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Everything posted by natevegas

  1. Rick kills a targ. You are welcome. For........The.......Win!
  2. You posted that to tempt me, didn't you? your will is stronger than that......without context the leaked page means nothing but an attempt at driving you crazy. I looked........... Dammit Jim ! ...uh....James...sorry, Bones McCoy Star Trek flashback Is it time to sacrifice the targ yet?
  3. if you don't read ASAP you're not a true TWD fan @ Nate. It's ok man no one's mad, but you quoted/replied to a post that had a big spoiler in it. Wait..what? I didn't read the spoiler...did my replying give something away? Sorry if it did, that was not my intention. No awake, all's good it wasn't you. I edited my post. Ohhhhhh the other Nate...got it Wonder Nate's Powers activate!
  4. Saying something BIG happens is a spoiler in your opinion?!? That's F'ed up.... You must've missed the post Jimmy & Natevegas threw up. They deleted it. Here, I have posted below. If you want to know what they posted originally, feel free to PM me. I asked a question to someone's post how is that a problem? I didn't know any spoilers and did not give any.
  5. 138 > 132 on Alpha IMO. Yes we find out its Alpha cameo or whatever in 132 (after the fact) but we don't see her face or hear her identified as Alpha.
  6. That made me laugh. Tales from the drift. Tales from the crypt.
  7. This thread has lost me again. No idea what any of you are discussing.
  8. Its a small retailer getting a tiny shop variant on #7. Yeah lets panic and run around.
  9. With those kind of extreme high grade census numbers, its definitely a book you can be patient with. -J. Yeah patiently wait and pay more later. This book I'm glad I picked up last year in NM. These are already looking like speculative/ hype prices based on Marvel's recently announced decision to call the character "Wolverine" for a while in a new title. Additionally, the overabundance of nearly 1000 9.8 slabs on the census (and counting) will always keep this book's price in check. -J. Maybe but all I do know is its hitting in NM raw double what I paid last year was all I was saying.
  10. With those kind of extreme high grade census numbers, its definitely a book you can be patient with. -J. Yeah patiently wait and pay more later. This book I'm glad I picked up last year in NM.
  11. Well its not in any combo packs. Sorry had to. Happy 4th!
  12. For every Transformers, G.I. Joe, and TMNT you have dozens that went from popular to fizzles like..... Go-Bots Dinosaurs Doug Thundercats Silverhawks Pinky and the Brain Animaniancs etc etc
  13. SG is a marketing machine! More than TMNT ever was in its first year. So, as far as comparison goes, SG is way ahead of TMNT for her duration in existence. Sure I can argue that the EOSV#2 Bighead Land variant has more or less an average print run similar to TMNT #1, certainly lower than WD #1, but thats not the point. She doesnt have the mileage that TMNT has. I speculate that this title will be the next TMNT or WD, its not there NOW. It will be there after a cartoon show, and a movie. So far, your arguments are about current marketing status, which is irelevant, since TMNT has been here for 30 years, SG hasnt.. Tell me why you so passioately believe that SG will fail and we would have a topic of conversation Another link compared to WD now? Again a low low low printed book that blew up over the TV show. It was a decent priced book before the show but again not even close to what it went to and still is because of the TV show marketing machine There is no marketing machine out for Spidey-Gwen even in the ballpark to TMNT or WD. Speculate all you want and that's cool you think it'll get to that level, I have my doubts because its not a rare book. That simple fact won't change.
