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Everything posted by Wall-Crawler

  1. Like it always does I guess. I asked for the manager and gave him my resume. McDonalds takes resumes? I worked at KFC years ago and all I did was fill out an application The McDonalds in my area always have Now Hiring signs, and all you do is fill out an application. You're not applying at Microsoft, McDonalds doesn't need a resume. Fifty bucks says he never even walked in the door. I'll only take that bet if you promise a .50 cents return if I lose As far as I know, McDonalds is always hiring, but in the wild chance the one he "applied" to isn't, there are several other options available when you have no real responsibilities. Burger King, Taco Bell, Wendy's etc etc. Sorry, man, 50 cents is 50 cents! Seriously, though, he knows all those opportunities are out there, he just doesn't want to work any more than absolutely necessary. Is there any of us reading this thread, besides Gabe, who doesn't know that you can be the biggest doofus in the world, and still work 40 hours or more a week, somewhere, doing something? But you have to WANT to do it, and Gabe very clearly doesn't. I never said that I don't want to work 40 hours a week but I did say that physical jobs would drain me way too quickly. As you have stated, you have "some sort" of emotional and learning issues. I don't need an answer but I am curious...Do you have any medical issues that preclude you from being able to do physical labour? What do you mean "drain you too quickly"? You are a young man in your 20's. Yes, working construction (especially if living a sedentary lifestyle) would take some getting use to but you will. Everyone has aches and pains, when I worked construction you bet I did, but that is normal. You get use to it. Your body will adapt. Most people have and continue to work through pain and/or discomfort at some point or heck, even on a daily basis. For someone your age and in your economic position, not doing a physical job for anything other than a diagnosed physical injury or impairment just seems like an excuse.
  2. Price paid (including shipping) and how much you sold it for, accounting for selling fees.
  3. Yes 40 cents will be my profit after all that bragging because you know what? I sold it faster then I thought I would because someone wanted it. I also sold it for what I did because I saw another comic I want. Do not mistake "want" for "pity"
  4. If that's a serious offer then yes Good. I will PM you my info.. Classy move. Either that or enabling. Depends on your perspective. Gabe truly is the Blanche DuBois of the boards. Boardies bailing Gabe out = Enabling. Once on a big item book, now once on a little item book. Regardless Gabe, you should not be "proud" of a pity sale but at least you took it.
  5. In the real world everything is still the same So still only 20 some odd hours per week making minimum wage? Have you done any other serious job hunting and/or skill building?
  6. Also guys, Gabe no longer needs you. He has a new source of advice and information on Facebook: Comic Book Speculation & Investing (CBSI) Community Page
  7. So, Gabe, what is the situation on the job front? Still at the same place? New place? How many hours per week? I mean, between posting, and you saying you have been to a bunch of places this week or so to check out to see if they had comics and online dealings, just curious to see how things are going "in the real world".
