name and avatar back to normal (so now anyone who shared the news looks extra silly to their followers as it is even more obvious it's from a random account with zero clout). Regardless, always check the source link & confirm before sharing anything
  17. Um.. I think everyone is missing the part where this is a fake news "joke" post by the account. Your first clue should have been that the 'source' link doesn't go to any news about a second season, just a review of the first season from back in May.
  18. Even more impressive once you learn this was the actors first role ever. He nailed it.
  19. I would also perhaps liked to see less of this one initially (I don't think we needed to see him or his ship so clearly after the initial cloud decent, but I get why they had to show it), but I do love how they handled its camouflage as it is a much less advanced system that fails when interacted with (it is centuries older than the tech we saw in the original two movies after all. Made for a better way to show movement since weather, foliage, and animals around him could potentially cause breaks in the cloak)
  20. This was damn good and while the CGI was questionable at times (but mostly just some of the animals in bright daylight settings, so it was excusable for what must of have been a smaller budget) everything else made up for the faults. Acting was great, characters were well fleshed out, and the Predator put on a good show once it got going. Overall perhaps the second best of the series (I love Predator 2 so this ties with it overall. Depending on the mood I'm in I could see judging one better than the other - for example Predator 2 looked much better thanks to the practical effects but plot wasn't as interesting and honestly the care put into this one just on its cultural/historic details was impressive enough to make it stand out)
  21. Thanks for the update Mike, I appreciate you passing it along and them taking it into consideration. While I remain of the mind that these could at the very least be slotted in under File Copy classification I recognize the concern CGC might have with it and figuring out provenance.
  22. This was the part that really stuck out for me and makes it clear it was far more at play than just dumping a bad movie which would damage a brand.