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Everything posted by Wall-Crawler

  1. SALES REPORT Lowest Single Book Sale: $2 Highest Single Book Sale: $40 (a few in the $35 and $25 range) Largest Multiple Book Purchase: $217 (by a regular customer) Top Sellers: Sets, Assorted economical books ($2 - $5 range), Magazines Top Non-Movers: Anything over $40, for my demographic really wondering if even bringing a wall display is worth it but will probably continue to use it. Surprise Sales: Given there was going to be an "Anime" crowd, I decided to bring some Zenescope books I had acquired in a bulk purchase. I managed to move enough for me to take notice of that. Surprise Non-Sales: I thought being a "Con" that I would have sold at least one Marvel Legend action figure. Nope. I had interest, but no takers. That was disappointing. I used a lot of space to display those nicely. I am going to push to just move the final few figures on eBay. Trades: I traded a few books that I really did not care about for a very nice "What If Venom Possessed Deadpool". Now just thinking of press and sub vs just selling raw for faster flip. Total Sales: $801.00 Booth Costs: $100.00 Profit: $701.00 (well a little less if you count our Tim Hortons coffee and tea and our lunch against our profit). I have virtually no transportation costs as it is my home town. The university is about a 10 - 15 minute drive from my house. Observation: I don't think I had a single sale to a Cosplayer. Not sure if that is common, but you would think people dressed up as super heroes would, you know, maybe read comics? I know this is not always the case but it was in mine. Overall: Very pleased with sales results. It turned out much better than I thought. I have a local established customer base that seems to support me when I do these local shows, which helps a lot (but I do my own promotion). For new buyers, the majority were young women.
  2. Show Summary: As expected, without having a floor plan in place, the booth area assigned and how they had it laid out would not have worked. My wife and I had to scramble to get it into something that would work for us. It was hectic but we got it together and I was glad that I brought another table. It ended up being a "traditional" look, but it worked. On the left side, 5 long boxes of pre-made sets and completed story arcs and trades. Middle row, your traditional titles and the last 5 were all $2 boxes. I had them priced at $2 each or 6 for $5. The other table that you can't really see were some toys and other collectibles and a few other sets I would switch around. Behind the table, higher end books and a few slabs. I have been discussing set ups with Torch and I think the next show I do, provided I can, I am going to try to do less of a "trade show" look and do something where buyers can "walk in" and have more books on the table themselves or an area like that. As the next show I do will be my fourth showing at that other one, I feel I need to switch it up a bit. There were a few issues with the show...Lack of floor plan/layout. If I do this show again, I will request a specific area and set up. Signage. No signage for parking. No signage for out of town vendors where to go to unload. Poor signage how to get to the cafeteria in the university for visitors. A few people complained to me at my booth about these things. The food service was closed. As the university is away from town, there was no real place to get food, the cafeteria could have made money. Advertising. With proper spelling on posters. There was a Pokemon and Magic Tournament. A Cosplay Contest. And a variety of vendors and few clubs. I think there were two other comic vendors. I actually always had someone at my booth either just chatting or browsing so I never really got a good look at what others had to offer. The other comic vendors actually came over to me. One bought. One did not. I had several people tell me the other comic vendor prices were "out to lunch". I don't want to be all down on the show though. The organizers are nice and they seem dedicated to building a community, one that brings together the anime, pokemon/magic, cosplayers, comic and video game crowd. The organizers are soliciting feedback from vendors as I think they are aware of the problems and they seem intent on correcting some of the shortcomings. I was approached by an organizer of another show from out of town who was set up there to get in touch with them as they would like to have me for their show. Flattery Not sure if I will as it might conflict with my "regular" show. I *think* they said just over 300 came through the doors. Regardless, I think if another one does proceed, I will sign on as it is local and the space was cheap and despite the problems, the organizers seem to want to do better and expand. Sales report up next.
  3. Wife and I ordered in last night. Delivery guy said he liked my T-Shirt (I was wearing a Captain America shirt). I said "Cool. Thanks. Do you like comics?" He said very much. So, I told him about the show. He had NO IDEA that there was a show this weekend. I think this might be a problem, people flat out not knowing but I have been promoting myself on social media. Anyway, we had a chat about comics and I gave him all the details about the show and my business card. So, hopefully he shows up and brings some friends. Never stop promoting!