  8. If Gabe buys the Bats 189, he stands to lose about $200-$350. The books is a /would get a cgc 8.5 IMO as is, PLOD. The resto is listed as " light color touch". It will cost what...$40 to have the CT removed.I don't see any point in pressing it, looks like it won't het a bump from dry cleaning/pressing.More than likely it has already been DCP'd-it looks very vlean and I'd say it's already been DCP'd. So, let's put CT removal, shipping to/from CGC and slabbing costs at $100. With minor CT, post removal...expect anywhere from a 7.0 to an 8.0, depends on how "minor" the CT is. GPA for blue is $359 in 8.0, $315 at 7.5 and $270 in 7.0. Best case scenario, it is a tiny, single spot of CT and the book subsequently gets an 8.0....last sale at $359 in 8.0 , so ....he gets $359 or so.The book isn't tied into any upcoming movies, no reason to think it will trend upwards or sell quickly at $359. Call it $300, after fees. At the best case scenario, he loses $200, that is if it gets an 8.0. With CT on a datk cover, after it is scsped off, if there is more than a tiny smidge, it stands out like Hell. 2 tiny s apes, it's a 7.0 maybe 7.5. It could have as much as 2-3 larger scrapes after the CT is removed.. could come back as low as a 6.0. This is a prime reason how/why if you dot know how to grade, you should not try to be a flipper/dealer. And another reason why any dealer should know how to detect resto, be capable of removing CT, and be capable of dry cleaning& pressing books.A dealer should also have a gradp on the nature of the comic market. Gabe is at a loss on all of the qualities needed to buy/sell books. I'm not as a loss I don't know why you keep counting it as such. You also seem to think that every dealer should know how to detect resto,be able to remove it and be capable of dry pressing and cleaning books. So tell apart from those select few tell me which dealers can do that. No I'm not thinking of removing the color touch either. Every competent (succesful) dealer I know of can detect amateur and pro resto, 95% of the time.They also know how to grade, this is key when figuring projected returns on subbed books. Every competent dealer also can either remove resto like CT and can dry clean & press their own books before subbing them. I press damn near every book that I sub, otherwise I'd be looking at adding on more time to wait for a presser to do the work, and then pay their pressing fees. If you can't fo that, you have to have the free capital to cover pressing fees and grading fees, and the cost of the books you buy, and be able to wait a minimum of 2 months to have the graded books in hand to even have a chance at recouping the money you fronted....that being the cost of the books, pressing and grading fees. The succesful dealers who don't press their own books have a presser lined up who does good work without a long lag time, and they pay good money for that service.I do not have the capital to pay pressing fees, and rhen have the free capital to allow amy money to be tied up in the pressers' hands for a month, while being able to buy more books and cover CGC fees. I learned this quickly, so I invested my time into learning how to dry clean and press.That is what someone in your position would need to do, if you really were to become succesful as a dealerIf you can't grade books after 2 years,the odds of you having the requisite patience and understanding of paper mechanics that is needed to learn how to dry clean and press....are very low. Those other dealers definitely can detect resto themselves, and know how to grade, they wouldn't have gotten to where they are if they couldn't do both of those things.They can afford to have to have the money and time invested in books they bought, which is really the mark of a succesful dealer. My problem is that I buy a lot of books and have a hard time with allocating enough of my time to pressing books.But, I can do the work as it is needed.If I really cracked down and spent my free time dry cleaning/pressing books that I buy, as I should, I'd be a lot more succesful as a dealer. At least I can diagnose my problem and I can do what I need to do. You ate completely oblivious to your shortcomings, of what you have many, and show no sign of being able to make any progress whatsoever. Gabe: Think about those 2 posts I made above, and how what I said is applicable to your situation. I know nothing about how to press comics, I have pressers that I use and I have amateur skills at detecting restoration. I did once consider buy I pressing machine. Hell, at this point why not???
  9. I thought you were cautioned about buying restored books? The last 7.0 restored book sold in 2009 for $105 USD. The one with a trimmed cover sold for $95. What is the resto on your book? How will you make money on this?
  10. No but in retrospect I should not really care regardless the size of the show. I guess no matter the size I have to have some faith in my product and who knows they may have brought additional customers who might in turn check out my booth. There were a few other vendors that had comics but were not dedicated to only comics.
  11. Gabe. Get it pressed and graded. For sure you will quadruple your money. My friend told me so.
  12. Not sure if this qualifies but I was set up at a local collectible show this weekend. I was approached by an individual with a box of comics, I was pleasantly surprised it was not all drek and picked these up. I like when you can buy just the good stuff and leave the rest.
