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Everything posted by Wall-Crawler

  1. I sort of feel this might be PL worthy, Justin. Look at it this way: The buyer asked for it to be shipped a certain way with insurance, and the seller agreed. The seller said that would cost $50. The buyer paid, and the seller pretty much stole almost $30 because he shipped with a cheaper method and shipped uninsured. I can maybe see charging $11 and it's only $8 or something. But saying you'll send it one way with insurance and then sending it using a method that costs half of what you charge and not even including insurance is a rip-off. +1 Seller did not honour all terms of the sale and knowingly ripped off buyer IF it is playing out as stated by buyer.
  2. I can understand a $5 overcharge or something around there but nearly $30 is a total rip off and I would be annoyed too. Was it $30 total or an extra $30 both times? Either way, seems wrong. This is not a good introduction for this new member to buying on these boards, especially one who seems to actually PAY for his purchases (thumbs u IMHO, I think the seller should refund the difference, despite the fact that the buyer agreed to it. I am sure that the buyer thought the price he was charged for shipping was the ACTUAL cost. I wonder, had the buyer known what the REAL ship cost was vs what he was being charged for "shipping handling and supplies" , he may have either a) had the opportunity to negotiate on price/shipping or b) maybe not have even bought from the seller. The seller, if what the buyer is saying is accurate there could be a case that the buyer has been deceived as the books were NOT shipped in the manner in which he was specified and paid for as part of their sales agreement? How is that not deceitful? I don't know, it seems shady and a violation of the sales agreement and maybe should be PL worthy? My is that the seller is wrong here and should refund the difference. Again, it boils down to what is your reputation worth?
  3. At this point I just want to not "have" to have the books available for the guy anymore and just be free to "move on" should he decide to show back up...
  4. Yep, we'd get a batch together, negotiate, he said and then move on to see what else we could add in to the shipment. Again, I'll feel horrible if something happened to the guy but if he was/is a fly-by-nighter, people may want to be wary of dealing with him should he ever pop up again. If you want to nominate:1) Go to your PMs. 2) Copy paste them here. 3) Send a separate PM you are nominating for Probation List. 4) Wait 3 days for reply. 5) If no satisfactory reply then nominate for PL. (thumbs u Sorry guys, never nominated anyone to PL before, wanted to make sure I was doing it right. The PM exchange is lengthy as we talked comics a bit too...Guy seemed decent enough too, which is why I was willing to drag it out and get the guy some more books....Sigh...Here are a few of his replies. 03/01/14: "So far I'll take The Thing , ASM 334-343 , The C&D if your throwing it in for free then why not , SS 90. How much for Hawkeye since they aren't in the shape you thought? "If you can do any better on some of the ASM I may take some of those also. Feel free to offer anything else". 03/02/14: "I try and $7 is cool" (this was for a copy of Spectacular Spider-Man #64) 04/09/14: "I'm heading to work shortly. I'll pay you tomorrow if you'd like unless you can think of any others you want rid of at a good price :)" It is at this point I said ok, final list of some books we had talked about based on his want list that is pretty much when communication from him stopped. I sent a PM yesterday advising of my intent to nominate mjc71 to the PL. As noted, I sent mjc71 a PM on 06/10/14 advising of my intent to nominate him to the PL. No response. As such, I'd like to officially nominate him for non-payment after committing to buy and basically wasting my time.
  5. Yep, we'd get a batch together, negotiate, he said and then move on to see what else we could add in to the shipment. Again, I'll feel horrible if something happened to the guy but if he was/is a fly-by-nighter, people may want to be wary of dealing with him should he ever pop up again. If you want to nominate:1) Go to your PMs. 2) Copy paste them here. 3) Send a separate PM you are nominating for Probation List. 4) Wait 3 days for reply. 5) If no satisfactory reply then nominate for PL. (thumbs u Sorry guys, never nominated anyone to PL before, wanted to make sure I was doing it right. The PM exchange is lengthy as we talked comics a bit too...Guy seemed decent enough too, which is why I was willing to drag it out and get the guy some more books....Sigh...Here are a few of his replies. 03/01/14: "So far I'll take The Thing , ASM 334-343 , The C&D if your throwing it in for free then why not , SS 90. How much for Hawkeye since they aren't in the shape you thought? "If you can do any better on some of the ASM I may take some of those also. Feel free to offer anything else". 03/02/14: "I try and $7 is cool" (this was for a copy of Spectacular Spider-Man #64) 04/09/14: "I'm heading to work shortly. I'll pay you tomorrow if you'd like unless you can think of any others you want rid of at a good price :)" It is at this point I said ok, final list of some books we had talked about based on his want list that is pretty much when communication from him stopped. I sent a PM yesterday advising of my intent to nominate mjc71 to the PL.
