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cloud cloddie

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Everything posted by cloud cloddie

  1. For sure. Been meaning to pick up the Marvel cover ones for a while, so I just got both of those.
  2. Just a heads up that a bunch of artists editions are on sale for comic con at home… https://sdcc.idwpublishing.com/?utm_source=CONSUMER&utm_campaign=0e017bf46e-COMICCONATHOME-2021-02&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_9953d39781-0e017bf46e-83383009&goal=0_9953d39781-0e017bf46e-83383009&mc_cid=0e017bf46e&mc_eid=0636aa1080
  3. Saw this page posted the other day. Thought ‘deal makers gonna deal make’, laughed, and moved on.
  4. You’re hired, and we’ll expect this now after every claim show. Or you can do a voiceover recap of the actual show, MST3 style. That would actually make DM palatable.
  5. Gotcha. Yeah the piece I was searching for might have been listed directly as hold/sold, so probably why I couldn’t find it. Thx
  6. How do you see prices on stuff that’s sold? Tried on something last month and couldn’t figure it out
  7. I think it’s generous to call what was shown today B or C level. B/C doesn’t bother me, because a lot of what I collect, I doubt a lot of people would consider A. I just don’t understand the idea of starting the show with Bechara walking the floor, showing all those covers and big ticket items… then offering what was offered. You’d think they’d want to hype at least some of the great art you’re supposedly missing out on at the LA art show.
  8. One sale at the very end. Brutal. I don’t think this Dealmakers show is having the intended effect. Because what I got from this episode, is that if that’s the kind of art that’s representative of what’s at the LA art show, I never need to waste my time going.
  9. I’ll watch if it’s gonna be streamed, but there’s very little that makes me want to go to LA. This is definitely not one of them.
  10. I thought you were joking. How would one of these shows even work with Los Bros pricing!? It would not surprise me if it ended up having more views than any previous claim show, simply from people watching the spectacle.
  11. Probably didn’t help you that he pumped out a lot of covers this year for Deadpool 30, and that a lot of them are still for sale with his rep.
  12. In those situations, I just figure I can’t have everything. So if I wanted Saturday more, I’d just focus on that. If I didn’t get it, more money saved for the next piece down the road.
  13. Not going to disagree. But I will acknowledge what I thought were improvements over the last show. -The timer was appreciated. I don’t want to spend all Sunday afternoon on the computer. Helped the rounds move a bit quicker. -Glens prices were not astronomical like last time. And I didn’t get deja vu like I normally do from the stuff he lists. I think there’s a happy medium to be had between boring and frenetic. At times on last weeks DD, it was like Bill was trying to herd cats. I don’t think it was hard to improve on the debut episode, but at least it’s moving in the right direction.
  14. Not sticking around for the ‘bonus round’ cause I have stuff to do, but that was about what I was expecting. Prices too high, at least from Glen, hence nothing sold by him before recap. I thought Bechara had some interesting stuff at better prices. A timer would help on the rounds. As usual, lots of talk about what similar pieces have sold for - which can be disingenuous considering Glen was trying to sell an Isherwood Strange splash for 2500, when he picked up a similar piece on DD a few weeks ago for 1000
  15. I’m just curious how ‘fairly priced’ the art will be. Is it going to be the price the dealer got it for a few weeks ago? Because it’s gonna be funny as f#@k to see a piece claimed on Dueling Dealers show up again on this new show.
  16. That was one of the better buys in my tracked lots, IMO. Congrats.
  17. I would argue that’s more of an effect of inventory over desire. In comics, it’s not too hard to find a first appearance book. For OA, I’m sure they’re plenty of people looking for those first appearance pages. It probably takes a year or two for something to surface, if you’re that lucky even.
  18. I saw it touched on briefly, but what seems to be left out of this conversation is that art in general is not a steady job. For every Skottie Young, for example, there’s a hundred other artists barely scraping by. When the pandemic hit, Marvel shelved books for a bit. Cons were cancelled. DC had a staffing bloodbath. How many artists saw their income slashed by 50-90%? And even the artists doing well, what kind of retirement is set up for independent contractors? Do they get medical subsidized? Judging by the necessity of organizations like Hero Initiative, there’s a lot more that artists have to worry about than just the current dollar they make. Most collectors are priced out of some tier of the hobby. I’ll never begrudge or lament being priced out on any art - mostly because I hope the artists can get as much as they can while they can, because who knows when the train will end for them.
  19. Uncanny X-men 270 pg 13. Sold on Clink 3/2 for 4150 https://www.comiclink.com/Auctions/item.asp?back=%2FComicTrack%2FAuctions%2Fbids.asp&id=1456493 Now available for 8000 https://www.comicartfans.com/GalleryPiece.asp?Piece=1722830
  20. I guess we’re back on blonde, bare-chested badass guys
  21. I’d be curious too. There seems to be a solid mix lately of collectors selling focused collections, and artists cashing out.
  22. I’m not familiar with that book, but now I want to be. Lol