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Everything posted by Wall-Crawler

  1. So do you have a place for $350 a month all inclusive lined up for January 1st, 2017? I wonder what could have POSSIBLY caused the rift??? Could it be saying something very derogatory about the Pope on your Facebook Page have something to do with it? Seriously, Gabe, based on this and some of your other Facebook postings and rants, you need professional help.
  2. Ok, these are ones I pulled tonight...Any ripples are just the bag in the scan... and...
  3. My contribution for this evening... My all time favourite maxi-series as a kid... Not noted on label In honour of Star Wars - Again not noted on label And the "biggie". I *believe* my copy was the first CGC 9.6 on the census. Forgot about this thread and just re-joining ! I am starting to go through my stock and pull any Marvel and DC Canadian Price Variants I can find. I am enjoying the hunt so far. Found a few cool ones tonight I might scan and post later.
  4. I received a call based on handing out business cards at the previous show I did. The person who contacted me is looking to unload their action figure collection. We chatted for about an 45 minutes and he sent me some pics. They all appear to be still in original packaging. Bulk seems to be Turtles (original and reissues), various DC action figures (some reissue of Super Powers line), Spider-Man, X-Men and Iron Man Toy Biz lines and a few others but I won't really know until I get to check it out in person. A few pics of a bunch of action figures in boxes. Reasons for wanting to sell are typical. Other interests. Family. Now this could all fall through (we are supposed to meet up after Boxing Day), as this is outside my wheelhouse other than what I can cross reference to eBay sales, is anyone familiar with any of particular figures from those lines that I should look out for in case I do end up combing through boxes? Thanks in advance for any advice/tips. I have been in a bit of a "buying drought" as of late so while action figures are not my area of "expertise", product is product. I have picked up a few comics "here and there" but nothing I would call really significant in the last six months. I have lots of stock to keep me going through the summer shows but things seemed to have "dried up" here lately - I did have one person contact me, eager to sell and he was supposed to send me a list and then just stopped emailing. Sigh.
  5. Great ideal grade for this book and WP's..enjoying my low 2.0 raw. Very nice!! Congrats!!!
  6. The hours thing again right? Not necessarily, just illustrating a point, that even if you pulled off 4 of these $50-$60 profit flips per week, you earned $5.90 per hour. Not even minimum wage. That's true but this isn't my job right now it's something I'm doing on the side with the hopes of it becoming an eventual job. x 1,000,000 Again why not focus on getting a *real* job? How many jobs have you actually applied for in the last 60 days? Of those jobs, how many did you do any follow up with? Around the holidays, many employers are/were looking for extra staff. Did you look into any of that? Did your current employer offer you any additional hours? In the last 60 days how many hours have you spent researching "real jobs" you think you may like to do and what education/skills you would need? That's great that you made a $50 profit on a sale of a book, even with that Animosity book, good for you but can you LIVE on that? Did those sales in any shape or form improve your standard of living? No. You are still earning at the bottom 20% of Canadians for an unattached individual. Your situation would be even more dire if you were not living with your parents. To not work that additional 20 hours per week at minimum wage, you would have to be able to to do "deals" like that about 200 - 250 times a year to rank in the bottom percent of the lower-middle class for an unattached individual (about $23,000 per year). To earn a lower-middle wage for an unattached individual purely by selling comics, you would need to sell 460 per year at an average of $50 profit. To make, say $30,000 per year (a decent unattached individual middle-middle income range for Canada) you would have to sell 600 books at at an average profit of $50. To make $35,000 per year, you would have to sell 700 books per year with an average profit of $50. Realistically, can you sell 460, 600 or 700 books per year and average a $50 profit per book to have a decent standard of living? Does this seem likely to turn into a job where you can fully support yourself? There is hope and then there is false hope. Gabe, your "hope" for this to turn into an eventual job or means to fully support yourself is definitely the latter. Again, if not for your parents, you would be living in poverty. "False hope can lead to intemperate choices and flawed decision making. True hope takes into account the real threats that exist and seeks to navigate the best path around