  13. Almost forgot to share, at the last few shows I have been approached by people with their comics asking for a valuation or to see if I want to buy anything. One guy scoffed at me on Saturday when I did not want to buy a bunch of pure drek that were likely stored in a garage as they bags were "filmy" and dirty. Didn't help they smelled like smoke either. However, I was approached by a gentleman who had an box of books, a lot of drek, some decent stuff that was really low grade but I did manage to lighten his load a little. Frazetta
  14. Final Report Due to circumstances beyond my control, I only ended up getting three tables even though I was told I could have 4 and that was a bit of pain to deal with as I had to on-the-spot re-jig my entire layout and selection. Saturday had decent traffic and overall I was pleased with the sales. However, there were less people through the doors than the previous show last April. Fewer by at least 150 I would guess. Sunday was gloomy and rainy in the morning so I thought that would be a good thing but then it cleared up and there was hardly any traffic at all at the venue. I did not have anywhere near as many sales on the final day and that seemed to be the same for everyone. At one point it was just mostly dealers walking around talking to each other. Costs Booth 2 day rental fee: $225 Extra table cloth: $25 Total expenditure: $250 *Note the venue is close to my home and I ate breakfast at home, packed a lunch and was home around dinner time each night, so no "real" meal or other expenses. Sales Books & Other Comic Related Items Sold: $901.00 Total Profit: $901 (books sold) - $250 (expenses) = $651.00 Analysis I think there are a variety of factors that contributed to lower turnout. Firstly, I think the timing and weather. The weather was pretty good all weekend and lots of other stuff for people to do this time of year and people are busy with outdoor activities and yard work. In April, not so much. Secondly, Advertising and Signage. I think the organizers need to have a more effective advertising campaign and have better signage. They had a few things in some of the free community papers, but not much else. I had people walking in say the signage was poor and there were nothing other than at the entrance to the venue and what was there was hard to see. Thirdly, I had at least 4 good customers not attend the show. The vast majority of attendees are not looking for comics but antiques and other collectibles. I'm the "niche" dealer at the show. Summary Overall, I am pleased. However, due to increased cost, my profit was not as good as the single day show last April, despite there being an extra day. The sales definitely "mattered" in terms of the grand total, but it was a SLOW Sunday. Like I said, at one point dealers were freely wandering during the show, checking out other dealers stuff and just chatting. I will continue to attend the show so long as it is profitable and I signed on for the single day show in April, but if they decide to do a 2 day show again, I will likely pass. Also on the plus side, I think I am at the point now where I feel comfortable taking the next step and going to an actual "comic con" as there are a few that are gaining steam within 1.5 to 3 hours from where I live.
  15. Day 2 of the show today and it is a yucky, rainy day so hopefully more people decide to show up! Also yesterday on eBay I sold my Marvel Legends Galactus BAF set so while not a "show" sale, it was still a nice sale to happen that day!!!
  16. Well "Day 1" is over and I am dead tired. Woke up at 6:15 AM to help set up for 7 AM and there was miscommunication as the venue had it set up all wrong and hardly had enough tables so myself and one other guy (the other folks were older) were slinging heavy 7 foot wood tables while one of the organizers told us where they needed to go at 7:30 AM . Just barely got it all set up in time, including my own booth, but made it thanks to the help of my wife and parents who helped unload the truck. Due to the disorganization, I did not get a fourth table, I ended up with only three so I had to juggle some stuff around and flat out did not have enough space for everything I brought. Mildly annoying but instead of keeping stuff under the tables, I just told customers I had extra boxes and would haul them out from behind the booth if they wanted to look. It was a nice Fall day here so numbers were about half than the previous one day show back in April, so we shall see if Sunday helps to really raise the numbers to the last one day show. Apparently need about 200 people to come through tomorrow. Anyway, I will give a detailed sales report for anyone who cares but I made enough to cover off my costs and then some today alone, so it was definitely worthwhile to set up despite the early morning cluster____.
  17. Just think Gabe, if you find and make $125 on a mere 94 more flips this year, that would be the equivalent of working just another 20 hours per week at a minimum wage job for a year. Sounds completely plausible to me for you.
