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Sauce Dog

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Everything posted by Sauce Dog

  1. Basically what this cancellation drives home is as far as studios are concerned mid-budget movies, especially true for ones with VFX heavy superheroes, are dead. They're too cheap to put in theaters and invest the needed costs for proper marketing, and too expensive to put on streaming. It's just a go-big-or-go-home mentality now, which is a shame because so many superhero movies (arguably especially DC ones like Batgirl) would benefit from just aiming for this budget range and sticking with it (though I imagine much of the push back would also be from fans, as if you release one that looks 'worse' than another everyone is just all over it socially on its 'cheap' look before it can even get off the ground and tell a decent story).
  2. "Just think of how much we could make by NOT releasing Batgirl!"
  3. An interesting point to consider, there could be lots of corporate shenanigans here then we are not privy too (as being a 'bad movie' hasn't stopped anyone from releasing a poor previewed movie before and isn't often enough on its own to scrap something outright): (Click for the full thread, three more tweets in that chain) Also there is one other person on twitter who has seen the footage and is confirming what the movie was about (was involved with the production and can now freely talk about it being Year One story), and it sounds like basically Brandon Fraiser stole the show, so that alone would have made it worth seeing just for me even if I wasn't already a big fan of her Year One story.
  4. To me it sounds like it a little of both worlds - It most likely would have been fine as a straight to streaming movie, but the moment they wanted to put it anywhere else the expectations changed and it would have for sure came off as a horrible release (The minute they announced the theatrical release it made it seem like "oh, this movie is TOO GOOD for streaming then I guess if they are moving it to theatres!"...which would have just really skewed our expectations) Either way I refuse to believe a movie with JK Simmons, Michael Keaton, and the legendary return of Brendan Fraser is somehow worse than Morbius, a movie that they deemed worthy or releasing TWICE Just give us trash films, no body is expecting Nolan or Endgame quality here, I would rather a trash release than nothing!
  5. Sigh...once again Hollywood does Brendan Fraser dirty
  6. @CGC Mike I think now is a good time to just call this poll: 44 total votes, with 34 of them supporting the recognition of Checking Copies (either as their own unique notation "Checking Copy" or by grouping them in with the existing "File Copy" notation). I appreciate you taking the time to pass it along, as well as all those at CGC taking the time to consider this request.
  7. So I have one FIX request that technically isn't a score, but relates to a registry score. I tried to submit this through the Registry Support form on the site but that is throwing up an error and won't work. Figured this is the next best place to ask (let me know if there is a better place to pass this info along) There is an image breaking in on your registry page, causing the tables to shift and impact page rendering. This occurs in all modern browsers. If you view the main sets page for Moon Knight (1985) you will see the rank column of the first entry is expanded due to a broken image: https://comics.www.collectors-society.com/registry/comics/SetTypeDetail.aspx?SetTypeID=2313 The URL path of the award image is incorrect. Currently the WRONG image name path code is the following: <img src="../../images/awards/comic_best_signature_series_sm2022.gif" alt="comic_best_signature_series Best Signature Series" style="border-width:0px;"> You need to correct the name of the image file from "comic_best_signature_series_sm2022.gif" to "comic_signature_series_sm2022.gif" (remove the _best from it and it works perfectly fine, or you need to rename the image on the server to include _best in the file name like the other sizes of this image do). This will make the image show up and then the rest of the table and page will render as normal. images of the issue inside the spoiler:
  8. Booyah! I did it! Congrats to all the other collectors, spenders, and general over-obsessors in the hobby Moon Knight Fanboys coming in hot with the awards this year! IT'S A MOONIE-SWEEP!
  9. Really wish I was into Golden Age books when I first started on ebay (way back in 98/99), as there clearly were some amazing finds. I was still skeptical of buying comics off there due to conditions (like many of us, I preferred to see it in hand before buying) so I stuck to getting the most absolute beater of books so I knew what I was getting (and often it was the only way to get the books I needed to finish my collection). I pulled the trigger on buying my Tales of Suspense #39 from here. It was raw, split & detached covers, falling apart - basically the worst you could find (which is all I could find for my budget...nothing local or at conventions). Cost me $100 USD...and then later grader fees to get it sent to CGC to stop it from falling apart in my collection for longer term storage Now decades later it is getting a fancy facelift: I have it out now for a full extensive restoration job, seen here after cracking it out of its slab.
  10. BOOYAH! Hey @jcronin , we've finally given Moon Knight the love he deserved!
  11. Awesome guy. Was a pleasure to talk with and work out a partial trade+cash towards one of his bigger books, and the transaction went perfectly.
  12. Oh come on, really? I just looked at the price and it is bonkers for what it is - especially considering my friends complete 0.5 signed SS restored (slight glue on cover. NO trimming) went for after not finding anyone interested in it on local marketplaces and Facebook groups. 100% this auction is getting a boost since I'm sure everyone is thinking they could crack it and resubmit to CBCS for a verified signature and possibly have them miss the very janky trimming.
