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Everything posted by natevegas

  1. I'm easy going ask anybody on these threads but Mr. Gower has decided I'm racist for my opinions yet he cannot understand my point of view nor does he care. All he cares about are sales to justify his arguments. Until he understands where my views come from he has nothing to add here other than stir the pot.
  2. Since you don't know me let me tell you a little about myself. I was born with a physical disability that basically will never go away. I've dealt with the PC police my whole life. I won't go into all the details but let me just say I've had many terms used for "my people" or "my specific minority". How is having a 'term' for what it is you have, a 'PC Police' thing? Because people want to come up with a phrase for something that is the least offensive to the people it's referring to, you think that's some kind of censorship? You've been labeled? Is that the severity of the harshness you're trying to explain to me? Surely it must be worse than that. You're not going on and on because some politician labeled a segment of the population that you just happen to be a part of are you? That's what's got you angry because Marvel let a girl pick up Thor's hammer? You betcha. Oh... I have a feeling I'm very much painting within the numbers. First of all don't ever think you know where I come from or what I think. Until you walk or don't walk in my footsteps shut the heck up. Second don't tell me what label to put onto myself. If I choose to think of myself as an American I am an American not whatever some political party wants to label me into some said demographic. You have tried to speak from my vantage point yet you are not from my vantage point so zip you lip.
  3. Since you don't know me let me tell you a little about myself. I was born with a physical disability that basically will never go away. I've dealt with the PC police my whole life. I won't go into all the details but let me just say I've had many terms used for "my people" or "my specific minority". I'm an American and choose to think of myself as not part of a minority but every 5-10 years politicians and the media come around and try to focus on this issue and how they can exploit it to their advantage. Currently the new catch phrase trying to be applied to me is "Disabled American". Guess what I don't buy into political correctness and that is my right not to. Don't come onto a fun comic book board and paint everyone you don't know with a broad paint brush
  4. There seemed to be quite a diverse crowd at the show. Go figure. Appealing to more people brings in more fans. It would be nice if some of those complaining here would maybe go to a Mary Sue panel at a con to try to understand the perspective of others, rather than fall back o the same straw man perspectives. Honestly is it diversity when you change practically all the A list characters (that have been around for 50-75 plus years and have done well) just to say look at us everyone and pat ourselves on the back how diverse we are? Diversity either is present or not in a society it can't be forced . The problem is that people seem to think that the people (who aren't straight white males) that want to see themselves represented well in comics are the ones responsible for how companies address that demand. And those same people want the opposite of this now. How many white male characters are appropriate? Is there a specific number that have to represent each race and if so who is in charge of this specific number policy? Is there ever a "right number of people represented" because when diversity is used there is always a number to follow. Two wrongs don't make a right and sparingly made changes add to the MU not what they are doing now. Its a fast storyline change for money right now but the sad thing about it is while you think it's drawing more new readers to it, its also pushing long time supporters of it away. Then stop reading it. Go collect coins. Because Marvel's REAL reason for doing it is MONEY. NEW money. REAL money. Thor is selling MORE. For all the talk about Captain America's Brusker run (which was great), Cap is now selling MORE. Spider-Gwen is selling over 100,000 copies. Silk almost sold as many copies of Avengers Ultron Forever which has a movie. Ms. Marvel sells as well as Superior Iron Man which has a movie. And if they didn't sell as well? Then Marvel would cancel them. They're trying to sell to a segment of a market that is UNTAPPED and it isn't comprised of creepy little white male nerds who are only concerned about what book they can flip next. They're going after READERS. Of all kinds. It's not politics is business. And who is it pushing away? The books are selling more copies now than they were. Fact is: The people who person_without_enough_empathy about it, aren't even the one's reading it. I've corrected numerous people in my store complaining about how Marvel 'turned' Thor into a girl - WRONG. Thor collectors overwhelmingly love the storyline (Jason Aaron rocks), and new readers are joining in. Whatever 'long time supporters of it' that are leaving, isn't apparent in the sales numbers. Bottom line is there are far more people that might be reading comics but aren't, than there are current readers who will be pushed away because not everything is catered to them specifically. Absolutely. If you sell a sandwich that only 10% of the population wants, it would only make sense to either change that sandwich or make more sandwich's that a larger percentage of the population wants. And then closet racists/mysogynists, as well as socially awkward nerds could claim politics and pc police were ruing their sandwich hobby. First of all how many of these sales are actual "new" readers versus people speculating on new characters / story lines and buying up the rarest variants to pump up the sales numbers? Spider-Gwen is hovering at the 71 k mark and falling just like every other Marvel book. Just because I don't like that every main A list Marvel character changed for the media applause, diversity champions or PC police doesn't make me a closet racist. Seriously buddy keep the racist naming off these boards. Just because you don't agree with someone's likes or dislikes doesn't make give you the right to insult others.
  5. There seemed to be quite a diverse crowd at the show. Go figure. Appealing to more people brings in more fans. It would be nice if some of those complaining here would maybe go to a Mary Sue panel at a con to try to understand the perspective of others, rather than fall back o the same straw man perspectives. Honestly is it diversity when you change practically all the A list characters (that have been around for 50-75 plus years and have done well) just to say look at us everyone and pat ourselves on the back how diverse we are? Diversity either is present or not in a society it can't be forced . The problem is that people seem to think that the people (who aren't straight white males) that want to see themselves represented well in comics are the ones responsible for how companies address that demand. And those same people want the opposite of this now. How many white male characters are appropriate? Is there a specific number that have to represent each race and if so who is in charge of this specific number policy? Is there ever a "right number of people represented" because when diversity is used there is always a number to follow. Two wrongs don't make a right and sparingly made changes add to the MU not what they are doing now. Its a fast storyline change for money right now but the sad thing about it is while you think it's drawing more new readers to it, its also pushing long time supporters of it away.