  18. Most. Ironic. Statement. Ever. If you don't like losing money, stop trying to flip comics. Because that's what you do, lose money. You are NOT "losing money" you are paying for a service that allows you to conduct online transactions, as they say "the cost of doing business". Your skin issue can't be THAT bad if you don't want to pay a MINOR administrative fee to maybe get treatment for it. Maybe but it's always a fee that you need to add. For my skin it's not as bad as most people's but they play games and make you take lots of sessions which cost 30-60 dollars each, though I'll see if OHIP covers it. Again with the BS and excuses, why is it that nearly every professional or other person you state that they "play games"? The only person I see playing a game here and not living in the "real world" is you.
  19. Budget doesn't exist anymore. Paying GPA high for a spec. Still spending triple-digit $$$ on a min-wage PT job. Can't even cosign himself to showering once a day because cleanliness apparently irritates his skin. So, yeah. True story. When I was a Resident Advisor, I had to provide advice for all sorts of common sense stuff, like how to do laundry, where the library was, how to cook (even a can of peas once) and for one individual, tell him he needed to bathe more. It got so bad, people could not stand to sit in the common TV room with this guy. People would crack the windows in the middle of winter and he would not get the hint. His roommate stopped staying in their room. I had to have "a talk" with this guy, to tell him he needed to shower every single day. I was later told his shower consisted of him stepping into the shower and getting out with his hair still dry. I then had to explain he needed to WASH and provided him with free soap and shampoo. I also had to teach him how to do laundry as that was part of the problem and get him some laundry soap and fabric softener. This guy was in his early 20's at the time (as was I). So Gabe, I leave you with this advice: Shower every freaking day. Don't be the smelly guy in the TV or any room. If you have that much of a problem (which I doubt), see a dermatologist about your skin. In the meantime, try: I'll try it but those things are lying most of the time, I used the acne treatment that said the same thing and my skin was red and irritated for three days and I do know how to do the laundry I did it in college. Do you do your own laundry now or does mommy do it for you? Did you consult a dermatologist for your skin issue or did you just try one product and give up as per usual? My mom does the laundry now and I've already consulted with a dermatologist but after their consultation they want money which I don't have. For products I've tried at least five or 6 but it seems every product has "Stearic acid" Why don't you do your own laundry? If you do actually get severe itching from certain products, like soap, which makes bathing difficult, if you get referred to a dermatologist from your family doctor, that would be covered by the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) so it should be "free". The product/prescription (if required) they recommend won't be free but depending on OHIP rules for your particular ailment your 'treatment' may or may not be covered, so what did they want money for exactly? Just imagine if you were working FULL TIME and not dinking around with comics and toys you could afford to take care of yourself. My mom said that since I'm here it's indifferent to her if she does it or not because she adds it to the pile. My skin doesn't get super bad like you might see on tv but if my skin comes in contact with something that's stronger it will red a burning for a couple days. I didn't know OHIP covers that so I'll try asking again. If you feel you have non-cosmetic skin issues, book an appointment to see your family doctor or if you don't have one, go to a walk in clinic. Get a referral to an allergist and/or dermatologist. Those visits will be covered by OHIP. If you need a prescription, those won't be fully paid but I mean come on man, sort yourself out before you buy more books. I'll check out the walk in clinic and see the dermatologist there and see what they say. Do you not know how the the system works? It is usually only a general practicioner (GP) who works at the walk in, you would see the doctor and they would give you a referral to make the apt to see the dermatologist so that it is covered by OHIP. Actually the walk in clinic that's near me has a doctor and a dermatologist in the same building so that makes things easier. Yes, there may be a dermatologist in the building but you still have to see the GP, get the referral and likely have to wait a bit for the actual appointment to see the dermatologist.