  6. No it is not and I just sent the person a PM advising of my intent to nominate to the PL.
  7. Last PM sent to him was 05/05/14 but had been unresponsive prior to that too.
  8. Yep, we'd get a batch together, negotiate, he said and then move on to see what else we could add in to the shipment. Again, I'll feel horrible if something happened to the guy but if he was/is a fly-by-nighter, people may want to be wary of dealing with him should he ever pop up again.
  9. Yes, I thought of that too. Like I said, I wasn't sure if there were extenuating circumstances or not. I was looking for opinions but it is kind of annoying, but like I said, I was not sure if it was PL worthy. I'm fine to move on either way as I know there are bigger fish to fry here tonight.
  10. Yes, he committed to get a couple batches of inexpensive books and then wanted to add more and would ask for other ones, we agreed to negotiated prices on some of the batches too.
  11. Wanted to get board members opinions here...New boardie posts a WTB. I respond. We have lots of back and forth, him wanting to add more and more cheap books so I oblige. We get to the point where the deal is all but done and then...Nadda. The guy goes completely off the grid. Has not read last two messages. From my limited detective skills, shows he has not posted in awhile either. Now, I am not mad at the loss of the sale but more annoyed about the loss of my time. Now it could be extenuating circumstances, I have no idea. I was just thinking to see though if I should warn other boardies in case this guy pops up again and to warn them not waste their time... Opinions?
  12. I just picked this up today...Not an actual comic book spinner rack but it will do the job nicely until I find one and should be good for displays should I ever do a show... I plan to have my uncle sandblast it for me and then I will repaint it and add some decals. Will be a nice little project. Picked it up today for $20.
  13. I'd like to add eBay buyer boxerone to the blocked buyers list. Reason Here: http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=7697950#Post7697950 For those not wanting to read, basically accused me of tampering with a CGC case, threatened negative feedback, used inappropriate language, wanted to keep the book to try to sell it before returning it and pretty much behaved like a person_who_is_obnoxiously_self-impressed.
  14. Purchased two Superior Spider-Man #29 La Mole Black Cat variants. Both books were as described and super fast shipping. Would not hesitate to buy from Mijael in the future. A+!
  15. This will probably be the first Spidey movie I opt OUT of seeing in the theatre...
  16. All the non-comic folk in my office and that I know have actually said they will rent Spidey but will be going to see X-Men...Word of mouth matters...Spidey does not need to be dark and edgy...He needs a good -script with solid actors and costume designs (other than Spidey's) that don't look like complete and utter mess.
  17. The "sad" thing about this is that the reboot was NOT needed AT ALL. Having seen ASM 1 I am very much convinced of this. What I am hearing about ASM II does not leave me with good feelings. They could have picked up from ASM 3 ended. They could have "righted the ship" with Spidey 4, bought it back down a notch, focussed on what makes Spider-Man, Spider-Man. They didn't need a complete reboot. Spidey 3 did not 'bomb' at the box office. Was it critically acclaimed? No. But people still would have gone to see a Spidey 4. New cast and team would not have been a problem. These characters are bigger than the actors (so long as they are half decent - We will have an Iron Man w/o RD Jr and it will still sell). More importantly, all the groundwork had already been establsihed and most of it was pretty solid. Peter and MJ are back together, BUT Gwen is now in the picture. Love triangle, just like the comics people. Captain Stacy is here now too. All the Bugle folks are around. Heck, with the loss of Harry, bring in Flash Thompson as a buddy for Pete. Awesome supporting cast right there. Curt Connors has already been introduced as Pete's prof, so there was a perfect Lizard set up. We know VENOM is not really 'dead' - They could have had another kick at the can to bring him back RIGHT. Sandman could potentially be brought back too. Think of the Return of the Sinister Six storyline where Doc Ock "blackmailed" Sandman to join their cause. Did Doc Ock really die at the end of Spidey 2??? After Spidey was a bit of a jerk after the whole Venom thing, he could be back to being disliked by the general public. Sure, Green Goblin "died", but we all know he comes back (or could), he could be the villain in the background, pulling the strings - His return could have been EPIC. And think of all the villains and other cast they STILL could have used at the time that they had not yet used, Black Cat, Carnage, Electro, Kraven, Lizard, Mysterio (I sooo want to see a Mysterio on the big screen), Rhino, Silver Sable, Spider-Slayers...Lots of cool options with the rogues gallery and multitude of story lines Spidey has. Anyway, Sony, in my eyes, seems to have fudged up the Spidey franchise.
  18. "The current movie really captures Spidey's personality from the comics, which ironically enough has some fans complaining about it " I will have to see it to judge for myself...