them." The "real threat" to you if you continue down this path is that you will continue to live with your parents and live at or below the poverty line with zero resources, other than government assistance. Your station in life won't be improved. Finding a good job will only get harder and harder the longer you wait and put it off. Something to think about? How many jobs have I applied for in the last 60 days? None. As for who I followed up with none of them didn't contact me so I didn't bother. I see you mention making 30,000 is the average a person makes on the lower end but to be honest 20,000 would be ok as well. No sell up to 700 comics a year doesn't seem something realistic to me yet and like I said this is something that I'm doing on the side so right now I'm learning to make a profit on these comics and so far I'm satisfied with my progress. I don't have false hope I would like to turn this into a job if I can and I've been happy with how the last comics have played out which is a good sign, I haven't bought anything and I've also made budgets and followed them with the exception I made which is if I have comic book money I buy comic books, if I don't then I buy nothing. You are completely disconnected from reality. You are a 20 something young man with zero motivation to be a productive member of society because you are content to live at home as mommy and daddy cover your broke . You are serious? Last 60 days no job applications? No one is going to follow up with you - You have to go "get it". Ok, in the last 120 days (4 months) how many jobs have you applied for? How many hours have you dedicated to researching other potential viable career paths for yourself? When you are not working full time, you should not have something "on the side" - Your job should be finding a job and everything else should be a distant second. You think earning $20,000 is "Ok"? Well have you even done the math? You may be "fine with it' because you don't comprehend how much of a struggle that would actually be because you are "covered" by mommy and daddy. The average rent in Niagara Falls is just shy of $1,000 a month for a one bedroom apartment. That is $12,000 per year. You are down to $8,000. Rent often does not include utilities such as hydro and/or phone and internet. If it does, your rent will likely be higher. No car right? Don't drive? A yearly bus pass in Niagara is about $1,000/year. Down to $7,000 per year. Average cost of groceries for one person per month: $200 - $300 or let's go at the low end, $2,400 per year. You are down to $4,600 for the year. For the year! That is a mere $383 a month left over for other monthly expenses like any insurance (renters insurance), clothing costs,debt repayment (from that student loan), internet/telephone, utilities (hydro, gas) and any smidgen of entertainment you may have. Certainly not a lot of cash to be able to buy any books. Honestly if mom and dad decided they have had enough and wanted you out in a month, what would you do? Where are you getting all these ridiculous numbers from? I'll start with the rent. Nothing that I would get is 1000 dollars a month, there are places here that are for 350-600 a month with everything included. Bus Passes cost 70 dollars so 70x12 =$840 Like I said there are many places here that include everything here and I only buy clothes if I really need to. Way to try to minimize the overall POINT of the post. RENT Rentboard.ca is where I got the rental numbers from. Depending on your exact geographical location, rent may be cheaper as I don't know exactly where you are. https://www.rentboard.ca/rentals/rental_rates.aspx?locid=4570 https://www.rentboard.ca/rentals/index.aspx And here is a quick Kijiji search...Cheapest option I see is a room for $450. Remember, in those instances you would be sharing a space and they tend to screen applicants pretty closely. Would you make the cut? http://www.kijiji.ca/b-ontario/niagara-falls-apartment/k0l9004 I live in a small northern Ontario city and the cheapest rent I could find after a quick search was like $600 a month, so I would be VERY surprised if you could find a single room apartment for under $600 in Southern Ontario, especially all inclusive. I would LOVE to see the place you get for $350 a month, all inclusive...Seriously. If you can find a room for that dang cheap, why are you still living at home? Regarldess, simply providing a roof over your head is going to eat up a huge chunk of your marginal "$20,000" TRANSIT https://www.niagarafalls.ca/living/transit/fare-structure.aspx So, unless there is a slightly cheaper yearly pass, I was off by a couple hundred but according to the site, a monthly bus pass is $75 a month or $900 per year. I was off by a very marginal bit there. Edit: Look at that. Turns out I was under according to your new research. FOOD In terms of the cost of groceries, that is pretty standard costs. $200 a month on groceries for an individual is not a lot of money. You would know this if you actually, you