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Everything posted by zhamlau

  1. I sold the title splash to this book to Burkey a few years back. It just sat on his site for a long time before finally being taken down, not sure if it eventually sold or got traded. I remember thinking at the time I was surprised someone didn't snatch it up after i sold it to him, he had a reasonable mark up on it from what I sold it for and I would imagine if you collected Hulk that was a prime era for you. But it just stayed there for the longest time.
  2. I think this page was listed in a poor forum for a piece of that type. It was good but not great as a work of art and went for a price that just 4 years ago would have been thought obscene IMO. I think Ironman #1 in general isn't treated with the same respect other Marvel 1 keys are, this page is an example of that lack of respect. Having said that yeah participation is down a little overall probably but not massively. We just keep having event auction after event auction with multiple blue chip pieces selling and that tends to suck the air out of the room. A one-off gem (semi-precious but a gem none the less) like this page that was sold on garbage flea market that of the internet (ebay) is only gonna generate just so much interest.
  3. My issue is with all of that. I consider all of what you mentioned part of the surveillance state we are creating, @Garf. I fear giving the ruling class in this country complete control of not only all personal information but also all aspects of commerce (both public and private which is where this road will lead IMO). I find the idea of centralized registering and tracking all aspects of public and private life abhorrent. Sorry if this is wildly off topic, but we touched on these concepts and I find it so dangerous that I wanted to say something. I try to avoid discussions like this because honestly a comic book forum isn't the place for it (hence me staying out of the water cooler over the last year). But this is one of the more dangerous roads we have been traveling down as a civilization recently and I just didn't want it to pass by without comment.
  4. Imagine the future where not only is everything you do in the real world tracked by mass camera surveillance and all your online activity monitored and recorded, but now also all your possessions are logged via blockchain and cash has been made “obsolete” as all financial transactions are now digital only. It’s got all the makings of some early 20th century dystopian novel...only now we look towards that future smiling and with open arms.
  5. So basically the creator of this NFT just followed a rather easy to replicate process to create a trackable/semi-unique Jpeg showcasing IP they have no creation rights to...and the end result is that some rando will hand them hundreds if not thousands of dollars for this unlicensed low effort fad cashin? On every level this is the most perfect thing that could exist at this point right now in our planets history. If this last year has taught me anything its that we are a non-serious species at this point. I hope to god people make millions of these worthless digital pet-rocks and sell them to each-other for billions.
  6. I think in my DB i have a couple of examples, this is the only one i can find with a 1 minute look
  7. I just snapped that one like 20 mins after i bought it, didnt even stop to take a proper still photo. But yeah its better to see the page. Its not that dark actually, but the photo darkened a bit.
  8. Posted this in the NJ art con thread but i guess it more belongs here. Got this page from Thor 426 over the weekend at the big art con. It was sold on HA 6 years ago so ill just use their pic cause mine sucks lol. Frenz and Sinnott doing their best Kirby impression...and killing it in the process. I love the blob-y Kirby shadows all over it like on the floor, Thor's Helmet, and behind his cape. That late 80s period was just such a magical good time for Marvel and to be a fan IMO.
  9. Yeah a friend of mine told a similar story. I waited til he was about to start closing up his table and THEN made him a cash offer with the cash literally in sight, old school method's are sometimes the best. It was straight out of my 13 year old self's play book from the local Detroit area show days.
  10. What did people pick up from the show? I bought some stuff but This page really stood out to me. It was from Thor 426 by Frenz and Sinnott. They really did their best to mimic Kirby and man they killed it. I remember this piece going in auction years ago in Heritage and it was just there at the show in some new guys binder. The pic was sorta so I've included its original Heritage scan from years ago.
  11. Meh, this ain’t Price Chopper. It’s a highly specialized and expensive unregulated tiny niche market that you already had to know a lot about to even have heard of this show, let alone attend it for the 10 total hours it’s open every year. IMO It’s really on you (and me as we are both buyers) to come prepared. If I see a dealer pull out reams of art sized bags (let alone logo emblazoned ones) and other fancy and costly advertising/promotional material I know I would personally get wary that they are looking to inflate their prices by making the experience a little more “upscale”. I’m there to buy the steak. I don’t need to also chip in to cover the sizzle, you know?
  12. I sold a few pieces, I provide nothing. But my defense is my prices are great and I just was selling/trading out of a portfolio. I don’t bother providing stuff cause I assume everyone there has “protection” too.
  13. Over the last few years when it was at the Holiday Inn I would organize a dinner the night before at Gabriel’s which was attached to the hotel and next to the convention room (oddly enough the room would be used as a comedy club the night before the show). It would be for 4-7 people and random walk-ups who stayed at the hotel the night before. In the afternoon of the show many of us would sometimes would have lunch either on-site or nearby. That and the hanging out part were always some of my favorite parts of the show experience. Hoping we do that again soon. Not having Gabriel’s literally right there will be a challenge but I’m sure we can work something out.
  14. Was a great show, saw a ton of art I hadn’t seen online in the walk ups and an add on dealer. Good buys and sells. Spending the night at the hotel again and heading back in morning. Another great show .
  15. I would love on a blank DK comic a batman headshot decently pencilled by Miller, inked by Janson, colored by Lynn, and cgc graded 9.8. Anyone see those around?
  16. The hotel is decent, but the room sucks if anyone’s staying here. I actually miss the holiday inn, can’t believe I’m saying that lol.
  17. Why split them? It grants exposure to new and old collectors of fields they might not see a lot of yet are still related. Maybe you generate cross interest and bids/sales you might not normally have had?
  18. I think of selling art a lot like sitting at a poker table. If you take a seat and throw chips its on you to know what you are doing. So when someone sells something to a dealer, I'm honestly shocked if i don't see that piece for at least 2x the purchase price when the dealer relists it soon afterwards. Their job is to take you for as much money as they can while smiling. Nothing wrong with that, I believe in capitalism and this is just a very pure expression of that. Just gotta know who is who, what is what.
  19. Gilbert Gottfried cancelled his set at "Bananas" that weekend?
  20. Have only missed one in the last 5 years. Same as last September I’ll be there.
  21. I’m still just trying to get a firm definition of the difference between “breakdowns” and “layouts”. I’ve had it argued each way that one is more finished than the other. To me it seems like breakdowns would be more finished. Also what really divides the two, just subjective opinion of the editor? Did one get a higher page rate than the other? I question everything.
  22. I think around 300-400 for good covers, yeah I could see it. As for displaying I think there would be a neat way to do it. Frame it in a double aperture double matte with the printing plate on one side, and a carefully pressed white board print made directly from the printing plate on the other side. Maybe then a small plaque below showing what issue it was from and who the artists were. It would be something neat and not very expensive (in relation to the art itself). I always thought that cover hand painted color guides were very cheap unique pieces people often overlook.