  13. This actually looks pretty good. I wasn't expecting anything when I first heard about the project, but now after the first trailer it seems the tone and visuals are pretty well done. This is also honestly what I had originally hoped for most superhero offerings, smaller lower-budget films released on streaming (as opposed to TV miniseries...most of what Disney/Marvel has released all could have been pretty good tight 2 hour movies, as none really benefited from their episodic nature)
  14. My first collecting goal was Iron Man as that is what really got me hooked on Marvel comics. I had these all complete raw, though I recently sold them all in one giant go a few months ago to clear up space (though I made sure I kept about a dozen absolute favourite issues on hand). I built the Iron Man run as cheaply as I could, buying the lowest graded issues if given the choice, and the majority of the books purchased before ebay was really a thing (so from local shops and conventions only) Iron Man (1968 1st Series) #1-332 Iron Man (1968 1st Series) Annual #1-15 Iron Man (1996 2nd Series) #1-13 Iron Man (1998 3rd Series) #1-89 Iron Man (2005 4th Series) #1-35 The only remaining runs I still own Moon Knight (1985 2nd Series) Fist of Khonshu #1-6 (All 9.8 SS graded. The actual first series I loved when reading comics) Prophet (2012 Image) #21-45 (Just damn good sci-fi reading and one of the last runs I bought physically as they were released each month - everything since has been digital unless buying TPBs or graded books)
  15. Not the first time we've all heard of how poorly Disney/Marvel treats the VFX units, but what was interesting about this article was that it specifically mentioned one example and why the final product was a mess: The final battle in the first Black Panther. Here's hoping they actually have a director of photography working on the sequel this time when they need it
  16. As you imply, this is really is a very low stakes type change, especially since it amounts to basically a small addition to CGC's existing label keywords - though makes sense for them to acknowledge these odd items since CGC is positioned as the experts in the field of comics and have recognized other similar things like Pay Copy (all part of history and do have a unique story behind them - more so than the majority of File Copies out there). I'm not personally monetarily invested in it, I only own a single low grade book, but I must admit all my own interest in pedigrees (reading about them and exploring the history, then searching through auctions to see pictures of them - and now actually actively look out for them when I see them CGC graded) all came from CGCs notation and recognition - so if the same can be done for these and encourage more curiosity and exploration of how golden age books were made I'm all for it.
  17. Checking copies are a unique relic from the manufacturing process of comic books, and as such are a very interesting peek into the history of the comic book medium as it was printed back in its infancy - however CGC does not currently recognize these books in any way (Be it by their own unique notation, or by the common 'file copy' note). The link below will take you to the full thread in the Golden Age forum where you can find more information on what Checking Copies are as well as the full poll. I have already been told that the results of this poll will be passed along to CGC management for consideration, so please head on over to this post and let us know what you all think. While these books are most associated with Golden Age books, the opinion of all CGC customers is important and should be considered when making any push for label updates. The poll will remain open for another week before I close it down and pass along the results.
  18. They had him in the trailer for Antman but he was mostly in the shadow and when he did appear did not have any headgear (so looked like he was in Loki), though the poster hinted at his final look.
  19. I think I just realized what would make all these Phase content announcements 100% better and more satisfying...reveal to us everything EXCEPT the major movies to keep us all in anticipation (so blur out Secret Invasion and the Kang Dynasty) and let us have a few months trying to guess the connections and destination!
  20. They really do have lots of options (going big with armies or just himself, many time/places set pieces, heroes of different eras etc), so that is a positive for Kang I'm happy for. As for Avengers...same answer, they could use ANYONE thanks to the time-travelling factor. Don't think for a moment Disney hasn't considered the idea of bringing back some of the original Avengers in some regard (maybe use an older Iron Man like in the Heroic Age).
  21. I think the only two stories that made me take him to be an interesting threat: The first being The Kang War, as after nuking the states the heroes have to reluctantly sign an admission of surrender/defeat and overall was pretty efficient at conquering the entire earth. The second, which I enjoyed more, was his appearance in the Heroic Age issues (The Avengers Vol. 4 #1–6). It was a smaller role, but I enjoyed him using future Stark tech, manipulating others, and basically breaking all of space/time resulting in lots of visually cool shenanigans.
  22. He won't look like he did in Loki though, when he was out of armour. They have stated he will be in his full green/purple armour and the blue face shield appear over top - so should look as we all expected (as he was always just a 'normal guy' under it all)
  23. Namor looks good, not sure what everyones issue is with him, as the design looks far more interesting than the majority of his comic appearances while still being having the important details (and he needs some sort of visual changes to make him stand out from Aquaman at this point). Namor was never someone I took as a threat at-a-glance, any intimidation and character was all based on his high and mighty attitude and ego - which we have to wait and see if the the actor could convey.