  4. Hey Torch, The fact that I am not risking a lot is why I am doing it. The LCS (of which I am a long time customer) promoted the show on their FB page at my request and I have promoted it on my own as well. People who have bought from me in the past know I will be there so I have done what I can to at least promote myself. The local newspaper also did a story about it yesterday, so they have received a bit of attention. I'm hoping the fact that it is at the local college and university might bring out some students. I also flagged the spelling issues. All that stuff was done before I signed on. Identified for "next time". I also found it weird that there was no floor plan, I asked and was told that it "wouldn't be a problem"...Which is why I am going a bit early to make sure I get set up how I want. While there are problems, I do hope the show is a success or very least, I make it worth my while. Understood, cost is low and you may do ok. We always try to support new shows, some work and some don't. Floor plan would concern me, I think you're wise to go early and possibly get first pick of booths. Also keep in mind that while not ideal, poorly attended shows can be an opportunity to buy inventory from motivated dealers who haven't done well. Sometimes it's what I buy that makes a show a success. I hope you do well. Thanks Torch! The booth is only costing me $100 so not a huge risk but if it turns out to be a turd, I will take your advice and see what I can maybe score from the other dealers. I know of only one other "pure" comic dealer attending.
  5. I did a "final report" of the last show on Page 5. The other seller ended up not showing up but he will be at this show. Here are pics of my set up from the last show: I had magazines/treasuries/digest out and visible but I did not lay out sets. I will do that this time and will be trying to visualize how I will set up this time but kinda hard without the floor plan... Note: Once the show got started those boxes at the bottom were not visible. These pics were not "final final" either though as actual set up was a touch cleaner but forgot to take final pics but you get the idea. I want to see if I can move some more Marvel Legends (I only have 10 left from a bit lot I purchased) so I would like to move some of those so thinking I will mingle some action figures with some sets. I am also improving the signage of my boxes.
  6. Hey Torch, The fact that I am not risking a lot is why I am doing it. The LCS (of which I am a long time customer) promoted the show on their FB page at my request and I have promoted it on my own as well. People who have bought from me in the past know I will be there so I have done what I can to at least promote myself. The local newspaper also did a story about it yesterday, so they have received a bit of attention. I'm hoping the fact that it is at the local college and university might bring out some students. I also flagged the spelling issues. All that stuff was done before I signed on. Identified for "next time". I also found it weird that there was no floor plan, I asked and was told that it "wouldn't be a problem"...Which is why I am going a bit early to make sure I get set up how I want. While there are problems, I do hope the show is a success or very least, I make it worth my while.
  7. Thanks guys! Well, for my contribution for the 30 "VIP Bags' I am going to provide each with a raw, bag and boarded comic,a copy of the Marvel Previews that my LCS donated to me, some raffle tickets for a draw I will be having and I am going to look into the candy thing On Saturday, my folks and my wife and I are closing up our cabin (joint family property) for winter, taking the floaty docks out and the boat for winter. Here's the cabin for you out of door enthusiasts. AFTER than I will be cramming to get some final things taken care of and the truck loaded up for the show on Sunday. Busy! I still really, really need to find/invest some time into get my cheap-o stock organized... I asked the organizers if they have a mock up of the floor plan. Nope. So I have no idea where I will be set up but I am hoping it is kind of fluid and I can do what I need to do to make it work. I have a 10 x 10 space, one round table, two four foot tables and I am bringing my own table and wall book display. My wife will be helping me out again. Doors open at 10:00 for VIP's so I will be there for 8 AM. In terms of a name for us "weekend warriors" support group, I'm all for it! I don't have a suggestion for name at this time...But count me in!
  8. Recently purchased a magazine from me from my recent sales thread. Excellent communication and very fast payment! I would not hesitate to do business with Cheesefrog!!!! Two Thumbs Up!
  9. I have "closed out" the 40's...I only need 32 issues, all from the Lee/Ditko era to finish the run.
  10. I don't know if there's a category for reporting it, or if reporting it would do any good -- but you should report it anyway. That's scummy and misleading. No category. I messaged the seller. If no change I will call eBay. How hard it is to take your own photo??
  11. Is there any way to report a seller who has stolen a photo that you currently have up for one of your listings? I know it is frowned upon but is it actually against the rules? eBay user vpetronzio is using a photo that I currently have up on one of my listings. http://www.ebay.com/itm/SPIDER-MAN-CLASSICS-SERIES-1-SPIDER-MAN-/122164643850?hash=item1c7194880a:g:5FMAAOSwOyJX8yId
  12. Recently purchased two ASM books from Jeff. Awesome guy to chat with, books were as described and very, very securely packaged. I would not hesitate to do business with Jeff again! Thank You Sir!
  13. Well, thanks to a couple of very nice boardies, I have "closed out" the 40's. I now have #39 to present in a perfect run (excluding variants). I know I should have 'focussed' on getting keys but I just really wanted the 40's "done". I now "only" have the Lee/Ditko books to chase. Here are the latest acquisitions: So, current ASM books needed to complete the run... #1 to #13** #15 - #24 #27, #29 - #32 #35 - #38 32 total issues needed to complete the run... **Also another update soon but waiting on a couple of things first. There was a bit of a snafu with the ASM #13 I picked up as part of a bulk deal earlier, which is why I am no longer "counting" it.