  14. I realize you just said that to generate conversation in a thread going stale, but Its not hating it being patient. To compare Spider-Gwen to TMNT is far fetched in my mind. For that to have taken off there was movies (first one was much better then the rest) and a popular animation tv show coupled with action figures, tie ins to pizza, not to mention a very low printed indie comic book on those early issues. For every TMNT you have numerous Lobo's, Savage Dragon's that don't remain hot. +1 TMNT and Gwen don't even have 1% of business being compared to one another. TMNT is a global success. Mainly due to it being targeted towards children, originality, and quality. Something that often in this industry is THE key to longevity. I'm not too sure how many children actually read SG books and have the same love for a redo that may be provided with originality and a character/book made for children to grasp onto and grow with as many of us did with TMNT. The only people I have witnessed buying SG books off the shelves are flippers and late teen/20's females. Not too sure that's the same recipe for success for the long haul for her. I don't doubt she'll have her time but I feel the majority have already had their fill of her. Im laughing reading this because you got it all mixed up. Back when TMNT came out, it wasnt a children's comic. No. it was very grimy, B&W indie book which wasnt marketed at all as an Archie/Cartoon network type book. If you know Eastman & Laird, you already know that these two got their influences from Corben/heavy Metal to name but a few adult publishers/artists. But clever marketing and merchandising elevated them to a much broader and younger audience. Thats REALLY the main difference between SG and TMNT. But otherwise, both books rose to fame quite quickly, within months of audience reception. Both properties were attributed to a strong main current stream, TMNT with the Anthropomorphic boom of the 80s and SG with today's female reader's boom, both are/were top sellers at their peak, cosplays, etc etc etc And yes, both comics are consumed primarily by younger readers. Period. If you dont know this by now, you need to go out to cons more often. The only reason why people dismiss SG so quickly is because shes new. Thats really it. Saying SG has no promise is foolish at best. But it will get you points for originality If TMNT happened today, youd have the same reaction as you would to SG. Simple. You honestly believe the readers of SG books today will be reading them in 20 years? On what, the 20th reboot? Will they be eager for a reboot of a SG movie? Wearing a SG t-shirt? Getting a SG tattoo? That's the reality of TMNT. I attend several cons a year, yes I see the few SG cosplays. Point being what? That a few out of the bunch like her outfit and don't even read the comic? Yeah, I see that too. I definitely don't see attendees hunting for copies of SG books, because they are a dime a dozen. they want one, they buy one. No real buy in IMO that comes with the want and hunt. SG is new? I'll give you trendy but definitely not new. It's been done a few times so she'll always have a * next to her name in many people's eyes. I won't say she doesn't have promise, who knows how long Marvel will pimp her out and force her down everyone's throats hoping it sticks for the long haul. I was buying early issue TMNT books (#1 and on) off the shelves in the 80's as a child as many of my friends because it was pitched as a kids comic to us. It was definitely on many collectors radar in the B/W craze but I can't speak to the fact if they were actually reading and enjoying them as kids were. When something is hard to get many people want it more. It's human nature in our society. The rarity of TMNT added to the buzz of the comic itself. Just like Apple being sold out on the new iPhone on the day of its release, or the next gaming console. It's strategy that makes people want it more, not because they just didn't feel like making any more. If SG succeeds for decades, cool. I don't see it happening at the magnitude she WAS at just a few months ago. So I just don't see the appropriate comparison to TMNT, at all. If something I felt was quality and had the originality of TMNT I would not doubt its potential at all. I'm not anti Gwen either. TMNT is a classic from the get go. Plain and simple. SG is not. See the problem with your interpretation of the SG phenomenon is that you are older, much like me, and of a different gender. You will NEVER see it. I dont see it either, I just see a top selling book, tons of cosplayer, and tons of kids on twitter feeds and at cons loving Spider Gwen. The kids that love her dont love her because of her reincarnations, relation to Spider Man, Earth 616, etc etc.. Much like kids who buy TMNT action figures, watch the cartoon and the movie nowadays couldnt care less about the comic. Its all about marketing of the property and how relevant it is with current trending streams. Young female empowerment is HUGE in comic books and in pop culture. Beyond huge. If you dont see that, then we have no discussion. You just dont see it. The big difference is TMNT was a marketing MACHINE. I mean products everywhere. Add this important fact TMNT #! was a rare low printed indie comic book. EOV#2 isn't. Neither is Spider-Gwen #1 nor will the next rebooted Spider-Gwen #1 be a rare hard to find book (there are stacks of SG #1 still sitting a lcs around here). Sure sure you can argue there are a few rare varaints but nothing even in the same atmosphere as TMNT. Not even close.
  15. I realize you just said that to generate conversation in a thread going stale, but Its not hating it being patient. To compare Spider-Gwen to TMNT is far fetched in my mind. For that to have taken off there was movies (first one was much better then the rest) and a popular animation tv show coupled with action figures, tie ins to pizza, not to mention a very low printed indie comic book on those early issues. For every TMNT you have numerous Lobo's, Savage Dragon's that don't remain hot.
  16. No idea. Since it only went 5 issues is this considered a mini?
  17. You'll be lucky to get 1 I stopped ordering from them.
  18. Sooo.. 5 day auctions are heating up on ebay! Combo packs haven't.
  19. I'm sure they would appreciate that. We can do it on a Thursday and the pool boy will come on friday... Let him clean that mess up I thought "pool boy" was your alter ego. That would mean I actually have to work and do something. That's beyond the weight limit to travel with. Maybe you'll have to pack extra carryon's to carry that fodder.