know, had to shop for yourself. OTHER Again, this still doesn't take into account clothing (which we know you are lacking in having presentable clothing and kind of just confirmed), any utilities or services such as internet which may or may not be included, debt repayment (if you have to repay that student loan), renters insurance (which you should consider if you have collectibles in your apartment) and any other incidentals and entertainment. And where is the "capital" left to buy books and other collections to fund your "goal"? TAXES As someone mentioned, lets not forget tax. Yes, we have taxes here in Canada. So your $20,000 is even LESS.Probably around $17,000 range after all taxes. So, yeah, I don't think my numbers are all that "ridiculous". I lived in Toronto on academic stipend of $20,000 - While that was in the early 2000's, trust me, I know what it is like to be "working poor". You are clearly speaking from the perspective of someone who has no clue what it costs to live on their own. JOB HUNTING You also said in a post above "I already have a job but yes I am looking for a better one." but you admitted a few posts prior to that to not dropping off a job application in the past 60 days with the exception of the McDonald's application. How does that equate "looking for a better one"? How many jobs have you applied for in the past 120 days? Also, you never answered the question...What would your situation be if mom and dad wanted you out of the house in a month?
  7. The hours thing again right? Not necessarily, just illustrating a point, that even if you pulled off 4 of these $50-$60 profit flips per week, you earned $5.90 per hour. Not even minimum wage. That's true but this isn't my job right now it's something I'm doing on the side with the hopes of it becoming an eventual job. x 1,000,000 Again why not focus on getting a *real* job? How many jobs have you actually applied for in the last 60 days? Of those jobs, how many did you do any follow up with? Around the holidays, many employers are/were looking for extra staff. Did you look into any of that? Did your current employer offer you any additional hours? In the last 60 days how many hours have you spent researching "real jobs" you think you may like to do and what education/skills you would need? That's great that you made a $50 profit on a sale of a book, even with that Animosity book, good for you but can you LIVE on that? Did those sales in any shape or form improve your standard of living? No. You are still earning at the bottom 20% of Canadians for an unattached individual. Your situation would be even more dire if you were not living with your parents. To not work that additional 20 hours per week at minimum wage, you would have to be able to to do "deals" like that about 200 - 250 times a year to rank in the bottom percent of the lower-middle class for an unattached individual (about $23,000 per year). To earn a lower-middle wage for an unattached individual purely by selling comics, you would need to sell 460 per year at an average of $50 profit. To make, say $30,000 per year (a decent unattached individual middle-middle income range for Canada) you would have to sell 600 books at at an average profit of $50. To make $35,000 per year, you would have to sell 700 books per year with an average profit of $50. Realistically, can you sell 460, 600 or 700 books per year and average a $50 profit per book to have a decent standard of living? Does this seem likely to turn into a job where you can fully support yourself? There is hope and then there is false hope. Gabe, your "hope" for this to turn into an eventual job or means to fully support yourself is definitely the latter. Again, if not for your parents, you would be living in poverty. "False hope can lead to intemperate choices and flawed decision making. True hope takes into account the real threats that exist and seeks to navigate the best path around them." The "real threat" to you if you continue down this path is that you will continue to live with your parents and live at or below the poverty line with zero resources, other than government assistance. Your station in life won't be improved. Finding a good job will only get harder and harder the longer you wait and put it off. Something to think about? How many jobs have I applied for in the last 60 days? None. As for who I followed up with none of them didn't contact me so I didn't bother. I see you mention making 30,000 is the average a person makes on the lower end but to be honest 20,000 would be ok as well. No sell up to 700 comics a year doesn't seem something realistic to me yet and like I said this is something that I'm doing on the side so right now I'm learning to make a profit on these comics and so far I'm satisfied with my progress. I don't have false hope I would like to turn this into a job if I can and I've been happy with how the last comics have played out which is a good sign, I haven't bought anything and I've also made budgets