  19. People are very split on this. Webb is getting things accurate from the comics. Ex. the webshooters, the personality, the movements of Spidey, and best of all that suit in the recent movie. He was also able to show Peter's intelligence and especially Gwen's in this past movie as well I don't know man, I am a huge Spidey fan (obviously) but after what I saw from ASM 1 and what I am hearing about this film (seeing it this weekend), I am pretty underwhelmed. I disagree a bit on how Webb is "getting things accurate from the comics" Just because Spidey made his webshooters and his costume looks exactly like the comics in this current series does not equal a win for me...It needs more than that. Much, much more. Also, linking all these villains to Oscorp is lame and NOTHING like the comics. Look how far they strayed from the comics for the villains - Those pics of Rhino and GG make me want to Anyway, I will wait until I see ASM 2 to reserve final judgement, but my expectations are quite low... Actually I feel that is ing awesome and makes more sense. So...Arguably the best rogue's gallery in all of comics are going to be reduced to a bunch of corporate assassins/lackey's? How will they infuse any sense of "personality" to any of them? I could understand a couple of villains but all of the Sinister Six? Like I said, I will take a wait and see approach but...Outlook Not So Good. Exactly this. Look to Doc Ock in Tobey's second movie to see how a villain ought to be done on screen. His origin was quite true to the comics but also translated to screen really well. If they reduce Doc Ock and the others down to simple Oscorp creations that will be horrible. Exactly. The great thing about Silver Age Marvel villains is that they had some empathetic feature to them. They weren't just one dimensional bad guys fro the sake of having a one. Spider-Man 2 captured this with Doc Ock. By making them all just OSCORP creations, they have no personality, no real back story that means anything, they just become 'stuff that's supposed to look cool'. But for a series that's more geared to ULTIMATE Spider-man and the MODERN version of the comic, what else is their to expect? The 90's ruined these characters, taking all the personality out of them in exchange for 'what looks cool'. All style and no substance. A good story with good characters that is written well is always going to win out over something meant to just 'look cool'. SONY has fumbled the ball on this big time. Ultimate Spider-Man was pretty good actually. Even with Ultimate Spider-Man, they were not ALL Oscorp creations. While there was a direct connection between some of them (Osborn and Otto) and some of the others, at least they brought in Justin Hammer as another foil/counter for Spidey and Oscorp. Ultimate Venom was a result of work Peter and Eddie's fathers were working on. The Ultimate Universe managed to change these characters and make them (most of them) interesting and more than generic villains. Why can't Sony? I am assuming that is exactly how Venom's origin will be via film as well. Much better the Ultimate Version that the Secret Wars 8 IMO. Even what they are doing in the ASM franchise is not taken directly from the Ultimate Universe. My point is that while there is a bit more linkage in the Ultimate Universe to Oscorp and/or Hammer Industries, it is still done much, much better in the comics and the costume designs in the ASM movie series, aside from Spidey's still suck. While obviously you couldn't get into the Beyonder and all that, I liked how in the 616 version, the symbiote is an alien entity. Adds a different 'flavour' in contrast to his other villains. I think the big advantage too, is that Venom in 616 evolved over time and in the Ultimate Universe he was developed in one storyline. Did not have the same "oomph" as that first Venom saga... I think they could have an alien be the suit in a movie and have it be good.
  20. People are very split on this. Webb is getting things accurate from the comics. Ex. the webshooters, the personality, the movements of Spidey, and best of all that suit in the recent movie. He was also able to show Peter's intelligence and especially Gwen's in this past movie as well I don't know man, I am a huge Spidey fan (obviously) but after what I saw from ASM 1 and what I am hearing about this film (seeing it this weekend), I am pretty underwhelmed. I disagree a bit on how Webb is "getting things accurate from the comics" Just because Spidey made his webshooters and his costume looks exactly like the comics in this current series does not equal a win for me...It needs more than that. Much, much more. Also, linking all these villains to Oscorp is lame and NOTHING like the comics. Look how far they strayed from the comics for the villains - Those pics of Rhino and GG make me want to Anyway, I will wait until I see ASM 2 to reserve final judgement, but my expectations are quite low... Actually I feel that is ing awesome and makes more sense. So...Arguably the best rogue's gallery in all of comics are going to be reduced to a bunch of corporate assassins/lackey's? How will they infuse any sense of "personality" to any of them? I could understand a couple of villains but all of the Sinister Six? Like I said, I will take a wait and see approach but...Outlook Not So Good. Exactly this. Look to Doc Ock in Tobey's second movie to see how a villain ought to be done on screen. His origin was quite true to the comics but also translated to screen really well. If they reduce Doc Ock and the others down to simple Oscorp creations that will be horrible. Exactly. The great thing about Silver Age Marvel villains is that they had some empathetic feature to them. They weren't just one dimensional bad guys fro the sake of having a one. Spider-Man 2 captured this with Doc Ock. By making them all just OSCORP creations, they have no personality, no real back story that means anything, they just become 'stuff that's supposed to look cool'. But for a series that's more geared to ULTIMATE Spider-man and the MODERN version of the comic, what else is their to expect? The 90's ruined these characters, taking all the personality out of them in exchange for 'what looks cool'. All style and no substance. A good story with good characters that is written well is always going to win out over something meant to just 'look cool'. SONY has fumbled the ball on this big time. Ultimate Spider-Man was pretty good actually. Even with Ultimate Spider-Man, they were not ALL Oscorp creations. While there was a direct connection between some of them (Osborn and Otto) and some of the others, at least they brought in Justin Hammer as another foil/counter for Spidey and Oscorp. Ultimate Venom was a result of work Peter and Eddie's fathers were working on. The Ultimate Universe managed to change these characters and make them (most of them) interesting and more than generic villains. Why can't Sony?