  6. There seemed to be quite a diverse crowd at the show. Go figure. Appealing to more people brings in more fans. It would be nice if some of those complaining here would maybe go to a Mary Sue panel at a con to try to understand the perspective of others, rather than fall back o the same straw man perspectives. Honestly is it diversity when you change practically all the A list characters (that have been around for 50-75 plus years and have done well) just to say look at us everyone and pat ourselves on the back how diverse we are? Diversity either is present or not in a society it can't be forced .
  7. More Bluebird please. Agree I think Bluebird could be a great character if they put the right push behind her.... pretty sure shes gonna be a big focus on eternal part two and if im not mistaken should be in the new Robins series. Bluebird is awesome!
  8. +1 Instead of coming up with creative stories using these character what does Marvel do? They say how about we change the gender or character's identity yeah that is creative and will sell in the short term however if it doesn't add anything other than the current percentage of the specific PC trend it shouldn't be done. They can make Spidey for instance a purple alien for a while but in the end it doesn't add only subtracts from his character IMO.
  9. Is it really not a possibility? Honest question. I would think the studios do not care that the bulk of th general public has no knowledge of several Spider-Woman's and alternate universes. They see Emma and the dollar signs that follow her. (I don't really have a dog in it since I only have one EOSV copy.) If they can fade out mutants can they upset a few die hard fans and get away with it? I think the $100 million opening weekend would make them forget about that. No? I'm obviously not a studio head, but if I were, I certainly would not gamble $100M+ on a completely unknown property that is essentially identical to another property I just screwed up, and even less so after I just cried uncle on the flagship character and basically turned creative control back over to another studio. Also, Emma Stone is not a "star". She's a decent actress but she doesn't open or carry movies. -J. Emma Stone is most certainly a star and Guardians of the Galaxy, Ant-Man, etc. prove that you can make a superhero movie without that much built in fanbase. I certainly don't have any idea how plausible this idea actually is and I don't want to give credence to this lot of speculation. I just don't see how you can dismiss this as not being a possibility with the way Marvel is hyping the character up and how easy it is to get the snowball rolling for something like this. I think our understanding of what a "star" is may differ. And GOTG and Ant-man are marvel productions. Sony gave up on Spider-Man because even they knew they were screwing the pooch on him. You really think they're going to now take a shot on a completely duplicative character and concept that would likely only confuse mainstream audiences and dilute their flagship property? They partnered with marvel studios to *stop* the bleeding. Come on. Be realistic. -J. I'm willing to bet after a few of these Sony / Marvel Spidey movies Sony will decide to start making some solo movies on the side without Marvel because of the greed factor. Once Spidey is drawing bigger movie profits they'll ride that roller coaster and want 100 percent of the movie profits instead of sharing. Once that happens I predict Marvel will enact the same merchandising cold shoulder to him just like FF & X-men.
  10. All great news to hear and yes I do have sharp eyes. Enormous preying mantis monster yeah I'm looking at you. (thumbs u
  11. I think progress is taking place on the TV front. https://twitter.com/AdrianAskarieh/status/605875879156158464
  12. My understanding is that another solo Hulk movie is unlikely because of some sort of shared rights thing with Universal. Basically Marvel would rather keep all of the money from any movie for themselves, so they're going to focus on other properties. The last movie made sense, I suppose, because of the built-in name recognition, and to help the build-up for Avengers. Unless Tony Stark creates Planet Hulk, ships him off there on purpose, and creates evil robot bad guys for him to fight on the planet. It'll be called Planet Stark featuring Iron Man & the Hulk.
  13. Does the Hulk Brigade tag each other into the fight like WWE rules or do they prefer group fighting baddies?
  14. But will the average audience buy into a Red Hulk? I mean, there are plenty of comic enthusiasts (myself included) who think the idea of multi-colored Hulks is ... well, dumb. Does Marvel want to take their chances that the general public finds the idea silly as well? I'm not seeing it. They should do a Hulk in every color. Green Hulk hulks up when he's angry, Pink Hulk when he's in love, Yellow Hulk when he's afraid, Purple Hulk when he's puzzled, Blue Hulk when he's sad, etc.… And they could make tiny Hulk hands in every color to sell to the kiddos just like the Lantern Rings.
  15. Add 2 more 9.8's to the list as my 2 copies posted grades recently. Total would be 30 now.
  16. , was grey hulk suppose to show up in the last avengers flick? Yes he was and so was Miles Morales in the next Spidey movie too. Some rumors hit some don't.
  17. I'm like triple dipping.. Issues, Trades, and Hardcover.. What the hell is wrong with me? Because EOW is just that awesome perhaps? (thumbs u
  18. Oink Oink......Long live the Pig!
  19. This. ^ Name any book where the hobby flopped a price gap of a $10-20 book and a $100-150 book, or even had one challenged. Never happens. Even that stupid tv screen of darksied stills sells I don't know I mean NYX #3 went from a 50 dollar book to over 100 in less than a year ago. Books can shoot up and down just like stocks. The reason I've stayed away from this book is there is confusion on her 1st appearance to this day.
  20. Because nobody knows which book will win out in the end of the day? This character's first appearance is like a Easter Egg hunt every week.