and followed them with the exception I made which is if I have comic book money I buy comic books, if I don't then I buy nothing. You are completely disconnected from reality. You are a 20 something young man with zero motivation to be a productive member of society because you are content to live at home as mommy and daddy cover your broke . You are serious? Last 60 days no job applications? No one is going to follow up with you - You have to go "get it". Ok, in the last 120 days (4 months) how many jobs have you applied for? How many hours have you dedicated to researching other potential viable career paths for yourself? When you are not working full time, you should not have something "on the side" - Your job should be finding a job and everything else should be a distant second. You think earning $20,000 is "Ok"? Well have you even done the math? You may be "fine with it' because you don't comprehend how much of a struggle that would actually be because you are "covered" by mommy and daddy. The average rent in Niagara Falls is just shy of $1,000 a month for a one bedroom apartment. That is $12,000 per year. You are down to $8,000. Rent often does not include utilities such as hydro and/or phone and internet. If it does, your rent will likely be higher. No car right? Don't drive? A yearly bus pass in Niagara is about $1,000/year. Down to $7,000 per year. Average cost of groceries for one person per month: $200 - $300 or let's go at the low end, $2,400 per year. You are down to $4,600 for the year. For the year! That is a mere $383 a month left over for other monthly expenses like any insurance (renters insurance), clothing costs,debt repayment (from that student loan), internet/telephone, utilities (hydro, gas) and any smidgen of entertainment you may have. Certainly not a lot of cash to be able to buy any books. Honestly if mom and dad decided they have had enough and wanted you out in a month, what would you do?
  8. Well his goal IS to buy and sell a million dollar bomic...
  9. I see what you did there. I know that was a lot of Just trying to illustrate with Gabe most recent success how often he would need to deliver to be able to make a living solely selling books.
  10. The hours thing again right? Not necessarily, just illustrating a point, that even if you pulled off 4 of these $50-$60 profit flips per week, you earned $5.90 per hour. Not even minimum wage. That's true but this isn't my job right now it's something I'm doing on the side with the hopes of it becoming an eventual job. x 1,000,000 Again why not focus on getting a *real* job? How many jobs have you actually applied for in the last 60 days? Of those jobs, how many did you do any follow up with? Around the holidays, many employers are/were looking for extra staff. Did you look into any of that? Did your current employer offer you any additional hours? In the last 60 days how many hours have you spent researching "real jobs" you think you may like to do and what education/skills you would need? That's great that you made a $50 profit on a sale of a book, even with that Animosity book, good for you but can you LIVE on that? Did those sales in any shape or form improve your standard of living? No. You are still earning at the bottom 20% of Canadians for an unattached individual. Your situation would be even more dire if you were not living with your parents. To not work that additional 20 hours per week at minimum wage, you would have to be able to to do "deals" like that about 200 - 250 times a year to rank in the bottom percent of the lower-middle class for an unattached individual (about $23,000 per year). To earn a lower-middle wage for an unattached individual purely by selling comics, you would need to sell 460 per year at an average of $50 profit. To make, say $30,000 per year (a decent unattached individual middle-middle income range for Canada) you would have to sell 600 books at at an average profit of $50. To make $35,000 per year, you would have to sell 700 books per year with an average profit of $50. Realistically, can you sell 460, 600 or 700 books per year and average a $50 profit per book to have a decent standard of living? Does this seem likely to turn into a job where you can fully support yourself? There is hope and then there is false hope. Gabe, your "hope" for this to turn into an eventual job or means to fully support yourself is definitely the latter. Again, if not for your parents, you would be living in poverty. "False hope can lead to intemperate choices and flawed decision making. True hope takes into account the real threats that exist and seeks to navigate the best path around them." The "real threat" to you if you continue down this path is that you will continue to live with your parents and live at or below the poverty line with zero resources, other than government assistance. Your station in life won't be improved. Finding a good job will only get harder and harder the longer you wait and put it off. Something to think about?