  21. People are very split on this. Webb is getting things accurate from the comics. Ex. the webshooters, the personality, the movements of Spidey, and best of all that suit in the recent movie. He was also able to show Peter's intelligence and especially Gwen's in this past movie as well I don't know man, I am a huge Spidey fan (obviously) but after what I saw from ASM 1 and what I am hearing about this film (seeing it this weekend), I am pretty underwhelmed. I disagree a bit on how Webb is "getting things accurate from the comics" Just because Spidey made his webshooters and his costume looks exactly like the comics in this current series does not equal a win for me...It needs more than that. Much, much more. Also, linking all these villains to Oscorp is lame and NOTHING like the comics. Look how far they strayed from the comics for the villains - Those pics of Rhino and GG make me want to Anyway, I will wait until I see ASM 2 to reserve final judgement, but my expectations are quite low... Actually I feel that is ing awesome and makes more sense. So...Arguably the best rogue's gallery in all of comics are going to be reduced to a bunch of corporate assassins/lackey's? How will they infuse any sense of "personality" to any of them? I could understand a couple of villains but all of the Sinister Six? Like I said, I will take a wait and see approach but...Outlook Not So Good. Exactly this. Look to Doc Ock in Tobey's second movie to see how a villain ought to be done on screen. If they reduce Doc Ock and the others down to simple Oscorp creations that will be horrible. Mysterio, agree with you 100%. If you take away the goofy costume, William Daffoe as the first GG was a pretty good villain. It established the Father/Son relationship between Norman and Harry and later gave reason for Harry to hate Spidey. Doc Ock was great and again, we had motivation, tragedy and redemption. Spidey 3, well, we can just leave that one out but how much of that was Sony's fault vs Raimi's? We will never know the truth but this current reboot is just weird. Did I hear right that they introduce Felecia Hardy as an employee of Oscorp too???? Sheesh.
  22. People are very split on this. Webb is getting things accurate from the comics. Ex. the webshooters, the personality, the movements of Spidey, and best of all that suit in the recent movie. He was also able to show Peter's intelligence and especially Gwen's in this past movie as well I don't know man, I am a huge Spidey fan (obviously) but after what I saw from ASM 1 and what I am hearing about this film (seeing it this weekend), I am pretty underwhelmed. I disagree a bit on how Webb is "getting things accurate from the comics" Just because Spidey made his webshooters and his costume looks exactly like the comics in this current series does not equal a win for me...It needs more than that. Much, much more. Also, linking all these villains to Oscorp is lame and NOTHING like the comics. Look how far they strayed from the comics for the villains - Those pics of Rhino and GG make me want to Anyway, I will wait until I see ASM 2 to reserve final judgement, but my expectations are quite low... Actually I feel that is ing awesome and makes more sense. So...Arguably the best rogue's gallery in all of comics are going to be reduced to a bunch of corporate assassins/lackey's? How will they infuse any sense of "personality" to any of them? I could understand a couple of villains but all of the Sinister Six? Like I said, I will take a wait and see approach but...Outlook Not So Good.
  23. People are very split on this. Webb is getting things accurate from the comics. Ex. the webshooters, the personality, the movements of Spidey, and best of all that suit in the recent movie. He was also able to show Peter's intelligence and especially Gwen's in this past movie as well I don't know man, I am a huge Spidey fan (obviously) but after what I saw from ASM 1 and what I am hearing about this film (seeing it this weekend), I am pretty underwhelmed. I disagree a bit on how Webb is "getting things accurate from the comics" Just because Spidey made his webshooters and his costume looks exactly like the comics in this current series does not equal a win for me...It needs more than that. Much, much more. Also, linking all these villains to Oscorp is lame and NOTHING like the comics. Look how far they strayed from the comics for the villains - Those pics of Rhino and GG make me want to Anyway, I will wait until I see ASM 2 to reserve final judgement, but my expectations are quite low... I just don't get how hard it is to make a good Spidey movie? It should not be this difficult!!! Avi Arad made a big stink about Fiege "getting all the credit" for Marvel's recent success, but that guy really, really needs to look at what Marvel is doing and actually honour the source material...