  20. How much? I recently moved $210 from PP into my real account and they took $3.20. So,I ended up with $206.80 . Might be missing something here--- do Canadians have paypal fees on a transfer? - according to the paypal website - this should be free (though they do have a disclaimer)..... Might be a simple fix, no? I was about to comment...I have transferred a lot of PayPal money to my personal bank account and it is FREE. I just doubled checked...All $$$ sent from my PayPal account to my bank account, ZERO Fees.
  21. Most. Ironic. Statement. Ever. If you don't like losing money, stop trying to flip comics. Because that's what you do, lose money. You are NOT "losing money" you are paying for a service that allows you to conduct online transactions, as they say "the cost of doing business". Your skin issue can't be THAT bad if you don't want to pay a MINOR administrative fee to maybe get treatment for it.
  22. Budget doesn't exist anymore. Paying GPA high for a spec. Still spending triple-digit $$$ on a min-wage PT job. Can't even cosign himself to showering once a day because cleanliness apparently irritates his skin. So, yeah. True story. When I was a Resident Advisor, I had to provide advice for all sorts of common sense stuff, like how to do laundry, where the library was, how to cook (even a can of peas once) and for one individual, tell him he needed to bathe more. It got so bad, people could not stand to sit in the common TV room with this guy. People would crack the windows in the middle of winter and he would not get the hint. His roommate stopped staying in their room. I had to have "a talk" with this guy, to tell him he needed to shower every single day. I was later told his shower consisted of him stepping into the shower and getting out with his hair still dry. I then had to explain he needed to WASH and provided him with free soap and shampoo. I also had to teach him how to do laundry as that was part of the problem and get him some laundry soap and fabric softener. This guy was in his early 20's at the time (as was I). So Gabe, I leave you with this advice: Shower every freaking day. Don't be the smelly guy in the TV or any room. If you have that much of a problem (which I doubt), see a dermatologist about your skin. In the meantime, try: I'll try it but those things are lying most of the time, I used the acne treatment that said the same thing and my skin was red and irritated for three days and I do know how to do the laundry I did it in college. Do you do your own laundry now or does mommy do it for you? Did you consult a dermatologist for your skin issue or did you just try one product and give up as per usual? My mom does the laundry now and I've already consulted with a dermatologist but after their consultation they want money which I don't have. For products I've tried at least five or 6 but it seems every product has "Stearic acid" Why don't you do your own laundry? If you do actually get severe itching from certain products, like soap, which makes bathing difficult, if you get referred to a dermatologist from your family doctor, that would be covered by the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) so it should be "free". The product/prescription (if required) they recommend won't be free but depending on OHIP rules for your particular ailment your 'treatment' may or may not be covered, so what did they want money for exactly? Just imagine if you were working FULL TIME and not dinking around with comics and toys you could afford to take care of yourself. My mom said that since I'm here it's indifferent to her if she does it or not because she adds it to the pile. My skin doesn't get super bad like you might see on tv but if my skin comes in contact with something that's stronger it will red a burning for a couple days. I didn't know OHIP covers that so I'll try asking again. If you feel you have non-cosmetic skin issues, book an appointment to see your family doctor or if you don't have one, go to a walk in clinic. Get a referral to an allergist and/or dermatologist. Those visits will be covered by OHIP. If you need a prescription, those won't be fully paid but I mean come on man, sort yourself out before you buy more books. I'll check out the walk in clinic and see the dermatologist there and see what they say. Do you not know how the the system works? It is usually only a general practicioner (GP) who works at the walk in, you would see the doctor and they would give you a referral to make the apt to see the dermatologist so that it is covered by OHIP.