  11. Update: Submitted vendor application for Graphic Con in Sudbury, ON. This is the closest "pure" comic convention to me. I submitted pretty much as soon as registration opened and indicated I would like a premium booth (two 8 foot skirted tables, access to electricity - that I don't think I need that but maybe - Also includes up to three chairs and three vendor passes). The show advises that those spaces are limited. Really, I could easily fill three 8 foot tables as that is what I have at my local shows. Now I just have to sit back and they accept me for show on June 10th, 2017. I will find out in March 2017 if I have been selected. I am really hoping that I am selected as it will be a good "test" to see if I also want to venture out and try a larger show but this one seems to be a good mix of a larger size/more attendees, focused market and very minimal travel expenses for me. Plus, I am getting a bit of the "show" bug...Each show I feel a little more comfortable and looking forward to the next one. IF Graphic Con accepts me, my show schedule for 2017 is shaping up like this: * Northeastern Ontario Antique Collectibles and Nostalgia Spring Show - April 9th, 2017 (confirmed) * Graphic Con - June 19th, 2017 (application pending) * Northeastern Ontario Antique Collectibles and Nostalgia Fall Show - October, 2017. This show is tentative. The last Fall show was the two day show (commented about earlier) and if it goes ahead will only be a one day show.* (pending/tentative) * Gateway FanEx - November 12th, 2017 (exact date pending, but confirmed) So, potentially 4 shows in 2017 as of this writing. In the new year, I also plan to focus on hopefully securing a new collection or two, ramp up eBay sales. I have also been thinking of setting up an Ebay Store. I would appreciate any insights and thoughts/tips from anyone who may have one. Finally, I would like to try a few more board sales here.
  12. With Christmas and the New Year fast approaching, I thought about trying to make one more ASM purchase but that seems very unlikely now with Christmas around the corner and a few other expenses taking precedent (like gifts and new snow mobiling gear for myself). On the whole, I feel it was a pretty decent year, collecting wise. As difficult as it was, for the most part, I was able to focus solely on building my ASM run. Sidebar: While this year, I resisted the urge to get other keys that I do like and would like to own that are "out of focus", the one book I would really like to have is a DD #1 in a decent CGC grade. While there are a few others, that is the big non Spidey key I'm very interested in. I started off the year needing 46 issues. I managed to bring that number down to 30 and just needing the Lee/Ditko books now. I picked up some decent keys in decent grades along the way. The biggest being ASM #14 - 1st Green Goblin. That was a big "get" for me and my favourite single ASM purchase of the year. Rounding out my Top 5 of the Year would be ASM #13, ASM #20, ASM #40 and ASM #41. Moving forward in 2017, I am only going to chase after the remaining ASM keys unless a "common" book that presents really well for the price pops up on my radar, but the focus will be on the pricier keys. My goal, with the exception of maybe ASM #1 will be to keep the grades at least a CGC 6.0 - I would like to have a nice presenting run and maybe focus on "upgrading" or different keys once I reach my goal. Books I need heading into 2017: #1 - #12, #15 - #19 #21 - #24, #27, #29 #30 - #32, #35 - #38 My "personal" Top 5 at time of this writing to chase for in 2017 will be ASM #1, ASM #3, ASM #6, ASM #9 and ASM #15. I do not necessarily think I will get all of these (very unlikley) just that these books are where the focus will be. Note: I could never really "get into" the Vulture and the panel cover for ASM #4 (1st Sandman) is not really my fave but Sandman is pretty cool Spidey villain. I am going to continue to fund my collecting with comic sales (eBay and local shows) and I will try more board sales as well. I have even contemplated selling some of my other CGC keys to help expedite the process but I always seem to hold off on that and don't think I am quite ready to let them go yet either For those following the journal, offering tips, words of encouragement, sourcing books and approaching me with books that I need (and to those I have purchased from), thank you for making this collecting endeavor that much more of a fun experience.