  14. I recently purchased an CGC ASM book I needed for my collection from Chay. Great individual to deal with and we were able to work out a very fair price. The comic was shipped very fast and was very securely packaged. I would not hesitate to buy from Chay in the future and hope to do so again.
  15. This coming weekend is the first Gateway FanEx - Basically the organizers are trying to create a anime/comic/cosplay/video game type like show. Looks like there will also be a Magic and Pokemon tournament (I know NOTHING about that) in my home town (population about 53,000). This past weekend, the show organizers asked vendors if they could contribute anything to the 30 VIP packages they sold, apparently they are getting some sort of "VIP bag". I don't mind so much but I wish there was a bit of time as the show is this coming weekend. Apparently we are to bring any items we can contribute and they will stuff the bags the morning of. I'm thinking of including a free comic (bag and boarded) with my business card and some raffle tickets as I am going to try to raffle off a book for something different and see how it works out. Sound reasonable? Other ideas? Keep in mind I work all week so my time frame to think and provide something else to contribute is short...
  16. Gabe has been shown how much further ahead he would be in life if he worked 40 hours a week at a minimum wage job vs 20 hours a week several times. He chooses to ignore it and keep on trying to be a flipper "on the side" not caring and/or realizing that if you only work 20 hours a week you shouldn't have a "side gig". You should have a full-time job or a couple of jobs. Once you get that down, THEN you can have a side gig. If he put half the effort that he puts into his failed comic flipping gig into finding another job and/or more hours, he would be light years ahead. Gabe needs to get the basics of life down first but for WHATEVER reason, can't and/or won't actually get to it.
  17. I was just answering a question about how you get your driver licence in Ontario...Not answering that question.
  18. Getting a beater car and a drivers license should be your number one priority. Isn't it a lot more difficult / expensive to get a license in Canada? I know plenty of teenagers who get their license no problem and some who it takes a bit of time but very doable. To apply for a driver’s licence in Ontario, you need to: be at least 16 years old pass an eye test pass a written test about the rules of the road and traffic signs Once you pass these tests, you get a G1 licence. You are considered a beginner driver and need to practice driving and gain experience over time. Once you pass your eye and written tests, you get a G1 licence. Before you can get a full G licence, you have to: Finish two learning levels: G1 and G2. Pass two road tests This process is called “graduated licensing.” It is designed to give new drivers time to practice and gain driving experience over time. You have up to five years to finish the whole process. After five years, if you do not get your full G licence, you will need to start over. G1 Licence Package is about $160 CDN.
  19. Don't have the numbers off hand but I have listed or sold any of them yet however I did make a plan The first comics to sell off will be NYX 4 New Gods 7 Betty and me 16 X-Men 221 The copies of black lightning 1 will have to be kept until later How much did these books cost you/what did you pay? $216 dollars Grades and cost breakdown per book? USD or CDN? Did that include shipping?
  20. Don't have the numbers off hand but I have listed or sold any of them yet however I did make a plan The first comics to sell off will be NYX 4 New Gods 7 Betty and me 16 X-Men 221 The copies of black lightning 1 will have to be kept until later How much did these books cost you/what did you pay?
  21. Gabe, how are you doing with the NYX #4, New Gods #7, Betty and Me #16, two copies of UXM #221 and 4 copies of Black Lightning #1? What did you pay? Sell any of them yet?
  22. So buying a book under market and you can't sell it under market so your solution is to buy books OVER market and wait for the market to catch up...hopefully...one day...after an announcement or trailer...or something like that. Sense you have made much of. No the idea was to buy the comic under gpa by at least half but that didn't work out. Also this is black panther's 2nd app we're talking about here which is currently undervalued and 1st app of Klaw. No mess it didn't work out. Did someone hold a gun to your head and say you have to buy this book or else? So what if its currently undervalued. You are playing the same game you were playing last buy. A lottery game that ST would "increase" or that DV3 would "increase" you have to hold these books for MONTHS without ever being able to put them on the market. Not necessarily you can always it up for cheaper then your competition and sell it off that way. Yes I'll have to wait months on them but the other times are because I fully didn't listen to my friend I'll give you examples DV 3 - His Advice Buy them as cheap as you can What I did I bought them 3 days later after he told me and the price was already hyped up What he did Contacted local lcs's and bought under cover price and was buying them under the radar for a year now. ST157 His advice Buy copies you find cheap but only buy one or two be careful What I did Bought the first copy I saw that was cheap What he did Only purchased them in lots with other comics FF53 Buy them as it's undervalued and a no brainer and undervalued What I did Bought copies about two years ago and a 7.0 recently What he did Buys copies cheap and lowballs if they say no he walks away if they don't he buys them Who is this anonymous sage? Is he a boardie? A Facebook pal? Also, are you "no longer/taking a break from buying" because your PayPal account is drained?