  23. Budget doesn't exist anymore. Paying GPA high for a spec. Still spending triple-digit $$$ on a min-wage PT job. Can't even cosign himself to showering once a day because cleanliness apparently irritates his skin. So, yeah. True story. When I was a Resident Advisor, I had to provide advice for all sorts of common sense stuff, like how to do laundry, where the library was, how to cook (even a can of peas once) and for one individual, tell him he needed to bathe more. It got so bad, people could not stand to sit in the common TV room with this guy. People would crack the windows in the middle of winter and he would not get the hint. His roommate stopped staying in their room. I had to have "a talk" with this guy, to tell him he needed to shower every single day. I was later told his shower consisted of him stepping into the shower and getting out with his hair still dry. I then had to explain he needed to WASH and provided him with free soap and shampoo. I also had to teach him how to do laundry as that was part of the problem and get him some laundry soap and fabric softener. This guy was in his early 20's at the time (as was I). So Gabe, I leave you with this advice: Shower every freaking day. Don't be the smelly guy in the TV or any room. If you have that much of a problem (which I doubt), see a dermatologist about your skin. In the meantime, try: I'll try it but those things are lying most of the time, I used the acne treatment that said the same thing and my skin was red and irritated for three days and I do know how to do the laundry I did it in college. Do you do your own laundry now or does mommy do it for you? Did you consult a dermatologist for your skin issue or did you just try one product and give up as per usual? My mom does the laundry now and I've already consulted with a dermatologist but after their consultation they want money which I don't have. For products I've tried at least five or 6 but it seems every product has "Stearic acid" Why don't you do your own laundry? If you do actually get severe itching from certain products, like soap, which makes bathing difficult, if you get referred to a dermatologist from your family doctor, that would be covered by the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) so it should be "free". The product/prescription (if required) they recommend won't be free but depending on OHIP rules for your particular ailment your 'treatment' may or may not be covered, so what did they want money for exactly? Just imagine if you were working FULL TIME and not dinking around with comics and toys you could afford to take care of yourself. My mom said that since I'm here it's indifferent to her if she does it or not because she adds it to the pile. My skin doesn't get super bad like you might see on tv but if my skin comes in contact with something that's stronger it will red a burning for a couple days. I didn't know OHIP covers that so I'll try asking again. If you feel you have non-cosmetic skin issues, book an appointment to see your family doctor or if you don't have one, go to a walk in clinic. Get a referral to an allergist and/or dermatologist. Those visits will be covered by OHIP. If you need a prescription, those won't be fully paid but I mean come on man, sort yourself out before you buy more books.
  24. Budget doesn't exist anymore. Paying GPA high for a spec. Still spending triple-digit $$$ on a min-wage PT job. Can't even cosign himself to showering once a day because cleanliness apparently irritates his skin. So, yeah. Apparently he is actively looking for the 1:25 variant all over Facebook. "WTB: Darth Vader 3 1:25 Variant I prefer a graded copy but will buy raw as well Pm me with scans and prices" Man, I guess when his buddy said Aphra is going to be huge he went ALL IN! AND he is buying more "games" and "toys"such at the Thrift Shop... What Gabe says at the 1:58 - 2:06 mark pretty much says it all for this thread... Those games and toys are from four months ago I just never got around to making the video. So I guess they didn't sell in the two week time frame you figured in your videos? As for videos as well, why waste time making a video and uploading it to YouTube? Nobody cares, absolutely nobody cares. Use that time more productively. Do more research. Something. Anything Jim It's not something that's sell-able in two weeks that I know of. I disagree obviously enough people watch me that I have almost 17,000 views which isn't a lot by comparison to other channels but it's not bad either. I also upload videos so that if people like what they see they can contact me about it. You only work part-time and by the sounds of things, you don't have a lot of chores to do at home...You didn't have the "time" up until now to make a video of stuff you bought 4 months ago? Seriously, why bother??? Just because people are watching isn't anything special. I had a YouTube video clip used in a TV show called Outrageous Acts of Science. People will pick up, watch or post just about anything nowadays. Like your journal, views on YouTube don't necessarily mean that you will be seen in a positive light. You may have 17,000 views and a lot of people may read your journal but I would go out on a limb to say that neither have instilled confidence in you as a 'pop culture' dealer or productive individual. There is such a thing as "bad press".