  13. It seems *fake* that people would fight a guy who can stick to the ceiling, shoot webs, toss cars...Uhmmm.... People are dumb. If they were faced with going to jail for a long time, yeah some would fight. Some would try to run. Some would surrender. How many car chases have you seen on the news? You know that is a losing prospect for the suspect, yet they do it. People do stupid mess all the time.
  14. Pretty sure he is Ned Leeds...he is going to look a little weird in the Hobgoblin costume. Boy, I don't know... from the look of the character... him knowing Spider-Man's secret identity... I'd say they're pulling a bit from Ultimate here and that's Ganke. Good looking trailer, mainly because I think they're really starting with an age-appropriate and likeable Peter, which gets you more than 1/2 way there. Add in the Marvel Universe connection and I'm thrilled. As far as I can tell from Wiki, that's Ned Leeds. Yup, you're right they're definitely calling him "Ned Leeds"... but it seems pretty clear that character is not in any way based on the character of Ned in the comics. He's 100 percent Ganke. Even down the scene in the trailer when he discovers his friend is Spider-Man and breaks a lego model. I'm 90% certain that's right from the comics. (anyone got an image to back that up?) Peter and Ned weren't high school buddies, Ned didn't know his secret, etc... and obviously physically he looks just like Ganke. I think it's a nice choice for a blending of the stories a bit. I have no issue with it. Be curious what others think. Why keep the name Ned? I don't know any Asian guy with the name of Ned. Just invent a new character at that point. Not sure what to think of Tony Stark being Parker's father figure either. Lessens the brilliance of the real origin of Spidey with Uncle Bens death. Whatever, as long as the kids like this movie than it's all good... I have a friend named "Derek". He's Asian. Is that an "Asian" name? To "blend" Spidey into the MCU and to bring him in rather quickly (and seamlessly) they had to take some creative licenses and I don't think we need another Spidey origin story. It seems like they are blending a bit of ASM with USM. In Captain America: Civil War they strongly hinted that Spidey has already been "in action" and is very smart (we know he developed his own web shooters and scavenges computer parts). In the Marvel U during Civil War Tony and Pete did have a bond. Tony did give Pete "an upgrade". I also don't think having Tony be a "mentor" will diminish the role of Pete becoming Spider-Man "on his own" or the death of Uncle Ben...He was already Spider-Man before Tony recruited him for Civil War and again, do we need another origin movie? Based on the trailer, I think maybe we could very well see Pete "disobeying' Tony to some degree to do "whats right". We shall see though. Tom Holland, from the trailers, seems to have captured that "Spidey-vibe" and I think that will be essential. I'm likely biased and I can live with and even support the changes so long as the "core" of Spidey remains the same. "Waitaminute...You guys aren't the Avengers...I can tell Hulk gives it away" GOLD. I also like how the famous "Spidey Eyes' finally "emote". I remain cautiously optimistic based on the trailer.
  15. I was about to say I actually like the Vulture design...I dig the "flight helmet"...They may have gone a littler over the top with the wings, but in my opinion, better than an old guy in a green jump suit...
  16. Recently sold a nice CGC book to Bruce. He paid very fast and was great to chat with. AWESOME BUYER! Flawless transaction! 5 Stars! Thanks Bruce!
  17. This looks like it is going to be such a FUN movie
  18. That is some cool backstory. Thanks for sharing. Great paintings too.
  19. Very Nice... I have three of the original Fastner Larson paintings, two of the Spidey ones and one of the X men (yes I am in the market for more!) Fastner and Larson live in the Twin Cities and go to the local cons, I discussed these piece with them. Unbelievably the Green Goblin one has been altered! The owner at the time thought the goblins ears were too long so he sent the painting back to F & L and they changed the painting ; so the "Original" painting now looks different form the prints from that series. I was like "why would you do that??!?!?" I guess the answer is $ That is fantastic that you own the originals! Very cool story about how the original GG painting looks now...Did you see a pic of how it now looks? I thought about opening this up and framing the prints but I have decided to keep it sealed (for now). I have the back cover of the portfolio in my display cabinet, back cover (Spidey vs GG) facing out.